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Human Relations
DOI: 10.1177/0018726704042710
Volume 57(1): 5
Copyright © 2004
The Tavistock Institute ®
SAGE Publications
London, Thousand Oaks CA,
New Delhi

Thank you to Tamar Jeffers

Paul Willman

Those of you who were at the Academy of Management meeting in Seattle

will know that the Journal has experienced the end of an era. Tamar Jeffers
has, after nine years, moved on. Doris has won, and it is scant comfort to
the Editorial Team to know that our loss is the gain of Film Studies.
Tamar held the post of Managing Editor but, as always with a role the
incumbent has created, the term did no justice to the range of her activities.
Controller of the Editorial Team, Scourge of the Late Reviewer, Succour to
the Hapless Author, Feeder of Rob Briner, all were appropriate. She also
knows how to throw the best parties on the conference circuit. My own
abiding memory will be of her astonishing ability to remember the names of
over 300 people while completely plastered.
In short, Tamar was the linchpin of the Journal during almost a decade
of change. She oversaw, in addition to the Journal’s publication operation,
the move to Sage as publishers, the internationalization of the Editorial
Team, a change of Editor-in-Chief and, in the last year, the move to a web-
based system of operation. Her contribution has been immense. Editors come
and go but throughout Tamar has provided the continuity the Journal and
its contributing community needed. The Editorial Team will miss her sorely.
On behalf of all those associated with the Journal who have benefited
from Tamar’s work, the Editorial Team wish her every success in her future
academic career. We hope that she retains as fond memories of the Human
Relations community as we, for many years, will of her. Bon voyage, Dr

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