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First of all, we’ve covered some techniques in teaching grammar. For


 using a song text which may be helpful in getting the ss’ attention,

getting them motivated and to have fun and also using authentic

language, but using it once may not be enough for the ss to get the

whole lyrics or fill in the blanks, and also it may include some slangs

which may not be that pedagogical.

 using a time limit which shows the times specifically, may be a

good reminder, and also may be used for wrap-up, but it may cause

spoon feeding rather than eliciting and having the ss discovered

different functions.

 reading which can give lots of examples of the grammar point, may

provide independent learning and also can be an example of

authentic use of language items, but it may not include all grammar

items to be learnt, it may be boring for the ss.

 using a picture which can be easy for the ss, especially for visuals,

to remember, may help in showing the grammar point’s effect or

consequences, but it may not be feasible for all grammar points.

For example I can use pictures while teaching wish clause about

past. In this way ss can see the situation when wish clause is used

better. They can see the function of this grammar point better.

 using realia which may motivate the ss for involving them, draw

their attention, it may be used for elicitation through right guiding

questions, it may be a game for warm-up, but it may no be used for

all grammar points.

 personalizing which is the best way to get the ss’ attention, may

build a bridge between the context and themselves, it may be

helpful in giving communicative way for the structure, and also

according to humanistic approach when ss are a part of the lesson

they can learn better. INVOLVE ME I REMEMBER . But ss may

not be eager to talk about their personal lives.

 explaining directly which may be beneficial to summarize, make the

rules clear, but it may not foster ss’ creativity and critical thinking,

as well long term memory.

 practicing and presenting which may use ss’ real lives, give clear

explanation, in this way ss begin with the use then they learn the

form, lead communication, but ss may not understand the questions

unless they are right guiding ones, it may not provide much context;

 discovering which may be sth like wrap-up, provide ss the sense of

achievement and confidence, be more permanent, foster their

creativity and thinking critically, but if the teacher misses a point,

it will be permanent too, so their mistakes will be permanent like

their learning. So the teacher sould monitor the class very well.

 using a chart which may get ss to have self-confidence bu doing

sth independently, may have ss involved, but it may require a well

preparation in order to be able to use it for practicing, it may not

be used for all grammar points, unless the ss are involved, it does

not mean anything;

 eliciting which is not a technique but sth we must apply properly,

requires a context including grammar points enough, works only

when right questions are asked to get the point, sentence from ss’

mouths rather than giving it directly like spoon feeding, these

questions also can lead the ss to talk more to answer the questions,
it is a little bit risky because it is not easy to ask the right

questions; and also it is not that easy for the teacher.

 comparing L1 and L2 which is not feasible in multilingual

classrooms and it may turn into a habit, the ss may be used not to

give it a try because of the idea that the teacher will switch into

L1 when they don’t get the points.

Secondly, we’ve talked about the stages of a grammar lesson. The first step is

1. warm-up activities as we do in other lessons, these activities may be both

leading ss to the topic and revision of what they’ve covered in the

previous lesson, but the former one is a better way to get ss’ attention to

the topic, these activities may be asking some questions about the topic,

dramatization, pictures to be ordered, storytelling with pictures and

asking their guesses about the topic after that checking whether their

guesses are right or not. The second step is to ask

2. context questions in order to get the sentence which we will deal with

from the ss’ mouths and to write it on the board to show sth concrete.

The third step is

3. “ELICITATION” After asking context questions, we should ask questions


a) Meaning-concept questions- in order to make sure that ss have

understood the meaning of the sentence. Then we should ask

questions for

b) form

c) function. Next step is to do

4. restricted use activities which is for form, recognition, practice,

accuracy, testing such as drills, filling the blanks, ordering jumbled

sentences and so on.

5. authentic use activities, which is for meaning, communication, fluency,

real-life experience such as role-plays, situation cards, guided writings

and so on. Finally, we should finish the lesson with a

6. wrap-up.

Finally we talked about some tips for teaching. For example we should ask

good questions in order to get a good answer. “What do you think about

it?” is not a good question. We should be specific. But these are not just

for grammar teaching of course, we should pay attention to these points

in every area of our teaching, even in our daily life


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