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Jhoselin Martinez
Pedro Marroquin
Luis Martinez
Carolina Toto
Capacity of a body to perform a
work, and can be tranformed.
Types of energy
a) Thermal
b) Electric
c) Chemical
d) Radiant
e) Nuclear
f) Mechanical
Freely falling
When an object is freely falling
has energy, and this energy is
called mechanical energy
Mechanical Energy
When the performed work
implies motion
Work Theorem
The work performed by the resultant force
that acts on a body is equal to the change
of the kinetic energy of the body.
Is the energy of motion, the kinetic
energy of a body is the energy it
possesses because of its motion.
K=1/2m.v ²
Potential Energy
All those materials that have the
“potential” to perform a work .
gravitational Potential
Energy that has a body by its
position respect to the
gravitational field of the earth.
• A train of the series 456 of the company MAF has a mass
of 120 tons, and it can reacha maximum velocity of 150
km/h. What is the kinetic energy that it acquires when it
reaches that velocity? Solution:

We use the formula tu calculate

• Data: the kinetic energy substituting
m = 120tons = 120,000 kg the given data previously
v = 150 km/h = 41.66 m/s transformed to the I.S.
K = 1/2 m * v²
K = ½ ( 120,000 kg)(41.66m/s) ²
K = 104133336 J
An elevator of 300 kg tha is in the 2nd floor of a
building recierves a charge of 600 kg and rises to
the 10th floor.( each floor is 3m)
• A. What was the change in its potential energy?
• B. What is the performed work?
DATA: SOLUTION: A) tu calculate the change in
m elevator: 300 kg potential energy, we calculate the
coresponding potential energies of each one
m charge: 600 Kg
of the initial and final positopn of the
m total: 300 + 600= 900 kg elevator
h initial: 6 m
h final: 30 m U initial: m total * g * h initial
U initial: ( 900 kg) ( 9.8 m/s²) ( 6m)
U initial: 52920 J
U final: m total * g * h final
U final: ( 900 kg) (9.8m /s²) ( 30m)
U final: 264600J
• And the change in the potential energy is:

▲ U = u final- u initial
▲ U = 264600J - 52920 J
▲ U = 211, 680 J
b) The work done is equal to the change in the
potential energy that experiences the
elevator, this is:
W= ▲ U
W= 211, 680 J

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