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Some energy creating techniques and how perpetual motion revolutionizes the game

 Sustainable energy is the provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable energy sources are most often regarded as including all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, and tidal power. It usually also includes technologies that improve energy efficiency.

 Energy efficiency-is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing fluorescent lights or natural skylights reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent light bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights use twothirds less energy and may last 6 to 10 times longer than incandescent lights. Improvements in energy efficiency are most often achieved by adopting a more efficient technology or production process.


 Energy conversion efficiency is the ratio between the useful output of an energy conversion machine and the input, in energy terms. The useful output may be electric power, mechanical work, or heat. Energy conversion efficiency is not defined uniquely, but instead depends on the usefulness of the output. All or part of the heat produced from burning a fuel may become rejected waste heat if, for example, work is the desired output from a thermodynamic cycle.


 Modern energy-efficient appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, ovens, stoves, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers, use significantly less energy than older appliances. Current energy efficient refrigerators, for example, use 40 percent less energy than conventional models did in 2001. Following this, if all households in Europe changed their more than ten year old appliances into new ones, 20 billion kWh of electricity would be saved annually, hence reducing CO2 emissions by almost 18 billion kg. In the US, the corresponding figures would be 17 billion kWh of electricity and 27,000,000,000 lb (1.21010 kg) CO2. According to a 2009 study from McKinsey & Company the replacement of old appliances is one of the most efficient global measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Modern power management systems also reduce energy usage by idle appliances by turning them off or putting them into a low-energy mode after a certain time. Many countries identify energy-efficient appliances using energy input labeling. The impact of energy efficiency on peak demand depends on when the appliance is used. For example, an air conditioner uses more energy during the afternoon when it is hot. Therefore, an energy efficient air conditioner will have a larger impact on peak demand than off-peak demand. An energy efficient dishwasher, on the other hand, uses more energy during the late evening when people do their dishes. This appliance may have little to no impact on peak demand.

 Green energy includes natural energetic processes that can be harnessed with little pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermal power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, solar energy, biomass power, tidal power, and wave power fall under such a category. Some definitions may also include power derived from the incineration of waste.  Some people, including George Monbiot and James Lovelock have specifically classified nuclear power as green energy. Others, including Greenpeace disagree, claiming that the problems associated with radioactive waste and the risk of nuclear accidents (such as the Chernobyl disaster) pose an unacceptable risk to the environment and to humanity.  No power source is entirely impact-free. All energy sources require energy and give rise to some degree of pollution from manufacture of the technology.

 Nuclear power has the potential to be a sustainable energy source, such as by the use of breeder reactors. However, this is often qualified with the argument that there are serious challenges that must be dealt with before it can drastically increase its role.  There are potentially two sources of nuclear power. Fission is used in all current nuclear power plants. Fusion is the reaction that powers stars, including the sun, which remains impractical for use on earth. Both types create radioactive waste in the form of activated structural material, which is one of the sustainability issues. Note that Aneutronic fusion such as He3-D fusion or Boron-Proton fusion produce far less or virtually zero radioactivity but are more difficult to fuse.  Conventional fission power is sometimes referred to as sustainable, but this is controversial politically due to concerns about peak uranium, radioactive waste disposal and the risks of disaster due to accident, terrorism, or natural disaster.

 Solar heating systems are a well known second-generation technology and generally consist of solar thermal collectors, a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage, and a reservoir or tank for heat storage and subsequent use. The systems may be used to heat domestic hot water, swimming pool water, or for space heating. The heat can also be used for industrial applications or as an energy input for other uses such as cooling equipment. In many climates, a solar heating system can provide a very high percentage (50 to 75%) of domestic hot water energy. Energy received from the sun by the earth is that of electromagnetic radiation. Light ranges of visible, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and radio waves received by the earth through solar energy. The highest power of radiation comes from visible light. Solar power is complicated due to changes in seasons and from day to night. Cloud cover can also add to complications of solar energy, and not all radiation from the sun reaches earth because it is absorbed and dispersed due to clouds and gases within the earth's atmospheres.  Some of the second-generation renewables, such as wind power, have high potential and have already realized relatively

