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J. R.

for his contribudons to the cell-theory・ Remak (1852, 1855), not
virchow, made theかst clear and soudly-backed general statement of

the way in which ceus mufuply・ The coiming of the catch-phrase,

omnis cellula a cellula (1885) Or e cellula (1859), gave virchow an
underserved advantage over Remak・ See J・ R・ Baker, `The Cell-
theory : a Restatement・ History and Critique・ Part IV・ The Multiplica-
tion of Cells} Quart・ J・ Micr・ Sci・, 94, pp・ 407-40・ Cf・ F・ Remak,
` Ueber extracellulare Entstehung thierischer Zellen and uber Vcr_ PA
mehrung derselben durch Theilung・, Arch・ Anat・ Physiol・ Wl・ss・ Med.,
1 852 (no vol・ no・)・ pp・ 47-62 and Untersuchungen uber die Entwickelung
der Wirbelthiere, Berlin, Reimer, 1855.
15・ E・ NoRDENSKZ6LD・ The History of Biology: A Swvey (translated), New
The Kno†

V′ヽ1.1r rrH.1〈_ 1√ヽ■′ __ r(〈
York, Tudor, 1946, p. 522.    U/ー ー"''Y'\-川▲▲リ▲仙uノ'⊥lCW
′0 7 oo
i   一 ・ - l

HAECKEL, 'Ueber die heutige EntwickelungSlehre, (see note 5 above).

・ vIRCHOW・ Die Ereiheit der Wissenschaft (see note 8 above).
DARWIN, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. Second

edition, London, Murray, 1874.

19・ E・ HAECKEL, Freedom in Src;・ence (see note 3 above). The laws and也e mo】
to live within their fra
position in relation t(
the standards by whic
valid・ My analysis of
faith addressed to suc]
Wishes to safeguard i
realize and resolutely
its血opes and i血te I

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