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Curriculum Area: English Language Learning Math

Subject Area: Addition, Subtraction, Money

Lesson Title: Let’s Go Shopping!
Suggested Grade 3-5
Equipment Technology: Teachers personal computer or laptop/MacBook, Classroom
Needed: Computers, Internet access, printer and a smart board.

Software: Excel/Numbers, Calculator and

Others: Pretend money and register, and a shopping list.

Focus Questions: How do you count money properly in English?
Learning  Students will count change correctly.
Objectives:  Students will subtract the amount from the total given.
 Students will navigate through an English online store.
 Students will communicate for social purposes.
 Students will communicate for mathematical purposes.
Instructions: Introduce the assignment by asking the students, “Would you all like to go
shopping today?” After a show of hands, ask several students what it is that they
would like to buy. Ask the students to work in pairs. While they are forming
groups, connect the computer to the smart board, and pull up the website Once the students are in pairs distribute a shopping list and $25
to each group. They are to buy a birthday gift for their “little sister” who is turning
6 years old.

Each pair of students will be given one computer. They are to browse the website for 15 minutes to find an appropriate toy and print off
their selection. After the 15 minutes is complete, each pair of students will be
called up to the “register” to check out.

The teacher will display their items on the smart board for the rest of the class to
see. The teacher will ask the students, “If (buyers name) spends (amount) on this
item and gives (cashiers name) $25, then how much change will (buyers name)
receive back?” Allow the students a minute or two to calculate the answer on their
paper. Ask several students what their answer is, and display the answer on the
smart board by using the calculator on the computer.

Ask the students to say the amount of change due back aloud. Then ask the cashier
to count the correct change to the buyer.

Repeat this process until each student has had a chance to be the buyer and the
Evaluation of There is no formal assessment for this assignment. There will be an informal
Content: assessment that will be to monitor the student’s progression of navigating the
website and counting correct change. Record their progression and if necessary
any tips that have helped them to retain their English using Excel/Numbers.
Evaluation of Teacher observation will be used to measure student motivation. An additional
Curriculum and evaluation will be identifying how many students utilize the website and calculator.

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