low production costs. At the end of 2008, worldwide wind farm capacity was 120,791 megawatts (MW), representing an increase of 28.8 percent during the year, and wind power produced some 1.3% of global electricity consumption. Wind power accounts for approximately 20% of electricity use in Denmark, 9% in Spain, and 7% in Germany. However, it may be difficult to site wind turbines in some areas for aesthetic or environmental reasons, and it may be difficult to integrate wind power into electricity grids in some cases.


Among sources of renewable energy, hydroelectric plants have the advantages of being long-livedmany existing

plants have operated for more than 100 years. Also, hydroelectric plants are clean and have few emissions. Criticisms directed at large-scale hydroelectric plants include: dislocation of people living where the reservoirs are planned, and release of significant amounts of carbon dioxide during construction and flooding of the reservoir. The areas of greatest hydroelectric growth are the booming economies of Asia. China is the development leader; however, other Asian nations are installing hydropower at a rapid pace. This growth is driven by much increased energy costsespecially for imported energyand widespread desires for more domestically produced, clean, renewable, and economical generation.  Geothermal power plants can operate 24 hours per day, providing base-load capacity, and the world potential capacity for geothermal power generation is estimated at 85 GW over the next 30 years. However, geothermal power is accessible only in limited areas of the world, including the United States, Central America, Indonesia, East Africa and the Philippines. The costs of geothermal energy have dropped substantially from the systems built in the 1970s.[Geothermal heat generation can be competitive in many countries producing geothermal power, or in other regions where the resource is of a lower temperature.


 Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) are a new type of geothermal power technologies that do not require natural convective hydrothermal resources. Until recently, geothermal power systems have only exploited resources where naturally occurring heat, water and rock permeability is sufficient to allow energy extraction from production wells.However, the vast majority of geothermal energy within reach of conventional techniques is in dry and non-permeable rock.EGS technologies "enhance" and/or create geothermal resources in this hot dry rock (HDR) through hydraulic stimulation. EGS / HDR technologies, like hydrothermal geothermal, are expected to be base load resources which produce power 24 hours a day like a fossil plant. Distinct from hydrothermal, HDR / EGS may be feasible anywhere in the world, depending on the economic limits of drill depth. Good locations are over deep granite covered by a thick (35 km) layer of insulating sediments which slow heat loss. HDR wells are expected to have a useful life of 20 to 30 years before the outflow temperature drops about 10 degrees Celsius and the well becomes uneconomic. If left for 50 to 300 years the temperature will recover.[citation needed.  There are HDR and EGS systems currently being developed and tested in France, Australia, Japan, Germany, the U.S. and Switzerland. The largest EGS project in the world is a 25 megawatt demonstration plant currently being developed in the Cooper Basin, Australia. The Cooper Basin has the potential to generate 5,00010,000 MW.

 None can deny that earth's energy resources are finite. Many, however, prefer to ignore this fact. Modern technology coupled with the accelerating growth of the human population threatens to exhaust all known sources of energy in the foreseeable future. To make matters worse, present methods of energy use inevitably produce pollution that must be dumped somewhere, degrading the quality of life we desperately seek.  This situation compels us to seek new and non-polluting energy resources. The direction we must follow has been known for several centuries, but powerful interests in the energy industries don't want you to know about it.


