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Wollof - English Dictionary

prepared by
Peace Corps The Gambia
PO Box 582
The Gambia
tel: 220 392120
- i -
The wolof pronunciation system is relatively simple. Every symbol stands for only one sound, that is every symbol is
pronounced the same way in every word.
The distinction between short and long vowels is very important, because it is sometimes the only way to distinguish pairs of
words which have different meanings. Long vowels are always doubled, while short vowels are not.
There is a lot of prenalization in wolof. There usually occur with nasals such as m, n, etc...
As indicated, wolof vowels are either long or short. A long vowel is indicated a doubling of the symbol, and it must be
pronounced a little longer than a short vowel (which is not doubled). Long and short vowels can occur anywhere in the word.
Vowel Nearest English Equivalent Wolof Examples
a absorb banta, tapa, santa
aa far laaj, naaj, caabi
e get dem, lem, gerte
ee where seet, leel
say bs
sane wr, rr
bird kr, dgr
i in, pit nit, simiis, timis
ii meet siis, lii, kii
o moment xob, romba
no nb, sf
oo door loo, soo
phone gr, ft
u cook nuyu, ubi
uu moon tuuru, yuuxu
b boy bunta, ban
c ch in church caabi, ceeb, caamo
d dog def, dara
f fire fas fetel, fo ka
g good dogal, dugga
i iob iaboore, iox
k cool kaala, kumpa
l land loolu, laal
m moon meew, dem
n nob nit, nax
onion (ny) eebe, gaau
hang ma
p park pare, soopa
r rat raxas, reer
s sign siis, safara
t stamp tubaab, aate
w war waaw, reew
x between h and k xale, xaalis
y your yaay, yuuxu
mb mby, mbaam
nd ndey, ndigte
ni, ng ngor, nga
mp lampa
n tanka, lunka
- 1 -
Wollof-English a a b a
a a ba (v) to borrow, lend. Aaba naa
benna mbubba ci Sira. I lottoycu
onc utcss /tom Situ.
a a ba k a | (n) borrower, lender. Alkali
aabakat bu mag la-. Zli/uli is u lic
a a d u r a (n) the world, generation,
universe. Aaduna si dafa rey. Thc
yotlu is hucc.
a a ga | e e ga (v) to arrive at, to reach.
Dinaa aaga kr ci kanam. I yill
tcuch homc in u yhilc.
a a ge e | e e ge e (v) to deliver a
message, to make reach. Aagee naa
la xibaar bi dmba ci ngoon. I huvc
uclivctcu rhc mcssucc ro you,
ycsrctuuy cvcninc.
aaj i (v) to unhook, to hit a target, to
bring down. Aaii naa teer bi yi ci
kow almoor bi. I ltouchr uoyn rhc
loo/s yhich yctc on roj o/ rhc
aaj o (va) to be respectful, need,
anxiety. Dafa am aaio. Ic is
Aa j u ma | g a a w (n) Friday. Aaiuma
laay dem Baniul. I shull co ro
Eunjul on Itiuuy.
aaka (n) confrontation, attack
verbally. Lii yffi aaka la. This is un
ucr o/ con/tonrurion.
aaka (v) to confront. Mangee aaka
Sam. I um con/tonrinc Sum.
aal a (n) forest, bush. Aala bi mungee
lakka. Thc lush is lutninc.
Aal ar ba| aar al ba (n) Wednesday.
Aaralba la ioge tukki. Ic tcrutncu
/tom his joutncy on Ucuncsuuy.
a a l uwa (n) a wooden writing tablet.
Jox ma suma aaluwa bi. Civc mc my
yooucn ytirinc rullcr.
a a rda (v) to go together. Aanda leen.
You co roccrhct.
aapal (v) to limit. Aapal naa la tuuti
rek. I huvc civcn you u shotr rimc
rshotr limir).
aar (n) protection.
aa| (n) an uncircumsized person.
Xale bu goor bi aat la. Thc loy is
aa| ee (v) to iudge, seperate. Xaali
bangee aate sy bi. Thc Auslim
juucc is juucinc rhc muttiucc.
aa| eekaa (n) courthouse. Aateekaay
bangi ci boor gi gi. Thc
coutrhousc is ly rhc scu.
aa| eeka| (n) magistrate. Aateekat bi
iigen la. Thc mucisrturc is u
aaxa (n) sin. Aaxa baaxut. Ir is nor
coou ro sin.
aa (va) to be smart, ill-lock. Ku aay
la ci ligeey bi Ic is smutr in rhc jol.
a a e e (v) to deprive, prohibit, forbid.
Aayee neu ma mbuuru. Thcy huvc
/otliuucu mc ltcuu .
aa- gaaf (va) to be ill-fated. Lamin
takka na iigen iu aay-gaaf. Iumin
hus mutticu un ill /urcu yomun.
abal (v) to lend. Abal ma sa
gasukaay bi. Icnu mc yout uiccinc
abal e| abl e (v) to borrow out, lend
out. Abale nga sa yre yi yep. You
huvc lcnr our ull clorhcs.
abl e (v) to lend out to someone.
Maangee able suma ceen bi. I um
lcnuinc our my ncc/ lucc.
aca (n) ok.
aca (ex) go(imperative), let's do it, do
it. Aca xai bi. Co/ uoc - ruo nor usc
"ucu" on uuulrs).
aca (int) go on, go away, the meaning
of this word is always explained by
the context or situation.
af eer (n) affair, business. Lii du sa
afeer. This is nor yout lusincss.
a g| ak (coni) and/with. Janax ag muus
duu xarit. Aousc unu cur utc nor
agsi | egsi (v) to arrive. Gan gi agsi
na. Thc cucsr hus uttivcu.
aj ar a| u (n) female pilgrim, a woman
who has been to Mecca, woman's
name, title given to a female
pilgrim to Mecca. Yaamay aiaratu
la. Yuumuy hus lccn ro Acccu.
aj i (v) to go on pilgrimage. Dinga aii
dewn. You yill co on jilctimucc
ncxr ycut.
aj u (va) to be be hung. Rooseekaayam
yaangi aiu ci kow. Iis yurctinc
rools utc hunc on roj.
akar a (n) bean cake. Jnda nga akara
ci bitik bi. You louchr lcun cu/c ur
rhc shoj.
Ak u (n) Creole. Aku bari na ci suu
reew mi. Thctc utc muny Z/us in
out counrty.
al aaf i a (n) chance, freedom. Am
nga alaafiya. You huvc cor /tccuom.
Al aaj i (n) male pilgrim, a man who
has been to Mecca, a man's name,
male pilgrim to mecca. Kii alaaii la.
This mun hus lccn ro Acccu.
Al e| | di ma a s (n) Sunday. Alet laa
dee noppaleku. I usuully tcsr on
al f ur (n) million. Bugga naa benna
alfun. I yunr onc million.
al j ara| ar j ara (n) heaven. epaa
bugga dugga aliana. Fvctylouy
yunrs ro cnrct hcuvcn.
Al kaal i (n) head of the village.
Alkaali bi mag la. Thc hcuu o/ rhc
villucc is olu.
al me| (n) matches. Jox ma boyeti
almet bi. Civc mc rhc lox o/
a l moor (n) cupboard. Almoor bi
raffet na. Thc cujloutu is lcuuri/ul.
Al mu u d u (n) arabic scholar.
Almuudu bangee yelwaan. Thc
Ztulic scholut is lcccinc /ot ulms.
Al | i re| Lurdi (n) Monday. Dina dem
Baniul altine. Shc yill co ro Eunjul
on Aonuuy.
al xamdul i l aa (ex) praise be to
God(Arabic). Nit i ep deu wara
wox alxamdulilaa. Zll rhc jcojlc
shoulu suy jtuisc lc ro Cou.
Al x e me s (n) Thursday. Alxames lay
foot. Ic yill yush on Thutsuuy.
a m (v) to have. Am neu ligeey. Uc
huvc yot/.
a m- di - j a mma (n) acquaintance. Kii
suma am-di-iamma la. This jctson
is my ucuiunruncc.
a me (va) to be in possession of
something. Maangi ame etti xar yu
goor. I um huvinc rhtcc mulc shccj.
a me l (va) to be in debt(kind/cash), to
owe. Amel na ma xaalis. Ic oycs
mc moncy.
Ame | (n) Moor. Amet bi Muritani la
ione. Thc Aootc is /tom
a mi i r (ex) amen. Soo ma aanalee,
dinaa wox amin. I/ you jtuy /ot mc,
I yill suy umcn.
a mx a r (n) split open.
a m- xel (va) to be be smart,
intelligent. Xale bi dafa am-xel. Thc
chilu is smutr.
a m- a r a m (va) to be be fat, put on
weight. John angee am-yaram John
is jurrinc on ycichr.
a ra (adv) where. Ana caabi bi?
Uhctc is rhc /cy?
a r a a g o (n) frock. Anango laa sol.
I'm ycutinc u /toc/.
a r a m (adv) where is it(contraction),
(ana mu-wherelC.P).
a r a m (n) the manner/way to do,
something usually right/holy
manner/way. Am na ko ci anam gu
sella. Ic cor ir in rhc tichr munnct.
- 2 -
a r d a Wollof-English
a rda (n) censer. Lii sa anda la. This
is yout ccncct.
a r d a r d o o (n) companion. Tasee naa
ak suma andandoo yi. I mcr yirh my
Arga l e (n) English. Angale lay
laaka. Ic sjcu/s Fnclish.
Argal | eer (n) England. Angalteer
leu iog. Thcy comc /tom
a r| a r| ar| al (va) to be able to lift,
bear, endure. Dinaa antan woliis bi.
I yill lc ullc ro li/r rhc rtun/.
ari (n) some.
a r (n) lunch. A pare na. Iunch is
a ra a r (va) to be envious, be iealous,
be selfish. Dafa aaan. Ic is
a ra a re e (va) to be iealous of. Dafa
ma aaanee suma iiite bi. Shc is
jculous o/ my lcuuctshij.
a re e (v) to lunch at. Aee naa ci
marse bi demba. I urc lunch ur rhc
mut/cr ycsrctuuy.
appar ar| i (n) apprentice. Apparanti
iox ma suma wcit. Zjjtcnricc
civc mc my chuncc.
Ar a a b (n) Arab. Kii araab la. This
jctson is un Ztul.
a r a a m (v) to be forbidden. Fen dafa
araam. Iic is /otliuucn.
ar af (n) letter. Bindal bene araf. Utirc
onc lcrrct.
a r a rk e e s (n) money box.
ar bi | (n) referee. Arbit bi iubut. Thc
tc/ctcc is nor srtuichr /otyutu.
a s a ma a r (n) sky. Asamaan si xiin
na torop. Thc s/y is vcty clouuy.
ase| (n) plate, Saturday. Aset bi setut.
Thc jlurc is nor clcun.
a| (n) year. Waa i am na aar fukki
at. Thc cuy hus rycnry ycuts.
a| aaa (n) tea party, China green tea.
Ataaya bi safut. Thc rcu is nor rusry.
a| al i e (n) workshop. awkat yaangi
am ataliyee ci marse bu mag bi. Thc
ruilots huvc u yot/shoj in rhc lic
a (adi) some trouble. Ay daala laa
ienda. I louchr somc shocs. Iu/u
ae (v) to on duties. un, oo aye
bale. Ir's out rutn ro syccj.
ba a c a (v) to thresh. Mangee bacaa
maalomi. I um rhtcshinc rhc ticc.
ba a dool a (n) pauper, poor person.
Moom baadoola la. Ic is u joot
ba a k a a r (n) sin. Saacakat bi am na
baakaar. Thc rhic/ hus sinncu.
baakar| i (v) to return, change
direction. Dafa baakanti yoon. Ic
chunccu uitccrion.
baakar ka| (n) sinner. Waaii
baakarkat la. Thc mun is u sinnct.
ba a k u (v) to glorify oneself, to invite
an opponent in a wrestling contest.
Samba dafe muna baaku torop.
Sumlu li/cs ro cxjtcss himscl/ roo
baal al (v) to excuse, forgive. Baalal
ma. Fxcusc ot /otcivc mc.
b a a mb a a r e (v) to lull, to baby sit.
Baambaane xale yombut. To lull u
chilu is nor cusy.
b a a mb a a r e k a | (n) baby-sitter.
Baambaanekat bi owut tey. Thc
luly sirrct uiu nor comc rouuy.
ba a me e l (n) cemetary, burial
ground. Baameel yi yep fees neu.
Zll rhc ccmcrutics utc /ull.
b a a r d a a s (v) to bandage, dress.
Dama bugga baandaas sa goom bi. I
yunr ro lunuucc yout younu.
ba a re e x (va) to be happiness,
reioice, ioy. Tey am naa baaneex.
Touuy I huvc hujjincss.
b a a r e e x u (va) to be make oneself
happy, reioice. Dineu wara
baaneexu. Uc shoulu tcjoicc.
b a a r g a (n) pumpkin, squash. Lii
baanga bu neex la. This is u syccr
b a a r g a r o o e (n) timid person.
Alkali baanganooge la. Zl/uli is u
rimiu jctson.
ba a r a a m (n) finger, toe. Baaraam am
bi dafa foxoi. Iis /incct is sjtuincu.
baar e (v) to barricade, prevent,
block. Toogu bi baare na yoon bi.
Thc chuit lloc/cu rhc yuy.
ba a s e (n) Senegambian dish, peanut
& beans sauce. Ceere ak baase dafa
neex. Coos-coos unu luusc is
baa| (n) neck, sentence, voice,
utterance. Baat bu rey la am. Ic hus
u houtsc voicc.
baa| al e (v) to leave a message with
someone for somebody. Baatale naa
fa. I lc/r u mcssucc rhctc.
ba a x (adi) be good. Sam ku baax la.
Sum is u coou jctson.
baaxer| al (v) to celebrate, revive
cultural activities. Deoo baaxental.
Uc utc cclclturinc.
b a a x o r (n) crow. Baaxo picca bu
aaw la. Z ctoy is un ucly litu.
ba a (n) father, to leave, withdraw.
Suma bay dafa maaget. Ay /urhct is
ba a (v) to cancel.
ba a e e (v) to leave with. Baayee naa
ko bataaxel bi. I lc/r him yirh rhc
b a a e e k o o (v) to come from,
emerge from. Jamianbure laa
baayeekoo. I cumc /tom Junjunlutc.
baai (v) to leave, abandon. Dafa
baayi doomam, mu dem. Shc
uluuoncu hct chilutcn unu ycnr.
ba a o (n) orphan, surname. Xale bi
baayo la. Thc /iu is un otjhun.
ba ga a s (n) luggage, baggage.
Bagaas yi bari neu. Thc luccuccs
utc roo much.
ba k e r (n) nose, life. Dafa am baken
bu taaca. Ic hus u /lur nosc.
ba k k u (n) laddle. Bakku bi damma
na. Thc luuulc lto/c.
ba l a rk a a r (n) stretcher. Nit ku
feeber kaangi tdda ci kow
balankaar bi. Thc juricnr is lyinc on
rhc srtcrchct.
ba l a rs e (n) white wash. Lii poti
balanse la. This is u yhirc yush rin.
ba l a rs e (v) to white wash. Penturkat
bangee balanse neeg' bi. Thc juinrct
is yhirc yushinc rhc housc.
bal e (n) broom. Jendal ma bale. Euy
mc u ltoom.
bal e (v) to sweep. Balel peron bi.
Syccj rhc jotch.
ba r (int) question.
ba r (n) mud. Suuf si ban la. This is
cluy soil.
ba r (adi) which. Ban kr leu dkka?
Uhich comjounu uo rhcy livc in?
ba r (v) to please.
b a r a a r a (n) banana. Mey ma
banaana . Civc mc u lununu.
b a r d a a s (n) bandage. Lopitaan bi
amut bandaas. Thc hosjirul hus no
barj ool i (n) Ostrich. Mungi gudde
ni baaniooli. Ic is us rull us un
ba rk a (va) to be broke, out of.
Baana-baana bi banka na. Thc
lusincssmun is lto/c.
ba rk a (v) to bend. Bankal sa tanka
bi. Ecnu yout lcc.
b a r k u (va) to be to be bent, in a state
of being bent. Taati mango bi banku
na. Thc munco rtcc is lcnr.
- 3 -
Wollof-English ba r| a
ba r| a (postp) out, outside.
ba r| a (adv) ready, finished, out
ba r| a (n) piece of wood, stick, log.
Saanil banta bi. Thtoy rhc sic/
ba rx a a s (n) branch, section of tree,
section of an organisation. Banxaas
bi dafa gudda. Thc ltunch is lonc.
ba r (v) to refuse. Ba naa iangi. Ic
tc/uscu ro co ro school.
ba ra (adv) of course. Dinaa feci,
baa. I yill co ro rhc uuncc o/
ba ra r - ba ra r i (v) to swaying of the
hips, walking., whilse. Mungee
baar-baari penkaam yi. Shc is
syuyinc hct hijs.
ba j (n) a bench. Jox ma ban bi. Civc
mc rhc lcnch.
bar (v) to stammer. Dafa dee bar. Ic
bar (n) iguana. Bar bi mungee daw.
Thc Icuunu is tunninc.
bar i (coni) but.
bar i (n) plenty, much, surname.
bar kaa| i d e mb a (n) day before
yesterday. Barkaati/borkaati demba
laa dem Soma. I ycnr ro Somu uuy
lc/otc ycsrctuuy.
ba| aaxel (n) letter, message. Am nga
bataaxel bu ioge ci Lamin. You
huvc u lcrrct /tom Iumin.
ba | a rs e (n) egg plant, garden egg.
un batanse leu ii. Uc jlunrcu ccc
ba x (v) to boil, bubble. Ndox mangee
bax. Thc yurct is loilinc.
ba x a (n) sky blue colour. aw naa
piisi baxa. I scycu u s/y lluc /ultic.
baxal (v) to boil. Baxal neu nen yi.
Thcy loilcu rhc cccs.
baa' l | ba e (n) park, empty ground.
Ci bayal bi leu dee foyee. Uc jluy
ur rhc jut/.
be (av) to is, are.
be (prep) until, up to. Be lk. Inril
be c a k (n) noon, 12:00 pm. Becek le
u a. Uc cur lunch ur miu-uuy.
be e k oor (n) drought. Beekoor a
dugga ci rew mi. Thctc is utouchr
in rhc counrty.
beer (n) beer. Naanal beer. Itin/
be e s (v) to winnow. Munge bees
maaloo. Shc is yinnoyinc ticc..
b e e w (va) to be rude/sulky. Dafa
beew torop. Ic is vcty tuuc.
be r (adv) none, any. Ben leu gisut.
Uc huvcn'r sccn noncuny o/ rhcm.
be ra c i r (n) wolof dish. Elk benecin
laay dugga. Tomottoy I'll shoj /ot
Uolo/ uish.
b e r e e r (adi) another, next one. Na
beneen rot. Icr unorhct onc utoj.
b e r e e r (n) other.
b e r r a (adi) one. Benna yoon doyut.
Cnc rimc is nor cnouch.
be r| e rk i (n) silk cotten tree. Nugi
toog ci run btnki bi. Uc utc
sirrinc unuct rhc sil/ corron rtcc.
be re (v) to process the making of
pancake. ungee bee ci waa wi.
Uc utc jtcjutinc juncu/cs in rhc
be re (n) dough nuts, pancake. Bee
bi neex na. Thc juncu/c is syccr.
b e r u wa a r (n) washing pan, bath-
pan. Maangee foot ci beuwaar bi. I
um yushinc in yushinc jun.
ber ef (n) water melon. Beref bi neex
na torop. Thc mclon is syccrrvcty).
be r u (va) to be isolated, withdrawn.
Brb bi dafa beru. Thc jlucc is
be s e x e e re (n) negligent.
bej i r (n) horn(animals). Xar bi
amut beeiin. Thc shccj uocsn'r huvc
b s (n) day. Bs la woon. Ir yus u
b s bu a (n) week. Am naa fii
benna bs mu aay. I huvc hctc onc
b s bu re k k a (adi) everyday. Dafa
dee ligeey si bi bu nekka. Ic cocs
ro yot/ cvcty uuy.
b (n) goat. By bi weexut. Thc cour
is nor yhirc.
b c g| b c k (n) afternoon. Bcg
bi tanga na. Thc u/rctnoon is hor.
b c k (n) noon.
b g (va) to be be content, glad,
happy. Dama bg ci woxtaan wi. I
um conrcnr ur rhc sjccch.
b r b| ba r a b (n) place. Fii bereb bu
baax la. Ictc is u coou jlucc.
b (v) to farm. By dafa naxari. To
/utm is ui//iculr.
bka| (n) farmer. Teeru bi amut
beykat. Thc utlun utcu uocsn'r huvc
b uk a a (n) framing tools /,
implements. Jenda naa ay beyukaay.
I louchr somc /utminc rools.
bi (adv) variant for "be".
bi (da) the. Ng bi. Thc housc.
bi da a (n) superstition. Lii bidaa la.
This is u sujctsririon lclic/.
bi i (dem) this one. Bii la bugga. Ic
yunrs rhis onc.
bi i (v) to take, draw.
bi i (n) today, nowadays.
bi i g (n) last night. Biig nelewuloo.
Iusr nichr, you uiu nor slccj.
bi i j (v) to bend, to sway, to twist.
Dina biii bulon bi. Ic yill ryisr rhc
bi i r (n) pregnancy, inside, stomach.
Biir buy meeti. Zchinc sromuch.
bi i r (prep) inside. Ci biir waa wi.
Insiuc rhc /irchcn.
bi i r (va) to be pregnant, inside,
stomach. Suma iabar dafa biir. Ay
yi/c is jtccnunr.
bi i w (v) to buzz around food espcially
files. We bangee biiw. Thc /ly is
bi j ar| i (v) to rectify, to unbend.
Biianti naa suma niuumte gi. I huvc
tccri/icu my misru/c.
bi rda (v) to write. Binda am rafetut.
Iis ytirinc is nor urrtucrivc.
bi rda k a | (n) writer. Suma mag
bindakat la. Ay oluct sisrct is u
bi rdu (v) to book oneself, to be
employed especially as a maid.
Dinaa bindu ci nguur gi. I yill lc
cmjloycu in rhc covctnmcnr.
bi ppa (v) to ierk. Bippa na reen bi.
Ic jct/cu rhc toor.
bi s a a b| ba s a a b (n) sorrel. Toogal
ma bisaab bi. Coo/ rhc sottcl /ot
bi | ar reku (va) to be inside out.
Mbubam bi dafa bitarnku. Ict
shitr is insiuc our.
bi | i (v) to cover, wed, milk.
bi | i (prep) out. Mungi ci biti. Shc is
bi | i (n) outside.
bi | i l oxo (v) to to strike with the back
hand. Dafa ko bitiloxo. Ic srti/cu
him yirh rhc luc/ hunu.
b o r (adi) be mean, pour, be bad. Waa
ii ku bon la. Ic is u mcun cuy.
b r a a (n) pierce.
b r - b r r a (n) hole. Palanteer bi am
na bona-bonaa. Thc yinuoy hus u
b r r a (v) to perforate. Bool bu
bonna neexuta yekkee. Z jct/oturcu
loyl is nor coou /ot uishinc.
b r (n) tooth. Buddi na bo bi. Ic
cxrtucrcu rhc roorh.
- 4 -
bba l i Wollof-English
bba l i (v) to yawn. Mangee
boobali. I'm yuyninc.
bf (v) to incubate. Ganaar gi
mungee boof nen am yi. Thc
chic/cn is inculurinc irs cccs.
bool (n) bowl. Bool bi uur na. Thc
loyl is tusry.
bool e (v) to add, mix, put together,
report. Boole naa ko. I tcjotrcu
bool ox (n) goitre. Dafa am boolox.
Ic hus u coirtc.
b m (v) to kill. Boom neu by yi
yep. Thcy'vc /illcu ull rhc cours.
b o o p a (n) head, leader. Mooy boopa
bi. Ic is rhc lcuuct.
boor (n) side.
boo| (v) to carry someone on the
back. Boot na doomam bi. Shc
cutticu hct luly on hct luc/.
br - br i (v) to run
about(expression). Looy bor-bori?
Uhur utc you tunninc ulour?
bor i (v) to run, flee.
bor i (n) nose bleed, name. Suma
baken duy bori. Ay nosc uocsn'r
br i g (n) barrel. Taxawal ci kow
borig bi. Srunu on rhc luttcl.
b o r o m (n) the owner. Borom butik
bi. Thc oynct o/ rhc shoj.
b r r g u (n) roll on the ground.
br j (v) to roll. Boron borig lu
naxari la. To toll u lutcl is ui//iculr.
bos (pa) possession, belonging,
ownership. Caku bi suma bos la.
Thc juttor is minc.
bs (v) to massage. Bos ma. Aussucc
b| a (v) to crawl under. Mun naa
bota ci ron lal bi. I um ullc ro ctuyl
unuct rhc lcu.
b| se| | br se| (n) day break. Deu
waxtaan be botset. Uc churrcu rill
uuy ltcu/.
b w (v) to bark. Xai bi bow na torop
dmba ci guddi. Thc uoc lut/cu u
lor lusr nichr.
bo e | (n) box. Boyeti ooram bi leu
sacca. Iis jcyclty lox yus srolcn.
b| (n) eye. Lu iot bt bi? Uhur's
ytonc yirh rhc cyc?
b| se| | br se| (n) day break. Brset
na. Irs uuy ltcu/.
bu (rp) (which is). Bu mag. Uhich is
buddi (v) to uproot, to extract. Buddi
bo dafa ragallu. Fxrtucrinc u roorh
is scuty.
b u g g a (v) to want, like. Bugga naa
iangi. I'u li/c ro co /ot sruuics.
b u g g (va) to be selfish, greedy,
wanty. Nit ku bugg la. Ic is u
ctccuy jctson.
buj a (v) to beat, insult. Buia naa ko
(derogatory). I lcur him.
buj ul (v) to get away(profane). Yow
buiul. You co ro hcll.
buk k i (n) hynea, wolf. Loolu iooyi
bukki la. Thur's u yol/ cty.
bul e| (n) fish ball. Bulet la tooga tey.
Shc coo/cu /ish lull rouuy.
bul o (va) to be blue. Bul faatee
buloo suma yr yi. Ion'r /otccr ro
lluc my clorhcs.
bur| a (n) door, department, section
of an organisation. Mangee ligeey ci
bunta bi yoore mbey mi. I yot/ ur
rhc ucjutrmcnr o/ Zcticulrutc.
bur e| (adi) all of a sudden(expressi).
Bureet mu dow. Zll o/ u suuucn hc
bur (n) penny, two bututs. Bury
laa am. I huvc ryo lururs.
b u r u m (inten) fall (expression). Dafa
daanu burum. Ic /cll uoyn luuly.
b u r u we | | p u u s - p u u s (n) wheel
barrow. Brubbet bu es la yoone.
Ic scnr /ot u ncy yhccl luttoy.
bu| el (n) a bottle. Butel bi toi na.
Thc lorrlc hus smushcu.
bu| oj (n) botton. Tappal ma suma
buton bi. Scy my lurron /ot mc.
b u u b (v) to scoop, gather. Buubal
mbalit bi. Curhct rhc rtush.
b u u m (n) piece of music, give
allowance, rope. Jendal ma buum.
Euy mc u tojc.
b u u mi (n) queen. Kii buumi la. This
luuy is u Cuccn.
buur (n) king. Suma maam buur la
woon. Ay ctunu /urhct yus u /inc.
bu (adi) substantial, increase in,
bu (n) baobab fruit. Jendal buy
marse. Euy luolul /tuir ur rhc
caa (ex) ooh!-exclamation, surprise.
Caa! dem na bayi ma. Coh/ Ic ycnr
unu lc/r mc.
caa (n) stew.
caabi (n) key. Caabi moto laa amee.
I'm holuinc u cut /cy.
caabi (v) to lock. Caabi na neeg bi.
Shc loc/cu rhc housc.
c a a c a a (n) mischieve. Caacaay gu
bon leu def. Thcy uiu u vcty luu
mischicvous rhinc.
caadi - caadi (v) to roll on the
ground. Soo gisee ni muy caadi-
caadee. I/ you scc hoy hc yus
tollinc on rhc ctounu yirh juin.
caaf (n) roasted peanuts. Indil ma
caaf sooy ow. Etinc mc tousrcu
jcunur yhcn cominc.
c a a me r (n) brother. Kii suma
caame la. This jctson is my
c a a mo r (n) left hand. Bul lekkee sa
caamo bi. uon'r cur yirh yout lc/r
c a a rga a (n) shroud.
c a a pa (n) vagina.
caas (n) fishing line., tendon,
muscle. Jn bi dog na caas bi. Thc
/ish hus cur rhc /ishinc linc.
caa| (n) last child of the parents. Caat
mooy xoli waaiur yi. Thc lusr chilu
is rhc jutcnrs syccr hcutr.
c a a x a a r (n) a ioke, be kidding. Lii
caaxaan la. This is u jo/c.
c a a x a a rk a | (n) a ioker, iester. Kii
caaxaankat la. This jctson is u
c a a x or (n) gills. Tuur na caaxo yi
ci pax mi. Ic rhtcy rhc cills in rhc
c a a a (n) local pants. Imaam bi
caaya rek la soppa. Thc imum
jtc/cts locul junrs only.
c a ba x (inten) stab(expression). paaka
bi la ne cabax ci biiram bi. Ic
srullcu him in his sromuch.
c a bba (n) bunch. Mungi am cabba
caabi. Ic hus u lunch o/ /cys.
c a c c a (n) theft. Caaca bi doy na
waar. Thc rhc/r yus rcttillc.
caf ko| caf ka (n) flavour. Su amut
cafko duy saf. I/ ir uocsn'r huvc
/luvout ir yon'r lc rusry.
c a gga (n) prostitute, whore, hooker.
