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When everyone tries to be the leader at the same time, nothing gets done.

"I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?"

-- Benjamin Disraeli

For some reason, the word “follower” has a bad connotation to most people. No one wants to be
a follower. We have all heard someone say, “Be a leader.” But how often do we hear someone
say, “Be a follower.”

Followers are critical to the success of any team. After all, if everyone tried to be a leader at the
same time, then nothing would ever be accomplished.

Many times we focus on being a good leader. But, it is also important to become a good
follower. Since humans are social beings and we rely on each other for help, it is a good idea
to incorporate both in our lives. Following other people can be of great benefit too. We can
learn from them, take their advice, or follow in their footsteps. Overall, keeping this in mind
can also propel you to a higher leadership role down the road.

Developing personality traits is important for being a good follower. These include listening
skills, attentiveness, being reliable, showing honesty, having patience, and much more.

Other characteristics are important for becoming a good follower. These qualities focus more
on the person who will be followed. These include respect, admiration, loyalty, and so on.
Focusing more on the other person will show them that you care about their wishes. This also
gives them the opportunity to guide you since you are being cooperative.

Leading and following often go hand in hand. We will have to do both at some point of our
lives. Even though being a leader may seem more favorable, it is still just as important to be
a good follower. In addition, in order to gain a leadership position, we need to start from
somewhere. Therefore, being a good follower will help enable you to become a leader.

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