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Separation Anxiety Lab Procedure 1

1. Pour the SISS sample onto the scuple and use a magnet to lift and remove the
iron fillings

2. Place the removed iron fillings into a paper cup

3. Measure the iron fillings using the electronic balance

4. Place the filter paper into the funnel and pour 10mL of water into the funnel along
with the sample

5. After filtering the SISS sample, 9mL of salt water should remain

6. Then pour the salt water into the beaker

7. Place the beaker on the Bunsen burner and turn to level 6

8. Once the water evaporates, remove the beaker and weigh the salt on the
electronic balance

9. Add the SISS sample into a test tube with 14mL of water

10. In the test tube, the sawdust should float and the sand should sink

11. Place filter paper inside the funnel and the pour sawdust filled water into the
funnel while making sure that sand does not leave the test tube

12. Then weigh the sawdust using an electronic balance

13. Finally, weigh the sand using the electronic balance

Possible errors:

• We didn’t weigh the SISS sample to begin with

• We didn’t weigh the beaker or paper cups

• Using the magnet may not have removed everything

• Filtering may not remove all salt

• May not remove all of the water

• Could have measured incorrectly

• May not have removed and completely separated all of the sand from sawdust

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