A prostitute is not good. Cuccu
c a gga | u (n) prostitution. Caggatu lu
xaraam la. Itosrirurion is u
/otliuucn rhinc.
c a k u (n) parrot.
caj (va) to be stucked. Can na ci
potopoto bi. Ic is sruc/ in rhc muu.
car ax (n) flip-flaps, slippers. Denca
naa suma carax yi. I /cjr my /lij
cas grab quickly (expression). Dafa
ko ne cas. Ic ctullcu ir uic/ly.
c a s gi r (adi) mood, trend. Nekkuma
ci casgin boobu. I um nor in rhur
- 5 -
Wollof-English ca|
ca| (n) edge, woe, apex, ill-fortune,
sharp-edge. Demal be ca cat bi nga
turne. Co uj ro rhc cucc, you rutn.
c a w (v) to beat with tiny stick. Caw
na xale bi ak banti bale. Shc lcur
rhc /iu yirh u ltoom sric/.
cax (n) puzzles, shark. Dimbale ma ci
ay cax. Iclj mc yirh somc juzzlcs.
c a x x a (n) local beeds worn around
the neck. Amuma caxa. I uon'r huvc
locul lccus.
c e e b (n) rice. Ceeb bi dafa am sax.
Thc ticc hus insccrs.
cer e (n) food made of millet(coos).
Cere moo genaa neex maalo. Coos-
coos is motc uclicious rhun ticc.
ce| (n) hygiene, cleaniness. Nit dafa
wara cet. Z jctson shoulu lc
ce| al (n) honeymoon. Yaaxa na
xaalis bu bari ci cetal am gi. Ic
sjcnr cxrtuvucunrly uutinc his
c| (n) wedding ceremony. Cet bi
neex na. Thc ycuuinc is /unrisric.
cl e| cl a (n) iunction, cross-road. Fii
cela la. Ictc is u juncrion.
cr (n) share, respect, body part. Cr
la iox mag yi. Ic cuvc rhc clucts
cr pi - cr pi (adi) iump about in a
confuse manner. Looy crpi-crpi.
Uhur utc you jumjinc ulour?
ci (prep) in there, to, with, at. Dem na
ci marse bi. Ic ycnr ro rhc mut/cr.
ci i f (n) provincial chief.
ci i r (n) gum. Cii gu neewi. Syollcn
c i m| c e m| c a m (ex) expression of
disgust. Mungee cim rek. Ic is
cxjtcssinc uiscusr.
ci r (n) food, cooking pot. Cin li
reyut. Thc coo/inc jor is nor lic.
cof (v) to barely touch. Dafa cof seexa
si. Ir lutcly rouchcu rhc coc/.
cof el (n) faith. Cofel lu maaga la ci
doom aadama. Iuirh is vcty
imjotrunr in u humun lcinc.
cf i | (ex) pick up quickly. Dafa ne
mbuuru mi cofit. Ic jic/cu uj rhc
ltcuu uic/ly.
col i r (n) way of dress, fashion. Sa
colin bii neexuma. I uon'r li/c yout
yuy o/ utcssinc.
c o mp a (v) to take a small bit. Compa
ci tuuti. Tu/c u smull lir o/ ir.
c r c (v) to elbow, elbow(n). Dafa
ko coco ci gem. Ic clloycu
him on his mourh.
c ooba r e (n) pleasure, whim,
intention. Lii du suma coobare. This
is nor my jlcusutc.
c oof (n) name of a fish. Coof laa
bugga tooga tey. I yunr ro coo/
/ishrcoo/) rouuy.
c ook a (n) pubic hair. Watal sa cooka
yi. Shuvc yout jullic huit.
c ook e e r (n) bush fowl-known to be
wise. Dafa muus kom cooker. Ic is
us yisc us u lush /oyl.
c ol a (n) clitoris. Coola dafa booka
ci ceri iigeen. Clirotis is jutr o/ rhc
/cmulc otcun.
c o o r o (n) difficulty, struggle,
suffering. Mungee coonoo pur ibi.
Ic is srtucclinc ro tcrutn luc/
coor al (v) to throw with fare. Dafa
cooral xeer bi. Ic rhtcy rhc toc/
yirh /utc.
c oo| a (n) clitoris.
c o o w (n) noise. Coow amut niri.
Iouu rul/ hus no usc.
c or o (n) boy friend(lover). Amut coro
dafa lamba. Shc uocsn'r huvc u
lovct, shc is our uurcu.
c os a a r (n) tradition, custom. Niamu
suu cosaan la. Turooinc o/ rhc
cum, lijs unu chin is out rtuuirion.
c ox (n) chaff. Joxal canaari yi cox bi.
Civc rhc cccsc rhc chu//.
c o (n) police(slang), parrot. Am naa
coy. I huvc u juttor.
c u (n) stew. Cu diwier laa genaa
bugga. Iulm oil srcy I li/c mosr.
c uba l o (n) fisherman. Am naa xarit
cubalo. I huvc u /ishctmun /ticnu.
c u mb u x (inten) plunge
in(expression). Loxom bi la ne
cumbux ci ndox mi. Shc jlunccu
hct hunu in rhc yurct.
cur | co (inten) (the colour of
red)very. Deret gi xonxa na cur. Thc
lloou is vcty tcu.
c ur ux (inten) slip in unexpectedly.
Danga curux ci kabineet bi. You
slijjcu in rhc lcutoom
c us (n) nipple, teat. De tuuti cus yi .
Thc nijjlcs utc smull.
c u u b (n) dye, tye-dye. Cuub bi rafet
na. Thc uycu murctiul is nicc.
c uuc (n) chick. Cuuc bi dee na. Thc
chic/ uicu.
c u u c u (n) penis (term used for small
c uur a a (n) porridge. Toogal cuuraa
gerte. Coo/ jcunur jottiucc.
c uur a a (n) incense. Jaay ma
cuuraay. Scll mc inccnsc.
c uu| | c uuc (v) to prick. Bul ma cuut.
Ion'r jtic/ mc.
c uu| | c uuc e (va) to be something
that pricks. Purse bangee cuut. Thc
ncculc is jtic/inc mc.
c u x u r (v) to poke. Mungee cuxu
saaket bi. Ir is jo/inc rhc /cncc.
d a a b u u x (ex) insert, stab. Baaraam
bi la ne daaabuux ci biiram bi. Ic
srullcu his /incct in his sromuch.
d a a g u (v) to walk very slow,
lackadaisically. Jeeg bangee daagu.
Thc luuy is yul/inc vcty sloyly.
daaj (v) to nail. Daai na ban bi. Ic
nuilcu rhc srool.
daaj (n) nail.
da a j u (va) to be drunk. Kii daaiu rek
la bugga. Ic li/cs lcinc utun/.
daaj uka| (n) drunkard. Moom mooy
daaiukat bi. Ic is rhc utun/utu.
d a a k a a r d e (n) gum, starch, to apply
staarch/gum (v). Dama dee
daakande yeere yi. I ulyuys srutch
rhc clorhcs.
daal (ex) expression of certainty.
Yow daal nii rek. You/ Zlyuys li/c
daal a (n) shoe, beside. Daala bu ees.
Z ncy shoc.
daal a (postp) near, beside.
da a r (n) used to. Dama daan napa
in. I uscu ro curch /ish.
da a r (v) to defeat. Daan na mbor mi.
Ic uc/curcu rhc ytcsrlct.
da a re l (v) to knock down, bring
down. Daanel naa ko. I /noc/ him
d a a r u (v) to fall down. Nig bi
daanu na torop. Thc jticc hus /ullcn
vcty much.
daaj i - daaj i (ex) to run. Mungee
daani-daani. Shc is tunninc.
da a s (v) to whet/sharpen, bribe.
Paaka bi laay daas. I um shutjcninc
rhc /ni/c.
d a a w (n) last year. Daaw laa ieexal
ianga. I /inishcu school lusr ycut.
da a w j e g (n) year before last. Daaw
ieg la taw bi genaa bari. Thc tuin
yus motc ycut lc/otc lusr.
da a x a (v) to drive away, better than,
turn down, surprise. Maa la daaxa
dawal moto. I cun utivc lcrrct rhun
da a x a (va) to be drive away, better
than, turn down, surprise. Dama ko
daaxa. I utovc him uyuy.
- 6 -
d a a x e e Wollof-English
da a x e e (v) to run after
someone/thing. Bul ko daaxee.
Ion'r tun u/rct him.
da b (v) to meet something/someone
on the way. Dab naa suma baaneex.
I um mccrinc my ucsitcs.
daf a (vp) predictor 3rd person
singular. Dafa feebar. Ic is sic/.
da g (n) a royal servant. Kii dag la.
Shc is u toyul sctvunr.
d a g a a r (v) to worship, adore.
Dagaan yaala lu baaxla. To yotshij
Cou is u vcty coou rhinc.
d a g a r (n) obligatory, be necessary.
Juli woxtu yi iuroom dafa dagan. Ir's
ollicuroty ro jtuy /ivc rimcs uuily.
dagi | (n) local African blouse. Sa
dagit gi dafa rafet. Yout llousc is
daj (v) to encounter, grope. Li me dai
ci fan yii meeti na. Uhur I
cncounrctcu rhcsc uuys yus
daj al e rax (n) mulching.
da j a l oo (v) to gather together.
Daialoo neu ci bunti kr gi. Uc utc
curhctinc roccrhct ur rhc curc.
daj ee (v) to meet with, meet. Dinaa
daiee ak moom. I yill mccr uj yirh
dal (v) to land, lodge, knock on
something, confront(slang), to
confront(slang), fall. Fii la dal I um
loucinc hctc.
da l a s i | d r m (n) (100b), unit of The
Gambia currency. Am naa fukki
dalasi. I huvc rcn uulusis.
dal di (adi) immediately, as soon as,
start to. Ma daldi dem Baniul. I
ycnr ro Eunjul immcuiurcly.
d a ma (vp) verb predicator 1st Ps., I
am. Dama taayi. I um ritcu.
d a mp a (v) to massage. Dampa ma
lel. Aussucc mc jlcusc.
d a r g a (vp) 2nd singular(you're).
Danga bg. You utc cluu.
da rk a (v) to make a fist, curse, to
form balls when eating food with
the hand. Munuma danka suma
loxo bi tey. I cunnor mu/c u /isr yirh
my hunu rouuy.
da j (va) to be tight. Tubeey bi dan na.
Thc junrs utc richr.
daj i - daj i (v) to run helter skelter.
Waa iangee dani-dani rek. Thc cuy
is tunninc hclrct-s/clrct.
dar (v) to plaster a floor. Dar na
peron bi. Ic jlusrctcu rhc vctunuu.
dar a (n) naught, nothing, something.
Amuma dara. I huvc norhinc.
da r a a ba (n) driver. Daraayba,
so'ffoor, dawlkat ebbal suma bagaas
yi. Itivct louu my luccuccs.
da r a b (n) bed sheet, sheet. Lalal
darab bi ci kow lal bi. Sjtcuu rhc
shccr on rhc lcu.
dar aj a (adi) famous.
dar aj a (n) dignity, prestige, fame.
Amaatut daraia. Ic uocsn'r huvc
jtcsricc unyonc.
dar al (v) to home or (for animals),
rebuke someone, rebuke, speak
bitterly against someone. Bul ma
daral ci yefi tarde. Io nor tclu/c
mc ulour lurcncss.
d a w (v) to run. Saccakat bi ku muna
daw la. Thc rhic/ cun tun vcty /usr.
da wa l (v) to run(imperative), to
drive, deposit. Maangee dawal oto
bu raffet. I um utivinc u lcuuri/ul
da wa l k a | (n) driver, rider. Moom du
dawal kati gaal. Ic is nor u lour
d a wu me (n) embroidery. Sa dawume
bi ieka na. Yout cmltoiucty is
daxaar (n) tamarind. Daxaar dafa
forox. Tumutinu is sout.
da (n) faeces, defecate, a lie, stool.
Dafay day. Ic is lyinc.
de e (v) to die, be quiet, silent. Xar bi
dee na. Thc shccj is uicu.
de e (vn) silence, keeping quiet.
de e ba l (n) giant. Kii deebal la. This
jctson is u ciunr.
deekal i (v) to revive, resurrect.
Deekali ngeen woxtaan bi. You'vc
tcvivcu rhc uiscussion.
deeki (v) to revive, return to live.
Wox ii deeki na. Thc convctsurion
hus tcsuttccrcu.
de e l oo (v) to return. Deeloo naa ko
alelam. I'vc tcrutncu his
de e l u (v) to go back. Gan yi deelu na
dekkaam. Thc cucsr ycnr luc/ ro
his villucc.
de de | (ex) no. Dedet duma ko
def. Ao, I yill nor uo ir.
d e g o o (va) to be in agreement, to
agree on. oom aar deegoo neu ci
wox gi. Eorh o/ rhcm hus uctccu on
rhc uiscussion.
def (v) to do, put, spend. Loo bugga
ma def? Uhur uo you yunr mc ro
def aa| (n) repeat.
def ar (v) to make, repair. Defaral ma
lekka. Au/c /oou /ot mc.
def e (va) to be believe, think, to
assume. Defe naa ne munge roose
naako bi. I lclicvc hc is yurctinc
rhc cutucn.
de ge (n) peanut butter. Riibal ki dege
ci mbuuru mi. Sjtcuu rhc jcunur
lurrct on rhc ltcuu.
de k k a (n) live, village, town. Fii
suma dekka la. Ictc is my royn.
d e k k a r d o o r (n) statement.
d e k u wa a (n) residence.
del usi (v) to come back. Ka ngay
deelusi? Uhcn yill you comc luc/?
d e m (v) to go. Mangi wara dem seet
suma doom. I shoulu co ro visir my
d e r d o o (va) to be near by. oo
dendoo kr. Uc livc ncutlyyc utc
de r (va) to be state of being taken
out, to be removed. Pentuur bi de
na. Thc juinr is in rhc srurc o/ lcinc
ru/cn our.
de rc a (v) to keep, save. Deca na ko.
Ic suvcu ir.
der (n) image, skin. Bul yaaxa suma
der. Ion'r rutnish my imuccuon'r
uc/umc mc.
der e| (n) blood. Deret moo gna foor
ndox. Eloou is rhic/ct rhun yurct.
de s (v) to remain. Des na naari fan.
Ir tcmuin ryo uuys.
de s e (v) to still have, have less than,
be deficient. Dafa dese deret. Ic hus
lloou uc/icicncy.
de x (n) river. Fii dex la. Ictc is u
dc| dj (n) funeral. Dafa dem dc.
Ic ycnr ro u /unctul.
d e g (n) pool, pond. Dinaa sangu si
deg bi. I yill syim in rhc jool.
d e ga (v) to hear, understand. Dega
naa la bu baax. I hcut you vcty ycll.
d e mb a (n) yesterday. Demba la
ksi. Ic uttivcu ycsrctuuy.
d ga a | (v) to step on someone/thing.
Bull dgaat iiwi yi. Ion'r srcj on
rhc jlunrs.
d g g a (va) to be true, truth (n). Wox
ma dga gi. Tcll mc rhc rturh.
d gl u (v) to listen. Mangee dglu
woxtaan gi. I um lisrcninc ro rhc
d g mu (v) to cup one's chin. Dafa
waaru moo tax mu dgmu. Shc is
- 7 -
Wollof-English d r g a
sutjtiscu rhur's yhy shc cujs hct
d r g a (v) to to be bent, be crooked.
Kii nit ku dngo la. Ic is u ctoo/cu
d rk a (v) to entrust under someone's
care. Dnka naa la suma neeg bi. I
cnrtusr my housc unuct yout cutc.
d r k u (v) to advise, to promise, to
warn. Mangi laa dnku wax iii. I
um uuvicinc you yirh rhcsc yotus.
d r k u mp a (va) to be be nosy, be
inquisitive. Danga dekumpa torop.
You utc so inuisirivc.
d da l e (v) to create confusion &
enemit, seperate, between two
parties. Ddale na xarit i. Ic
scjcturcu rhc /ticnus.
d g r | d ga r (va) to be be hard, be
strong. Lii dafa dgr siu xeer. This
is hutu us sronc.
d g r a a (adi) hardness. Dgraayi
suuf moo tax nuy roose. Thc
hutuncss o/ rhc soil is rhc tcuson /ot
us yurctinc.
d k k a (v) to live. Xale yi baniul leu
dekka. Thc chilutcn livc in Eunjul.
d k k a r d o o (n) neighbour. Yow
suma dkkandoo nga. You utc my
d r - k u mp a (n) nosy.
d r r a (n) chest. Dnna bu meeti laa
am. I huvc chcsruchc.
d| (v) to stammer. Dafa dee det
torop. Ic srummcts u lor.
d w r (n) next year. Dwn la wara
ibi. Ic shoulu co homc ncxr ycut.
di g (v) to promise. Yaa ma dig xaalis.
You jtomiscu mc moncy.
di gaal e (v) to to have a bond in
agreement with someone. un oo
ko digaale. Uc huu u lonu.
di gga (prep) the middle. Suma neg
bee nekka ci diga. Ay housc is
suirullc in rhc miuulc.
di ggal (v) to give advice,
recommend. Moo ma digal pur ma
toog. Ic uuviccu mc ro sruy.
di gga r| e (prep) in-between. Mungi
dekka ci degante bantabaa bi ak tn
bi. Ic livc lcryccn rhc lunrulu unu
rhc ycll.
di ggi - kr (n) courtyard. Diggi-kr gi
yaatu na lool. Thc coutryutu is vcty
di ggi - r e g (n) centre of the house.
Mungi taxaw ci diggi-neg bi. Shc
is srunuinc ur rhc ccnrtc o/ rhc
di gi - ga ra a w (n) back. Xesenal ma
suma digi-ganaawgi. Scturch my
luc/ /ot mc.
di i g (v) to sink, to submerge. Gaal gi
diig na ci geei gi. Thc shij sun/ in
rhc scu.
di i j u (n) be behave sulkily. Janxa
bangee diiiu magam bu iigen. Thc
citl is lchuvinc sul/ily royutu cluct
di i r (n) religion. Kii ku am diin la.
Ic is tclicious.
di i r (n) aim, period. Dinaa la gis ci
diir gu gaata. I yill scc you in u
shotr jctiou o/ rimc.
di i s (va) to be heavy, have
status(slang), to cinfide to someone.
Wolis bi dafa diis. Thc rtun/ is
di i s (n) discuss. Kaay u diisoo.
Comc lcr us uiscuss.
di j a (adi) be large, be big. Mango bu
diia la dog. Ic cur u lutcc munco.
di kal e (n) moody.
di kka (v) to come. Dinaa dikka legi.
I yill comc tichr noy.
di mba l (n) help. Daoo laite dimbal.
Thcy utc us/inc /ot hclj.
di mba l e (v) to help, assist. Dama
leen bugga dimbale. I yunr ro hclj
di re ru (f) We/they will. Dineu pare
lgi. Uc yill /inish soon.
0i rga (n) you will(singular). Dinga ii
sorans. You yill jlunr otunccs.
di rge e r (f) you will (plural).
Dingeen ko yoobuwaale. You yill
ru/c him ulonc.
di j - di j i (v) to stamp. Mungee din-
dini tankam bi. Ic is srumjinc his
di j ool (n) querilla. Dinool dafa
naaw. Z uctillu is ucly.
di pi (v) to uncover, turn face down,
since. Dipi ci bck laa delusi. I
tcrutncu sincc in rhc u/rctnoon.
di w (n) oil. Jaay ko aari poti diw.
Scll mc ryo cujs o/ oil.
di wi rga l a m (n) shea butter, ghee.
Diwingalam dafa baax ci yaram.
Shcu lurrct is vcty coou on rhc
di wi ror (n) fat. Bugguma diwior. I
uon'r yunr /ur.
di wl i i r (n) cooking oil. Diwliin lay
ienda. Shc is luyinc coo/inc oil.
di w| i i r (n) palm oil. Diwtiir laa
namma. I miss julm oil.
dof (adi) mad-person. Alikali dafa
dof. Zli/uli is u muu-mun.
dof (va) to be stupid. Yow danga dof.
You utc srujiu.
d o g (v) to cut, slice, a slice. Dog naa
mbuuru bi. I cur rhc ltcuu.
doga l (v) to rule, pass a iudgement,
decide, order. Nguur gi dogal na
aate bi. Thc covctnmcnr hus tulcu
in coutr.
d o g a r d u (v) to obstruct to, to cut
across a road. Bugguma ken
dogandu ma ci suma leggay. I uon'r
yunr uny louy ro olsrtucr mc in my
dogi | (n) piece, slice. Dogit rek laa
soxla. I nccu only u jiccc.
dok | or (n) doctor. Doktor mey ma
garab. Iocrot civc mc mcuicinc.
d ma | d ma (n) witch. Maaget bii
doma la. This olu yomun is u yirch.
d o mp a | (v) to pinch, gripping
stomach. Biiram beey dompat. Iis
sromuch is ctijjinc.
dorj a (n) cube, a lump. Bena donia
rek la. Ir's only onc culc.
dork a a s i (n) united. Reew tubaab yi
deu am donkaasi. Thc ycsrctn
yotlu hus huu uni/icurion.
d o r ma (n) personality.
d o r r a (n) inherit. Maa donna suma
baay. I inhctirrcu my /urhct.
d o o (fn) you'll not. Doo lekka tey.
You yill nor cur rouuy.
d o o some.
d o o (adi) another, other.
dooj oor (n) ankle. Dama gaau ci
dooioor. I hutr my un/lc.
dool e (n) power, strength. Borom
doole la. Ic is u joyct/ul cuy.
d o o m (n) child, off spring. Kii suma
doom la. This is my chilu.
d o m (n) ashes. Defal ma doom ci
anda wi. Iur rhc ushcs in rhc
inccnsc jor /ot mc.
door (v) to begin, start, commence.
Liggey bi door na. Thc yot/ hus
dor (v) to beat, strike. ungee door
sabar gi. Thcy utc lcurinc rhc utum.
dppa | de l l u (v) to turn back. Faa da
doppa. I um rutninc luc/.
d p p a | d e p p a (v) to cover, turn face
down. Doppal cin li. Covct rhc
coo/inc jor.
do| (n) stupid.
dox (v) to walk. Dama dox liggey ni.
I yul/cu ro yot/.
- 8 -
d o x a a r Wollof-English
d o x a a r (v) to court, date. Mungi
bugga doxaan sa rakka bu iigen.
Ic yunrs ro uurc yout youncct
dox a a rk a | (n) someone who courts.
Yow doxaankat nga. You utc u
jctson yho is /unu o/ uurinc.
d o x a r d e m (n) waif. Doxandeem bi
amuti lum lekka. Thc yui/ uocsn'r
huvc unyrhinc ro cur.
d o x a r e m (n) outsider.
dox a r| u (v) to take a walk, stroll.
Xale yi ungee doxantu ci mbedda
bi. Thc chilutcn utc ru/inc u yul/
on rhc srtccr.
dox e e (v) to walk with, walk from.
Mangee doxee ak banta. I um
yul/inc yirh u sric/.
dox o| (v) to fart. Doxot baaxut ci
ndaie. To /utr in rhc jullic is nor
do (va) to be enough. Coow bi doy
na. Thc noisc is cnouch.
do a di (va) to be abnormal,
infantile(slang), to be inadequate.
Lii dafa doyadi. This is ulnotmul.
do l u (n) satisfied/good.
d o wa a r (n) be terrible, be of great
surprise, be awful. Sa wah ii dafa
doywaar. Yout sjccch is rcttillc.
du (fn) he/she/it is not, he/she/it will
not. Lii du taati garab. This is nor u
d u g g a (v) to enter. Dugga na ci neg
bi. Ic cnrct rhc housc.
dugga l (n) slot.
d u g g o (v) to shop in the market.
Mangee duggi marse. I um coinc ro
shoj ur rhc mut/cr.
d u g g o o (n) transaction, business.
Mungee duggoo xaalis. Ic is
rtunsucrinc moncy.
d u g u b (n) millet. Bykayi dugub
leu xam. Thc /utmcts /noy millcr.
duguj - da ga c (va) to be swaying the
hips. Ndaw sangee dugui-dagac.
Thc luuy is syuyinc hct hijs.
duk a | (v) to lift. Lebrees bangee
dukat saaku maalo bi. Thc luloutct
is li/rinc rhc luc o/ ticc.
d u k k u (v) to bribe. Dukku if iu bon
la. Etillinc is u luu uccu.
d u ma (fn) I will not, I am not. Duma
saangu ci tangaay bi. I yill nor
covct my scl/ in rhc hor scuson.
d u ma | d ] o r (v) to beat. Xale bi leoo
duma. Thcy utc lcurinc rhc chilu.
d u r d a (n) live, be alive, exist, to
enioy(v). Mungee dunda nim waree.
Ic is cnjoyinc us hc li/cs.
d u r g u s | d u f (va) to be fat. Dafa
dungus. Ic is /ur.
d u r x a (n) feather. Dunxa gi ci
ganaar bale, refet na. Thc /curhcts
on rhur chic/cn utc lcuuri/ul.
d u r u (fn) we/they will not. Duu
dem imbati garab tey. Uc yill nor
co ro jlunr rtccs rouuy.
dur (inten) be very drunk(expressio)s.
Dafa mandi dur. Ic is vcty utun/.
duuf (adi) be enormous, be big.
Papakaayo bi doom yi duuf la dee
iur. Thc jujuyu rtcc lcuts
cnotmous /tuirs.
duuf al (v) to to fatten especially an
animal. ax dafa dee dufal xar.
Ctuss /urrcn shccj.
duul (n) faeces, lies. Lii duu li xalel
la. Thcsc utc chic/cn utojjinc.
duul (v) to defecate, to tell
alie(slang). Duul nga. You licu.
du (v) to draw/fetch water. Faatu
dem na pur duy ndox. Iuuru ycnr ro
/crch yurct.
e b (v) to load. Eb lee bagaas yi.
Iouu rhc luccucc .
ebal (v) to send, to delegate. Ebal
neu ndaw ci ndaie me. Thcy scnr u
uclccurc ro rhc mccrinc.
e b o o (ex) alerm used to indicate e, is
no choice. Soo eboo ibi. I/ you
yunr, co homc.
e bu (va) to be be interested in, pack
one's belonging. Ebu nga ci suma
affeer. You utc vcty inrctcsrcu in my
ee (v) to call someone's attention,
wake someone up. Ee owal! You
comc hctc/
eebi (v) to unload. Waa dekka bi eebi
neu dundu gi. Thc villuccts huvc
unlouucu rhc /oou.
e e da (v) to advice. Kii soxlut eeda.
This jctson uocsn'r nccu uuvicc.
e e da k a | (n) advicer. Saam mooy
woon suma eedakat. Sum yus my
e e ga (v) to arrive. War neoo egga
leegi. Thcy shoulu tcuch noy.
eel (n) shin. Dafa gaau ci eel. Ic
hus hutr his shin.
e e l oo (v) to merit, to deserve. Danga
mun sa ligeey moo tax nga eeloo ko.
You utc ullc ro uo yout yot/ rhur's
yhy you mctir ir.
e e mb a (va) to be be sane, be normal.
Kii xale bu emba la. This is u
notmul chilu.
e e mb a d i (va) to be be insane, be
abnormal. Yow ku embadi nga. You
utc un insunc jctson.
e e rda l (v) to spend a day. Maa lay
endal. I yill sjcnu rhc uuy yirh you.
e e r d u (v) to spend the day. Mangee
endu ii ca Momodou. I um sjcnuinc
rhc uuy ur Aomouou's housc.
e e s | be e s (adi) new/fresh. Suma xarit
yoonee na ma mbubba bu ees. Ay
/ticnu scnr mc u ncy utcss.
eesa- ees (adi) very new/fresh.
Saleengi sol daala bu eesa-ees. Sully
hus ltunu ncy shocs on.
ee| a (v) to carve. Eeta dafa meeti.
Cutvinc is ui//iculr.
ee| a (n) carve, front yard. Bale leen
ta bi be mu set. Syccj rhc /tonr
yutu unril irs clcun.
e e w (v) to tie. Mbaa sammakat gi
eew na xar yi. I hojc rhc shcjhutu
ricu rhc shccj.
e e wo o (v) to wake up with, wake up
at. Tey dama eewoo mer. Touuy I
yo/c uj lcinc ujscr.
e e wu (va) to be to be awake, to be
enlightened. Dama teela eewu. I
yo/c uj cutly.
egsi | agsi (v) to arrive. Gan gi egsi
na. Thc cucsr hus uttivcu.
e k a | e k u (v) to be chipped, lift up and
raised. Silin be dafa eekateku. Thc
ccilinc is chijjcu.
eka| i (v) to chip. Ku eekati banta bi?
Uho chijjcu rhc loc?
l i ma a r (n) Imam, mosque head.
Almaami bi yaram la. Thc Flimun is
u tcvctcu jctson.
e m (va) to be fit, have the same size,
careful. Yemal fii oorut. Ec cutc/ul,
ir is nor suvc hctc.
e m (v) to fit, have the same size.
