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Claudia Hanny

XIC / 7

How to Make A Sandwich

Ingredients :

- 2 or 4 slices of bread (wholemeal, white or brown)

- an egg

- butter or margarine

- some slices of cheddar cheese

- tomato sauce

- tomatoes

- lettuces

Steps :

1. First of all, take two slices of bread and place it on a plate

2. Spread the bread with butter or margarine
3. Fry the egg until it’s well cooked
4. Cut the tomatoes and lettuces into some thin slices
5. Put a slice of cheese on the bread
6. Add tomato sauce on it
7. Put some slices of tomatoes and lettuces
8. Put the fried egg
9. Add tomato sauce again
10. Put a slice of cheese again if you want
11. Place the other slice of bread on top of it
12. Cut it into triangle form
13. The sandwich is ready to eat

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