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MA4A1 – Teaching Program

Weeks 1 and 2

Concrete Approach to Algebra

- Using diagrams, numbers and words to describe situations that can be reproduced in tables and graphs and
then expressed in a rule (equation).
- Finding answers using patterns, graphs and the rule.

Assessment Task: Assignment on using Algebra in the Real World (Homework in Week 3)

Weeks 3-6

Algebraic Notation
- Using Concrete Approach (Cups and Blocks) to develop the concept of a variable
- Expressing variables, including 3(a + b) using concrete methods
- Revision of simple operations (+ and -) with fractions
- Introduction of very simple operations with integers
- Introduction of the first 2 index laws

Assessment Task: Test on Using Algebraic Notation

Weeks 7-9

- Solve equations using Backtracking
- Solve equations using Inspection
- Solve equations based in known formulae (Area = L x W)
- Solve equations using Graphs
- Solve Equations using formal methods

Assessment Task: Test on Solving Equations

Week 10

Use Final Test from folder (corrected in class) to assess student knowledge of all topics covered in the term.

Throughout the course:

- Use a Mad Minute each day to maintain and improve basic number facts
- Maintain algebra skills by asking questions each day on the topics covered in previous lessons
- Focus on the use and meaning of key words listed in the Overview Program

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