Mbubbam bi em na ko. Iis shitr /irs
e ma di (v) to be restless. buguma nit
ku emadi. I uon'r li/c u tcsrlcss
e ma l e (v) to measure, trim. Wox ko
mu emale ko. Tcll him ro rtim rhc
e ma l e (va) to be make fit, make
calm. Emalel ma sipa bi. Au/c rhc
s/itr so ir /irs mc.
e r (v) to head, load, put a load on
one's. En ma saaku bi. Iur rhc luc
on my hcuu.
- 9 -
Wollof-English e r
e r (n) luggage. Aparante bangee
eegal en bi. Thc ujutcnrc is louuinc
rhc luccucc.
e r d u (v) to spend the day. Tey fii lay
endu. I yill sjcnu rhc yholc uuy
hctc rouuy.
e ru (v) to carry on the head. Enul lal
bi ma tiye epons bi. Cutty rhc lcu
on yout hcuu lcr mc holu rhc
e r (v) to lift up, to roll, to turn. Jigeen
waruta e yeram ci biir ndaie. u
yomun shoulun'r li/r uj hct clorhcs
in jullic.
e p o r s (n) sponge, foam. Binta soxla
na epons ci lalan bi. Einru nccus u
/oum on hct lcu.
e s a a rs (n) petrol. Dafa aaka
esaans. Ic hus no jcrtol.
e s a a rs e e r (n) petrol/gas station.
Joan ili na esaans ci esaanceer bi.
Joun hus conc ro ccr cus ur rhc
jcrtol srurion.
e s e r (v) to scratch, to itch. Esen nga
sa ganaaw gi. Yout huvc sctcrchcu
yout luc/.
e s | uwa a r (n) calamity, crime. Baayil
di kati estuwaar. Sroj ctcurinc
e| (n) stick, log. Bul ko dooree et bi.
Ion'r lcur him yirh rhc sric/.
e (adi) be innocent, oh! (expression).
Moo ey. Ic hus jtovcn his
e g (v) to climb. Bul eg dinga
daanu. Ion'r climl you yill /ull
egal i (v) to complete, to finish. ndax
egali nga li ma la santoon. Iiu you
comjlcrc yhur I us/cu you ro uo.
e ge e (v) to deliver a message.
Ege ngeen ma baneex. You'vc
uclivctcu u joy/ul mcssucc ro mc.
e mu (va) to be devoted, aim at.
Moon dafa eemu ci yalla. Ic
ucvorcu himscl/ ro Cou.
e r (n) eye brown, eye brow. War
ngaa waani sa en yi. You shoulu
tcuucc yout cyc ltoyns.
e r (v) to wish whole heartedly.
Eene na la lu baax. Ic yish you rhc
f ar (n) pagan. Ku amut diin far
la. Znyonc yho hus no tclicion is u
ga (v) to arrive at. Wox ii waruta
ga fofu. Thc uiscussion shoulu nor
uttivcu ur rhur.
ka| i (v) to lift. katil xale bi dafa
soona tedda. Ii/r rhc chilu, hc is
ritcu o/ lyinc.
kka (n) male cow, bull. Duma iaay
suma ykka yi. I yill nor scll my
kka (adi) stump, hectar, oxen. Daaw
beyoon naa iuroomi kka. Iusr ycut
I culrivurcu /ivc hccrots.
l l k (n) tomorrow. llk, duu am
garab su nu dogee taati garab yi yep.
I/ yc cur ull rhc rtccs rhctc yill lc
no rtccs romottoy.
ra (adi) be fermented, smell bad, be
dirty. Cr bi na na. Thc cus-cous
hus /ctmcnrcu.
f a (da) there. Pitax bangi fa. Thc
jiccon is rhctc.
f aaca (v) to burst. Mbuus bi faaca na.
Thc luc hus lutsrcu.
f aar (n) rib. Suma faar yaay meeti.
Ay tils utc uchinc.
f aar u (v) to impress someone. Musu
la Omar don faaru. Cmut yus rtyinc
ro imjtcss Ausu.
f aas (n) inquisitive, beard. Faas iiko
iu bon la. Inuisirivcncss is u luu
f aa| e (v) to forget. Bul faate li ma la
wox. Ion'r /otccr yhur I rolu you.
f aa| el eku (v) to remember. Yangee
faateleku xarkanaman gi. uo you
tcmcmlct his /ucc.
f aa| u (n) name, lady's name. Faatu
laa tudda. Ay numc is Iuuru.
f aa| u (v) to die. Ku feebar ki faatu na
dmba. Thc juricnr uicu ycsrctuuy.
f aj (v) to cure, treat, heal, solve.
Doktor bi fai na ko. Thc uocrot hus
cutcu him.
f aj ar (n) dawn. Eewu faiar yombut.
To yu/c uj ur uuyn is nor cusy.
f aj ka| (n) healer. Waaiiiy mooy
faikati yax yuy meeti. This cuy is
rhc thcumurism hculct.
f aj u (v) to cure oneself. Danga wara
faiu pur wr. You shoulu cutc
youtscl/ ro lc hculrhy.
f aka| al u (v) to stumble, kick
unexpectedly with the toe. Faatu
angee soox, daffa fakatalu. Iuuru is
limjinc, shc srumllcu.
f al (v) to elect. Laay leu bugga fal.
Uc yunr ro clccr Iuuy.
f al e| f l (dem) there. Mbubit maanga
fale. Thc rtush is rhctc.
f al u (va) to be elected, germinate.
Weer yii la falu. Ic yus clccrcu
rhcsc lusr monrhs.
f ar (n) day. Tey netti fanla. Touuy is
rhitu uuy.
f ar (inten) where. Fan nga demoon?
Uhctc huvc you lccn ro?
f araal (n) lantern boat. Jaapa leen
fanaal bi balaa moo daanu. You ull
holu rhc lunrctn lour lc/otc ir /ulls.
f a ra a r (v) to spend the night. Ci
suma xarit laa fanaan. I sjcnr rhc
nichr ur my /ticnu's housc.
f araaral (v) to spend the night
sometime. Fanaanal fii tey. Sjcnu
rhc nichr hctc rouuy.
f a ra a re (v) to to spend the night
with. Koo fanaane? Uhom uiu you
sjcnu rhc nichr yirh?
P a r d e (n) surname.
P a r d e (va) to be late for something,
be on the rocks, be stranded. Faatu
fande na a. Iurou yus lurc /ot
f a rwe e r (n) thirty. fanweeri fan a
nekka ci weer wi. Thctc utc rhitry
uuys in rhc monrh.
f arxa (v) to prevent. Garab gii moy
fanxa iangoro gii. This mcuicinc
jtcvcnrs rhis uiscusc.
f ar (v) to boyfriend, be thick, partake,
to erase. Dama namma suma far bi.
I miss my loy/ticnu.
f ar al (v) to take sides, to partake.
Man moom laa faral. I ru/c siucs
yirh hct.
f ar a| a (n) obligation(religion),
something esential. Farata la pur di
iuli woxti yi Juroom. Ir is ollicuroty
ro jtuy /ivc rimcs uuily.
f ar aw (va) to be be impatient, be
fussy. Mag waruta faraw. Zn cluctly
jctson shoulu nor lc /ussy.
f ar ax- r axi (v) to walk fastly. Goor
gangee farax-raxi. Thc mun is
yul/inc /usr.
f ar l u (va) to be be dedicated, be
devoted. Ndaw sii farlu na ci
ligeeyam bi torop. This luuy is vcty
ucuicurcu ro hct jol.
f as (v) to make a knot, eat liquid food
with the bear hand. Fas bi lokka na
ngooam bi. Thc hotsc hus curcn irs
f as (va) to be inconsiderate(slang).
Kii fas la xamut dara. This jctson is
f ase (va) to be divorce, to be
divorced. Bul fase sa iabar iu baax
ii. Ion'r uivotcc yout coou yi/c.
- 10 -
f a s oj Wollof-English
f asoj (adv) type, fashion, kind.
awal ma fasoni tubey bii. Scy rhis
/inu o/ junrs /ot mc.
f a s oo (n) porridge, muscle.
f a s oo (va) to be prepared, prepared
for a purpose.. Billy tey roose la
fasoo. Eilly jtcjutcu /ot yurctinc
f asu (va) to be tied, be entangled.
Buum bi dafa fasu ci cat bi. Thc
rhtcuu is ricu ur rhc cucc.
f a| (adv) swiftly, very much.
f a| (v) to lodge. Laaree ko fat balaa
muy am neg. Iutty louccu him
lc/otc hc cor u housc.
f a| a (adi) be gorgeous(slang),
different, to patch. Fata nga. You
utc cotccous.
f a| a (v) to patch, wean, part, leave
alone, branch off. Mason be fata na
pex yi ci neg bi yep. Thc muson
jurchcu ull rhc holcs in rhc housc.
f a| ar ri (v) to remove patching
materials. Mungee fatari. Ic is
tcmovinc rhc jurchinc murctiuls.
f a w (adv) forever. Mungee ibi be
faw. Ic is coinc huvc /otcvct.
f axa (v) to remove with force, pluck.
Beykat yi deu faxa iiw yi. Thc
/utmcts tcmovcu rhc jlunrs yirh
f axas (v) to sweep, to clear, to dust.
faxas na palaat yi ci taabul bi. Shc
clcutcu rhc jlurcs /tom rhc rullc.
f a x e e k u (v) to come from, originate.
Ban dekka la faxeeku? Uhich
counrty uocs hc comc /tom?
f a (n) thrown, person's name,
f a (v) to leave home in anger, throw,
abandone, the act of seperating
during a matrimony
problem(temporaly). Jabaram fay na
dipi demba. Iis yi/c lc/r homc sincc
f a ka| (n) payer.
f a ka| ka| | ou mak (n) paymaster.
f ada (adv) personality, respect.
Moom ku am fayda la. Ic is u
jctson yho hus jctsonuliry.
f adaal (av) to make important, add
value, make worthwhile important.
Dangeen wara faydaal wox ii. You
shoulu mu/c rhis uiscussion
yotrhyhilc ot imjotrunr.
f eebar (va) to be sick, disease,
sickness, illness. Dipi daaw la
feebar. Ic yus sic/ sincc lusr ycut.
f eec (ex) be full (expression). Saaku
faac la am. Ic hus u /ull luc.
f eecal i (v) to fill-up. ungee feecali
seen siwo yi. Thcy utc /illinc-uj
luc/crs rhcit.
f eeci (v) to untie. Bul feeci buum bi.
Ion'r unric rhc tojc.
f eel i | (n) chip, a splinter. Lii feelit la.
This is u sjlinrct.
f eel u (v) to give a hand, contribute
to, help in. Kaay feelu ma ci sampa
neeg bi. Comc unu ussisr mc in rhc
luiluinc o/ rhc housc.
f eere (n) cream. Feenee bi neex na.
Thc ctcum is syccr.
f eer (v) to be found, retrieve, appear.
Yer yi reroom fee neu. Thc losr
clorhcs utc /ounu.
f eeral (v) to reveal, expose,
denounce. Feeal na seekere bi. Ic
hus tcvculcu rhc scctcr.
f eer (n) iron. Abal ma feer ma paase.
Icnu mc un iton ro itonjtcss.
f ees (va) to be full, up, be fixed.
lekka naa be suma biir bi fees. I urc
unril my rummy is /ull.
f ee| (n) celebration, feast. Legi suu
feet bi kumaase. Soon out /cusr yill
f ee| a (v) to sting, crack, to shoot an
arrow. Kaas bi feeta na. Thc cuj hus
f eex (va) to be be, airy, use to
describe condition that is getting
better.. Tey biti bi fex na torop.
Touuy rhc ycurhct is uity.
f ekka (v) to meet. Mungi u wara
fekka ci gaaraas bi. Shc shoulu mccr
us ur rhc cut jut/.
f ekkee (v) to witness. oo fekkee
xeex gi. Uc yirncsscu rhc /ichr.
f el (n) flea. Fel yangi fu nekka. Thc
/lcus utc cvctyyhctc.
f er (n) tell a lie, no where, to tell a lie
(v). Fen baaxut. To rcll u lic is nor
f e rde e k u (va) to be matured. Janxa
bi fendeeku na leegi. Thc citl is
murutcu noy.
f erdi (va) to be be drained. Soow bi
fendi bi. Thc ctcum hus lccn
f erka| (vneg) liar(n). Xale bi dafa
bugga nekka fenkat. Thc chilu
yunrs ro lccomc u liut.
f er (n) low tide, bead belt. Mey ma fer
ma takka ko gi suma ndigga bi.
Civc mc u lcuu lclr, I yunr ro ric ir
utounu my yuisr.
f er (adv) very, completely.
f er al (v) to wean. Ellk laa koy feral.
I um coinc ro ycun him romottoy.
f er e (v) to expend, alone, by oneself.
Dama fere lu bari ci maarse bi. I
sjcnr u lor in rhc mut/cr.
f er e depaas (n) spend a day, spell.
f er ej (v) to mince, slice, chop. Ferei
naa lion bi. I'vc sliccu rhc onions.
f e| e (v) to scrub clothes. Fete moo dee
teela seetal foot. Sctullinc mu/cs u
luunuty clcun uic/ly.
f e| el (v) to shoot. Bul ma fetel lel. Io
nor shoor mc jlcusc.
f e| el (n) gun. Fetel la ko reyee. Ic
/illcu ir yirh u cun.
f exe (v) to seek a way, try, to attempt,
manage. Ndaxam mungee fexe bu
baax. In/ucr shc is rtyinc hutu.
f e (v) to turn off, to pay, switch off.
Fey ma suma xaalis. Iuy mc my
f e e e k u (v) to receive one's pay, to
revenge, to avenge. Mune dina
feyeeku. Ic suiu hc yill tcvcncc.
f ei (n) smother.
f eu (v) to revenge, retaliate, claim
one's due, avenge.
f cca (n) a dance. Dama bugga fcca
ndaga. I yunr ro uuncc nuucu.
f cca (v) to dance. Man munatumaa
fcca. I connor uuncc unymotc.
f ccaka| (n) a dancer. Kii fccakat
bu mag la. This jctson is u ctcur
f d a g e w (va) to be too much in a
gatherig, Abnormal behaviour..
Xale bale dafa fdagew torop. Thur
chilu is roo much.
f el a (v) to chip. Kaasi weer bi feela
na. Thc cluss cuj is chijjcu.
f epa (n) anywhere, any place,
everywhere. Fepa foo dem, mangi
sa boor. Zny yhctc you co I um ur
yout siuc.
f e| eku (v) to fall hard. Ci kow
taati mango bi la feteku. Ic /cll
hutu /tom rhc munco rtcc.
f ewi - f wi (v) to to iump in a
confused manner. Looy fewi-fwi
nii. yhur utc you jumjinc ulour
f exl u (v) to take rest in an airy plae,
This is a daily activity monthly in
the summer.. mangee fexlu ci ron
garab gi. I um ru/inc u tcsr unuct
rhc rtcc.
f e (v) to swim. Dama bugga fey ci
geei gi. I yunr ro syim in rhc occun.
- 11 -
Wollof-English f |
f | (v) to take sides, face, partake,
be located. Moo fete woon wax ii.
Ic roo/ siucs in rhc cusc.
f l (dem) there. Suu ligeeyukaay
ange fl. Cut o//icc is our rhctc.
f gl (v) to complete, finish. Tey laa
fgl suma aye bi. I /inishcu my rutn
f i ci (v) to grain a fabric, unite. Fici
nga cati malaan bi. You ctuin rhc
shutonc cucc.
f i ddi wol (n) string. Daf ko iox
fiddiwol. Ic cuvc him u srtinc.
f i i (dem) here, this place. Fii ngeen
dekka. You ull livc hctc.
f i i (n) sow.
f i i l (n) cable, wire. War neu inda
fiil. Uc shoulu luy yitcs.
f i i m (n) film. Am naa fiim bu neex. I
huvc u nicc /ilm.
f i i p (n) the sound of blowing your
nose. andul (fiip). Eloy yout nosc.
f i i r (va) to be iealous. Jkkram dafa
fiir torop. Ict huslunu is vcty
f i i r e (va) to be iealous of. Dafa maa
fiiree ad sumaa far.. Shc is jculous
o/ my loy /ticnu.
f i i ri i r (v) to fry. Buggama in buu
fiiriir. I uon'r li/c /ish yhich is
f i i x (va) to be liberal. Kii dafa fiix
torop. This jctson is vcty lilctul.
f i i xl u (v) to take a rest in an airy
environment. Yangee fiilu ci taati
pere bi. You utc ru/inc u tcsr ur rhc
f i rdi (v) to blacken.
f i rdi (n) cereal, the tiniest type of
millet.. Munumaa defar findi I
cunnor mu/c cctcul
f i pu (v) to retaliate, to rebel. Waa ii
fipu na paski dafa torox. Thc cuy
hus tcruliurcu lccuusc hc su//ctcu.
f i r du (n) fula, tribe, type of fula found
in the fullad stretch.. Moom poli
tirdu la. Ic is u /ituu /ulu.
f i r eeku (va) to be undo braids, be
broad. Fireeku na. I huvc unuonc
my ltuius.
f i r- f i ri (adi) run in a confused
manner, run about, Children do
when they play.. Mungee fir-firi
kom ku iappa. Ic is tunninc li/c u
lusy jctson.
f i ri (v) to spread, undo, flower. Bul
firi darab bi. Io nor sjtcuu rhc lcu
f i r rd (n) translation, puzzle. Yaa
wara def firnd ci soose. You shoulu
rtunslurc in munuin/u.
f i | (n) courage. Yow danga am fit.
You huvc coutucc.
f i | a (v) to sweep, shoot with arrows,
wipe, a blow. Bi oo xeex deni doon
fita wante. Thcy yctc shoorinc cuch
orhct yirh lloys.
f i | axu (v) to write. Biiram beey meeti
moo tax muy fitaxu. Ic's sromuch is
juininc rhurs yhy hc is ytirhinc.
f i | ra (n) worry, trouble. Fitna baaxut
ci bena brb. Uottincss is nor coou
in onc jlucc.
f i w (adi) form of a stomach up set.
Dafa fiw. Ic hus u sromuch uj scr.
f o (coni) only, or, whether, if.
f o (int) tag question maker.
f o (n) must.
f o (postp) to, till, expect, upto.
f o (v) to play, ioke, say, kid, tell, till.
Damaa fo. I um /iuuinc.
f o (adv) much, so.
f ob| f ab (v) to pick up, take, carry.
Naa fob suma doom gi te ibi. Icr
mc jic/ uj my chilu unu co homc.
f oee| f oee (v) to ioke with. Bul ko
foee. Ion'r jo/c yirh him.
f og (n) must.
f og| f oog (v) to think, to estimate, to
speculate. Foog na ne dina doy. Ic
rhin/s ir yill lc cnouch.
f ogga (v) to knock, to dust. Fogga
naa bunta bi ballaa maa dugga. I
/noc/cu rhc uoot, lc/otc I cnrctcu.
f oka| (n) ioker, iester, (indicate
adultery/unserious person).. Kooku
fokat la. Thur jctson is u jo/ct.
f l a (v) to slip in unexpectedly, to go
through, to appear, penetrate. Dafa
fola ci ganaaw. Ir ycnr rhtouch rhc
f o mp a (v) to wipe, to clean. Brb yi
dnu ken wara fompa be u set. Uc
shoulu yijc rhc jluccs clcun.
f mp u (v) to wipe. Yen ep fompu
ngeen ci sagar bi. You ull yijcu
youtscl/ yirh rhc clorh.
f ra x (va) to be dirty, to be rotten.
Fii dafa fonax. This jlucc is uitry.
f orde (n) porridge, pap. Jndal ma
fonde ci clo bi. Euy juj /ot mc ur
rhc juncrion.
f ork a (v) to respect, to revere. Danga
wara fonka sa boopa nikka. You
shoulu /itsr civc youtscl/ tcsjccr.
f oo (adv) where, a contraction of
"fan" and "nga".. Foo demom
dmba? Uhctc huvc you lccn ro
f oo (v) to miss, lose, fail.
f oo (adi) be every dirty, fail to
f oo (vn) saying, telling.
f oof u (dem) there. Foofu leoo yoobu
gan yi. Ir's rhctc yc utc ru/inc rhc
f ooj (v) to forge, pretend. Dafaa fooi
ne dafa feebar pur baa ligey. Ic is
jtcrcnuinc rhur hc is sic/ ro uvoiu
f ool i (v) to demote, to dethrone. Deu
ko foli. Ic is ucmorcu.
f o o ma (v) to cancel. Deu buggoona
fooma suu tukki bi. Uc yunrcu ro
cunccl out rtuvclinc jluins.
f or (v) to kiss, smell. un duuy
foon ante ci biir nit i. Uc uo nor
/iss cuch orhct in jullic.
f oor (adi) be important, be
influencial, be honourabl, powerful
concerning people/things/places,
etc.. Niiaayam ku foor la ci nguur
gi. Iis unclc is vcty in/lucnciul in
rhc covctnmcnr
f | (v) to do laundary, wash clothes.
Sa yr yi laay foot tey. I um
luunuutinc yout clorhcs rouuy.
f oox a (v) to pluck. Boam bi la
fooxa. Ic jullcu his roorh our.
f oo (adi) where are you?. Fooy
fanaan? Uhctc utc you sjcnuinc rhc
f or (v) to pick, collect, scavenge. For
naa benna xale ci mbedda mi. I
jic/cu u chilu on rhc srtccr.
f or aa| u (n) picking up things,
scavenging. Ganaar gangee foraatu
lekka. Thc chic/cn is scuvcncinc
f or og (n) frock. awal ma forog ak
tuby. Scy u /toc/ unu junrs /ot mc.
f or o| (adi) fraud. Nguur gi buggut
forot. Thc covctnmcnr uisli/cs
f or ox (va) to be sour. Maango bu
norut dafay forox. Zn untijc munco
is sout.
f or oxal (va) to be make become sour.
Yangee foroxal sa domodaa bi. You
utc mu/inc yout jcunur suucc sout.
f or se (v) to force. Ligey bu aanda ak
forse duy baax. Z /otcc/ul jol is nor
f xal e (va) to be greedy. Yow danga
foxale torop. You utc vcty ctccuy.
- 12 -
f ox oj Wollof-English
f oxoj (adi) dislocation, sprain. Foxoi
dafa meti. Sjtuin is juin/ul.
f oxoj u (v) to have a sprain, have a
dislocation. Dafa foxoiu. Ic hus u
f | (v) to choke, -Indicate that fish
bone choked you.. Yaxa ma ft. I
um cho/cu ly u lonc.
f u (adv) where, Contraction of "fan
moo". Fu lekka bi nekka. Uhctc is
rhc /oou locurcu.
f u rekka (n) everywhere. wor neu
fu nekka. Uc huvc toumcu
f udda (v) to iron, throw, stretch,
press. Fudda na ko ci mbalit mi. Ic
rhtcy ir ur rhc rtush lin.
f udda r (n) henna. Fuddan dafaa dee
rafetal tstan. Icnnu mu/cs rhc hccl
loo/ lcuuri/ul.
f u d d a r u (v) to apply hanna on palm,
foot to show femininity. ungee
fuddanu pur parel xew gi. Thcy utc
ujjlyinc hcnnu ro jtcjutc /ot rhc
f uddu (v) to stretch oneself. Yangee
fuddu xanaa danga tayi? You utc
srtcrchinc, utc you ritcu?
f uf u (n) cassava dough. Fufu mooy
lekka bi ma genaa neex. Iu/u is my
/uvoutirc uish.
f ukka (n) ten. Fukka la binda. Ic
ytorc rcn.
f ukkeel (n) tenth. Lii mooy suma
fukkeel yoon. This is my rcnrh rimc.
f ul aar (n) scarf, head tie. Fulaar bi
rafet na waay deu seer. Thcsc scut/
is nicc lur ir is cxjcnsivc.
f ul ku (va) to be be flayed. Lutax lii
fulku? Uhy is rhis /luycu?
f ul i (v) to flay. Dinaa fuli der bi. I yill
/luy rhc s/in.
f ul l a (adi) dignity, self respect. Nit
dafa wara am fulla. Z jctson shoulu
huvc scl/ tcsjccr.
f urki (va) to be swollen. Biiram beey
funki. Iis sromuch is sycllinc.
f ur i (v) to fade, loose value. Piis bii
dina furi soo ko foote. This /ultic
yill /uuc i/ you yush ir.
f ur ro (n) coal pot, habachi. Mooy
toogee furno bi. Shc's rhc onc
coo/inc yirh rhc coul jor.
f ur se| (n) fork. Jox ma furset bi. Civc
mc rhc /ot/.
f usal (v) to fart. Xale bi fusal na. Thc
chilu hus /utrcu.
f u| eku (v) to be undressed. Waa ii
futeku na. Thc mun hus unutcsscu.
f u| i (v) to undress. Mungee futi xale
bi. Ic is unutcssinc rhc chilu.
f u| | a (n) blister. Tankaam bi futa na.
Ict /oor hus llisrctcu.
f uuf (v) to blow air. Fuuf na balum
bi. Shc llcy uit inro rhc lulloon.
f uur (n) bakary, oven. Fuur bii moo
dee defar mbuuru yu rafet. This
lu/uty mu/cs rhc ltcuu lcuuri/ul.
f uur (v) to roast(slang). Mungee fuur
ganaar gi. Shc's tousrinc rhc
f uu (va) to be proud,. Ku dafa fuuy
torop. This jctson is vcty jtouu.
f uxi (v) to pull off from, to pull off, to
unplug. Fuxi na buteel bi. Ic jullcu
rhc lorrlc.
f u (adi) where is?. Fuy meeti ci sa
yaram wi? Uhich jutr o/ yout louy
is uchinc?
f u (v) to massage.
ga a (n) people, folk. Gaa i iiitu neu
la. Thc /ol/s ycnr lc/otc you.
g a a c a a o o (va) to be be equipped,
to be armed. Ba moo dem munga
gaacaayoo. Uhcn hc yus lcuvinc hc
yus ycll cuijjcu.
ga a c e (va) to be shame, disgrace. Lii
gaace gu mag la. This is u lic
ga a da a (v) to desert. Dafa gaadaay
ci karem dipi daaw. Ic ucsctrcu his
comjounu sincc lusr ycut.
g a a d a m (n) spleen. Gaadam ci biiri
bi lay nekka. Thc sjlccn is un otcun
in rhc sromuch.
gaaf (adi) ill-fated, ill-lock,
forbidding. Bul takka iigeen iu am
gaaf. Io nor mutty un ill-/urcu
ga a ga r| i (v) to rectify, prompt. Naa
ko gaaganti balaa muy sori. Icr mc
jtomjr him lc/otc hc cocs /ut.
ga a k a (v) to stain. Suma mbubba bi
dafa gaaka. Ay utcss is sruincu.
ga a k a - ga a k a (n) stain, spots. Neg
bangi amee ag gaaka-gaaka. Thc
housc is huvinc somc sruins.
gaal (n) boat, ship. Sunuy tukki, gaal
leu dugga. I/ yc utc rtuvcllinc yc
yill loutu u lour.
gaal aaj (n) amulet, talisman. Gaalaai
yu dgr la sol. Ic ycuts joyct/ul
ga a l a rk oo (n) difficulty. Lii
gaalankoo la. This is u ui//iculr.
g a a mo (n) inter-rival relationship,
muslim feast. Gaamo bangee ieg.
Thc muslim /cusr is ujjtouchinc.
ga a ra a r (n) Mauritania. Kii naar
gaanaar la. This jctson is u
Auutiruniun mootc.
ga a ra a (n) weapon, among,
artilery. Rbabi am na gaanaay yu
bari. Thc hunrct hus muny ycujons.
g a a r g a (v) to be optimistic,
forebode. Aattekat dafa doon
gaanga. Thc juucc yus lcinc
ga a r (v) to hurt, wound. Yangee
gaa xale bi. You utc hutrinc rhc
ga a re (v) to hurt intensionally. Lir
dafa dee gaae. Thcis rhinc usuully
g a a r u (va) to be hurt, dead. Ki
febaroon gaau na. Thc sic/ jctson
is ucuu.
g a a r u g a a r u (n) a wound, iniury.
Danga bari gaau gaau. You huvc
roo muny injutics.
ga a pa | ha a r (v) to wait for, seige.
Dina ko gaapa ci bunta bi ellk. Ic
yill yuir /ot him ur rhc curc
gaar (v) to patch, repair, train station,
mend. Gaar na bunti wonag yi yep.
Ic hus tcjuitcu ull rhc lurhtoom
ga a r a a s (n) car park, garage. Uti naa
moto ci gaaraas bi. Ic 's conc ro ccr
u vchiclc in rhc cut jut/.
gaar al (v) to hint, insinuate. Moo ma
gaaral woxtaan gi. Shc hinrcu mc on
rhc uiscussion.
gaar e (v) to to park, garage. Gaare
nga moto bi ci mango bi. Ic hus
jut/cu rhc cut unuct rhc munco
ga a s (v) to wet. un ooy gaas peron
bi. Uc utc coinc ro ycr rhc /loot.
gaa| a (adi) be short, short. Musu ku
gaata la. Ausu is u shotr jctson.
g a a w (adi) be quick.
g a a w (n) quick, swiftly.
g a a wa r | u (v) to hurry, make a haste.
Mungee gaawantu pur muna aanda
ak nn. Ic is huttyinc ro lc ullc ro
co yirh us.
g a d d u (v) to carry on one's shoulder,
assume responsibilit, to assume.
