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Mapua Institute of Technology

School of Information Technology

Seminar Narrative Report

Seminar Attendee
2007101422 Bastes, James V.

Seminar title
CODE – Connect. Observe. Develop. Engage
Date/ Time
February 7, 2011 8:00am– 3:00pm
Resource Speaker

Lessons learned from the seminar attended

Last February 7, 2011, the 2011 graduating class of Mapua

has participated in a seminar that was held at the AVR1. The
seminar was entitled “CODE – Code. Observe. Develop. Engage.”.
The seminar was planned and organized by the officers of ACM
organization in Mapua. There were several parts in the seminar. The
first part of the seminar was the “Birds of a feather”. In this part,
two students from different specializations in information technology
and computer science faced and clashed each other by answering
several questions about the specific specialization course. The
second part in the seminar was a talk about Microsoft Live @edu.
The speaker in this talk was Mr. Joshua Mallari, a Microsoft student
ambassador of Mapua. In this talk, the speaker spoke about the
functionalities and benefits of using Microsoft Live @edu. The third
part of the seminar was an inspirational talk by former student in
Mapua named Mr. Andrew Eliquen who was an information
technology graduate and a valedictorian in his graduating class. He
shared his experiences and thoughts in his college life in Mapua.
The fourth part in the seminar was also an inspirational talk by a
former Information technology student named Ms. Kim Que who was
also a graduate from Information technology and a former Student
Mapua Institute of Technology
School of Information Technology
Council President. The last part of the seminar was a talk about agile
methodology. The speakers of this talk came from Orange and
Bronze, a company that develops and provides Filipino kick-ass
software for business solutions.
Mapua Institute of Technology
School of Information Technology

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