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• The next morning, Azreen went to the market.

• She met Asraf and asked him to tell her what really happened to
Asraf, you’ll have to tell me
They told me that what happened. No one
Madhuri was found else would tell me.
in the rubber estate. Please…
It seemed as if there
had been an

Haji Ghani and his

people cleared up
the whole thing so
quickly that before I
could get there,
they’d taken her
Page 48 -49
Then, Azreen went home to see her mother and asked her if she would like
to have some nasi lemak for breakfast. However, her mother told her that
Madhuri always served her porridge for breakfast. So, she cooked porridge
for her mother. Suddenly, her mother looked scared and told her that
Madhuri was in danger and wanted Azreen to warn her sister.

Who are they Mak? Madhuri is in terrible

Why is Kak in danger? danger. You must warn
her before they get to

Kak? But you don’t

have a sister,

Her mother made no sense. She looked at her mother and felt sad.
The disease was affecting her mother little by little…
FIT/SMKAM/2011 Page 51 - 52
Elsewhere in the village…

• Awang the bomoh (shaman) was terrified when a

woman looked like a pontianak jumped out at him
out of nowhere. She looked familiar but he was too
scared to think who she was.

• He felt that something bad was going to happen.

He needed a sacrifice to perform a ritual to stop it
from happen. He peered into a farmyard.

•Suddenly, he remembered an incident that

occurred years ago at the farm. Asraf was scolded
by the owner of the farm for letting the gate
opened and the bull had gone missing. Out of
nowhere, Azreen came and claimed that it was she
who had left the gate wide open and accidentally
let the bull out.
• The sound of a car stopping shook him out
Page 55 - 56
daydream. He quickly ran away.
At school, Siti and Noor were talking …

I heard Cikgu Asraf had

feelings for Madhuri
once. I saw he was
looking at her during Noor, I think That’s
her majlis bersanding enough.
as if he was either
about to commit
suicide or strangle Haji
Ghani who was
marrying her. But
Madhuri did not glance
his way even once.

She added that Madhuri had probably married Hj Ghani because

her parents could not say no to the rich village headman. Siti was
angry to hear that and she left the class.

Page 58 - 60
• After lunch, Azreen went to the jungle. An old
lady greeted her.
• She recalled the first time she met the Old
Lady. Everyone thought that the Old Lady was an
evil witch who had killed her husband. Azreen
did not believe it. She was challenged by her
friends to see the Old Lady herself. At first, the
Old Lady tried to chase Azreen away but she told
her that she only wanted to prove that the Old
Lady was harmless.
• The Old Lady scolded Azreen for trampling over her plants and told
her to get out. The next day, Azreen came back and repaired the
damage she had done.
• From then on, they became good friends. She visited the Old Lady
whenever she had problems with her parents.

FIT/SMKAM/2011 Page 64 - 65
Inside the Old Lady’s house

Mak Cik, I just don’t

Accident? Is that what
understand. Why
they’ve been telling
does everybody keep
you? Azreen,
it a secret. Nobody is
Madhuri’s death was
willing to tell me
not an accident.
about the accident.
Madhuri was
Why are they
covering it up?

Page 72-73


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