Moo gaddu saakos bi. Ic cutticu
rhc luc.
gaf aka (n) a pouch, a sachet. Mangi
amee gafaka. I um huvinc u jouch.
ga g (va) to be have a gap in memory.
Yangi doon gag binga wox. You
- 13 -
Wollof-English ga j a
huvc u cuj in yout mcmoty yhctc
you rul/.
gaj a (v) to cut, scratch. Dafa ma gaia
ak weyam yi. Ic scturchcu mc yirh
his nuils.
gal a (v) to vomit, This is common in
babies. Liir bi gala na la. Thc luly
vomircu on you.
ga l a r (v) to piece of music, cross. Ku
galan yoon wi? Uho jur rhc ctoss
on rhc touu?
ga l a x rde k u (v) to rinse the mouth.
Mungee yalaxndeku. Shc is tinsinc
hct mourh.
gal - gal (v) to encourage, instigate.
Moo maa gal-gal. Shc is rhc onc
cncoutuccinc mc.
gal l ox (n) clots. Bimaa tooga ruy
dafa doon gallox. Uhcn I yus
coo/inc juj ir yus clorrinc.
g a mb a (n) gourd. Jox ma gamba gi
balaa muutoc. Civc mc rhc coutu
lc/otc ir ltcu/s.
g a m- g a mi (adi) doze, drouse, In
Gambian urban wolof "yandoor" is
mostly used.. Mungee gam-gami.
You utc utoysyhul/ uslccj.
ga r (n) stranger, guest. Tey la suma
gan giiy dellu. Ay cucsrs utc
tcrutninc rouuy.
ga ra a r (n) chicken, a timid(slang),
Men usually tease each other..
Ganaar leu dee reeree. Uc huvc
chic/cn /ot uinnct cvctyuuy.
g a r a a w (prep) behind. Kama bangi
ci ganaw negiii. Thc roilcr is
lchinu rhc houscs.
g a r a a wk r (n) back-yard. Ganaaw-
kr yaa du yaatu. Thc luc/ yutus
shoulu lc yiuc.
ga ra l e (v) to entertain a guest,
Express hospitality especially to a
visitor,guest/stranger.. Mungee
ganale ganam bi. Shc is
cnrctruininc hct cucsr.
ga rc a x (n) young shoot. Fuloor
bangee gancax. Thc /loyct is
g a r d a (n) penis. Ganda gu ema baax
te saf. Z sizcullc jcnis is coou unu
g a r d a x (n) waves. Dmba gandax gi
dafa bari woon torop. Icsrctuuy rhc
yuvcs yctc roo much.
ga r| u (v) to to refuse. Dama yooi
mu gantu. I scnr him, hc tc/uscu.
g a r a x u (v) to to make a faced. Looy
gaaxu! Uhy utc you mu/inc /uccs.
garr| j i i r (v) to grimace. Dafa ga
bi mu ko xalaate. Shc ctummuccu
yhcn shc rhouchr o/ ir.
ga j l ge j (n) bandit group, group of
pepleor, bandits. Gani saccakat yi
marse leu dekka. Thc ctouj o/
rhicvcs livc ur rhc mut/cr.
ga pa r e k u (n) sit on bended knees, A
sitting position.. Munuma gapareku,
dafa deey meeti. I connor suur, ir
gar (v) to gather one's harvest.
Mungee gar gerteem bi. Ic is
hutvcsrinc his jcunurs.
ga r a a w (va) to be be serious. Loolu
dafas garaaw. Thur is sctious.
ga r a b (n) tree, medicine. Ci ron
garab gee fiix. Inuct rhc rtcc is
uity unu cool.
gar ar| i (v) to garantee, garanteed.
Boosama ko garanti. Iis loss
cutunrccu him.
gar aj - pal aas (n) bantaba, chatting
place, vous. Goor i ep a am
garan-palaas. Zll rhc mcn huvc
rhctc vous ot comj jlucc.
ga r de (v) to guard, watch, secure.
Garde i ma suma bagaas. Cuutu my
rhincs ot luccuccs /ot onc.
ga r de k a | (n) guard, watcher,
security. Man gardekat laa ci Peace
Corps office bi. I um u cuutu ur rhc
Icucc Cotjs o//icc.
g a r g a mb o o s e (n) nettle, Mostly
grown around river side..
Garganboose dafa am dg. Acrrlc
hus u rhotn.
ga r ol e ma a (n) spare, protection.
Damay d3eca lii pur gardemaa. I
um /ccjinc rhis /ot sjutc.
ga s e (v) to wager. Dinaa gase ne du
ow. I'll yucct rhur hc yon'r comc.
gaska| (n) digger. Laamin gaskat la.
Iumin is u uiccct.
ga s u| ga s uk a a (n) showel, digging
tool. Damal aabali ma gasukaay.
Co/ Icnu/ Z shoycl /ot mc.
ga| (n) a lie, anus, ass. Dafa am gat
gu ry. Shc hus u lic uss.
ga| al (v) to exrete, Imperative (to
force some one to talk) an insult..
Gatal pur nga muna oyof. Au/c u
coou srool so you cun lc /tcc.
ga | a rdu (v) to block. Bul ko
gantandu. Io nor lloc/ his yuy.
ga | o (n) peanut cake. Gato dafay bari
suukur. Icunur cu/c hus roo much
ga| ul get to hell, (it is an insult)
profane. Yow gatul. You ccr ro hcll.
g a r d e (n) alion, brave man, hero.
Gaynde nga. You utc u lionhcto.
ge e da (v) to reiect. Dama ko mey mu
geeda. I cuvc him, hc tcjccrcu.
geej (n) ocean, sea. Gaayi sanguii
neu geei. rhc cuys ycnr syimminc
ur rhc occun.
geej a (n) dried fish. Soo demee
marse iendal ma D2.00 geeia. I/ you
co ro rhc mut/cr, luy mc I2.00
uticu /ish.
ge e r (n) tail, flower(slang). Xai bii
amut geen. This uoc uocsn'r huvc u
geerj i (va) to be broody. Ganaar
bangee geenii ci kow nenam yi. Thc
hcn is ltoouinc on irs cccs.
ge e s | u (v) to look back into oneself,
look behind, research, revise. Deu
now def fi gestu. Uc cumc ro uo
tcscutch hctc.
gee| a (n) herd. Suma baay dafa am
ay geeta. Ay ctunu jutcnr hus muny
ge ra (v) to go out. Danga wara
geena ci guddi. `You shoulu co our
ro nichr.
ge re e (v) to take out, subtract.
Geenee na siis yi. Shc roo/ our rhc
g e w (n) circle. ep angi toog ci
geewbi. Fvctyonc is sirrinc in u
gel u (va) to be be lonely for someone,
to miss, This happens when
someone is very very used to you..
Bimu tukkee dafa ma soon gelu.
Uhcn hc rtuvcllcu, hc yus lcinc
loncly /ot mc.
ge ra (va) to be more than, than.
Moo la gna rafet. Shc motc
lcuuri/ul rhun you.
ge ra me l a x (n) shiner.
ge ra wa l l a (n) half. Xaaiko ci digga,
nga iox ma genawalla bi. Sjlir ir
inro ryo, you civc mc rhc hul/.
g e r s o (n) underwear(for men), tang-
top. Naa sol genso, dafa tanga. Icr
mc jur on u /inc-roj, irs hor.
ge r| a (v) to dream, migrate. Genta
naa xai demba ci guddi. I utcumr o/
u uoc ycsrctnichr.
g e r o (n) a mads belt. Goor gangee
laaite geom gi. Thc mun is us/inc
/ot his lclr.
ge r | duk k u (v) to to bribe, corrupt.
Dafa ko ger pur mu utal ko ligeey.
- 14 -
ge r e e s Wollof-English
Ic ltilcu him so rhur hc yill ccr
him u jol.
ger ees (n) fat. Yaapa bi dafa bari
yerees. Thc mcur hus roo much /ur.
ge r e w (v) to strike, demonstrate.
Deu gerew pur u yooka suu fey
bi. Uc srti/cu so rhur rhcy yill
inctcusc out suluty.
ger | e (n) peanuts, groundnut. Ren
gerte leu by. This ycut yc soyn
ger | e- l akka| saaf (n) grilled peanuts.
Munge uti gerte-lakka. Ic is coinc
ro ccr ctillcu jcunurs.
ge r | e - | uba a b (n) Indian almond.
Jendal naa seen doonyi gerte-
tubaab. I louchr Inuiun ulmonu /ot
yout chilutcn.
ger | e- xaar ar (n) raw peanuts. Yeey
na gerte-xaraan. I chcycu tuy
ge | e - ba mba r a (n) Malian peanut.
Sooy ibsi nga indil ma gerta-
bambara. I/ you cominc homc, ltinc
mc Auliu-jcunurs.
ge| e- baxal (n) boiled peanuts. Gerta-
baxal dafa saf. Eoilcu jcunurs utc
g d d a (v) to respond rudely. Leei na
ma, ma gdda ko. Ic us/cu mc, I
tcsjonucu tuucly ro him.
g e me r (n) mouth. Demal raxas sa
geme gi. Co yush yout mourh.
ger (n) noble, freeborn. un ger
leu. Uc utc nollcs.
g r (va) to be better than, be better,
better, be getter than, surpass. Yalla
u ge. Cou sutjusscs us.
g ra (n) pipe (smoking pipe).
graa| l e (v) to discriminate. Bul u
genaatle. Io nor uisctiminurc us.
g re e (n) remove.
g r k a | (n) be stubborn. Yaay
gtnkat bi. You utc rhc srullotn
g | | ra ppa (v) to fish. Moo u dee
nappal in. Ic /ishcs /ot us.
g | e r (v) to be disturbed, to border,
perturb. Danga ma dee gtn torop.
You uisrutl mc vcty much.
g | e r (va) to be be disturbing, be
bothering. Kiidefa gtn. This
jctson is uisrutlinc.
g w l (n) griot, praise singers, oral
histori. ii suma gwl i maasm
leu. rhcsc utc my ctunu jutcnrs
otul hisrotiun.
gf | gof (n) snatch a bit of sleep. Dafa
buggas gf nelew. Shc yunrs ro
snurch somc slccj.
g g r (v) to ring worm. Dafa buggas
ggr gi ci yaramam bi. Cutc rhc
tinc yotm on yout louy.
gj (va) to be be infrequet, for a long
time, stay away froma place for a
long time. Dama fa dee gi torop. I
um vcty in/tcucnr rhctc.
gj f (va) to be soften by soaking.
Dugub bi gif na. Thc coos is
g l m (va) to be uncertain of one's
way, be lost. Dama don dox ci yoon'
bi ma glm. I yus yul/inc on rhc
touu unu I lccumc uncctruin o/ my
g l m (n) camel. Glm bari na
Muritani. Thctc utc muny cumcls in
g m| g m (va) to be have faith in,
believe in, to belief. Man gm naa
yalla. I lclicvc in Cou.
g r r a (n) mortar. Indil genna bi.
Etinc rhc motrut.
g r m (v) to thank. Mangi laa grm
bu baax. I um rhun/inc you vcty
g r g e pa (n) home wears, Fade
clothes used for cooking, doing
laundry etc.. Suma grgepa yi laay
foot. I um yushinc my homc ycuts.
g r ma r d e (adi) express gratitude
commen,, thanks. epa yoone seen
germande. Fvctyonc scnr rhcit
g s m (v) to intimidate, shake, iolt.
Dafa doon gsm ligeeykatam yi.
Uc yctc inrimiuurinc his yot/cts.
gi (da) the. Banta wu gudda gi. Thc
lonc sric/.
gi i (dem) this very moment. Goor gii
ku bon la. This mun is vcty luu.
gi i f (va) to be calm, be smoothed. Giif
na bi xuloo gi ieexee. Shc culmcu
uoyn yhcn rhc uutcll /inishcu.
gi i r (v) to grimmace. Yangi gii. You
huvc ctimmuccu.
gi i r u- durda (adi) duration of life.
Duma xeex ci suma giiru dunda. I
yill nor /ichr uutinc my li/c rimc.
gi i r u- durda m (adi) duration of one's
gi i x (v) to belch, burp. Dafa lekka be
suur mootax muy giix. Ic urc ro his
suris/ucrion rhurs yhy hc is
6i r 8i s a a w (n) Guinea-Bissau.
Gin-Basaaw dekka bu neexla.
Cuincu-Eissuu is u nicc counrty.
6i r - Kora a k i r i (n) Guinea-
Conakary. Pol fuuta yi yep Gin-
Konaakiri leu iogee. Zll rhc jol
/urus cmctcc /tom Cuincu
gi r| wa a | (v) to swear, vow. Gi naa
ci turi yaala. I sycut in rhc numc o/
gi r i aa (n) wire gauze. Giriyaas laa
warale taati sorans bi. I suttounucu
rhc otuncc sillinc yirh yitc cuuzc.
gi s (v) to see. Gis na ko. I suy ir.
gi saar- ka| (n) future teller, fortune
teller. Xam naa bena gisaa-kat. I
/noy onc /urutc rcllct.
gi see (v) to see each other, consult
together. Dingen gise ci xew gi.
You yill scc cuch orhct ur rhc
gi s- gi s (va) to be vision, an
g o d o r o j (n) tar. Suu tali bi du
godoron. Cut srtccr is nor ruttcu.
goj (n) rope for the well, Gambian
urban wollof used "bummi teen".
Suma teen bi amut goi. Ay ycll
uocsn'r huvc u tojc.
gol o (n) monkey. Gola bangi ci ron
garab gi. Thc mon/cy is unuct rhc
g o m (n) starch. Gom na footam bi.
Shc hus srutchcu hct luunuty.
g m (v) to belief. Yow gomuloo ci
ken. Yoju lclic/ in nolouy.
g ma (v) to close one's eyes. Goma
neu biu ko gisee. Uc closcu out
cycs yhcn yc suy hct.
g o ma d i (va) to be disbelief. Moom
ku gomadi yaala la. Ic uislclic/ in
g o ma r | u | g e m r | u (va) to be
sleepy. Dame gomantu. I'm slccjy.
g o me e (va) to be have something
unexpectey. Gomee-uma suma yere
yi. I uon'r cxjccr my clorhcs.
g o r g a (n) local fragrants made fror,
bamboo bed. Ci gonga laa doon
fanaan bima nekko ngeyen . I uscu
ro slccj on concu lcu yhcn I yus in
gor| u (v) to go to work in the
ofternn. Jkram gontu na. Ict
huslunu hus conc ro yot/ in rhc
- 15 -
Wollof-English g o j
goj (n) baboon. Gon yangi wari si
aala bi. Thctc utc muny lulooms in
rhc lush.
g o o b (v) to harvest. Mangee goob
suma gerte gi. I um hutvcsrinc my
g o o g (va) to be precocions. Xale bii
dafa goog. This chilu is jtccocious.
g o m (n) cut, wound. Soma goom bi
wer na. Thc younu hus hculcu.
gor (n) a man. Kii goor gu mut la.
This jctson is u murutcu mun.
gor - gor l u (va) to be try hard,
make an effort. Goor-goorlul cl
ianga bi. Tty hutu in rhc sruuics.
gor - j i ge r (n) be womanish, be
ieffeminate. Moom goor-iigeen la.
Ic is un c//cminurc.
gopp| p e l (n) long handle, spade,
yield. Lii gopp la. This is u sjuuc.
gor (n) noble, freeborn. Moom gor la.
Ic is u /tcclotn.
gor (v) to cut down. War neu gor
taati garab yi. Uc shoulu cur uoyn
rhc rtccs.
gor e (n) be content, freed from
slavary, be honest. Yow goreuloo.
You utc nor honcsr.
gor o (n) in-law. Amaguma goro. I
uon'r huvc ycr un inluy.
gu (rp) which, who, whom. Goor gu
niool gi. rhc mun yho is rull.
g u d d a (adi) long, be long. Banta bi
gudda na. Thc loc is lonc.
g u d d e e (va) to be late at night. Tey
guddee ngaa wacca. Touuy you
cumc homc lurc ur nichr.
guddi (n) night. Dinaa delusi ci
guddi. I yill tcrutn luc/ ur nichr.
g u mb o (va) to be blind, blind person.
Musoonaa am xariti gumbo. I oncc
huu u llinu /ticnu.
g u mp a | g u p p a (v) to wash clothes.
Mungee gumpa yereem yi. Shc is
yushinc hct clorhcs.
g u r | g o r (n) child. Gune gu sob la
def. This chilu is /ussy.
g u r g e (v) to convey, accompany,
see off. Dafa ma wara gunge
lopitaan. Shc shoulu uccomjuny mc
ro rhc hosjirul.
g u r u u r | g u r d u u r (n) beetle. Lii
gunuur la. This is u lccrlc.
g u r me r | (n) protestant.
gur me | (n) cotholic, bracelet,
christian. Sa xarit yi yep gurmet
lenu. Zll yout /ticnus utc chtisriuns.
gur u (n) kola nut. Guru funekka la
dee teewe. Kolunurs utc
gu| | a (n) iug, karaffe. Mangi am
ndox bi galaase ci gutta gi. I huvc
icc yurct in rhc /utu//c.
g u u (v) to climax, taste, orgasm,
feeling. Dama am guu yi dem bore
tey. I huvc rhc /cclinc ro co ro
tcsrlinc rouuy.
guuj (v) to hold water in one's mouth.
Wonal ndox gi nga guuial ci sa
gem gi. Syulloy rhc yurct you
holu in yout mourh.
g u u s (va) to be humid. Dafa guus
torop tey. Ir is vcty humiu rouuy.
g u u x (n) take a swallow, gulp. Guux
nga ko. You culjcu ir.
g u we r r e ma a (n) government. Amut
ben guwernemaa bu iub. Thctc is no
covctnmcnr rhurs is srtuichr
gu (inten) be very. Ndox mu sedda
guy laa naan. I utun/ vcty colu
gu | bu (n) baabab tree. Sii dafa
bari guy. Thcy utc muny hctc
luulul rtccs.
g u a a b (n) guava. Yeena guyaab yi
deu forox. Somc cuuvus utc sout.
i (adi) some. Meyoon naa ko i
mbubba. I cuvc hct somc utcsscs.
i (op) you.
i (spn) you.
i (rm) 's. Suma iabar-i-mag. Ay
ltorhct's yi/c.
i bl i i s (n) satan, devil. Ibliis a u dee
dugal ci yoon wu bon. Surun jurs us
on rhc ytonc yuy.
| bu (n) Ebou, Short form of Ebriama,
man's name, Abraham. Kale Ebu la.
Thur is Flou.
i i (ex) an expression of surprise. Ii!
yow, danga dof. You/ utc you ctuzy.
i i r (va) to be be tired of
something/one, loose esteem for.
Jen dafa ma ii. I um ritcu o/ curinc
i i r (v) to cover, partition, obscure. Bul
u lir. Io nor olscutc us.
i j j i (v) to read syllable by syllable.
Mangee iiii araf yi. I um tcuuinc rhc
uljhulcrs syllullc ly syllullc.
i l eer (n) hoe, farming tool. Aaba naa
bena ileer pur yooka ko ci li ma am.
I lottoycu onc hoc ro uuu ro yhur I
i l i f (v) to head, command. Mutuloo
pur ilif u. You utc nor /ir ro lc out
i l l a (n) curtircura. Liir gi dafa illa ci
boppa. Thc chilu hus cutircutu on
rhc hcuu.
i rc ha a l a a x u (ex) if its pleasess God,
An arabic expression. Inchaalaaxu
dina la seetsi. I/ Cou jlcuscs I yill
visir you.
i rdaal e (v) to bring along. Indaale
naa oom Saam. I ltouchr ulonc
Sum unu rhc orhct.
i rd (n) steamer. Dama faate ienda
ind. I /otcor ro luy u srcumct.
i rdi j i (v) to to go fetch. Dafa indiii
ndox. Shc ycnr ro /crch yurct.
i ri wer si | (n) university. Amanguu
iniwersite ci Gambia gi. Uc uo nor
huvc ycr u univctsiry in Thc
i si (v) to bring, to bring. Isi na bagaas
yi. Ic ltouchr rhc luccucc.
i si r (n) factory. Am neu enenti
isin. Uc huvc /out /ucrotics.
i sl aam (n) Islam. Mam dama fonka
Islaam bi. I um jtouu o/ rhc Islum.
i | (adv) too, also, equally and also.
un it bugga neoo seet. Uc ulso
yunr ro loo/.
i | am| | ami | (adv) also. Moom itam
soona naa leegi. Ic is ulso ritcu
i | e (spn) you (emphatic).
i | e (va) to be interest. Ku am ite la ci
leggey bi. Ic hus inrctcsr in rhc jol.
j a (da) the, Remote. Jigen ia ca bitik
ba ku rafet la. Thc yomun ur rhc
shoj is u lcuuri/ul luuy.
j a| j e (n) market. Ja bangi ci ganaaw
poliis bi. Thc mut/cr is lchinu rhc
jolicc srurion.
j aabal (v) to pick a lock, to fiddle
with. Dafa soon faabal ak masiin bi.
Shc yus /iuulinc yirh rhc muchinc.
j aada (v) to make a quick stop while,
way to some place, turn(corner).
Dina iaada ci Faatu. I yill mu/c u
uic/ sroj ro Iurou.
j a a du (va) to be be logical. Loolu
iaaduut. Thur is nor locicul.
j aaf (n) pubic hair. Jaaf dafa rafet.
Iulic huit is lcuuri/ul.
j a a hgor o (n) sickness.
j aaka (n) mosque. Dafa iulu ii ci
iaaka ia. Ic ycnr ro jtuy ur rhc
j aakaar l oo (prep) opposite, be
opposite. Suu ker yee iaakaarloo.
- 16 -
j aal Wollof-English
Cut comjounus utc ojjosirc cuch
j aal (n) gap between the tooth.
Boam bi la buudi moo tax mu iaal.
Ic ujtoorcu his roorh rhur's yhy hc
hus u cuj in rhc roorh.
j aal a (v) to to cross. Mangee iaala in
mbedda mi. I um ctossinc rhc touu.
j aal e (v) to express condolence.
Dinaa ko iaale ii a kanam. I yill co
cxjtcss my conuolcnccs lurct.
j aal eekaa (n) crossing point.
Jaaleekaay yi ci dekka bi banut. Thc
ctossinc joinr in rhc villucc utc nor
j a a m (n) slave. Suu xewlee, suu
iaam yee dee ligeey. I/ yc huvc huvc
u cctcmony, out sluvcs uo rhc yot/.
j a a ma (n) peace. Suu dekka bi dafa
am iaama. Cut counrty is jcucc/ul.
j a a mba (n) opium, mariiuana. Poliis
yangee tr nit iy ieefoo iaamba.
Thc jolicc utc /otliuuinc rhc
jcojlc yho ucul yirh mutiyuunu
j a a mba a | (v) to complain. Yow,
danga muna iaabat torop. You cun
comjluin roo much.
j a a mba a | k a | (n) complainer. Dafa
nekka iaambaatkat. Ic is u
j a a mb u (va) to be desert, betray.
Dafa ma iaambu. Ic lcrtuycu mc.
j a a mbuur (va) to be be calm, be
quiet, be reserved. Musu iaambuur
la. Ausu is u culm jctson.
j a a mu (v) to worship, adore. Man
yaala rek laa dee iaamu. I uuotc
only Cou.
j aar (n) Snake. Sutawee, iaan yi
deuy bari. I/ irs tuins, rhc snu/cs
comcs our in lutcc numlcts.
j aardi | j aari (v) to respond to
someone rudely. Man bugguma ku
ma iaani. I uon'r yunr unyonc ro
tcsjonu ro mc tuucly.
j a a ppa (v) to perform ablution, hold,
catch. Jaapa nea etti in. Uc
cuuchr rhtcc /ish.
j aappal e (v) to help, lend a hand.
Mungi maa iaapale. Shc is lcnuinc
mc u hunu.
j a a p p a r d e k u (v) to hold unto. Dafa
iaapandeeku ci bunta bi. Ir hclu on
rhc uoot.
j a a ppoo (v) to be united, fight, hold
hands. um, deu iaapoo nekka
bena. Uc utc unircu unu lccumc
j aar (n) palm rat, stop by. Am na
lumay sen fale, iaar la. Thctc is
somcrhinc I um sichrinc ovct rhctc,
ir's u julm tur
j aar u (n) ring. Jaaru bu rafer la sol.
Shc is ycutinc u lcuuri/ul tinc.
j aar u (v) to warm oneself. Tey seeda
na, naa iaaru. Ir is colu rouuy, lcr
mc yutm myscl/.
j a a r u- ba a r a m (n) finger-ring. Jaaru-
baaraam an bi oor la. Ict /incct-
tinc is colu.
j a a r u- roppa (n) ear-ring. Bugga naa
iaaru-noppa yuandaa sima mbubba
bi. I yunr cut-tincs rhur mucrh my
j aas (adi) inevitable, arrive
sudddenly. Xamoon naane lii du
iaas. I /noy rhur rhis yill nor uttivc
j aasi (n) cutlass, sword. Mungee
doggee taati-garab bi iaasi. Ic is
currinc rhc rtcc yirh rhc curluss.
j aasi i r (adi) baren. Kii iigeen iu
iaasiir la. Shc is u lutcn yomun.
j aa| (n) muslim coffin. Nit nu dee i
leu dee duggal ci iaat. Icuu jcojlc
utc jur in u co//in.
j aawaa| l e (v) to confuse, mistake for,
miss each other on the way. Deu
u dee iaawaatle ndig siix leu.
Thcy uo con/usc us lccuusc yc utc
j aaxaar (v) to lie flat on one's back.
Mungi iaaxaan ci lali taata bi. Ic is
/lur on his luc/ on rhc lumloo lcu.
j aaxal (v) to to surprise, doubt. Lii
dafa ko iaaxal. This sutjtiscs him.
j aaxl e (va) to be be in a doubt. Mungi
ci iaaxle bu mag. shc is in u lic
j aa (v) to sell, spend. Jaay ko kaani.
Scll him jcjjct.
j aaka| (n) seller. Foo dem gis
iaaykat. Uhctc cvct you co you scc
u scllct.
j abar (n) wife, witch doctor. Amut
iabar. Ic uocsn'r huvc u yi/c.
j aboo| (n) have a large family. Jaboot
i liu was CRS di dimbele. CFS
hcljs lucrurinc yomcn.
j a dda (v) to make a quick stop,
curve, turn. Jaddai a mbedda male.
Tutn on rhur srtccr.
j af (va) to be be in flames. Yef yangi
iaf. Thc rhincs utc in /lumcs.
j af al (v) to light a fire, light, set on
fire. Moo doon iaafal. Ic yus
srutrinc rhc /itc.
j a f a rdu| j f a rdu (v) to make use of
something, serve oneself. Yangee
iafandu ddiwi yaram. You utc
mu/inc usc o/ rhc louy oil.
j af e (va) to be be hard, be in scarcity,
be expensive, difficult. Lii dafa iafe.
This is ui//iculr.
j af e j af e (n) difficulty, problem.
Jigeen yi, sen iafe iafe mooy am
iot. Thc yomcn, rhctc jtollcm is ro
lc /tcc.
j af er (va) to be be scarce. Niiit gu iub
dae na. Zn honcsrsrtuichr /otyutu
lcuuct is scutcc.
j af | e (n) sickness at early stage of
pregnancy. Ndawsangee iafte. rhc
yomun is su//ctinc /tom motninc
j af uur (v) to make people know of a,
person's witch craft. Doma bi iafuur
na. Thc yirch hus muuc jcojlc
/noy o/ irs yurchctu/r.
j ag (va) to be be in-order, be well-
done, be suitable. Sanse bi iag na.
Icshc is ycll utcsscu.
j agadi (va) to be be in a mess, not in
order. Suma neg bangi iagadi. Ay
housc is in u mcss.
j agal (v) to make, repair, mend.
Suma daala bi laa doon iagal. I yus
munuinc my shoc.
j agl e (v) to dedicate something to
soe. Maa ko iaglel woy bi. I
ucuicurcu rhis sonc ro him.
j al (v) to bunch, pile, heap, a pile.
Nungi ial wonan bi be mu fees ag
mbalit. Thcy jilcu rhc luc/yutu
/ullcu yirh rtushcu.
j al j al i (n) beads worn around the
wat. Mumuna takka ialiali ci suma
ndiga. I cunnor ycut lcuus on my
j al oor e (n) achievement, a great deal.
Degga naa sa ialoore bi. I hcutu
ulour yout uchicvcmcnr.
j a m (n) shoot.
j a m (v) to stone at someone, to pierce,
to stab. Baandi baa ko iam paaka be
mu dee. Thc lunuir srullcu him
yirh u /ni/c unril hc uicu.
j a ma a l e | ra ma a l e (n) rivals,
Romantic names used to describe
men.. Jamaale yee tasee won suma
neeg. Thc tivuls mcr in my housc.
j a ma a r o (n) generation, period,
time. Jamaano bi dafa weeceeku
leegi. Thc ccncturion hus chunccu.
- 17 -
Wollof-English j a mb a
j a mba (n) opium, mix, person's
name, surname. Mungee iamba
fori. Shc is mixinc rhc /lout.
j a mba a r (n) warrior, brave man,
hero. Musa molloh iambaar la
woon. Ausu Aolloh yus u yuttiot.
j a mba a r a a (n) courageous man,
bravery. Nit dafa wara iambaaryaa.
