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The first impression of the lesson was negative for me. Because I am always
afraid of the topic of language, language acquisition, linguistics and like that.
But as the course goes on, I have understood that it will help my teaching

I have learnt what language learning and teaching is, how the second
language acquisition occurs, what sociolinguistics competence, discourse
competence, linguistics competence and strategic competence are. While
teaching a second language, there are learners and teachers. I learnt who these
learners and teachers are, what current issues in second language acquisition are.
Language learning is more than a classroom experience so the teachers should
get the students use it outside the class. The more exposure they have, the easier
they learn it. And the students’ ages, their environment, materials, teachers, self
confidence, classroom atmosphere will affect the learning so much. I learnt lots
of definition of language, language fields and learning, schools of thought in
second language acquisition, what structuralism/ behaviorism,
rationalism/cognitive psychology and constructivism are.

The things I learnt in this lesson will help me while teaching. Because I will
think twice before teaching something. I understand the importance of using
materials, so I will use different materials for every class. I will investigate the
students’ culture, their environment, experiences on the other lessons, their
families and their backgrounds so that everything will be easier both for me and
the studens.

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