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Competitions are placed within PreCon due to the nature of adolescents in CFC-
Youth. Competitions foster fun, fellowship, friendship, and faith among brothers and
sisters in the community. In addition, they are able to challenge the youth to excel in
their talents, which have been given to them by God. It through these competitions the
youth use their talents to evangelize and glorify God. Due to this reason, all
competitions should exemplify Jesus Christ, and be approached in a Christian manner.

Competitions of a creative nature are meant to be used to evangelize, and take

inspiration from the conference theme from Ephesians 6: 10-18. For example, the
Evangelistic T-shirt Design could spark a conversation with a classmate, which could
be the chance to share about Christ.

All winners for PreCon will advance to compete in Conference competitions, unless
otherwise specified. Since these are competitions for CFC-Youth, no one over the age
of 22 will be allowed to compete.

Please read and be fully competent of all the changes to the rules and regulations.
For example, the Individual Original Pieces competition will replace the Sing-Off
competition. If there are questions on the set-up or execution of the competitions,
please contact the regional FTW, Youth Core Member, or Couple Coordinator.

Lastly, along with the logistical and physical preparations for competitions, it is highly
encouraged for those attending PreCon and/or Conference, to prepare spiritually
through prayer, fasting, and reception of the Sacraments of Confession and the

To ensure complete fairness among the competitions, please ensure that the judges
chosen meet the following requirements:
1. They are competent and have ample experience in the competition being
judged (unless the competition does not call for it, such as Wacky Sports)
2. They have read and fully understand the rules and regulations for their
competitions and all competitions (i.e. age limit).
3. Those that are chosen are unbiased as possible (i.e. Try not choose
Couple Coordinators to judge their own areas).

When choosing judges, please make sure they have all the scores sheets
they need, and that they fully understand their responsibilities as a judge. Also,
choosing judges from the other adult ministries is encouraged.

Try and follow the above requirements, but make the best decisions you deem
for your region, depending on who attends and is able to judge.”

NOTE: Score sheets for judges are at the end of the packet.

Amazing Race

Competitors will be led through an intense race/obstacle course comprised of

various, key components. These key components are:

1. Athleticism
2. Team Building
3. Problem Solving
4. Decision Making
5. Academics
6. Bible/Catholic Trivia
7. Miscellaneous Obstacles

» Each team will consist of 12 members, six of each gender.

» The team to complete the course in the shortest amount of time, fulfilling every
requirement of every station, will be the winner;
» No one on your team can be older than 22 years of age;

NOTE: Local areas are encouraged to create an amazing race that consists of all
seven key components.

The final Amazing Race to be held at the National Conference will be different,
but will consist of the same components. Winning teams from each region’s
PreCon will be placed in a champion’s pool, and will then compete against a pool
of challengers—walk-in competitors at the National Conference.

Original Christian Dance Production

The Original Christian Dance Production is a competition that is meant to challenge

those competing to glorify God in a dynamic, inspirational way. Thus, the Original
Christian Dance Production is a performance meant to be more than a mere dance, but
to be more of a production that could be done in front of clergy, couple coordinators,
and/or parents. It is a production, like everything else that we do, meant as a tool of
evangelization that could be performed at high schools, college campuses, and

There are many ways to be creative and contemporary in the approach to evangelize in
the Original Christian Dance Production, such as the creatives performed at the annual
national conferences.

The following are a few ideas to guide those interested in the competition:
• CFC-Y Riverside Conference:

• CFC-Y Jacksonville Conference:
• Lifehouse Skit:

In the Original Christian Dance Production, the youth are challenged to incorporate a
piece of the Armor of God into their production. Ensure that the theme “Armor of God”
taken from Ephesians 6:10-18 can be seen as inspiration throughout your entire
performance (i.e. music, choreography, storyline, costumes).

1. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…
2. Clothed in righteousness as a breastplate...
3. Your feet shod in the Gospel of peace...
4. The shield of faith...
5. The helmet of salvation...
6. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God...

One piece of armor will be assigned to each region.

The Full-Time Worker of that region will advise the assignments.