Z jctson shoulu lc coutuccous.
j a mb a j o b (n) peacock. Jambaioob
pica bu rafet la. Thc Icucoc/ is u
lcuuri/ul litu.
j a mbur (n) peasant.
j a m- j a m (n) a wound, stab, an iniury
caused by. Jam-iamam bee xoot na.
Iis injuty is uccj.
j amka| (n) a tapper. Waa iii iamkat
snga la. This cuy is u julm yinc
j a mpa (va) to be important. Soxla sii
dafa ma iampa. This is u jtollcm
/ot mc.
j a ra a ba (n) bath, religious
purification. Jigeen ig sey yepa war
di sangu ianaaba. Zll mutticu
yomun shoulu jct/otm rhc
juti/icurion lurh.
j araase (n) cemetary. Janaase bangi
ci ganaaw kr yi. Thc ccmcruty is
lchinu rhc comjounus.
j arax| j i rax (n) mouse. Janx ii yaaxa
na yr yi. Thc mousc sjcllcu my
j arf aa (adi) betray, dissappoint. Dafa
ma iamfaa. Ic lcrtuycu mc.
j arf aa (n) betrayal, conspiracy.
j arf aa (v) to betray, conspire.
j a rga (v) to learn, study, read. epa
wara ianga. Fvctylouy shoulu lc
j argaka| (n) student, scholar. Dama
bari ay iangakat suma kr. I huvc
muny sruucnrs ur homc.
j argal e (v) to teach, facilitate,
educate. Maay iangale. I um rhc
j argal eka| e (n) teacher, trainer,
lecturer. Moodu iangalekat la ci
kow gi. Aouou is u rcu chct in rhc
j argi (v) to go to school. Xale yi
iangi neu. Thc chilutcn huvc conc
ro school.
j a rgor o (n) disease, illness. Yeena
dekka yi, deu bari ay fason,
iangoro. somc o/ rhc counrtics huvc
muny ryjcs o/ uiscuscs.
j a rgu (n) church, school. Fii mooy
iangu gurmt gi. Ictc is rhc
chtisriun chutch.
j a rguk a a (n) school. Dem neu a
iangukaay bi. Thcy ycnr ro rhc
j arkal aar (n) black scorpion.
Jankalaara geena ragalur iiit. Z
lluc/ scotjion is motc scuty rhun u
notmul scotjion.
j arka| (n) grafter. Xam naa bena
iankat. I /noy onc ctu/rct.
j ar| a (n) the sun. Janta ii feut
beten. Thc sun husn'r shoyn srill ycr.
j arxa (n) girl, virgin, young
unmarried woman. Janxa la. Shc is
u younc citl.
j arxa| u (v) to puberty for girls. ii
deuy ianxatu. Thcsc jcojlc urc
cxjtcssinc rhcit julctry.
j aj (n) graft. ungi leen iangal ni oo
iayee mango. Thcy utc rcuchinc
rhcm hoy ro ctu/r muncocs.
j ar (n) be famous, be worthy, sell
well, cost. Woykat bi ku iar la. Thc
sincct is /umous.
j ar a (n) bracelet. Jara bu rager la aaba
a yaay am. Shc lottoycu u
lcuuri/ul ltucclcr /tom hct mum.
j ar aaf (n) the king of cayor, An
ancient kingdom in senegal. am na
mbootaay buu tuddee iaraaf. This
is u soccicry numcu u/rct rhc /inc o/
j ar baa| (n) niece, nephew.
Ammaguma iarbaat. I huvc nor ycr
corrcn u niccc.
j a r gor (n) spider. Lii nuru na iargo.
This loo/s li/c u sjiuct.
j as (n) to cutdown. Jas na taati garab
yi ci aala bi yep. Ic hus cur uoyn
ull rhc rtccs in rhc lush.
j asi | | j si | (n) crocodile. iasit munut
xeex ci kow suuf. u ctocouilc
cunnor /ichr on rhc ctounu.
j a| (n) calm, hypnotize, pacify,
Activity is ver common in the wolof
culture.. Waa iangi doon iat zimba
bi. Thc cuy yus hyjnorisinc rhc
j a| aa| j o| aa (n) gathering,
assembly. Deu dee iotaay dimaas
iu nekka. Uc curhct cvcty Sunuuy.
j a| ka| (n) hypnotizer. Kii iatkati
gaynde la. This jctson is u lion
j ax (va) to be be plentiful, in
abundance. Dundu gi u iax deca
na. Thc /oou yc huvc in srotc is in
j axaa (n) eagle. Leeg-leg nga gis
iaxaay bu rafet. Itom rimc ro rimc
you scc lcuuri/ul cuclcs.
j axas (v) to to mix. Looy iaxas ci
bool bi. Uhur urc you mixinc in rhc
j axase (v) to mix together, iumble
up. Kaay, u iaxase wonio bi ak
sukurbi. Comc lcr us mix rhc sottcl
juicc unu rhc sucut.
j axaseka| (n) traouble shooter,
hypocrite. Jaxasekat bi magla. Ic is
u lic rtoullc shoorct.
j a x a s oo (va) to be be tangled,
involved with someone, be
inextricable, closed to someone.
Dama iaxasoo ci mbir mi torop. I
um roo involvcu in rhc u//uit.
j axasu (va) to be be already mixed.
Xoy bi iaxasu na. Thc
mixrutcsouch is ultcuuy mixcu.
j axa| (n) squirrel. Jaxat dafa gaaw. Z
suittcl is vcty uic/.
j axa| u (n) bitter tomatoes. Dumay
lekka iaxatu. I uon'r cur lirrct
j e e ba a ru (n) spied.
j e e ba a ruk a | (n) spy.
j eebal u (n) put oneself under a spirl.
Jeebalu leen ci yaala. Civc yout scl/
uj ro Cou.
j e e ba ru (n) spy.
j eeg (n) young woman, lady. Yow
ieeg nga. You utc u luuy.
j eeg (va) to be be unable to make a
sacre, at tobaski. Maalik dafa ieeg.
Aulic/ yus unullc ro mu/c u
sucti/icc ur rolus/i.
j eeki (v) to relax, sit in one place, be
still. Mungee ieeki ci piliiaan. Ic is
tcluxinc on rhc hummoc/.
j eex (va) to be finish, exhaust, be
ready. Leeka yi ieex neu. Thc /oou
is /inishcu.
Jebal e (v) to handover a wife.
Dmba leu ko ieebale iaberam. Iis
yi/c yus hunucu ovct ro him
j egi (v) to walk, step over, foot
print, pace. iegi na pax bi. Ic
srcjjcu ovct rhc holc.
j eku (va) to be be in a better
position, accomplish a task, be well-
off. Saawaay leegi dafa ieku. Thc
cuy is ycll-uj noy.
- 18 -
j e m Wollof-English
j e m (va) to be try, make an effort.
Mungee iem ndanka ndanka. Ic is
rtyinc ctuuuully.
j er i (v) to cool off(sth especially d,
cool off (something espe, liquid
food). Ataayakat bange ieeri ataaya
bi. Thc uruyu mun is coolinc rhc
j ege (va) to be near, be close, its
about time. Jege ma, suma xol. Ec
closc ro mc my hcutr.
j e ge r (va) to be be close, its about
time, be near. Moto bi dafa ko iege
torop. Thc cut is vcty ncut ro him.
j eg (adi) already. Ligeey na be
iegal. I huvc yot/cu ultcuuy.
j el a (n) crossed eyed. Dafa am bot
yu iela. Shc hus ctosscu cycs.
j reer (op) a shaft of light comming
through a crack. Ndax yangee gis
iener bi. Ztc you sccinc rhc shu/r
o/ lichr comminc rhtouch shu/r.
j r j f (n) thanks, thank you. Woxal
ma ko irif. Tcll him rhun/ you
/ot mc.
j (n) forehead. Laaalal ieyam bi, dafa
tanga. Touch his /otchcuu, ir is hor.
j f (n) a dead, an act. Lii if gu bon
la. This is u luu ucr.
j f l ar| e (n) reciprocal relationship.
Nit i deu war di iflante. Thc
jcojlc shoulu lc tccijtocul
j kr | j kar (n) husband. Suma ikar
rek laa nob. I lovc only my huslunu.
j kka (va) to be be first. Moo ikka
eksi. Ic yus rhc /itsr ro uttivc.
j l (v) to take. Jl na ko. Ic roo/ ir.
j l i (v) to go and collect. Xale yi laa
ieli woon. I ycnr ro collocr rhc
j l ka| (n) a thief. ndekeet yow, ilkat
nga. Cn rhc yholc you utc u rhic/.
j l si (v) to come and take. Jlsi si na
reeram bi. Ic cumc ro ru/c his
j mba | (v) to transplant, plant.
ungi wara imbat iuroomi garab.
Thcy shoulu jlunr /ivc rtccs.
j mma | j o mma (n) commanding
appearance, status, presence, height.
Danga wara xalaat sa imma gi.
You shoulu rhin/ o/ yout srurus.
j r (n) fish. Am u dut lekka in.
Thctc utc somc jcojlc yho uon'r
cur /ish.
j rda (v) to to buy. Jnda na linia
soxla yep. Ic louchr ull rhc rhincs
rhur I nccu.
j rga (v) to tie an asnimal's two legs,
to tie. Dinaa ko inga bubax. I yill
ric ir ycll.
j rgu (v) to brace a problem, risk,
give up. Dinaa ingu ma def ko. I
yill tis/ ir unu uo ir.
j r i r (n) importance. Loolu amaluma
ieri. Ir nor imjotrunr ro mc.
j i (da) the, sow, sown, (proximity).
Jigeen ii eksi na. Thc yomun hus
j i b (v) to happen, make a sound, echo.
Sa baat bangee iib. You voicc is
j i ba (n) pocket. awal ko naan iiba.
Scy ryo joc/crs /ot him.
j i g (va) to be to benefit, be lucky.
anga iigut la. To lc /ictcc uocsn'r
lcnc/ir you.
j i ger (n) woman. Goor yee oppa
iigen i. Thc mcn utc motc rhun
rhc yomcn.
j i i (dem) this. Waa iii ku noppi la.
This cuy is u uicr jctson.
j i i (v) to decend, climb down,
eiaculate, decline.
j i i r (v) to accuse someone of somethg.
Deu ko iiis sacca. Thcy uccuscu
him o/ srculinc.
j i i | (n) scorpion. Bu la iiit maatee,
beneen yoon dinga sol daala. I/ u
scotjion lircs you, you yill jur on
shocs ncxr rimc.
j i i | al (n) underwear. Dama iiital. I
huvc un unuctycut on.
j i i | al (v) to put infront, choose a
leader. Man leu iiital. Thcy chosc
mc ro lc rhc lcuuct.
j i i | (v) to take charge, to direct, to
govern, to lead. Doo iiit waat ci
iaaka ii. You yill nor lcuu rhc
jtuyct ucuin.
j i i | u (v) to proceed, to go ahead, to
arise. Jiitu u, dineu ow ci
kanam. co uhcuu o/ us, yc yill
comc lurct.
j i kko (n) habit, character. Bugguma
sa iikka ii. I uon'r li/c yout hulir.
j i re (n) iinn, spirit. eena i gom
neu ci iinn. Somc jcojlc lclic/ in
j i rj ar (n) ginger beer, gingerale. Gei
neoo dafar giniar. Uc huvc lonccu
ro mu/c cincct lcct.
j i rkoo (v) to doze, slumber. Jinkoo
genaa neex nelew. To uozc is nicct
rhun ro slccj.
j i rkoo (vn) slumbering, dozing.
j i s (n) name of a fish. Soo demee
marse, nga iendal ma iis. I/ you co
ro rhc mut/cr, you luy mc u /ish.
j i wu (n) seed.
j g (v) to arise, get up. Jog leen fecca.
You ccr uj unu uuncc.
j gge e (v) to come from. Baddibu
laa iogge. I cumc /tom Euuuilu.
j oggi (v) to move one's foot about, to
stamp. Baaiil linga ioggi so tanko
bi. Sroj hoy you utc srumjinc you
/oor ulour.
Jol of (n) village in Senegal. Moom
waa iolof la. Ic is cirizcn o/ Jolo/.
Jol of - j ol of (n) wolof, tribe in
Senegal. Am na iolof-iolof yu nekka
ci rew mi. Thctc utc somc yolo/ in
rhc counrty.
j ol u (v) to drink from the a bottle.
Yow, danga taama iolu. You utc
uscu ro utin/inc /tom u lorrlc.
j ol u (int) how much, how many, see
j om (n) self esteen, self honour. Nit
dafa wara am iom. u jctson shoulu
lc scl/ honoutcu.
j oml u (va) to be be allergic, be
ashamed of. Lii dama loo iamlu. I
um ushumcu o/ rhis.
j o mmi (va) to be be bewitched, be
under a spell. Jommi naa te gisuma
iine(expression) I um unuct u sjcll
unu huvcn'r scc u jinn.
j orga (v) to circumcise. Nguur gi
dafa bugga geenee ionga iigeen. Thc
covctnmcnr yunrs ro ctuuicurc
/cmulc citcumcisc.
j ork or (n) squat.
j ork or (v) to squat. Munuma
ionkon. I cunnor suur.
j ooga r e (n) hump. Ak sa ioogere bu
rey bi. Uirh yout lic humj.
j ook a (v) to knuckle. Dama rexa ci
iooka. I huvc u sjtuin in my un/lc.
J ool a a (n) Jola tribe, payer,
paymaster. Joolaa yi Kaasamaas
leu iogge. Thc Jolus utc
oticinurcu /tom Cussumuncc.
j ooma l (v) to to frighten, hook wink.
Munuloo maa ioomal. You cunnor
/tichrcn mc.
j o o w (v) to to backbite, to gossip.
Joow laa genaa ba ci suma aaduna.
cossijinc rhc yotsr rhinc I hurc in
my li/c.
j oowa r (n) shout at someone.
j oo (v) to to cry. Amuloo looy iooy.
You huvc norhinc ro cty ulour.
j o| (n) reach.
- 19 -
Wollof-English j o|
j o| (v) to to get, ro receive,
opportunity, have time. Jot naa
bataaxel bi. I tcccivcu rhc mcssucc.
j o| al i (v) to heard over, pass on to
someone. Jotali ma daba bi. Iunu
rhc hoc ovct ro mc.
j o| ee (va) to be inconflict with
someoe. ungi iotee aari weer ci
ganaaw. Thcy yctc in con/licr ryo
monrhs uco.
j ox (v) to to give, to hand. Jox ma
iiwu kania yi. civc mc rhc C/tu
j oxe (v) to to give to, to hand to. Ci
marse bi leu doon ioxee ndawal
mi. Thcy yctc civinc our rhc mcur
ur rhc mut/cr.
j ox or (v) to to point. Loo maay
ioxoee. Uhy utc you joinrinc ur
j ub (va) to be be straight. Dafa wara
iub. Ir shoulu lc srtuichr.
j ub (n) straighten.
j uba (n) at the tip, at the opex.. Dafz
eeg be ci iuba gi. Ic climlcu ro rhc
j ubadi (va) to be be in straight
forward. Yow nit ku iubadi nga.
You utc nor u srtuichr /otyutu
j ubal (n) straighten.
j ubal (v) to go straight, to straighten..
Bul laaxa fen, iubal rek. Io nor rutn
unyyhctc, jusr co srtuichr.
j ubl u (va) to be opposite, face, head
for. Bitiki bangi iublu ak essenseer
bi. Thc shoj is ojjosirc yirh rhc
Cus srurion.
j uboo (va) to be be in harmonious
j udoo (va) to be be born at. Mangi
iuddog ci kow gi. I yus lotn in rhc
j udu (v) to be born. Borka demba la
iudda. Ic yus lotn uuy lc/otc
j ul a (n) trader, person's name.
Papaam iula la ci marse bi. Ict
/urhct is u rtuuct in rhc mut/cr.
j ul i (n) pray. Woxtu iuli iot, iogleen
iuli. Ir is rimc /ot jtuyct, you rjl)
ccr uj unu jtuy.
j ul i | (n) a muslim. Du iulit, gurmet
la. Shc is nor u muslim, shc is u
j uma a (int) which, who.
j uma a (n) mosque. Jumaa ii sampa
neu bemu pare. Thc mosuc is
luilr unu irs /inishcu.
j u mb a x (n) navel, belly button. Dafa
am iumbax iu rey. Ic hus u lic
lclly lurron.
j umbuj (n) swollen eyelid. Dafa
iumbui. Ic hus u syollcn cycliu.
j ur (n) a thousand. Mangi wara il
iun derem. I shoulu ru/c rhousunu
j uj - j uj (n) large drum, (tom-tom)
especially used by AFricans beaten
with hands,. Teggal iun-iun yi. Ecur
rhc rom-roms.
j ur (n) cattle. Waa iu am iur la. Ic
hus muny currlc.
j ur (v) to deliver, give birth, create.
Xar bi iur na aari doom. Thc shccj
uclivctcu ryo lumls.
j u r o m (n) five. Tey la am iuromi
fan. I huvc /ivc uuys rouuy.
j u u m (v) to make a mistake,
mistaken. Juum naa ci woxtaan gi. I
muuc u misru/c in rhc uiscussion.
j u u m (va) to be be mistaken. Deu
ko iuum. Uc huvc misru/cn him.
j uu| al (v) to upside down, cause to
bend. Yangee iuutal ter bi. You
utc rutninc rhc loo/ ujsiuc uoyn.
j uu| u (v) to bend down with butt up,
upside down, over bend. Kayit gi
iuutu na. Thc jujct is ujsiuc uoyn.
j uuw | j uw (v) to to mislead. Bul
iuuw xale bi. Io nor mislcuu rhc
j uux (va) to be a fluke, stop by, be
unfrequent. Dafa fi iuux tey. Ic
srojjcu ly hctc rouuy.
ka (postp) to.
ka (adv) habitual, marker, progressive
ka (dem) the, Remote. Nit ka ibi na.
Thc jcojlc hus conc homc.
k a a ba (n) holy place in Mecca, man's
name, holy mosque in mecca.
Kaaba bangi Mecca. Thc /uulu is in
kaacci r i (n) whip, whipcord. Abel
ma sa kacciri bi. Ioun mc yout
kaaci (n) lie, Tell a lie with out fear..
Kaaci nga. You licu.
kaaci ka| (n) liar. Kaacikat bu mag
la. Ic is u lic liut.
kaadar (n) frame. Dama bugga
kaadar suma nataal bi. I yunr ro
/tumc my jicrutc.
k a a du (n) speech, saying, word. Wox
nga fi kaadu yu baax. You'vc
uclivctcu u vcty coou sjccch.
kaaf (n) cage. Caku bangi ci kaaf gi.
Thc jutor is in rhc cucc.
kaal a (n) scarf, turbin. Amuma kaala
bu rafet pur iuli. I uon'r huvc u nicc
scut/ /ot jtuyinc.
kaami i l (n) the holy Quran. Janga na
kaamiil bi be ieexal ko. I sruuicu rhc
Ioly Cutun unu /inishcu ir.
kaami i r (va) to be be complete. Wox
ii u wara kaamiir la. Ir is u
uiscussion rhur shoulu lc
k a a ra (n) a dislitted palm wine,
Locally made with sugar.. Biia
gena foor kaana. Cin is srtoncct
rhun rhc uislirrcu julm-yinc.
kaas (n) moisten.
k a ba a (n) sour sap(local), wild vine
fruit plant. Kabaa iuus am na ci
bink yi. Sout suj utin/ is uvuilullc
in rhc shijs.
k a ba a b (n) temple. Suma kabaab
baay meeti. Ay rcmjlc is hutrinc
k a bba r (v) to begin a muslim prayer.
Kabbar na. Ic hus srutrcu his
kabi re| (n) bed room. Ken duy
dugga ci suma kabinet bi. Ao louy
cnrcts my lcutoom.
kaccar i (v) to beat, lash. Yaayam
moo ko kaccari. Ict mom lcurs hct.
k a c c o- k a c c o (n) weaver bird.
Kacca-kacco ye dee lekka duggub
yi suu ore. Thc ycuvct litus cur
rhc millcr yhcn rhcy utc tijc.
k a c c o- k a c c o (va) to be be
loquacious. Yow kacco-kacco nga.
You rul/ ulor.
k a dda (n) a tree, Fruits fed the cattle
(Acacia). Deu wara ii taati kadda
yu bari pur nag yi. Uc shoulu jlunr
muny Zcuciu tccs /ot rhc coys.
k a dda (va) to be be stiff, be rigid. Lii
dafa kadda. This is sri//.
kaf (n) a ioke, kidding. Danga kaf.
You utc /iuuinc.
kaf (v) to ioke, kid. eena i munuu
kaf. Somc jcojlc cunnor jo/c.
kaf e (n) coffee. Kafe rek la dee naan.
Ic usuully utin/s only co/cc.
kaf ka| (n) a ioker. Kii dafa bugga
nekka kafkat. Thc jctson yunrs ro
lc u jo/ct.
k a g g u (n) library, book
case(enclosed). Deu defaraat kaggu
gi. Uc utc tcnovurinc rhc liltuty.
kaj a (v) to cut down, to steal. Dafa
doon kaia xaalis bi u tye ko. Ic
- 20 -
k a j u Wollof-English
yus srculinc rhc moncy, rhcy cuuchr
kaj u (va) to be be in a corner. Mungi
nobbu ci kaiu gi. Shc is hiuinc in
rhc cotnct.
kak (inten) very. Loolu dgr na kak.
Thur rhinc is vcty srtonc.
kak (n) sound made by a breaking-.
Mbanxaasbi doon daamu damu
dama deega kak bi. Uhcn rhc
ltunch yus /ullnc I hcutu rhc
ltcu/inc sounu.
kal (n) a hole(in a ship), inter-tribal
relationship. Seereer ak pol kal
leu. Sctccts unu /ulus huvc inrct-
rtilul tclurionshij.
kal (v) to prevent, block, defend.
Dama kal yoon bi. I lloc/cu rhc
k a l a a me (v) to file a complaint.
Dineu ko kalaame ci polis bi. Uc
yill /ilc u comjluinr ur rhc jolicc.
kal aas (n) class. Xale yangee woy ci
kalaas bi. Thc chilutcn utc sincinc
in rhc cluss.
kal aase (v) to to class, to rate. Neu
ko kalaase ci yu bon yi. Icr us tucc
ir rhc luu oncs.
kal aa| e (v) to be wrecked, a deal
/affair been spoiled. Mbir mi kalaate
na. Thc ucul is sjoilcu.
kal - kal i (va) to be be loose. Munge
kal-kali ndig rus. Shc is shu/inc
lccuusc o/ rhc shumc.
kal ki l (v) to calculate. Meer bangee
kalkil limu wara def tey yep. Thc
olu yomun is culculurinc yhur shc
shoulu uo rouuy.
kal l e (va) to be be stocked, blocked.
mangi kalle bunta bi ak xeer. I
lloc/cu rhc uoot yirh u sronc.
kal l er| aar (inten) a little, a tiny bit.
Mey ma tuuti kaalentaan. Civc mc u
riny lir.
kal pe (n) purse, a purse, wallet. Sa
kalpe bi la tafu. Ic jic/joc/crcu
yout yullcr.
k a ma (n) toilet. Dama dem ci kama
bi Shc ycnr or rhc roilcr.
k a ma j (v) to put out, extinguish,
switch off. Deu kamai lampa yi.
Thcy syirchcu o// rhc lichrs.
k a mb a (n) hollow, hole in the
ground, pit, a ditch. Jaan ci kamba
la dee nekka. Z snu/c is usuully in u
k a mba a di | c h (n) hollow, hole in
the groung. Jaan si kambe la dee
nekka. Z snu/c is usuuly in u uirch.
k a mi s ool (n) robe, women's iacket.
Kamisool la awlu. Shc muuc u
k a mp (n) the two cows farmers use
for plowing. Du beykat yi yep a am
kamp. Aor ull rhc /utmcts huvc
k a r? (int) who, whom. Nga kan la?
You suiu is yho?
k a ra a r a (n) duck, goose. Kanaara
yoombura tooga. Iuc/ is nor cusily
k a r a m (prep) face, infront, front,
later. Dina ko seeti ci kanam. I yill
visir hct lurct.
k a ra s u (va) to be crazy. Yow danga
kanasu. You utc ctuzy.
k a r d a a ma (n) gourd. Jamkati snga
yi kandaama leu dee eager. Thc
julm yinc rujjcts climl yirh
karj a (n) okra. Nama neu supa
kania. Uc misscu o/tu souj.
k a rk ur a j (n) mandinka masquerade.
emeuma kankuran. I um scutcu
o/ munuin/u musuctuucs.
k a r (inten) when. ka la gan yi di
egsi. Uhcn yill rhc cucsr uttivc?
k a ra (n) rat, Guinea-pig. Lii kaa la.
This is u tur.
k a ra a r (va) to be be iealous. Kaaan
baaxut. Jculousy is luu.
kar - kar i (v) to tremble. Dafa liw moo
tax muy kari-kari. Shc is colu rhurs
yhy shc is shu/inc.
kar raa| (n) pad lock. Ken munuta
ubi karnaat bi. Ao onc cun ojcn rhc
juu loc/.
kar re (n) note book. Dafa reeral
karne magam bi. Ic losr his
ltorhct's norc loo/.
kar o (n) tiles. Karo yu raet la def ci
negam bi. Shc jurs vcty nicc rilcs
in hct housc.
kar o| (n) carrot.
kar | o (n) playing cards. Moo gae
karte bi. Ic yon rhc cutu cumc.
kasaar a (v) to destroy, spoil.
kasaar a (va) to be be spilled beyond
repair, go in vain. alelam gi dem na
ci kasaara. Iis jtojctry ycnr in
k a s a g (n) songs, Circumcision camp
songs. Niuli yangee kasag. Thc
citcumcizcu jcojlc utc sincinc
kasi l oor (n) A light cooking pan
with a handle.. Ci kasiloor bi la
dom tooga pepe-sup. Shc yus
coo/inc jcjjct soujs in rhc lichr
k a s o (n) prison. Suu kaso bangi ci
yooni baniul bi. Cut jtison is on rhc
Eunjul hich yuy.
k a s o (v) to to iail, to prison. Deu ko
wara kaso. Ic shoulu lc jtisoncu.
k a s u (n) cashew. Su meeni kasu taxe
ci sa yee, du geena. I/ cushcy suj
sruins on yout clorhcs, ir yill nor
comc our.
ka| a (v) to have a sexual intercoure,
effort, move, transfer. Kii laa soxla
kata. I nccu ro huvc scxuul
inrctcoutsc yirh rhc jctson.
ka| aa (va) to be be evil, be
troublesome. Danga bari kataa. You
utc vcty rtoullc somc.
ka| aa (n) trouble, misfortune.
ka| ol i k (n) Catholic, protestant,
Christain. Kii katolik la. This
jctson is u Curholic.
ka| | ar (n) power, strength. Amuina
kattan put ekati ko. I uon'r huvc
urhc srtcncrh ro li/r ir.
k a w| k o w (prep) on top. Mangi ko teg
ci kow. I jluccu ir on roj.
k a wa r | k a wa s (n) hair. Kawar dafa
wara set. Iuit shoulu lc clcun.
k a wa s (n) socks, stockings. Sa kawas
yangee xee. Yout soc/s utc
kawdi i r (n) pot, Cooking. Soxla neu
aari kawdiir pur xew bi. Uc nccu
ryo coo/inc jors /ot rhc /cusr.
kaaj (va) to be be lanky. Niool bu
kayan la. Ic is u lun/y rull jctson.
kai | (n) sheet.
kai | | ki | (n) paper. Kayit yi baax
la owee. Ir cumc yirh coou jujcts.
kai | l oo| ki | l oo (v) to make fun
of, be little. Dafa la soon kayitloo ci
kanams nit i. Ic yus lc lirrlinc
you in rhc jtcscncc o/ rhc jcojlc.
k e e k u (v) to to cackle, make a shrill.
Su ganaar nenee, daf de keeku. I/
rhc hcn luys ccc, ir cuc/lcs.
k e e m (n) burnt rice at the bottom of
the cookig pots. Keem bangi ci
sugeer bi. Thc lutnr ticc is ur rhc
lorrom o/ rhc coo/inc jor.
keepar (n) shade. Mungee noppaleku
ci keepar bi. Shc is tcsrinc in rhc
kees (n) box, chest, money box, safe.
Saacakat yee tocc kesi xaalis bi.
Thc rhicvcs lto/c rhc su/c.
k e re | e re (va) to be give whole
heartedly, wish for. Lu baax rek laa
- 21 -
Wollof-English kel
la keene. I yish only coou rhincs /ot
kel (n) a tree, That produces very
hard wood.. Lii taati kel la. This is u
hutu yoou jtouucct rtcc.
k e m- k a | | a r (va) to be the most one
can do. Mangee iem suma keem-
kattan. I um rtyinc rhc mosr I cun
k e r (n) no one, nobody. Ken seetsi
wut ma. Ao onc cumc ro visir mc.
k e re e r (n) next person. Na keneen
ow. Icr rhc ncxr jctson comc.
k e ppa (v) to pin, a vice grip, pegs.
