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Nama Darwin

Nim 0705181718

1. Why do many foreigners often not understand the role of religion in America ?

2. What are the two largest religious groups in America, and what are the percentages of
people who identify themselves as belonging to these groups?

3. According to the lecturer, why are these so many different religious groups in the United

4. About what percentage of people are members of a church or other religious organization
in the following countries: the United States, Italy, and france?

5. What right does the first amendment to the constitution guarantee?

6. What does the first amendment say about religion and the state, that is, religion and

7. Was the religious revival of the 1970s conservative or liberal?

8. What was the religious revival called?

9. What issucs have become very important politically because of this religious revival?

10. If America becomes more more like Europe, will it become more religious or more


1. Because many different countries and religious ackgrounds immigrated to be united states,
it shouldn’t be surprising to find a great number of different religious denominations

2. Christian with 76 percent and protestant with 52 percent

3. Because that many people immigrated to escape persecution and to seek freedom to
practice their religion.


5. Yes, the first amendment also estabilishes the separation of church and state
6. Yes, the first amendment say about that, amendment guarantees everyone the right to
practice his or her religion, it also tends to keep religion out of the publicsphere, that is,
out of anything concerning the government and public school.

7. The religious revival of the 1970s is conservative

8. The religious revival called did ‘rise of the religious right.”

9. Controversial issues

10. That is more secular and less religious.

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