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Introduction To Concept

Of Leadership

Session 1
Leadership defined
 Leadership is a process whereby an
individual influences a group of individuals to
achieve a common goal.
 The following components can be identified
i.e. Leadership is a :
 Process
 Involves influence
 Occurs in a group context
 Involves goal attainment
The Different Views Of Leader
TRAIT :Def of Leadership PROCESS :Def of Leadership


Leadership •Intelligence
•Extroversion (Interaction)

•Other traits

Followers Followers
Assigned Vs Emergent Leadership

 Assigned leadership: based on occupying a

position in an organization
Emergent leadership: the way other
group members respond to them
Leadership and Power

 Power is the capacity or potential to

 Bases of power:
 Position Power: reward, coercive, legitimate,
Personal Power: referent and expert
 All leaders yield power
Leadership and Coercion

 Coercion is use of force to effect change.

Involves the use of threats, punishment and
negative reward schedules
 Important to recognize the difference
between Coercion and leadership
 Leaders who use coercion are interested in
their own goals and not their followers
Pseudo leadership…
Leadership & Management
Management (produces Order & Leadership ( Produces Change
Consistency) & movement)
Planning & Budgeting Establishing Direction
Establish agendas Create a vision

Set Timetables Clarify big picture

Allocate resources Set strategies

Organizing & Staffing Aligning People

Provide structure Communicate goals

Make job placements Seek commitment

Establish rules and procedures Build teams and coalitions

Controlling & Problem solving Motivating and inspiring

Develop incentives Inspire and energize

Generate creative solutions Empower subordinates

Take corrective action Satisfy unmet needs

Contingency Theory

 Is a leader-match theory
 It tries to match leaders to appropriate
 A leader’s effectiveness depends on how well
the leaders style fits the context
 Fiedler developed the contingency theory by
studying the style of different leaders who
worked in different contexts
 Contingency theory is concerned with style
and situations
 Provides the framework for effectively
matching the leader and situation
Contingency theory- Leadership styles

 Task motivated
 Relationship motivated
 To measure leader styles LPC (Least
Preferred Coworker) scale is used
 High LPC score(> 63) means more
relationship motivated
 Low LPC score(<57) means more task
 Middle LPC( 58-63)
Situational Variables

Situations can be characterized by three factors:

 Leader member relationship
 Task structure
 Position power
 Most favorable situation: good leader follower
relations, defined tasks & strong leader position
 Least favorable situation: poor leader follower
relations, undefined tasks & weak leader
position power

 People who are task motivated (low LPC) will

be effective in both very favorable and
unfavorable situations
 People who are relationship motivated (high
LPC) are effective in moderately favorable

 Contingency theory is grounded in research

 Focuses on relationship between leader’s
style and demand of various situations
 Is predictive
 Does not require people to be effective in all
 Helpful in developing leadership profiles

 Fails to explain why people with certain

leadership styles are more effective in certain
 Fails to correlate well with other standard
leadership measures
 Cumbersome to use in real world settings
 Fails to explain what organizations should do
in case of mismatch of leader and situation

 Gordon Binder, former CEO of the highly successful

biotech firm Amgen, Inc., provides an example of a
leadership style suited to a particular situation (the
model on which contingency theories of leadership are
based). In mid-1989, Amgen's first product was ready
to ship, but management feared a competitor would
trigger an injunction against the new drug. To get the
drug out within 24 hours of FDA approval, Binder
joined 20 staff members and packed boxes all night,
beating the industry standard of one month between
approval and delivery. (And the injunction never
 Bapu as Champion of Non Violence

Kiran Bedi as a Stern Police officer

 Kiran Bedi as Champion of Non Violence

Bapu as a Stern Police officer

Pope as the religious

Veerappan as the sanadal wood

Robin Hood
Veerappan as the
religious leader

Pope as the Robin Hood

Assignment for next session

 Take the LPC test

 Group 1 – Prepare Case 7.1
 Group 2 – Prepare Case 7.2
 Group 3 – Prepare Case 7.3
 Jack welch  Obama
 Steve jobs  Bapu
 Bill Gates  Sardar
 Larry –Oracle  Nehru
 Naryan Murthy
 Ratan tata
 Vijay mallya
 Richard Branson

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