Bunta bee keepa malaanam bi. Thc
uoot ctijjcu hct shutinc.
k e ppa (n) anyone. Keepa ku fa now,
dinga gu yu barl. unyonc yho comcs
rhctc, you yill scc muny rhincs.
k e p p u (n) clothes pin, pegs. Lii
keepu la. This is u clorhcs jcc.
ker (n) shade. Fii am na ker. This
jlucc hus u shuuc.
ker i r (n) charcoal. Keri dafa iafee
am ci Gambia bi. Chutcoul is hutu
ro ccr in rhc Cumliu.
k e r og| k e r a g (n) that day. Kerog
dimbale woon naa leen. Thur uuy I
hcljcu yourjl).
ker sa (n) respect, self control, be
discreet, regard. Moom dafa am
kersa torop. Shc hus roo much scl/
ke| ardi (n) steamed meat & fish,
salted & dried meat. Ktandil ma
ndawal bi. Srcum rhc mcur /ot mc.
k e w (va) to be calm, be still a white
clay. Moom dafa kew. Ic is culm.
k e we l (n) deer. Kewel du top doom ia
bola. Z ucct yill nor jumj unu rhc
o//sjtinc ctuyl.
kex- kexi (v) to laugh, Expression.
Mungee kex-kexi. Ic is luuchinc.
kl | kal e (dem) that person. Kale di
fecca Xadi la maa nuru. Thur jctson
uuncinc loo/s li/c Iuuuy.
kcc (inten) very(solid). Daag bangi
ne kcc ci miir bi. Thc nuil is vcty
soliu in rhc yull.
k c c a x (n) fish, Smoked fish split
into pieces.. Kccax dafa bari yax.
Sjlirrcu smo/cu /ish hus muny
kl l (inten) be very full. Suur naa
kll. I um vcty /ull.
kl l a (n) a small iar, A container
made from wood in the form of a
calabash.. Defal ma meew mi ci
kella bi. Iur rhc mil/ in rhc smull
jut /ot mc.
k m x (v) to punch with the fist.
Dafa ko kmx ci kanam. Ic
junchcu him yirh rhc /isr on rhc
k m x (n) fist. Kmxal sa loxo bi.
Au/c u /isr.
k ru (v) to cannon, collide. aari
moto yee keu. Thc cuts colliucu.
k ru (n) cannon. Ku yu niekka
yangi fii. Thc olu cunnos utc hctc.
kj (inten) very. Sa takka bi dgr na
kn. Yout /nor is vcty srtonc.
kr (n) compound, residence.
Dekkuma ci kr. I uon'r livc in u
ks (v) to search around for food,
scavenge. Ganaar yangee kes. Thc
chic/cn utc scuvcncinc.
ki (da) the. Nit ki laay laite. I um
u/inc ulour rhc jctson.
ki i (v) to send.
ki i (dem) this person. Kii ku sokor la.
This jctson is /ictcc.
ki l i f a (n) elderly person, leader, head
of family, dignitary. Kii mooy suu
kilifa dekka bi. This jctson is out
villucc cluct.
ki l i aar (n) client. ii sunu kiliyaan
yi teu. Thcsc jcojlc utc out clicnr.
ki l (n) kilogram. Jaay ma etti kilo
yaapa. Scll mc rhtcc /ilos o/ mcur.
ki r i - geej (n) seagull. Mus naa gis
kiri-geei. I huvc oncc sccn u
ki si - ki si (v) to search, investigate,
find out. Gaayangi ci kisi-kisi gi.
Thc cuys utc on rhc invcsricurion.
k o (v) to say, said.
k o (adv) like, as.
k o (coni) that.
k o (ex) of course, certainly,
(emphasizes prededing) wo.
k o (op) him/her/it, 3rd person
singular. Wox naa ko ko. I rolu him.
k oddi wa a r (n) Ivory Coast. Kodi-
waar dekki ag la. Ivoty Cousr is u
cousrcu counrty.
kf (v) to snatch. Dafa kof mbuuram
bi. Ic snurchcu rhc ltcuu.
kof al (n) buttocks. Dafa am kofal gu
rey. Shc hus liu lurroc/s.
kof - kof f i (v) to tremble, shiver, (from
the cold). Xoolal ni muy kof-kofee.
Scc hoy shc is rtcmllinc.
k oj om| u (v) to eat, play eating,
(about every minute). Kii ku bugga
koiom tu. This jctson li/cs ro cur
ulour ulyuys.
k o k u mb e r (n) cucumber. Kokumber
lay lekka. Ir is curinc cucumlct.
kol (n) glue, evostic. Jox ma kol gi.
Civc mc rhc cluc.
kol i - kol i | ko| or - ko| o (v) to try, make
effort, (slowly, gradually). Mungee
koti-koti di ut ligeey. Ic is rtyinc ro
loo/ /ot u jol.
kol l r (n) alliance, greatfulness. Nit
dafa wara am kollr. u jctson
shoulu huvc ulliuncc.
kol ooj (v) to delude, mislead,
decieve. Dafa kolloi boopam. Ic
mislcuucu himscl/.
k o m (adi) such as, like. Def naa la
kom suma doom. I ru/c you us my
k o mk a (coni) because, as long as.
Komka doo roose iiw yi, kon buleen
degaat. Zs lonc us you yill nor
yurct rhc jlunrs uon'r srcj on rhcm.
k o m- k o m (n) economy. Yena rew
yi seen kom-kom daanu na. Somc
counrty's cconomy hus /ullcn.
k o mp i r (n) company, club, society.
Mangee legeey ci kompini uy
walenteeru. I yot/ /ot rhc volunrcct
k or (adv) then, therefore. Kon-boog
yaa ko wara def. Thctc/otc, you uo
ir rhcn.
k or (n) so.
k o r s u m l (n) constable. Konsumbl
kaan aate xeexkat yi. Consrullc
comc scjuturc rhc /ichrcts.
k or| a a r (va) to be be content, be
happy. Kontaan na torop ci ligeen
gi. Ic is vcty hujjy yirh rhc jol.
kor| aar (v) to disgreed to counter.
Kontaar neu linga def. Uc
counrctcu yhur you'vc uonc.
k or| e (n) a surname.
k or| e (v) to count. Mungi doon konte
xaalis ci biti. Ic yus counrinc
moncy our siuc.
k or| i re (v) to continue. Kontine leen
seen woxtaan gi. Conrinuc youtrjl)
k or| uwa a r (n) counter. Tek ko ci
kontuwaar bi. Iur ir on rhc counrct.
k or (n) street, corner. Naako bi soriut
ko bi. Thc cutucn is nor /ut /tom
rhc cotnct.
k ore (va) to be impede, hinder,
(one's progress). Dafa ma doon
ieema kan. shc yus rtyinc ro
imjcuc my succcss.
- 22 -
k o j Wollof-English
k oj (n) catfish. Kon dafa wara set
balaa nga koo tooga. Cur/ish shoulu
lc clcut lc/otc you coo/ ir.
k ooc a | k ooc a x (v) to play love,
fondle. Deu doon koocaxante ci
neeg bi. Thcy yctc jluyinc lovc ro
cuch orhct in rhc housc.
k o o g (n) calabash, -a spoon like, a
small dipper. Koog la dee naanee
ruy. Ic usuully utin/s juj yirh u
k o o k u (dem) that person. Kooku
niiaayam la. Thur jctson is hct
k ool a (n) belly, pot-belly. Dama
waani suma koola bi. I yunr ro
tcuucc my jor-lclly.
k ori (n) fruit. Kooni ci taati tiir la
dee ioggee. This /tuir comcs /tom u
julm rtcc.
k opi r (n) Turkey. Lii yaapi koopin
la. This is rut/cy mcur.
k oor (v) to fast. ep koor neu be mu
ds yew. Fvcty louy /usrcu cxccjr
k oo (n) penis, testicles,
pecker(slang), balls(slang). Laamba
na kooy am bi. Ic rouchcu his
kopar a| i i f (n) cooperative,
(organisation). Koparatiif a dee
ienda gerte dekka bi. Coojcturivc
luys rhc jcunurs in rhc villuccs.
kopa| i (v) to make a hole. Kopati naa
mbubba bi. I cur rhc utcss.
k p p a (va) to be be capsized, be
turned over. Gaali in ye koppa ien
yi. Thc /ishinc rtuycts rutncu ovct
rhc /ishcs.
k oppa r i rda wa l (n) shopping
money/fish money.
kor i | e (n) fast month, (muslim feast
at the end of the fasting period).
Weeri korite be paase na. Thc /cusr
monrh is ovct.
kor | e (v) to castle, spell, (a spell).
Korte leu ko saani. Z sjcll is
cusrcu on him.
kos| i i m (n) suit. Dafa aw lu
kostiim. Ic muuc u suir.
ko| (adv) alone. Moom kot laa fa
fekka. I mcr him rhctc ulonc.
k o w| k a w (prep) up, on top of, top.
Bool yangi ci kow almoor bi. Thc
loyls utc on roj o/ rhc cujloutu.
kul (int) who. Ku fa wara dem? Uho
shoulu co rhctc?
k ube e r (n) cover, stopper, cork. Jox
ma kubeer bi. Civc mc rhc covct.
k udda l (n) erection, (penis). Du dee
muna kuddal. Ic cunnor ctccr.
k u d d u (n) spoon. Kuddu yi ci krr gi
yep reer neu. Zll rhc sjoons in rhc
comjounu utc losr.
k uddu l uus (n) big dipper, serving
spoon. Kuddu luus leu dee yekkee.
Uc usc rhc sctvinc sjoon ro uishour
k uk (inten) very, (black). Piis bu uul
kuk la sol. Shc is ycutinc u vcty
lluc/ /ultic.
k ul oor (n) colour. Taanal ma kuloor
bi iak. Iic/ u jtcscnrullc colout /ot
k u ma a s e (v) to begin, start,
commace. Deu kumaase goop
ellk. Uc yill lccin ro hutvcsr
k u mp a (adi) inquisitive, curious.
k u mp a (va) to be mystery, secret,
curiosity. Kumpa moo koy reeg.
Cutiosiry yill /ill him.
k u mp o (n) masquerade, Jola culture.
Joolaa yi reka xam ni u takkee
kumpo. Cnly rhc jolus /noy hoy ro
utcss rhcit musuutuuc.
k u- re k k a (adi) everyone, everybody.
Nit ku-nekka war ngaa am xel.
Fvctyonc shoulu lc scnsillc.
k upe (n) football. Xale yu goor kupe
ii neu. Thc younc loys ycnr ro
jluy /oorlull.
kur aj (n) electricity, current. A muu
kuran. Uc uon'r huvc clccrticiry.
k ur us (n) beads, sapilet, (prayer
bead). Mungee wirdee kurus sam bi.
Ic is counrinc his jtuycts yirh
k us (n) buttocks. Kus bu em la amee.
Shc hus sizcullc lurroc/s.
k us (ex) to drive, (away chicken),
sound (for driving chicken away).
Sooy daaxa ganaar kus nga wara
wah. I/ you utivinc rhc chic/cn
uyuy you shoulu suy "/us".
k uur (n) pestle. Kuur yii deu diis.
Thcsc josrlcs utc hcuvy.
k uus (n) dwarf, piginy, ( a short
person). Dafa gaata kom kuus. Shc
is shotr li/c u uyut/.
k u (int) who is. Kuuy laite suma
boos. Uho is us/inc /ot my loss.
k u (n) cow, sheep, (a male). Mungee
iaay kuyam yi. Ic is scllinc his
mulc coys.
l /f (n) thing. Deloo nga lf bi. Iiu
you tcrutn rhc rhinc.
l a (postp) at, from, through, by.
l a (n) he, it/she/you, 3rd person obiect
emnphasis(sing)/2nd person
O.Pronoun. Rakkaam la oo - He
called his brother. Au jox lu /o -
Icr mc civc ir ro you.
l aa (n) sheath, side.
l aa (oe) I am. Serekunda laa dekka. I
livc ur Sctc/unuu.
l aa (v) to place, believe, take sides,
trust, put, accuse, lie down, sing,
stake, spend, settle, tell, display, set,
l aab (v) to wash, clean, anus(to clean
oneself after using the toilet). Ndax
laab nga xale bi. Iiu you clcun rhc
l aabe (n) father, priest. Laabe bangee
aare ci iangu bi. Thc jticsr is
jtcuchinc in rhc chutch.
l aabi i r (adi) generous. Kii ku laabiir
la. This jctson is u ccnctous
l a a bu (va) to be wipe, wash, clean,
Clear oneself/another after using the
toilet.. Ku dem kema wara laabu. I/
unyonc cocs ro rhc roilcr you shoulu
clcun uj.
l aaf (n) wing. Dafa sax ay laaf. Ir
ctcys somc yincs.
l a a go (n) handicap, disable. Dimbale
leen laago yi, sungeen leen giseeh.
Iclj rhc hunuicujs i/ you scc rhcm.
l aaj (n) garlic. Bul faate def laai ci cu
bi. Ion'r /otccr ro jur cutlic in rhc
l aaj (v) to to ask. Laai ma, ma wax la.
us/ mc, lcr mc rcll you.
l aaj | e (v) to to ask, question, (for).
Maa la doon laite. I yus us/inc /ot
l aaka (v) to speak, language. Ban
laaka nga deega? Uhich luncuucc
uo you sjcu/?
l aakaka| (n) foreigner, speaker.
Laakakat yi sakkan neu fii torop.
Thc /otcicncts huvc inctcuscu hctc
l aal (v) to touch, have sex, (sexual
intercourse). Laal ko. Touch ir.
l aal i (v) to remove, clear, Bedspread,
carpet, mat, the dinning table etc..
Laali naa darab bi. Shc hus tcmovcu
rhc lcusjtcuu.
l aal o (n) sap, powder(baobab leaf).
Mbaa laalo nga cr bi. Iojc you
huvc uuucu luolul suj ro rhc
l a a ma r s e e s (n) cake, Locally make
cake, sold around the market and in
- 23 -
Wollof-English l a a mb a
shops.. Jendalaalel ma laamarsees.
Ey rhc locul cu/c /ot mc ulonc.
l a a mba (n) wrestling, (contest). Ellek
la laamba bi. Tomottoy is rhc
l a a mba (v) to touch, feel,
beat(slang). Laambal suma yaram
bi. Iccl my louy.
l a a mba a | u (v) to grope. Mangi don
lambaatu lampa bi. I yus jtojjinc
/ot rhc syirch.
l a a me r (n) tongue. Dafa am leeme.
Ic hus u lic mourh.
l a a rga (v) to confront, flatter.
Wuiaama ko doon faangal. Ict co-
yi/c yus con/tonrinc hct.
l aaj a (v) to be open, (expression).
Yangi ne laana. You utc /ully
l aaj a- l aj ar al (v) to to open,
(widely). Mungi laana-laanaral
bunti neeg bi. Shc hus ojcncu rhc
uoot /ully.
l aapa (va) to be skinny, thin, loose
weight. Leegi dafa laapa. Aoy shc is
l aax (n) porridge, dish made for
cereal. Laax leu dee reeree. Uc
huvc jottiucc /ot uinnct usuully.
l aaxa (v) to curve, to hide, take a
turn, to conceal. Soo demee bi ci
kanam, nga laaxa. I/ you co srtuichr
you rutn.
l aai (n) dew. Laayi be baara na torop
demba ci guddi. Thc ucy cumc vcty
much uoyn lusr nichr.
l ab| l ap (v) to drown, In an ocean,
sea, river, pool, etc.. Lab ci geei
dafa meeti. ro lc utoyncu in un
occun is juin/ul.
l af ar (n) handicap. Kii lafa la. Ic is
u hunuicuj.
l aj a (v) to impede, immobile, kick
with tie-heel, on one's progress.
Laia worsaki iambur amut niri.
To imjcuc on onc's luc/ ot jtoctcss
hus no lcnc/ir.
l akka (v) to burn. Puusal safara bi
balaa muu lakka. Iush rhc /itc
lc/otc hc ccrs lutncu.
l akkal (va) to be bother, disturb,
someone, to disturb someone..
Yangi maa lakkal. You utc
lorhctinc mc.
l akka- l akka (n) burn. Lii lakka-lakka
la woon. This yus u lutn.
l al (n) bed. Teddal ci lal bi. Iic on rhc
l al (v) to spread, prepare, a bedsheet,
mat or carpet.. Lal leen seen lal bi.
Itcjutc youtrjl) lcu.
l al e (dem) that thing. Lale du paaka.
Thur rhincs is nor u /ni/c.
l a m (n) bracelet, bangle. Abal naa ko
suma lam gi. I lottoycu hct my
l a ma a r (n) land owner. Kan mooy
lamaan bi? Uho is rhc lunuoynct?
l a mba (adi) unwanted. aw bii dafa
lamba. This srylc is our uurcu.
l a mpa (n) electricity, lampa.
Taalleen lampa yi. Iur rhc lichrs on.
l ar (int) what. Lii lan la? This is
l a rga (v) to dangle, hang. Sa belta
bangi langa. Yout lclr is huncinc.
l argal (n) locket. Soxal naa langel
pur chain. I nccu u loc/cr /ot rhc
l arka (va) to be refuse. Dama ko
yooni, mu lanka. I scnr him, hc
l arar (va) to be opened. Bunta bangi
ne laar. Thc uoot is yiuc ojcn.
l aj (n) question.
l as (n) crooked legs. ak sa tanka yu
las gi. Uirh yout ctoo/cu lccs.
l as (va) to be abundant, be plenty.
Tos bangi fu ne las. Thc /ctrilizct is
ulunuunr hctc.
l a w (adi) very.
l a w (v) to spread, Especially with
crawling plants a disease.. Gegeer
dafa dee law. Finc yotm usuully
l a wbe (n) woodworker, carver.
Moom lawbe la dafe dee eta. Ic is
u yoouyot/ct hc usuully cutvcs.
l ax (va) to be be wrinkle. Yarami
maaget dafa dee lox. Zn olu
yomun's louy ccrs ytin/lcu.
l axaar ci | l axaari (va) to be search
for, look for. Benna alelam ladoon
laxaari. Shc yus scutchinc /ot onc
o/ his jtojctrics.
l axal (n) hangover. Dafa eewoo laxal.
Ic yot/ uj yirh u huncovct.
l axas (v) to roll, warp. ndax laxas
ngeen mbuuru yi balaa noo wow.
Iiu yourjl) ytuj rhc ltcuus lc/otc
ir utics.
l a (n) sift. mangee lay suuf si. I um
si/rinc rhc sunu.
l au| l aukaa (n) sieve. Lii
layukaay la. This is u sicvc.
l eb (v) to borrow, lend. Dafa leb
xaalis. Ic lottoycu him moncy.
l eber (n) hippopotamus. Leber yaa
dee yaaxa maalo mi ci faro yi. Thc
hijjojorumus ucsrtoys rhc ticc in
rhc /iclu.
l ebu (n) tribe, One of the indigenious
wolof tribes. Deeguu wolof lebu. I
cun'r sjcu/ lclu yolo/.
l ebu- l ar| aj (va) to be be in trouble,
Be in a big difficulty. Yef yi lebu-
lantan na. rhc rhinc is in u rtoullc.
l eeb (n) story. Leeb dafa dee faate li
nit lu bari. Z sroty tcminus u jctson
o/ muny rhincs.
l eel (va) to be bald head, bald headed.
Deega naa am na garabi leel. I
hcutu rhctc is un oil /ot lulu huit.
l eel i (v) to flay. Leeli naa yaapa bi. I
/luycu rhc mcur.
l eemi (v) to unfold. Leemi leen paase
bi. In/olu rhc itoninc.
l eer (opt) you, imperative, them, 2nd
& 3rd person plural obiect
pronoun., Imperative marker plural.
Wox leen ma laapatoo. Yourull) rul/
lcr mc rtunslurc.
l eer (va) to be be straight, light. Biti
bangi leer. Cursiuc is ltichr.
l eer aa (n) brightness. Leeraay baa
ko saanal. Thc ltichrncss uisrutlcu
l eer al (va) to be prim, clarify. War
nga leeral wah ii. You shoulu mu/c
rhc uiscussion clcut.
l e e r a rdu (v) to follow, wait,
Someone for money.. Mungi laa
leerandi. Ic is /olloyinc you.
l ees (n) length o f fabric. Lees be
dafa gaata. rhc lcncrh is shotr.
l ee| ar (n) letter. Jox ko leeter yi. civc
him rhc lcrrcts.
l eeal (v) to feed, A baby especially
with a spoon.. Liir bi la doon leeyal.
Shc yus /ccuinc rhc luly.
l eb (v) to tell a story. suu maam
dafa u daan leebal. Cut ctunny
uscu ro rcll us srotics.
l egi (adv) now. Legi u noppaleku.
Aoy lcr us tcsr.
l ekka (n) eat. Leeka lu baax la ci
yaram. Ioou is coou /ot rhc louy.
l ekke| (n) calabash, A deep bowl type
calabash. Raxasal maalo bi ci
lekket bi. Uush rhc ticc in rhc
l el (v) to please. Jeegal ma lel. Fxcusc
mc jlcusc.
l e m (v) to fold, (clothes, chairs etc).
Bul lem yere yi. Ion'r /olu rhc
- 24 -
l e m Wollof-English
l e m (n) honey. Riibal lem bi ci
mbuuru mi. Sjtcuu rhc honcy in rhc
l e mp o (n) tax. feyuu lempo ren
agum. Thcy huvc nor ycr juycu rux.
l e rra (n) something. Lenna leu gis,
lu rafet. Uc suy somcrhinc yhich is
l eru (oe) we, they. Foot leu wara def
ellk. Uc shoulu uo luunuty
l e ppa (n) anything, everything.
Leppa lungeen wah dinaa ko deega.
Znyrhinc you suy I yill hcut ir.
l er u (v) to walk, along the side of the
road/walk on the end of the road..
Dafa de leru swy dox. Ic ru/cs rhc
cucc yhcn yul/inc.
l es (v) to sharpen, peel. Dama bugga
les sorans bi. I yunr ro jccl rhc
l e w (adv) very, honesty, An honest
warning.. Alel bi dafa ko lew. Ic
cor rhis jtojctry in honcsry.
l ewe| (va) to be be bland. Sorans be
lewet na. Thc otuncc is llunu.
l ex (n) check. Ci lex leu ko mbi.
Shi is slujjcu on rhc chcc/.
l | | a (v) to braid, plait. Dam bugga
nga leta ma. I yunr you ro ltuiu
my huit.
l f (n) vagina. Dama laal sa lf bi. I
yill nor rouch yout vucinu.
l g (n) hare. Lg leu uti ci aala bi.
Thcy ycnr ro loo/ /ot u hutc in rhc
l j (va) to be entangle. Buum bi li
na. Thc tojc is cnrunclcu.
l j al (v) to to entangle. Moo lial wo
gi. Shc cnrunclcu rhc rhtcuu.
l j u (va) to be entangled, Be in the
state of being entangled.. Mane liu
na. I suiu irs cnrunclcu.
l j um (n) vegetables. Lekka dafa
wara bari lium. /oou shoulu huvc
muny vccics.
l l (n) circumcision. Xale yu goor yi
dugga ll. Thc loys huvc lccn ro
citcumsion cumj.
l r d m (n) darkness, dark, obscure.
Fii dafa lndm. This jlucc is uut/.
l rga (v) to hug. Lnga ko. Iuc hct.
l rxa (adv) truely, really. Soona naa
lnxa. I um tcully ritcu.
l wal (n) ataya, First round of the
ataya. Dumay naan lawal ndig dafa
wax. I uon'r utin/ rhc /itsr sctvinc
lccuusc irs lirrct.
l i (da) the. Ndaal li amut ndox. Thc
jut uocsn'r huvc yurct.
l i ci r (n) eagle. Baaxo dafa doon
naaw be daieek licin u xeex. Ctoy
yus /lyinc unu mcr yirh cuclc rhcy
l i gee (n) work, proffession. Jangale
mooy ligeey am. Tcuchinc is his
l i geeka| (n) worker. Man
ligeeykaati aala bi laa. I um u /otcsr
l i ge (v) to work. Ci dex gi lay
ligeey. Ic yot/s ur rhc jtovinccs.
l i i (v) to thresh, squeeze, shave, trim.
l i i (dem) this, thing. Lii yaa ko moom.
rhis rhinc is yout oyn.
l i i bar (n) 1/2 kilo, pound, 500 grams.
Peesel ma pompiteer ab liibar.
Ucich u jounu o/ jorurocs /ot mc.
l i i r (n) line, Also line for drying
clothes.. Weeral yr yi ci lii bi.
Iunc rhc clorhcs on rhc linc.
l i i r (n) baby, infant. Liir bi eewu na.
Thc luly is uyu/c.
l i i | ar (n) litre. War naa di naan ab
liitari meew bes-bu-nekka. I shoulu
lc utin/inc u lirtc o/ mil/ cvctyuuy.
l i m (v) to count, list, name. Lim neu
tur yi yep. Uc huvc counrcu ull rhc
l i moj (n) lime. Limon lu baax la ci
soc. Iimc is vcty coou /ot common
l i muura a | (n) soda, soft drink.
Limunaat lay naan. Ic utin/s souu.
l i rgeer (n) Prince. Suma niiaay
gelewaar la. Ay unclc is u Itincc.
l i rger (n) princess. Jigen iale
linger la. rhur yomun is u jtinccss.
l i sl aar (n) Islam. Lisaam dafa tere
niaalo. Islum /otlius uuulrcty.
l i w (v) to cold, feel cold. Tey dama
liw torop. Touuy I um /cclinc vcty
l og (v) to keep, In the mouth. Mungi
log minti bi. Ic is /ccjinc rhc
cunuy in his mourh.
l oj | e (n) solicit.
l okar bi (v) to lake out, To take away
from. Mangi ko lokarbi ci pukusam
bi. I lu/cu ir uyuy /tom his srotc.
l oma s (n) to wrap. Lomas naa booli
maalo pur bumu sedda. I ytujcu rhc
ticc loyl so rhur ir yon'r lc colu.
l o mo s u wa a (n) wrapper. Dindil
lomosuwaay bi. Fcmovc rhc
l ork a (n) hook, hang, Put someone in
trouble.. Lonka ko fa. Ioo/ ir rhctc.
l oo (v) to stand, stop, height, contest.
l oo (n) firewood.
l oo (int) what(you). Loo fi ii. Uhur
uiu you jlunr hctc.
l ooc o (n) canoe. Looco lay iaalee. I
um ctossinc rhc tivct yirh u cunoc.
l ool (inten) very. Dmba tangoon na
lool. Ycsrctuuy yus vcty hor.
l ool u (dem) that thing, that, (thing).
Loolu suma afeer. Thur is my
l oos (n) nape. Bul bos suma loos bi.
Io nor jtcss my nujc.
l oo| a (v) to stood.
l oo| a (va) to be tired. Ligeey naa be
loota. I yot/cu unril I um ritcu.
l ope| (n) kick, (on the buttocks).
Bayileen di lopetante. Yourjl) sroj
/ic/inc cuch orhct on rhc lurr.
l opi | aar (n) hospital. Keepa ku
feebar war naa dem lopitaan. Zny
louy yho is sic/ shoulu co ro rhc
l or (v) to disappoint, ieopardize. Lor
nga ma. You uisujjoinrcu mc.
l or e (n) ieopardy, something that
cause disappointment. Sangara bu
oppa dafa lore. roo much o/ ulcohol
jur you inro jcojutuy.
l or u (n) be disappointed, ieopardized.
Dafa loru ci woxam ii. Ic is lcinc
jcojutuizcu /ot his sjccch.
l ox (v) to tremble, shiver. Dafa tiit
moo tax muy lox. Ic is /tichrcncu
rhur is yhy hc is rtcmllinc.
l oxa| i (v) to pull out. Ci biir almoor
bi la ko loxati. Ic jullcu ir our o/
rhc cujloutu.
l u (n) dumb, mute. Dafa lu. shc is
l u? (int) what(is), that which. Lu
xew? Uhur hujjcncu?
l uc e k u (va) to be unravell. Wo bi
dafa luceku. Thc /nirrinc is
l uci (v) to grimmace, unthread,
unlog, Using the lips.. Bul luci sa
tu bi. Io nor ctimmucc yout lijs.
l u mp a (v) to eat, Put all the food in
the mouth at once.. Lumpa na
mbiskit bi. Ic hus jur ull rhc /oou
in his mourh ur oncc.
l u- rekka (n) everything. Lu-nekka la
def pur faiu. Ic uiu cvctyrhinc /ot
l ure| (n) eye glasses. Sa lunet yi rafet
neu. Yout cycclusscs utc lcuuri/ul.
- 25 -
Wollof-English l urk a
l urk a (va) to be be crooked, be bend.
l uppa (n) thigh. Luppa bu-nekka
bena kilo la. Fuch rhich is onc
l u| ax? (int) why. Lutax gasuloo
kama bi. Uhy uiun'r you uic rhc
l uubu| l uugu (va) to be rude, be
unruly. Janxa bii dafa luubu torop.
rhis citl is vcty tuuc.
l uux- l uuxi (v) to wriggle. Saac
bangeh luux-luuxi. Thc luc is
l u (int) what is?, Contraction of. Luy
mangee tukki ci angale? Uhur is
munccc ru//i in Fnclish?
ma a (se) I, 1st person singular. Maa
la mey mbubba yi. I cuvc you rhc
ma a (v) to touch, stir, copulate,
behave, wishful.
ma a b (v) to braid, plait. Moo soxlaan
maab ci boppam bi. Shc nccucu
ltuiu in hct hcuu.
ma a b a (v) to collapse, cave, (into).
su tawee bubax, neeg yu bare dee
maaba. Uhcn ir tuins so muny
houscs collujscu.
ma a d a (n) sour sap, Usually said in
Senegal.. Maada bu oree ci
ndeyam a dee neex. sout suj tijc
/tom irs rtcc is usuully syccr.
ma a f e (ex) peanut stew. Maafe leu
aee tey. Uc huu jcunur srcy /ot
lunch rouuy.
ma a g a (n) important, grow. Garab
yangee maaga. Thc rtccs utc
ma a ga l (n) celebrate, grace, An
occasion. Mungee maagal besi
iudoom gi. Shc is clclturinc hct
ma a ge | (va) to be old, elderly person.