» Each performance must incorporate the armor piece assigned to them.
» This is a production, cannot be purely dance.
» All performances must be Christian and inspiring nature.
» No one in your presentation can be older than 22 years of age.
» A minimum of 10 dancers to a maximum of 30 dancers are allowed to perform.
(NOTE for large groups: in the event of a smaller stage, please be ready to adjust
routines the day of, i.e., having some dancers on the floor, etc.)
» Each performance will be allotted a maximum time of 4 minutes. The time will begin
as soon as the music begins to play. 1 point will be deducted from your total score for
each second your presentation goes over the 4-minute time limit.
» A mix of songs (3 – 5 song medley) can be used for the performance. Secular
songs can be included in your mix of songs, but one of the songs must be Christian
or inspirational (NOTE: While secular music is allowed, suggestive lyrics are not).
» Your music will only be accepted if it is on a CD, audio format. Your music must be
ONE song on the CD only, labeled with your area’s name on the front.
» Props and elaborate costumes are encouraged to enhance the performance.
» All performances must be 100% Pure from start to finish. Any
suggestive/inappropriate moves/lyrics/CLOTHING will automatically disqualify your


ALL performances at PreCon must be recorded. Regional winners are to
submit their recorded performance from the day of PreCon to their full time
worker for screening by the National Youth Core. DEADLINE for submission is
JULY 1, 2011 5pm PST/8pm EST. The performance from the day of PreCon
must be the one performed on the day of Conference. Any major changes will
warrant point deduction, if not, a disqualification. Be advised that what you
wear in your performance in PreCon is what you will wear in the National
Conference. Points will be deducted or a disqualification may be warranted, if
your costumes do not match what you wore in PreCon.

» Execution (30) » Costumes (10)
» Relatedness to Theme (25) » Crowd reaction (10)
» Creativity (15) » Song selections (5)
» Originality (10)

**REMINDER: Keep in mind that the winner may be asked to perform their
Original Christian Production for clergy during the conference.

The National Youth Core and Full-Time Workers reserve the right to eliminate
competitors for any indecent or immodest attire, music, or choreography at any
time during their performance.

Regions may be asked to perform their performances at the conference site for
further screening.

Defenders of the Faith

The Defenders of the Faith competition will allow leaders to prepare for real life
instances where their beliefs are questioned.

» No one on your team can be older than 22 years of age;
» Teams of 3-5 members will be asked to answer questions dealing with the
Catholic Faith. The questions will be in the form of True/False, Short Answer, and
Multiple Choice;
» The moderator will ask all questions while the judges provide the scores.
» There will be three rounds
» Teams will answer questions based on the following categories: The Gospels,
The Holy Mass, The Sacraments, and Social Justice (i.e. Pro-Life) issues. Each
category will have FIVE questions.
» The first round will consist of questions dealing with the categories “The Holy
Mass” and “The Gospels”. The second round will consist of questions dealing
with the categories “The Sacraments” and “Social Justice”.
» For rounds one and two, the first group will choose a question from a category.
The moderator will read the entire question, and the group that “buzzes in” first
will have the opportunity to answer. Only one person can answer the question;
teammates are not allowed to confer with each other. If the question is answered

incorrectly, the team will lose 1 point from their score. Judges who are
knowledgeable of the Bible and Catechism should be on hand;
» Every member of the team must be given a chance to answer at least once for
his/her team before anyone can answer twice.
» The third and final round, “The Final Judgment”, consists of one question. All
teams are asked to “defend themselves” against a scenario where their beliefs
are challenged. The teams will have three minutes to confer and present their
answer for the final round;
» The team with the most points at the end of the competition wins;
» Each team will be allowed to bring their own Bible and The Catechism of the
Catholic Church, and use it during the entire competition.

» Round One: 2 points for every correct answer
» Round Two: 4 points for every correct answer
» Final Judgment: Using a scale of 1-10:
» 10pts – the most accurate answer
» 5 pts. – semi accurate answer
» 0 – wrong answer

*All questions are based on the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All
answers will be judged on accuracy of the answer based on the Bible and the
Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Defenders of Faith questions are chosen to catechize the youth of the region.
The “Final Judgment” scenario is formed in a way to challenge the youth in using their
faith in real-life circumstances.


With the rapid growth of musical talent among the youth in original compositions, the
youth are encouraged to grow even more in creating original songs for the community.

As you prepare, please keep in mind that the winners at conference may have the
opportunity to have their songs used during one of the conference worships.

Rules and Regulations:

- There can be no less than 5 and more than 10 people in the band.
- Instruments are not limited to acoustic/electric, keyboard, bass, and drums. (i.e.,
percussion, wind instruments, etc.) You must notify us of what you are going to be
- Areas should bring their own instruments but the host area will provide the drum set
- Each band will be allotted 8 minutes for their entire presentation, which includes one
minute (max.) of sharing what inspired your composition (including introduction videos,

if necessary). One point will be deducted from your total score for each second your
presentation goes over the time limit. The remaining 7 minutes will be used to play one
original praise and worship song and one original reflection song;
- You will notify us exactly what instruments and/or props you will be using;
- All entries should relate to the theme, “Put on the FULL Armor of God” (Ephesians
- Competitors’ written music must be of a positive and/or Christian nature. Must
keep it Christ centered and keep it clean. No negative language or negative slang
of any kind.
- No additional dancers, or adding non-band members during the
- Five (5) typed copies of your songs’ lyrics are required the day of the
competition. It will have the name of the songs, the names of all band members,
and region/area (for judging purposes).

