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Cagayan de Oro City

April 4, 2011


MARAWI CITY-Mindanao State University System officials here led by its President Dr.
Macapado A. Muslim yesterday declare ” all-out-war” campaign against the garbage solid waste
collection and disposal in preparation celebration of the Golden Jubilee event.

MSU System President Macapado A. Muslim told the university officials during the multi-
sectoral forum on making the MSU’s main campus peaceful, clean and conducive to quality
education held at Institute of Peace & Development of Mindanao here ” garbage disposal
discipline should actually begin at our homes, why because we are generators of homes”

When I assumed to office as acting president of the university on January 2008,one of my

immediate concerned was on garbage collection disposals within the main campus of the
university seems to be a big problem. I have ordered the director of the motor pool to facilitate
the collection and disposal of these solid waste materials outside the university main campus.

Muslim also appeal to barangay officials within the community that they should help the
administration in the collection of garbage solid waste materials for disposal.

We can minimize the dumping of these garbage waste materials through this process, we
segregate the bad one and burn it, and separate the others like empty minerals bottles, plastic
papers which can be sold to market, this is another way that our children can also have their
income out of these solid waste materials Muslim emphasize.

“Ipakita natin na ang peace ay bahagi ng Islam, ang clealiness is Islam Muslim did not further

As these developed, professor Amer Pangandaman, director of the Community Relations had
organized a task force with the support of the deans, directors, faculty and students who are
residing in the main campus of the university to map out their plans to minimize the dumping of
these garbage solid waste materials, especially its disposal

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