Suma maam dafa maaget leegi. AY
ctunu/urhct is olu noy.
ma a l (n) drake, boot. Defleen bagaas
yi ci maal bi. Iur rhc luccuccs in
rhc loorh.
ma a l e e k u ms a l a a m (ex) peace on to
you, Arabic word meaning
"welcome". Mane! maallekum
salaam. I tcsjonucu/ jcucc tcrutn
ro you roo.
ma a l e e k u ms a l a a m (n) greeting,
peace return to you.
ma a l o (n) rice. Dumay lekka maalo
guddi. I uon'r cur ticc ur nichr.
ma a m (n) grand parent. Maamam
dina ko setsi weer bu di ow. Ict
ctunumurhct yill visir hct rhc
comminc monrh.
ma a r d a r g a (n) sign. Soo ma
oytuwut dina la iox mandarga. I/
you uon'r minu mc I yill civc you u
ma a r g i (n) mangroves. Gei gu
nekka an maangi. Fvcty tivct hus u
ma a j (se) I am. Maay xaritam ben a
bakin. I um hct lcsr /ticnu.
ma a s (v) to sleeve. Bul ma defal
maas yu gaata. Io nor jur shotr
slccvcs /ot mc.
ma a s a (adi) sorry. Wax ko maasa.
Tcll him sotty.
ma a s a l o o (va) to be level, be
levelled. Dine u maasaloo ta bi.
Thcy yill lcvcl rhc /tonr yutu.
ma a s e (n) age groups, equal. un
oo maase. Uc utc ucc ctoujs.
ma a s - gu- da j (va) to be be in a tie,
draw, nil, statemate. Kupe bi ci
maas-gu-dan la muie. Thc /oorlull
lusrcu in u utuy.
ma a | a (n) sting.
ma a x a a ma (n) status.
ma a (va) to be disappear. Legi laa
ko gis mu maay. I suy ir noy ir
ma c e (n) matches. Jelal macc bi nga
taal safara bi. Tu/c rhc murchcs unu
lichr rhc /itc.
ma g (adi) old, elder. Mooy mag ci
kr gi. Shc is rhc cluct in rhc
ma g (v) to to grow. Taati garab
yangee mag. Thc rtccs utc ctoyinc.
ma g g e | (n) old woman.
ma k k a (n) Mecca. Makka dekka bu
yiiw la. Acccu is u Ioly jlucc.
mal aa| ar (n) mulatto. Malaatar yu
iigeen denu dee rafet. Thc muluuru
yomcn utc lcuuri/ul.
ma l l a m| mo r a a m (n) wrapper,
sarong, A garment used to wrap
around the waist.. Jigeen dafa war
di oodu malaan loola lislaam
santaane. Z yomun shoulu ulyuys
ric u sutonc rhurs yhur Islum
ma r (isp) I. Man waa dekka bi laa. I
um u cirizcn o/ rhc counrty.
ma r d i (va) to be drunk. Yangi naan
sangara be maandi. You utin/
ulcohol unril you cor utun/.
ma r d u (n) man's name.
ma r d u (va) to be self respect, be
trained, polite. Ndaw soosu dafa
mandu. Thur yomun is ycll rtuincu.
ma [ re (cp) I say. Mane tooy nga. I
suiu you utc u /ool.
ma r g i (spn) I am. Mangi ionkou ci
ron taabul bi. I'm suurrcu unuct rhc
ma r g o r o (n) mango. bill duy lekka
mango. Eill uocsn'r cur muncocs.
ma r i i wu (n) semen, sperm. Goor ag
iigeen yep a am maniyu. Eorh mcn
unu yomcn hus sjctm.
ma r k e (n) shortage.
ma r k e (va) to be remain, to lack.
Goor gi dafa manke deret. Thc mun
luc/ss lloou.
ma rk e ra a k a (n) shortage.
ma r k o o (n) united, shortage,
agreement, scarcity, mangrove.
Deu mankoo pur xeex ma. Thc
unircu ro /ichr mc.
ma r| a a s (n) drum. Alkali nanguwut
pur u tegga mantaas bi. Thc hcuu
o/ rhc villucc uocsn'r ulloy us ro
lcur rhc utum.
ma r o (n) manure. Danga wara ut
mao pur tos sa naako bi. You
shoulu /inumunutc ro /ctrilizc yout
ma r (v) to to lick. Bul mar sa baaram
yi. Io nor lic/ yout /inccts.
ma r (va) to be be thursty. Mey ko
ndox dafa mar. Civc hct yurct shc
is rhitsry.
mar aaj (n) wall. Pentuural maraai bi.
Iuinr rhc yull.
mar al (n) drought. Maral dugga na
ci reew mi. Thctc is u utouchr in
Thc Cumliu.
ma r a x (n) dusk, twilight, after
sunset. Bul dee dox ci marax. uo nor
yul/ ur uus/.
ma r i re e r (n) blouse, A wolof
blouse.. Marieer la dee farala sol ci
beck. Shc mosrly jurs on u llousc
in rhc u/rctnoon.
ma r k e (n) score. Ci kupe bu muie bi
Gambiya aar la marke. Cumliu
scotcu ryo couls ur rhc lusr /oorlull.
ma r l u (v) to mark. Nangeen marke
seen tur yi sungeen para lekka.
Aut/ yout numcs yhcn you /inish
ma r ma r a a r (n) worm, That feeds on
human hair.. Fog naa ne dama am
marmaraan. I rhin/ I huvc yotms
/ccuinc on my huit.
- 26 -
ma r | o Wollof-English
ma r | o (v) to to hammer. Boppaam bi
la marto. Ic hummctcu his hcuu.
ma r | o (n) hammer. Lii marto la. This
is u hummct.
ma s (adi) sorry. Mas duma ko defeat.
Sotty I yon'r uo ir ucuin.
ma s (ex) expressing sorrow.
ma s i r (n) machine. Suu amoon
masin bay maalo kon ken du soona.
I/ yc huu u much. rhur hutvcsrs ticc
rhcn no onc yill su//ct
ma s o j (n) mason. Leegi mason deu
seer. Aoy rhc musons utc cxjcnsivc.
ma | (n) labour, To be in labour
pains(child birth).. Mat dafa meeti.
Iulout is juin/ul.
ma | a (n) sting, fire wood. Waanileen
togee matta. Fcuucc coo/inc yirh
ma| | a (n) bed bugs. Lal bi daf am
matta. Thc lcu hus lucs.
ma| | a (v) to bite. Xai be deey matta.
Thc uoc lircs.
ma | | u (va) to be bear(with pain).
Mattul nga def ko. Ecut unu uo ir.
ma x (n) termites. Max yangee lekaa
xanxa bi. Thc rctmilcs utc curinc
rhc yoou.
ma (v) to to give, let, allow, offer.
May u ndimbal. Civc us
ma e | me e (n) give away as gift,
iokes, gift. Dafa muna maye torop.
Ic cun ctcurc jo/cs vcty much.
ma o r e e s (n) mayoniese. Dudee
lekka mayonees. Ic uocsn'r cur
mb a a (n) I hope. Mbaa dinga koy
deega. I hojc you uo hcut him
mba a l (n) net. Mool bangee defaraat
mbaalam bi. Thc /ishctmun is
tcjuitinc his ncr.
mb a a m (n) pig, donkey,
pig(domestic). Toopal tanki mbaam
yi. /olloy rhc uon/cy's srcjs.
mb a a m- a a l a (n) bush pig. Mbaam
aala neexuta robba. Ir's nor cusy ro
hunr u lush jic.
mb a a m- s f (n) donkey. Danga dee
xalaat kom mbaam-sf. You rhin/
li/c u uon/cy.
mb a a p a (n) water lilly, A plate with
big leaves.. Xobi mbaapa xeiut vi
geeneeni mbote. Uurct lilly lcuvcs
uocsn'r /ir in u lumls
mba a r (n) shelter, canteen. fii mbaari
tegga la. Ictc is u lluc/ smirh
mb a a | u (n) small calabash. Mbbatu
xewatut vi taax gi. Iocul smull
uijjcts utc no motc /umous in rhc
utlun utcu.
mb a a x a (n) tripe. Mbaaxaam bi fees
na. Iis rtijc is /ull.
mb a g a (n) shoulder. Suma mbaga
yee tey. Ay shouluct utc ltouu.
mba l (adi) a naughty child, (holy
terror). Kii xale bu mbal la. This is
nuuchry chilu.
mbal i | (n) trash, waste basket, litter.
Saan ko ci mbalit mi. Thtoy ir in
rhc yusrc lus/cr.
mba l k a (n) trough, water tank,
gutter. Mbalka mi feesagut. Thc
yurct run/ is nor ycr /ull.
mb a l u (v) to mastubate. Waaiangee
mballu ci wonag gi. Thc cyuy is
musrulurinc in rhc lurhtoom.
mb a r (n) enemy. Xan naa ne suma
mba nga. I /noy rhur you utc my
mb a r (n) sheath. Deca ko ci mbar
mi. Kccj ir in rhc shcurh.
mba r | mba r a | e k o (v) to skid, to
slide. Mangi mbarateku be xawa
gaau. I sliuucu unril I yus ulmosr
mba r | mba r a | e k u (v) to to skid, to
mba r r (n) skid (lightly).
mb a s (v) to throw someone down,
inferior quality, to dodge. Dama ko
mbas. I uouccu him.
mb a x a r a (n) hat, cap. Mungi sol
mbaxana bu uul. Ic is ycutinc u
lluc/ hur.
mb a | mb e (n) harvest, cultivation.
Mbay ni leu yaakaar. Thcy lcuu
hojc on rhc /utminc.
mb e d d a (n) street, paved road, road,
path, Laundry water(it is the left
over and dirty water after laundry).
Buleen dee tuur polit ci mbedda. uo
nor jout luunuty yurct in rhc touu.
mbe j (v) to slap. Mbei ko. sluj hct.
mbi i f (n) big elephant ears. Sa noppa
yi ni mbiif. Yout cuts li/c clcjhunr
mbi l i b (n) whistle. Soonal ngeen ku
ak seen mbilib yi. You'vc uisrutlcu
us yirh yout yhisrlcs.
mb i r d a a r (n) maid, servant. Amuu
mbindaan be tey. Thcy srill uon'r
huvc u muiu.
mbi r (n) affair, business, matter.
Toootool say mbir te bayi ko. Ainu
yout lusincss unu lcuvc him.
mbi ski | (n) biscuit. Mbiskit yu saf
sukur yee yaaxa suma bo bi. Thc
syccr liscuirs sjoilcu my rccrh.
mb o k a (v) to butt, Someone's head.
Dafa ko mboka be mu xom. Ic
lurrcu his hcuu unril hc /uinrcu.
mb o k u (v) to hit, One's head on
something.. Dafa mboku ci miir mi.
shc hir rhc yull yirh hct hcuu.
mbol | i r (n) soot. Mboltin leu dee
niamee cii ak tu. Icojlc ruuroo
rhcit cum unu lijs yirh soor.
mb o r (adi) badness, wickedness.
Yalla sooput mbon. Cou uisli/cs
mb o r a a | (n) tortoise. Danga dee dox
kom mbonaat. You yul/ li/c u
mb o r k a r a (n) whale. Jisoon na
mbonkana yi uy tomba. I suy rhc
yhulcs /lourinc.
mb o o j a (n) one's personal affair. Bul
ebu ci suma mbooia. Io nor involvc
youtscl/ in my jctsonul u//uit.
mb o o k a (n) relative. Dama dee
yerem suma yeena mbooka yi. I
usuully simjurhizc yirh somc o/ my
mb o o l (v) to decob. Kaay dimbale u
mbool mbooxa. Comc hclj us
uccol cotn.
mb o o l o o (n) gathering, audience,
congregation, crowd. Mbooloo mi fi
teew ep yow leow dglu. Zll rhc
conctccurion jtcscnr hctc utc
lisrcninc ro you.
mb o | (n) cockroach. Garabi mboot
laa soxla. I nccu ctoc/touch
mb o o | a (n) frog. emauma
mboota. I um scuttcu o/ /tocs.
mb o o | a a (n) club, organisation.
Suu mbootaay mi daaw lenu ko
sos. Uc /otmcu out clul lusr ycut.
mb o o | u (n) a career, A piece of cloth
used for tying babies on the back..
Mbootu du seen aada. Z luly
cutcct is nor rhcit culrutc.
mb o o x a (n) corn. Mbooxa laa nama.
I miss curinc cotn.
mb o r (n) wrestler, a hard working
person can be call a "mbor".. Mbor
yu baax yi bayi neu bore. Thc
michry ytcsrlct hus srojjcu
- 27 -
Wollof-English mb o | a
mb o | a (v) to to crawl under. Mungee
mbota ci ron table bi. Ic is ctuylinc
unuctncurh rhc rullc.
mb o | e (n) lamb. Jenda na mbote pur
yar ko. I louchr u luml /ot u jcr.
mb u b b a (n) dress, shirt. Sa mbubba
bi ieeka. Yout utcss is clccunr.
mb u g g a l (n) bother, irritate. Bayil di
ko mbuggal. Sroj jtovo/inc him.
mb u g g e l (n) liking, love.
Mbuggel yombul. Iovinc is nor
m b u u m (n) dish, This dish is made
with edible leaves and served with
coos-coos.. Munuma tooga mbuum.
I cunnor coo/ rhis uish.
mb u u r u (n) bread. Bul di saani
mbuuru. uo nor rhtoy ltcuu uyuy.
mb u u s (n) plastic bag, container.
Defal yr yi ci mbuus mi. Iur rhc
clorhcs in rhc jlusric luc.
me e b (n) bait, to bait. Meeb na iean
bi ak saan. Ic luir rhc /ish yirh u
me e b (v) to handle, to bait, to carry,
With care/with two hands. Meebal
booli weer bi. Iunulc rhc cluss loyl
yirh cutc.
me e g o (n) butt, a stub, Cigarette
stub. Saani na meego bi. Ic rhtcy
rhc lurr.
me e r (n) sap. Su meeni ksau taxee ci
sa yere du deaat. Thc cushcy suj
sruins on yout clorhcs ir yill ncvct
me e r a (adi) usual, The same. Meena
mi laa gis. I suy rhc sumc rhinc.
me e r a (n) sprout. Xooxi mago bi
meea na. Thc munco rtcc hus
me e r (va) to be dizziness, Caused by
travelling. Munge neer. Ic is uizzy.
me e r (n) old woman, mum, mayor.
Kii meerla bul ko faale. This yomun
is olu uon'r minu hct.
me e s (va) to be skinny(slang). Xoolal
ni laamin meesee. Ioo/ ur hoy
s/inny Iumin is.
me e s e e s (n) flea. Fii dafa am
meesees. Ictc hus /lcus.
me e | a r (n) meter. etti meetar la
dog'. Ic hus cur rhtcc mcrtcs.
mee| i | (n) sorrow, pain. Meetit
miunaa gaawa tey nit. Sottoy cun
cusily /ill u jctson.
me d a (n) unslaughtered, to faint, be
in coma, Dead animal(an animal
slaughtered without performing
religious rights. Xar bi meda na.
Thc shccj is ucuu.
me r g o o (adi) alike, agree, unite,
similar. oom aar deu mengoo.
Eorh o/ rhcm utc uli/c.
me| i (adi) painful, sorrowful. Loolu
dafa meeti ci xol. Thur is sottoy/ul
in rhc hcutr.
mef r e (va) to be lack of front tooth.
Munuta xapati paski dafa mefre.
Shc cunnor ru/c u lirc lccuusc shc
luc/s u /tonr rccrh.
me k k a (va) to be state of being quiet.
Mustafaa dafa mekka rek moom.
Ausrujhu is jusr rhc uicr ryjc.
me l (v) to look like. Yangi mel ni
lingeer. You loo/ li/c u jtinccss.
me l a x (n) shine.
mel axal (n) lightening, thunder
lightening. Muung don melax torop
be muy taw. Ir yus lichrcninc vcty
much yhcn ir yus tuininc.
mel axal (v) to shine. Paaseh baa ko
melaxal. Thc itoninc muuc ir shinc.
me l e s (v) to disappear, go
suddenly(expressi. Dafa ne meles. Ir
suuuucnly uissujjcutcu.
me l o (va) to be behavior, likeness.
Melombi neexut ko. Ic uocsn'r li/c
his lchuviot.
me l o k a a r (n) sign, behavior,
indications, symtoms. Malokaan bi
dafma rer. I losr rhc inuicurions.
me r (va) to be sad, vexed, upset.
Tukki kat bi dafa mer. Thc rtuvcllct
is suu.
me e (n) offering.
m e c (n) profession, occupation.
Leeta mooy suma mece.
Iluirincltuiuinc is my jto/cssion.
mi (da) the. Ndoxmi dafa xesew xun.
Thc yurct hus u vcty luu smcll.
mi i (dem) this. Ndox mii setul. This
yurct is nor clcun.
mi i kar (n) quiet.
mi i r (va) to be accustomed to, be
used to, familiar wit. Xai bi daf ko
miin. Thc uoc is uscu ro him.
mi i r (n) dizziness. Miir baaxul.
Iizzincss is nor coou.
mi i r (va) to be dizzy. Faatu dafa doon
miir. Iuuru yus uizzy.
mi i s (va) to be used to, be familiar
with. Faatu ak ami deu miisante.
Iuuru unu umi utc uscu ro onc
mi ri s (n) carpenter. Minise bi moo
defar lal wi. rhc cutjcnrct muuc rhc
mi ri s| a (n) minister. Minista bii moo
yore wryuyaram. rhis minisrct is
tcsjonsillc /ot hculrh.
mi skar (va) to be calm, quiet, a
person who keeps a low profile.. Kii
moom miikar la. This is somclouy
mi ski i r (n) poor man. Miskiin
baangee yalwaan. Thc jootmun is
us/inc /ot chutiry.
mi s wi (n) lamb master. Deu soxla
miswi bi ci waa wi. Uc nccu rhc
luml tuisrct in rhc /irchcn.
mobi l e | (n) motor bike. Abdu dafa
inda mobilet. Zluu louchr u morot
mo c a (v) to suck. Mooca mintee
yaaxa suma bo yi. Aulchinc cunuy
sjoilcu my roorh.
moc a a | (v) to to suck bones. Dumaay
mocaat boppi in. I uon'r suc/ /ish
mo o (se) he she, it. Moo ko sampa lu
yaaga. Ic luilr ir u lonc rimc.
mo o (n) human being, showing
mo o k a (va) to be well
poundered/grinned. Wol ko be mu
mooka. Iounu ir unril ir is ycll
m o l (n) fisherman. Mool yi nappi
neu. Thc /ishctmun hus conc
mo o l u (v) to implicate, put a curse
on him. Soxlut ku ko moolu. Ic
uocsn'r yunr unylouy ro imjlicurc
m o o m (spn) him, it, her. Xanaa
moom du pare. Uon'r hc lc tcuuy.
m o o m (v) to possession, own. Moo
moom kr gi. Ic oyns rhc
mo o r (v) to Preparation of grain
flour into tiny balls.. Mungee moo
ruy bi. Ic is jtcjutinc rhc juj inro
mo o | a x (ex) that's why. Loolu
mootax mu am worsag. Thur is yhy
hc is luc/y.
mo p p a (v) to smother. Mbindaan
moppa na ko ak niegenaay bi. Thc
muiu smorhctcu him yirh rhc
m r g (adi) round. Mangee sampa
neeg bu morog. I um luiluinc u
tounu housc.
mo r o m (n) age group. Amut fi
morom. Ic uocsn'r huvc un ucc
ctouj hctc.
- 28 -
m o s Wollof-English
mo s (v) to to taste. Mos na ko, Mune
dafa xormbet. Ic rusrcu ir unu suiu
ir is rusrclcss.
mo | o (n) vehicle. Amuu moto bi
oo yoobu. Uc uon'r huvc u vchiclc
rhur yill ru/c us.
mo x o r (v) to to crumble. Moxoal
ko mbuuru mi. Ctumllc rhc ltcuu
/ot hct.
mo (v) to hear, go suddenly,
understand, sneak(expression).
mo (va) to be miss, be bent. Xeer bi
daf komoy. Thc sronc misscu him.
mo a l (v) to tilt. Bul moyal satoogu
bi baraa ngaa daanu. Ion'r rilr yout
chuit lc/otc you /ull.
mo | u (n) more carefully.
mo | u (va) to be avoid, be careful.
Moytul sa xarit yu bon yi. Ec
cutc/ul o/ yout luu /ticnus.
mu (av) to is, are.
mu (cp) he, it, she. Wox ko mu aw
ko. Tcll hct ro scy ir.
mu c c a (va) to be to survive, be save,
be freed. Mucca na ci aksidan bi. Ic
sutvivcu rhc ucciucnr.
muj (n) end, last. Kaf bi du mui. Thc
jo/c yill nor lusr.
muj e (n) end, the last, be last. Yaa
muie eksi. You yctc rhc lusr onc ro
muj e l (n) the end of, be the last.
Moo u muieltel. Ic yus rhc lusr
onc ro join us.
muj i (n) the end of, last. Yoonam bu
muie bi la ko indi. Ic ltouchr ir on
his lusr rtij.
mu k (adv) never. Dufa eeg muk. Ic
yill ncvct climl rhc rtcc.
mu k u s (adi) be quiet. Dumay oolu
nit ku mukus. I uon'r rtusr uicr
mu r (adv) be able. Su ko munut du
ko def. I/ hc yon'r ullc ro uo ir, hc
yon'r uo ir.
mu r (va) to be defeat, be better than.
Dafa muna lekka bu baari. Ic cun
cur ulor.
mu r g i he, it, she. Mungi beg xaw ma
lu xew. Ic is cluu I uon'r /noy yhur
mu r - mu r (n) ability, caprbility.
Xamna sa mun-muni legeen bi. Ic
/noys yout cujuliliry on rhc jol.
mu r (va) to be be patient, persevere.
Soo muee yalla dina la mey loo
bugga. I/ you utc juricnr Cou yill
civc you yhur you yunr.
mu s (adv) ever. Mus ngaa tukki.
Iuvc you cvct rtuvcllcu.
mus a l (n) save from trouble, etc.
mus a l (v) to save. Yallaa ma musalci
lab. Cou suvcu mc /tom utoyinc.
mus a l k a | (n) savior. Man yallay
suma musalkat. Ac, Cou is my
mu s o r (n) head tie, head dress.
Miinuma di musoor suma boppa bi.
I um nor uscu ro ryinc my hcuu yirh
u hcuu ric.
mus | a a s (n) whiskers. Dinaa wat
suma mustaas yi. I yill shuvc my
mu s u wa a r (n) serviette,
handkerchief. Mungi andu ci
musuwaar bi. Shc llcy hct nosc
yirh rhc hunu/ctchic/.
mu| (adi) be sufficient, be enough.
Mdox bi mut na. Thc yurct is
mu| al i (v) to complete, finish. Mutali
neu ndaie bi. Uc huvc /inishcu rhc
mu | u - mu | u (n) tiny insect, Invisible
biting insects. Saxaar rekamuna
daaxa mutu-mutu. Cnly smo/c cun
ccr tiuc o/ rhcsc rinny insccrs.
m u u m u (n) dumb, mute. Kii muumu
la. Ic is u uuml jctson.
mu u r (v) to cover. Muural ko aam
bi. Covct his lunch /ot him.
muur i l (v) to to uncover. Muuril bool
bi ma seet li ci nekka. Incovct rhc
loyl lcr mc scc yhur's in rhctc.
mu u r u (v) to to cover(oneself).
Muuru na ndigte dafa seeda. Ic
covctcu himscl/ lccuusc irs colu.
mu u s (ex) word for calling a cat.
mu u s (n) a cat. Daaxa leen muus yi
ci biti. Yourjl) utivc rhc curs
mu u s (va) to be wise. Nuru na ku
wara muus de. Ic loo/s li/c
somconc yho shoulu lc yisc.
mu u s a l (v) to steam. Mbaa muusal
ngamaalo bi. Iojc you huvc
srcumcu rhc ticc.
mu u s e (v) to cheat, fool, take
advantage, decieve. Daf ma doon
paree muuse. Shc yus ulour ro /ool
mu u | (v) to eat (powder). Doo bayi
muut suguf meew. You lcrrct sroj
curinc rhc joyuct mil/.
muu| i (n) anus.
mu u | - mu u | i (va) to be restless.
Yangee muut-muuti ci kow toogu
bi. You utc tcsrlcss on rhc chuit.
mu x a (v) to fall on one's face,
Especially on sand.. Daanu be muxa
suuf. Ic /cll on his /ucc on rhc
mux a | (n) fool, This term is used for
insulting people.. Xamut dara
muxat la. Ic /noys norhinc hc is u
ra (opt) let him, let her, let it. Na sa
iabar ow. Icr yout yi/c comc.
ra (postp) see"la".
raaf (v) to pile (in the large piles.
Naaf leen yr yi. Yourjl) jilc rhc
ra a g (n) enclosure. Mungi deca
mbaamyi ci naag bale. Ic /cjr rhc
jics in rhur cnclosutc.
raaj (n) sun. Naai bi tangoon na
demba. Thc sun yus hor ycsrctuuy.
raaj e (va) to be sunny, late in the
afternoon. Dama naaie legeey si tey.
I cumc ro yot/ lurc rouuy.
ra a j o (n) pumpkin, squash. Xooxi
naaio la bugga ii. I yunr ro jlunr
jumj/in sccus.
r a a k a | mb u r u (n) pounded mould
grain. Naaka leu ioxee ci ngente li.
Iounucu ctuin yus civcn ur rhc
numinc cctcmony.
r a a m (ex) yes, here I am, response to
a call. Ku la o ngane naam. I/
unylouy culls you, suy ycs.
r a a ma (v) to miss someone, sherpen,
miss each other. Deu iuwaatloo ci
gaaraas bi. Thcy misscu cuch orhct
ur rhc cut jut/.
ra a r (v) to drink. Meyal xale bi mu
naan. Civc rhc chilu ro utin/.
ra a r (n) a drink(soft/hard). Jendal
ma naan buseeda. Euy mc u colu
ra a rga | e k u (v) to dart. Muus mi
nangateku na balaa muy dee. Thc
cur uutrcu uyuy lc/otc ir coulu ccr
r a a r - mb u u r u (n) pap, rice and
baobbab pa. Gei neoo tooga naan-
buuru torop. Ir's lccn u vcty lonc
rimc sincc yc coo/cu juj.
raar (n) Moor, Arabic decent. Naar
yu bari ci Gambia bi Muritani leu
iogee. Auny Aootis in rhc Cumliu
cumc /tom Aoutiruniu.
raa| (va) to be prosperity, be
prosperous. Yal na xala bi naat.
Auy rhc chilu lc jtosjctous.
- 29 -
Wollof-English ra a |
raa| (n) Guinea-fowl. Musuma mos
yaapi naat. I huvc ncvct rusrcu
Cuincu-/oyl mcur.
r a a w (v) to fly. Suma amoon mbagga
dinaa naaw. I/ I huu yincs, I yill
ra a x (va) to be abundant, be plenty.
Lekka yangi fi naax. Thc /oou is
ulunuunr hctc.
ra b (va) to be sensitive. Moom dafa
nab. Shc is scnsirivc.
ra c c a (v) to bleed. Sa norosi bangee
nacca. Yout scturch is llccuinc.
raf a (n) purse, wallet. Saaca neu
nafam bi. Iis yullcr is srolcn.
ra g (n) cow. Nag dafa seer leegi
torop. Coys utc vcty cxjcnsivc
ra g (coni) how about, and. ep
angee wox, yow nag? Fvctyonc is
sjcu/inc, hoy ulour you?
raj (v) to impede, hinder, One's
progression. Bul dee nai worsagi
iaambur. Io nor imjcuc on onc's
ra k a (int) what, how. Naka leu dee
woxee damal si angale? Ioy uo yc
suy "ucmul" in Fnclish.
ral (v) to squeeze. Mungee nal lemon
yi. Shc is succzinc rhc limc.
ral e (dem) there, that way. Bul iaaree
nale. Io nor juss rhur yuy.
r a ma (adi) slippery, immature.
r a ma (v) to cut, slip.
r a ma (va) to be miss. Mangi la nama
torop. I miss you vcty much.
r a mp a (v) to suckle. Liir bi
nampatut legi. Thc luly is nor
suc/linc noy.
ra mpa | a l (n) head, temple. Bul door
nampatalam bi balaa muy dee. uo
nor lcur his rcmjlc lc/otc hc uics.
r a r g a m (n) amount, so much.
Woxal ne nangam laa soxla. Suy
rhur, I nccu so much.
r a r g u (v) to agree, agreement.
