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Susan Barrows
Mr. Evans
National Honor Society Application
27 January 2023

My Leadership Philosophy

I believe leadership is not only about leading others, but the ability to teach others and to lead by

example. To me, leadership means respecting all human beings through communication, listening, and

collaboration. I believe, as a leader I should communicate clearly, and have a strong work ethic in order to be

effective. As the president of my 4-H club the Upton Hoof Beats, I have gained the experience of leading and

working with children. This has taught me so much about leadership, because when kids look up to you so

much, it really puts into perspective how much of an impact a good or bad role model can have on their lives.

That is why I truly want to work to inspire them and others to work hard, be resilient and confident in

themselves. I value dedication, perseverance, and most of all kindness and understanding. Leadership is never

effective unless everyone feels safe and respected which is why I do not tolerate bullying. It is the job of a good

leader to make sure everyone feels seen and heard. My ultimate goal is to inspire and build up others, and to

help wherever I can. I strive to be someone who is enthusiastic and approachable, and believe that in daily

activities everyone should get a chance to participate. I will respect others and listen to their ideas and if and

when I make mistakes, I will own them. Leadership is not just about how well you lead now, it is about how the

actions you take today can form future leaders. As Nelson Mandela once said, “It is better to lead from behind

and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line

when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” This quote truly resonates with me, as this

is what I as a leader strive to do. Many people believe that leadership means you have to lead, and be front and

center all the time. I believe that this is not the case. I believe that as a leader you should place others in the

spotlight, and be there to step in if they have questions or need your help. Overall any good leader can lead. and

give people assignments, but it is the responsibility of a great leader to show others how to take control of their

own lives and be the best they can be.

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