» Creativity & Originality (20)
» Musical arrangement/Transitions (20)
» Unified as a band (in terms of vocals) (25)
» Instruments Utilized (15)
» Audience Impact/Crowd Rapport (10)
» Relatedness to Theme (10)


There’s no denying that the community has many talented individuals who allow God to
use their individual stories as a vessel for others to see how God works His Wonders in
the simplest of ways in our lives. No band necessary. This is an opportunity for
individual artists to share His Glory in a simple song or spoken word/poetry.

Chosen original songs and spoken word/poetry pieces will be compiled onto one CD
along with other chosen pieces from all over the nation.

Rules and Regulations:

- Each piece can be at most 5 minutes in length.

- All entries should relate to the theme, “Put on the Full Armor of God”
(Ephesians 6:11)
- Competitors’ original pieces must be of a positive and/or Christian nature. Must
keep it Christ centered and keep it clean. No negative language or negative slang of
any kind.
- No additional dancers, or adding non-band members during the

- Five (5) typed copies of your lyrics are required the day of the competition. It
will have the title of your piece, your name, and region/area (for judging

Point Distribution:
Relatedness to Theme – 15
Crowd Reaction – 5


For those who want to simply have sheer, silly fun everyone will be given the
opportunity to join in the fun by competing in the most random and most weird
competition – WACKY Sports! This allows CFC-Y members to have fun and bond with
their CFC-Youth brothers, sisters, and even their Couple Coordinators.

The Wacky Sports competition is meant for those not interested in competing in the
above competitions, but are rather interested in competitions of a less competitive
nature. Depending on time and venue, other games can be added to foster team
building, fellowship, etc.

» Coordinators and Program Volunteers can be included in the Wacky Sports;

» Wacky sports will be chosen according to the time, space, and other
resources that are available at each PreCon;

» Competitors for Wacky sports will sign up on the day of the PreCon;

» There will be no national finals for wacky sports, because there will be a new
set of wacky sports for the national conference;

» Any national conference participant will be able to sign up for the national
conference wacky sports at the start of the national conference.

CFC-YOUTH Promo Video

The CFC-Youth Promo Video Competition will challenge youth to create

promotional videos to show to parishes or campuses.

Imagine this: CFC Youth has been given the chance to advertise itself for next
year’s Super Bowl! You will have 75 seconds to show the world what the

ministry is all about. Put together your best commercial showcasing what our
ministry has to offer.


These videos should be able to do the following effectively:

» Introduce those who are not familiar with CFC Youth the life and membership
within the ministry, proudly showcasing its different values and beliefs.

» Attract and invite newcomers to CFC Youth events such as camps

» Each video cannot exceed 75 seconds. 1 point will be deducted from your total
score for each second your presentation goes over the 75-second time limit.

» Members of the production and cast cannot be older than 22 years of age.

» Creativity & Originality – 30pts (How original and creative is the video?)
» Clarity of message – 30pts (Is the message of CFC Youth and what we
stand for clearly outlined and presented in a way where the intended
audience will understand?)
» Impact – 15pts (Does the message leave a lasting impression of what CFC Youth
is and spurn action from watching the video?)
» Christ-Centered – 25pts (Does the video show the central focus of CFC-Youth?)

Evangelistic T-shirt Design

The shirt you wear makes a statement, whether you notice it or not. A shirt’s design,
colors, and theme can be what jump-starts a conversation amongst your peers or
strangers. In CFC-Youth, what you wear can be the icebreaker to start a conversation,
and evangelize to others. This year, there will be no regional shirt that
separates each area from one another. Since this is an evangelistic tool, and
not a conference t-shirt, the details of conference are NOT to be added to the t-
shirt. The bible verse may be added, but the goal of the design is to represent
Christ, and not the conference itself.

» Shirts must represent CFC youth as a whole, and be designed to spark interest
from strangers to evangelize.
» Shirts must have a Christian-based theme that may indicate the Conference verse “
Put on the Full Armor of God “ Ephesians 6:11
» The base color of the shirt your design will be on is green camouflage .

» Designs may be printed on both sides of the shirt, but is not required.
» Designs cannot have more than 3 colors per side.
» Present the design either digitally or printed on paper, with the appropriate
background color for the assigned shirt color
» Entrants cannot be older than 22 years of age.
» Must be handed in:
» (a) on paper with an explanation of logo, AND
» (b) saved as a .pang file and burned on a CD


» Creativity (20)
» Originality (20)
» Wearability (5)
» Requirements met (5)


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