 All the while a few lonely visionaries took a different path. They sought to make machines of a different kind, known as "perpetual motion machines." Villard de Honnecort's overbalanced wheel of 1235, used only a simple wheel with weights on hinged arms. So far as we know, he never built a model that worked, but over the following centuries others modified the idea, tweaking the mechanism, and adding mechanical embellishments. Other independent thinkers tried different approaches to achieve continual overbalance in wheels and other mechanisms.  Charlatans and con-artists muddied the waters with fraudulent machines whose only tangible result was to fleece gullible

investors. But this occurs with any advancing technology, and should not be used to discredit the vast majority of sincere and honest seekers, or their ideas.  We should not dismiss all of this effort as futile or misguided. It may be that these inventors were the true visionaries,

following the correct path, undaunted by failures, not allowing themselves to be discouraged by naysayers, and not swallowing the big lies perpetrated by mainstream scientists.  nd what has mainstream science and engineering given us? It has given us energy-guzzling machines that must be fed with

fossil fuels ripped at great cost from the earth, stoking the fires of industry while spewing out unhealthy waste products that foul our air, water and earth. By contrast, all perpetual machine designs ever conceived have these virtues: (1) No fossil fuels are required, indeed no fuel at all is needed. (2) They do not produce noxious and toxic exhaust gasses or solid pollution, for they produce no exhaust.


 Some people assert: "You can never achieve perpetual motion, for you can never get rid of friction." That dogmatic assertion is easily refuted. Look at the atom. The atom's electrons, if not disturbed, circulate around the nucleus forever without energy loss. Nature is rubbing our noses in the truth: friction-free motion is possible!  Any practical engineer knows that there are ways to reduce friction, and doing so increases the efficiency of machines. Every such improvement in efficiency is inevitably followed by still more improvement. When a machine attains an efficiency of 1, its output equals its input. With just a bit more work and ingenuity one could surely push the efficiency above one, so the machine produces more output energy than input. The final stage of development would redirect part of the output to supply the input. Then the excess output energy could be used for other purposes. The goal of the over-unity perpetual motion machine will have been achieved.

 The first documented perpetual motion machines were
described by the Indian author Bhaskara (c. 1159). One was a wheel with containers of mercury around its rim. As the wheel turned, the mercury was supposed to move within the containers in such a way that the wheel would always be heavier on one side of the axle. Perhaps this was not so much a practical proposal as an illustration of Indian cyclical philosophy. The idea reappears in Arabic writings, one of which contained six perpetual motion devices.


 Leonardo's famous comment-"Oh, ye seekers after perpetual motion, how many vain chimeras have you pursued? Go and take your place with the alchemists. Leonardo very carefully analyzed several versions of the overbalanced wheel with moving weights, and showed why they would not work. Many of Leonardo's drawings of machines were impractical or even unworkable as he depicts them. Most were never built or tested by him.  methods of lifting water he includes without comment two drawings of impossible self-acting pumps. They show water being lifted by Archimedean screws, dumping onto the top of a waterwheel, which in turn drives the screws. These were known as "recirculation mills" and show up in many compiled porfolios of mechanisms. If Leonardo didn't fully understand the behavior of water, he was not alone, for many misconceptions about hydraulics persisted until the 17th century


Siphon and perverted siphon. Recurculation mill An Italian's recirculation mill Vittorio Zonca's mill Dircks (1861).

 Still, we must admit that all past efforts to make perpetual motion machines have failed. Ingenious inventors have devised overbalanced wheels and over-unity devices, all with overconfident expectations. This history of total failure should tell us something. It's time to try new approaches. Instead of re-inventing the square wheel, we should learn from these past failures, avoiding the reasons for them. Friction is the bugaboo of perpetual motion inventors, for it wastes energy wherever a machine has moving parts. Past efforts to entirely eliminate friction have failed. Therefore we must get rid of all moving parts.  Real work output requires input energy, and that costs money. So we need a machine that produces only virtual work, which requires no energy input. Virtual work has another advantage for our purpose. Virtual work is the result of virtual displacements, which aren't subject to the usual constraints and limitations of mechanical systems, and are inherently friction-free.  In case you doubt that magnets have unlimited stored energy, consider the lowly refrigerator magnet. It can hold itself in place forever on the refrigerator against the constant pull of gravity. Therefore the magnet must have an inexhaustible source of energy, which we can tap if we are clever enough, and have sufficient faith in our noble goals.  We need free energy ! Without creating pollution!. Perpetual machines are vague but befitting solution !!


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