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Pondus Hydrogenii or PH for short

The PH of the nutrient solution controls the availability of ions the plant needs to
assimilate. Most plants grown in hydroponic systems grow well within a PH range of
5.5-6.8, with 5.5-6.0 being ideal for hydro (6.0-6.5 for soil). The PH in hydroponic
gardens requires a somewhat vigilant eye. All of the nutrients are in solution and more
available than when in soil. The PH of the solution can fluctuate a half point and not
cause any problems.

Roots take in nutrients at different rates, which cause the ratios of nutrients in
solution to change the PH. When the PH is above 7 or below 5.5 some nutrients are not
absorbed as fast as possible.

Deviations in PH levels often affect element solubility. Values change slightly with
different plants, grow mediums and hydroponic systems. Overall, hydroponic gardens
require lower PH levels than that of soil. Different mediums perform best at different PH
levels. Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for PH level and correct the PH using the
manufacturer suggested chemicals because they will react best with their fertilizer. The
PH can easily fluctuate up and down one full point in hydroponic systems and cause
little or no problem with nutrient uptake.

How to adjust PH in solution:

PH Up: PH Down:

Potassium Hydroxide Nitric Acid

Baking soda Phosphoric Acid

Do Not use Sodium Hydroxide Citric Acid


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