Suugeen woxtaanee dingeen ko
nangu. I/ yourjl) uiscuss you yill
uctcc ro ir.
ra pa (v) to fish, catch. Waas la napa
bimu napiiee. Ic cuuchr rilijiu
yhcn hc ycnr /ishinc.
rar (va) to be ready to do something,
intend to, to lie. Nar nga yooleeku
de! You utc tcuuy ro sncu/ uyuy/
ra s (v) to thread. Ngella nasal ma
wo bi. Ilcusc rhtcuu rhc ncculc /ot
ra s a x (va) to be weak, unenergetic.
Kii dafa nasax. This jctson is un
ra| a (v) to measure, try in, wish, aim
for, plan for. Nata ko bu gaaw.
Acusutc hct uic/ly.
ra| aal (n) portrait, photograph,
picture. Won ma sa nataal yi. Shoy
mc yout jicrutcs.
r a w (va) to be respect, to raise,
esteen, For someone. Dafa ko naw.
Ic tcsjccr hct.
ra we | (n) rainy season. Nawet
bangee iege. Thc tuiny scuson is
r a we | a a r (n) any activity taking
place in the rainy season. Nawetaan
dafa de bari po torop. Fuiny scuson
is /ull o/ cumcs unu ucrivirics.
ra x (n) mulch.
ra x (va) to be fool, to kid, to tease, to
calm. Dafa la nax. Ic is /oolinc
raxar (n) sorrow, to be sad.
Bugguma nga am naxar. I uon'r
yunr you ro lc suu.
raxar i (va) to be unpleasant,
sorrowful, difficult, hard. Mu dafa
naxari. To lc juricnr is ui//iculr.
ra (va) to be stingy. Moom dafa nay.
Shc is srincy.
rda a | rda a l (n) water container.
Suma ndaal dafa dee seeda. Ay jut
is usuully colu.
r d a a ma (n) dwarf, short person,
species of cattle, short person, etc.,
under size. aari ndaama oo muna
anda. Tyo shotr jcojlc cun co
r d a b (n) bowl, container. Mangee
raxas ndab. I um clcuninc my
rda j e (n) gathering, audience,
meeting, crowd. Ndaie bi amoon na
solo lool. Thc mccrinc yus vcty
rda k a a r u (n) Dakar(Senegal). Ndax-
dekka nga ndakaaru lu yagga?.
Iuvc you livcu in Iu/ut u lonc
r d a m (n) victory, succeed. Lii dee
ndam la. This is u vicroty.
r d a m d e mu | (n) nil.
rda m di k u| (n) nil.
r d a r k a (adi) slowly, gradually.
Mangee fexe ndanka ndanka. I um
rtyinc sloyly sloyly.
r d a w (adi) be small. Ndawoon naa
bimaa ianga. I yus smull yhcn I yus
coinc ro school.
r d a w (n) representative, youth,
adlescence, virginity. Mungi nekka
ci ndawam. Shc is in hct yourh
r d a wa l (n) fish, meat, Already
bought and cooked. Jox ko
ndawalam bi u dem marse. Civc
hct, shojjinc moncy lcr us co ro rhc
rda w| a l (n) gift of money, Usually
give in ceremonies like
naming/wedding ceremonies etc..
Du may iel ndawtal bu ndaw. I uon'r
ru/c smull ci/rs.
rda x (coni) so that, in order to,
whether. Dimbale ma ndax ma dem.
Iclj mc so rhur I cun co.
r d e k k i | r d e e wo (n) breakfast.
Ndekki neu bu yaaga. Uc roo/ out
ltcu//usr u lonc rimc.
rde (n) mother. Bul dee saaga ndey
yi. Io nor insulr rhc morhcts.
rde j oor (n) right hand. Jox ma sa
ndeyioor bi. Civc mc yout tichr
r d r d a (n) drum, tom-tom. ungee
tgga ndnda yi. Thcy utc lcurinc
rhc rom-rom.
r d p p a (n) dance, exorcisin.
Xamuloo ndppa. You uon'r /noy
rd s | ba s a j (n) mat. Ci basan bi la
tedda. Shc luiu on rhc mur.
rdsi | (n) remains, reminant,
residue. Tuur neu ndesit yi. Thc
tcminunr utc joutcu.
rd s | a r (v) to sleep on the floor
with, mat/matress. Tey daal
ndstaan laay def. I um coinc ro
slccj on rhc /loot rouuy.
r d w r a l (n) gift, A gift gievn on
ramadan/koriteh and tobaski etc..
Gisaguma ndewnal bi. I huvcn'r
sccn rhc ci/r ycr.
rdi g (coni) because, because of. Du
ow ndig dana ko fi soxla. Ic yill
nor comc lccuusc I nccu him hctc.
rdi gga (n) waist. Natal ndiggan bi
ndigte dafa tuuti lool. Acusutc hct
yuisr lccuusc ir's vcty smull.
rdi gga l (n) authority. Deu ma iox
ndiggol pur ma dem. rhcy cuvc mc
uurhotiry ro co.
rdi g| al (n) command, prescription,
direction. Ndigtal ko ndax ma yooni
- 30 -
rdi g| e Wollof-English
ko. Iitccr him so rhur I cun scnu
rdi g| e (coni) because, because of. Du
la seetsi ndite yow baaxuloo. Shc
yill nor visir you lccuusc you utc
nor coou.
rdi mba l (n) help, aid, assistance.
Ndimbal laoo ut. Uc loo/inc /ot
rdi m [ f i i s (n) material, fabric.
Jenda na ndimo bu rafet. Ic louchr
u lcuuri/ul /ultic.
r d b i r (n) black bird. Ndobin bi
naaw na. Thc lluc/ litu hus /loyn.
r d o x (n) water. Rootal ko ndor mu
sangu. Icrch yurct /ot him, lcr him
r d o x e (adi) watery. Soos bi dafa
ndoxe. Thc suucc is yurcty.
r d u g g u (n) provisions. Nduggu bi ci
firii bi ieex na. Thc jtovisions in rhc
tc/ticcturot is /inishcu
r d u u ma a r (n) turtle. Nduumaar ci
ten la dee nekka. Z rutrlc is usuully
in u ycll.
re (em) emphasises words ending
with "n, '".
re (v) to that, say, said. Moo ma wox
ne dafa taayi. Shc rolu mc rhur shc
is ritcu.
reef (v) to terminate, a child's
suckling period being terminated
due to early pregnancy.. Dafa nf
doomam bi. Shc rctminurcu hct
chilu's suc/linc jctiou.
re e g (n) house, lazy, building,
structure, room. Mungee bale suma
neg bi. shc is syccjinc my housc.
r e e me e k u (v) to recognize. Ndawsii
neemeekunaa kanamam. I tccocnizc
rhis yomun's /ucc.
re e r (n) empty. Saaku neen munuta
taxow. Fmjry luc cunnor srunu.
re e re (n) A baby. kati l ma neene
bi. Ii/r rhc luly /ot mc.
reer i (n) swell. Gaau bangee neer.
Thc younu is syclon.
re e x (va) to be sweet, be pleasant,
good, be nice. Lii neex na torop.
This is vcty syccr.
reexal (n) a reward. Soo ma leetee
dinaa iox neexal. I/ you ltuiu my
huit I yill civc you u tcyutu.
reexal (v) to bribe, flatter. Soo ko
neexalut du la iox ligeen bi. I/ you
uo nor ltilc hc yill nor civc you rhc
r e w (n) have little power, This
word can be use to express poverty..
Damay bugga di dimbale u neew
dooley. I li/c ro hclj rhc joot
re k k a (va) to be located. Mungi
nekka ci waa wi. Ir is locurcu ur
rhc /irchcn.
rel (v) to say. Nel dangaa noppaleku.
Suy you utc tcsrinc.
rel | rdel (v) to shave, Shave hair off
the head completely.. Ndel ko.
Shuvc him.
rel e| ral e (dem) there, that. Garap
gaagi nele. rhc rtcc is rhctc.
re l e w (v) to sleep. Xale bangee
nelew. Thc chilu is slccjinc.
rel u (va) to be being shave. Waaiii
dafa nelu. This mun hus shuvcu his
re r (n) egg, lay eggs. Pica mangee
nen. Thc litu is luyinc cccs.
re| al i (v) to narrate (a story). Damaa
netali cosaan. I um nutturinc
re| al i ka| (n) liar, narrator. Xalabii
netalikat la. This chilu is u liut.
re| e| u (n) locust bean, Biological
name is paloyabitlobosa.. Gangi duy
leka netetu. Thc cucsr uocsn'r cur
locusr lcuns.
r g (n) wait, to wait. Ng ma u
aanda. Uuir /ot mc lcrs co roccrhct.
r b | r b (v) to rot, rotten. Jn gi nob
na. Thc /ish is torrcn.
r wwi (adi) swollen, swell. Tankam
bi dafa nwwi. Iis /oor is syollcn.
rga (cp) you. Nga dem Serekunda
iendal ma daala. You co ro
Sctc/unuu luy mc u juit o/ shocs.
rga (cm) you. Jangal nga xaleyi
deemba? You rcuch rhc chilutcn
rga (oe) you. Fatou nga tudee sa
doom bi. You numcu yout chilu
u/rct Iurou.
r g a a r a (adi) have leprosy. Feebari
nggan dafa xew ci iamano. Iojtosy
is vcty common noy.
rga | (n) store.
rga | o (n) peanut cake. Jendal ma
ngato. Euy mc jcunur cu/c.
r g e e r (oe) you(pl). Baniul ngeen
iendee seen daala yi. You louchr
yout shocs /tom Eunjul.
r g e e r (cm) you(pl). Taka ngeen say
bi bu baax. You ricu rhc muttiucc
r g e e r (cp) you(pl). Ngeen toggal ma
maalo. You coo/ ticc /ot mc.
r g e e r b u (va) to be in diapers. Xale
bi ngeembu na. Thc chilu is in
rge l a a re (n) stormy.
r g e l a w| r g e l e w (n) wind, windy,
breezy. Bitibi dafa ngelaw torop. Irs
roo yinuy oursiuc.
r g e mb a (n) diapers, napkins.
Ngemba yi deu tilim. Thc nuj/ins
utc uitry.
rg r| (n) christening, naming.
Jigeen ungee dem ci ngt li. Thc
yomun is coinc ro rhc rhc numinc
r g ma r d e (v) to thank. Jotalil ma
kaaduk ngrmande ci mbooloomi.
Fxrcnu my rhun/s ro rhc ctoyu.
rgi i r oo| rj i i r oo (v) to scramble. Nit
nyangee niiiroo maalo. rhc jcojlc
utc sctumllinc /ot ticc.
rgi r (coni) because, because of.
Nawet bi baaxut ngir aaka ndox.
Thc tuiny scuson is nor coou
lccuusc o/ luc/ o/ tuin.
r g m (va) to be faith. Julit dafa wara
am ngom. u muslim shoulu huvc
r g o r (n) evening. Badou dina dem
Brikama ci ngoon. Euuou yill co ro
Eti/umu rhis cvcninc.
r g o r a (n) achievement, effort.
Jkarii defna ngoora. rhc huslunu
muuc un c//otr.
rgor (n) honesty, nobility. Suma
ngor meyut ma, ma wediko. I cun'r
in ull honcsry ucny ir.
rgo| (n) fish, Special sort of fish..
Lii ngot la tudda ci olof. This /ish is
cullcu "ncor" in yolo/.
rgur i (n) wasp. Nguri gaa fi dekka.
Thc yusj livcs hctc.
r g u u r (n) government, kingdom.
Nguur gangee fey legeey kat yi bu
baax. Thc covctnmcnr is juyinc
yot/cts vcty ycll.
ri (adi) like. Yangi mel ni mboota.
You utc li/c u /toc.
ri i (v) to offer, give out.
ri i (dem) this way, road. Yoon wi
mooy dem ci kr gi. This touu cocs
ro rhc comjounu.
ri i pi seeh (n) state of being quiet.
ri i | (v) to search, Search closely with
a light.. Kaay niit fii. You
illuminurcu hctc.
ri i w (n) corpse. ungee dem suuli
niiw bi. Uc utc coinc ro luty rhc
- 31 -
Wollof-English ri j
ri j (v) to grind. Kumba mun naa nii
eebe. Kumlu cun ctinu lcuns.
ri j aa (n) uncle. Suma niiaay dafa
fiir. Ay unclc is jculous.
ri r oo| rur oo (va) to be look like.
Suu tuby deu nuroo. Cut
rtouscts loo/ uli/c.
ri r ool e | rur ool e (v) to be in
uniform. Taalibeyi deu niroole
yere. Thc sruucnrs utc uni/otm in
ri | (n) people, human being, person.
Nit ku foor la ci aaduna. Ic is un
imjotrunr /icutc in rhc yotlu.
rj a a m (n) slavery. Niaam amoona ci
iamano maamya. sluvcty cxisrcu
uutinc rhc rimc o/ out unccsrots.
rj a a mba | a a r (n) whooping cough.
Niammbataan heten na xaleyi lool.
Uhoojinc couch uisrutls rhc
chilutcn ulor.
rj a a rga a r (n) pupil.
rj aa| i gi (n) counterpart, collegue,
superior. Suma niaatigi dafa wasin.
Ay hosr hus uclivctcu.
rj a boo| (n) family, house hold.
Suma niaboot gi deu tukki. Ay
/umily hus rtuvcllcu.
r j a mp e (n) a scrubber, A body
scrubber utensil scrubber. Man
dumaa iefoo niampe. I uon'r usc u
rj a rga (n) study, education. Nianga
lu am solo la. Fuucurion is u vcty
imjotrunr rhinc.
rj ar (v) to dilute. Garab gi deu ko
niar. Thc mcuicinc is uilurcu.
rj ar | e (n) sales. Lion amut niarte
leegi. Cnions uon'r scll noy.
rj axa (n) crucibe, iar. Mag yu nikka
yi niaxa leu dee sangoo. Thc
unccsrots uscu ro lurh yirh u jut.
rj g (n) price, value, worth. Xar mii
iar na niegam. Thc shccj is yotrh
irs cosr.
rj kka (n) first. Tey maa niekka dem
ci marse bi. I yus rhc /itsr ro co ro
rhc mut/cr rouuy.
rj kkee (n) first (to do something).
Moo fi nikke tey. Shc yus rhc /itsr
hctc rouuy.
rj kk (n) sister in law. Suma niekk
indil na ma ay iaaru. Ay sisrct-in-
luy ltouchr mc somc cut-tincs.
rj l (n) dawn, early in the morning.
Seri bi dafa bugga sangu niel. Thc
mutulour li/cs ro ru/c lurh ur
rj l u (v) to start early, to start very
early in the morning. Doktoor bi
nilu na ci lopitaan bi tey. Thc
Iocrot srutr cutly in rhc hosjirul
rj rda (n) vaccine. Ninda dafa baax
surtu ci xalel yi. Vuccinc is coou
csjcciully in rhc chilutcn.
rj rda (v) to vaccinate. Doctor
bangee nienda xaleyi. rhc uocrot is
vuccinurinc rhc chilutcn.
rj r i r (n) importance, serviceability,
usefulness, utility. Mbey tu am
niere la ci reew. Iutminc is o/
ctcur imjotruncc in u counrty.
rj i i r (v) to steal (slang). Dafa
buggaoom na niiin. Ic yunrcu ro
srcul mc.
rj i i r o (v) to scramble. Niiiroo lekka
le bon na. Sctumllinc /ot /oou is
vcty luu.
rj i i | (n) head, guide, chief, leader.
Moy suu niiit. Ic is out lcuuct.
rj ol oor (n) between mid-day and
2.00m. Ci niooloor la fa dee nekka.
Ic is usuully rhctc utounu miu-uuy.
rj oof (v) to steal (slang). Moom moo
fi dee nioof suma alel. Shc is rhc
onc yho usuully srcul my jtojctry.
rj ool (adi) be tall, tall. Waaiii dafa
niool torop. This mun is vcty rull.
rj oos (v) to tease, bid farewell. Nioos
na ko ma dow. Shc rcuscu him, unu
rj uk k a (n) a present, a favour.
Niukka na la ko. Ic hus uonc u
/uvout /ot you.
rj ukkal (v) to congratulate, give a
favour. Mangi koo deeloo niukkal. I
um concturulurinc him.
rj ur (n) thousand. Am naa niune
dalasi. I huvc rhousunu uulusis.
rj uum| e (n) mistake, fault. Faatu
defna niumte. Iuuru muuc u
r o b (v) to like, love. Bintu dafa nob
amat. Einru lovcs Zmur.
rob e l (n) love. Nobel dafa meeti.
Iovc is hutu.
r o r g u | r a r g u (v) to accept. Nangu
naa linga wax. I ucccjr yhur you
r o o (int) what/how are you,
contraction of "naka nga" noo.
oo dee anda marse. Thcy usuully
co roccrhct ro rhc mut/cr.
r o o (n) place, ability, mark of
something, uncleanlines.
r o o (adi) dirty.
r o o (v) to swim, can, able.
rook i (v) to breathe. Xai bangee
nooki. Thc uoc is ltcurhinc.
r o o r u (coni) so then, that
way(manner), like that. Noonu leu
ko dee defee. Thurs rhc yuy ro uo ir.
roor (n) dry season, summer. Ci noor
nga iaay sa gerte gi. You solu yout
ctoununurs in rhc uty scuson.
roo| (v) to over power, seize one's
right. Be tey mungee noot yeena der
yu weer yi. Thcy utc srill ovct
joyctinc somc o/ rhc lluc/s.
roo| e e l (n) seizure of one's right.
Nooteel baaxut. Scizutc o/ onc'c
tichr is nor coou.
r o o x a (v) to beat. Dinaa la nooxa. I
yill lcur you.
r o o x o o r (n) wizard. Suy domma,
yow ngay nooxoor. I/ hc is u yirch,
rhcn you utc yizutu.
r o o (adi) be soft. Mbuuru mi dafa
nooy. Thc ltcuu is so/r.
ropa l e k u (n) relax.
ropi (n) state of being quiet, quiet.
r o p p a (n) ear. Sa noppa bi dafa rey.
Yout cut is lic.
roppa l (v) to relieve. Noppal na
yaayam ci ligeey bi. shc tclicvcu hct
morhct /tom rhc yot/.
r o p p a l e k u | r o p p a l u (v) to rest.
Suma baay, mungee noppaleku. Ay
/urhct is tcsrinc.
roppi (n) silence, silent.
roppi (va) to be to ready, quiet. Xadi
ku noppi la. Iuuuy is u uicr
r u g a (n) luke warm(water). Ndox mi
dafa nuga. Thc yurct is yutm.
r u r o o (n) same.
r u u (v) to greet. Demal nuyu sa
yaay. Co unu ctccr yout morhct.
ra a k a f a da (adi) silly. Sa iabar ku
aaka fayda la. Yout yi/c is u
shumclcss luuy.
ra a k a - j om (adi) shameless. Xalebi
ku aaka iom la. This chilu is
raaka- xel (adi) senseless. awkat bi
dafa aaka-xel. Thc ruilot is
raal apaki (n) stork.
ra a r (v) to pray, ask for, solicit, beg.
Deu doon aan lekka. Uc yctc
lcccinc /ot /oou.
ra a ra l (v) to pray for, ask for
(someone). Seri bee ko aanal.
Thcm lutulour jtuycu /ot him.
- 32 -
r a a r u k a a Wollof-English
r a a r u k a a (n) holy place, praying
place. Guniur amna aanukaay.
Cunjut hus u holy jlucc.
raar (n) two. aar laa wox. I suiu
ra a r a pul oo (n) stork. Suntu daf laa
aawal rek. Sunru is moc/inc ur
raar eel (n) second. Mooy suu
aareli xarit. Shc is out scconu
raar eel i j abar (n) second wife.
raa| a (int) how much. Lii aata lay
iar. Ioy much uocs rhis cosr.
r a a w (va) to be ugly. Nobuma ku
aaw. I uon'r lovc ucly jcojlc.
r a a wa a (va) to be ugliness. Sa
aawaay bi dafa yooku. Yout
uclincss hus inctcuscu.
ra a wa l (v) to tease, mock. Dafa
aawal magam bu goor be mu mer.
Shc moc/cu hct ltorhct unril hc
lccumc ujscr.
ra a x (v) to implicate, elaborate,
Somebody in something. Moo ko
aax. Ic imjlicurcu hct.
ra a (v) to climb over. Saca bi dafa
aay saaket bi. Thc rhic/ climlcu
ovct rhc /cncc.
ra ga s (n) unsmooth, rumple. Yereyi
deu agas. rhc clorhcs utc tumjlc.
ra k a (n) out of.
ra k k a (va) to be lack, poor, scarcity.
Baax na waay dafa aaka yar. Shc is
coou lur shc is luc/ o/ homc
ra k k u (v) to vaccinate. akku bi
tambali demba. rhc vuccinurion
commcnccu ycsrctuuy.
r a m (n) food, taste. Kaay am lima
tooga. Comc unu rusrc yhur I'vc
r a mb a a s (v) to lengthen. Malaan mi
laay ambaas. I um srtcncrhcninc
rhc sutonc.
r a mb i (n) cassava. Mangi lekka
ambi be suur. I urc cussuvu unril
I'um /ull.
ra rda x i | (n) phlegm. Fompal sa
nandaxit yi. Clcun yout jhlccm.
r a r d u (v) to blow one's nose. Gawal
andu u dem. Cuic/ly lloy yout
nosc yc co.
r a r g a (adi) be serious, be grave.
Dmba sa kanam bidafa anga be
emeuma ko. Ycsrctuuy yout /ucc
yus sctious, I yus scutcu.
ra rga l (v) to scowl. Soo angalee sa
kanam si du ma la eme. I/ you
sctoyl yout /ucc I ccr scutcu o/
r a r g o o r (n) spitting cobra. Ruebakat
bi dafa rey angoor bu mak. Thc
hunrct /illcu u lic sjirrinc Coltu.
r a p a a k u (va) to be be sticky.
Geeneel lale apaaku ci maraai bi.
Tu/c our rhur shi// sric/inc on rhc
r a p a a x u (v) to fall on someone, To
pretend sex on someone opening..
Ramu bugana apaaxu goor torop.
Fumu yunrs ro /ull on mcn roo
r a w (v) to sew. Defe naa ne dina ko
aw bala iuli. I rhin/ hc yill scy ir
lc/otc jtuy uuy.
ra wk a | (n) tailor, seamstress.
awkat lay ut. Shc is loo/inc /ot u
ra x (n) straw, reed, herbs, grass.
ungee dog ax gi. Thcy utc
currinc rhc ctuss.
ra x a (v) to struggle, sweat, perpire.
Buu dowee dineu axa. I/ yc tun
yc yill sycur.
ra (n) elephant. Mungi em ni ay.
You utc us lic us un clcjhunr.
r e d d a (v) to to glade. Buntu bangee
edda. Thc uoot is cluuinc.
re e be (adi) be pregnant(slang).
Janxa bi dafa eebe. Thc citl is
re e be (n) beans. eebe lekka bu
baax la. Ecuns utc coou /oou.
re e g (va) to be be reluctant,
reluctance. Dafa eeg pur iox legeey
ba magam. Ic is tclucrunr ro civc
his ltorhct rhc jol.
r e e r o (n) griot, praise singers. Kii
suma eeno la. This jctson is mu
reer | j eer (va) to be dried, Especially
with cooking.. Soos bi eer na. Thc
suucc is uticu.
re e x (n) soup. Yookal ma eex. Zuu
somc souj /ot mc.
ref (v) to beat, strike. Suma baay daf
ma ef damba. Ay /urhct lcur mc
r e me r (va) to be brave. Dama
eme. I um ltuvc.
re re r| (n) four. Am naa enento
iabarr. I huvc /out yivcs.
re re r| e l (n) fouth. Tey mooy
enenteli fan ci weer wi. Touuy is
rhc /ourh uuy in rhc monrh.
re| eel (n) third. Domba la eteeli
fani weeri koor. Ycsrctuuy yus rhc
rhitu o/ rhc /usr monrh.
ri bbi (v) to go home. Xalim dafaa
ibbi londi. Aulm is coinc homc on
ri ma r| a l u (v) to eat (slowly).
imantalu baaxut. To cur sloyly is
ri s a bu (v) to snival. Danga bugga
isabu torop. You li/c snivclinc roo
r o o m (isp) them. Dem naa ak oom
ci alla bi. Iycnr yirh rhcm ro rhc
ror (va) to be cooked, ripe. Mange yi
or neu. Thc muncocs utc tijc.
ru (cpt) we/they. Ngela u dem
Faiaara. Icr us co ro Iujutu.
rul ug (v) to add water, instigate, To
that which is cooking in a pot..
ulug na sauce bi. Shc hus uuucu
yurct in rhc suucc.
r u r (isp) we. un aay mbokka leu.
Uc utc tclurivcs.
ruul (n) black.
r u u m- r u u | u (v) to be restless, to
wriggle. Mungee uut uuti ci trogn
bi. Ir is yticclinc on rhc chuit.
r u u s (v) to beat. Dinaa ko uus. I
yill lcur him.
r u u x (v) to stuff. uux alma witeen
ci suma oppa bi. Sru// somc corron
in my cut.
r u x e e k u (va) to be be unstuffed.
Loolu dafa uxeeku. Thur rhinc is
ruxi (v) to unstuff. Bul uxi yere yi.
Ion'r unsru// rhc clorhcs.
ruxi | (n) unstuffed, Material, edible
items etc.. Lii nuxiti mbuuru la.
This is unsru//cu ltcuu.
j aal eeku (n) splay one's legs open.
j a a ma m (n) iaw. laamam bee neewi.
Iis juy is syollcn.
j a a r (v) to take abite, be lazy, be
stingy. Ma naa ci maango bi. I
roo/ u lirc o/ rhc munco.
j aaj (v) to open one's mouth. Musaa
daf dee naan buy nelaw. Ausu ojcns
his mourh yhilc slccjinc.
j a a pe e k u (v) to splay one's legs
open, be opened. Buubangi naapi
bunta bi. Euulu hus ojcncu rhc
j a a w (v) to cover (the face). Foo ko
gis mungi naaw. Uhctccvct you scc
hct, hct hcuu is covctcu.
- 33 -
Wollof-English j apa| i
j apa| i | j opa| i (v) to take a bite. Ma
napati ci maango bi. I roo/ u lirc o/
rhc munco.
j as (v) to have measles. Janxa bi dafa
nas. Thc chilu hus mcuslcs.
j as (n) measles. las ci xale yi la dee
bari. Acuslcs is usuully common in
j a w- j a wi (n) loud talk. Lutax ngeen
dee naw-nawi tusuur. Uhy uo
yourjl) usuully rul/ louuly ulyuys.
bbl i (v) to to yawn. Xai bangee
obbli. Thc uoc is yuyninc.
] e e | e e k u (v) to wipe, t, The anus
with paper or tissue paper. Man
miinuma eeteeku. I um nor usc ro
yijinc my unus yirh rissuc jujct.
] e e | e e k uk a a (n) toilet paper.
Kamabi amul neeteekukaay. Thc
roilcr hus no roilcr jujct.
]ee| i (n) rip off, Take money from
someone by tricks.. Dafa neeti nan
bi. shc tijjcu rhc cucsr o//.
j e| (v) to graw. Jenax yi net neu
kubeeri carton bi. Thc turs cnuycu
o// rhc liu o/ rhc coox.
f (v) to put out, extinguish, fan.
Duu muna lekka am bi su ko ofut.
Uc cunnor cur /oou is yc uon'r /un
og (v) to lift up(a garment). Bul og sa
sipa bi. uon'r li/r uj yout s/itr.
o g o s u (v) to adiust. Tubey am bi
dafa rey moo tax muy ogasu. Iis
rtousct is lic rhurs yhy hc is
j i i r oo- j aar oo (v) to quarrel, argue.
liiroo-naaroo baaxut digante ay
dekandoor. ro uuttcl is luu
lcryccn ncichlouts.
ol ba| i (v) to turn. Faatu dafa olbati
mbubaam mi. Iurou hus rutncu hct
ol of (n) wolof. Jabari olof laa bugga
bii yoon. I yunr u yolo/ yi/c rhis
mb a (va) to be together(in piece of
clo), be pregnant. omba naa suma
yereyi pur foot. I huvc curhctcu my
clorhcs /ot luunuty.
ork a (v) to moan. Yangee onka kom
ku biir. You utc mouninc li/c u
jtccnunr jctson.
oj (v) to strike on the head. On na ko
bu baax. Ic srtuc/ him in rhc hcuu
vcty hutu.
oo (v) to call. Oo naa ko waay ouyu
wuma. I cullcu hct lur shc uiun'r
unsyct mc.
o o d a (v) to clothe, to wrap oneself
with a piece of cloth around the
waist.. Duma la ooda leegi. Aoy I
yill nor ytuj ir utounu you.
o o g a (n) lump. Rotal fa ooga bi.
Itoj rhc lumj in rhctc.
ook a (v) to scratch. ianxa bangi may
ooka. Thc citl is scturchinc mc.
ook a | u (v) to scratch, to scratch
oneself. Mangee ookatu rek., I um
only scturchinc myscl/.
ol u (v) to trust. Samba oolu na
borom bitik bi. Sumlu rtusr rhc shoj
o o m (va) to be abundant, plenty. Lii
dafa fi oom. This is jlcnry hctc.
o m (n) knee. Suma oom bi dafa
rexa. Ay /ncc is uislocurcu.
o o mb a (v) to hem. Ne ko mu oombal
ma ko. Tcll him ro hcm ir /ot mc.
j oobi (v) to grimmace. Dafa ko noobi
be u tasee. Ic ctimmuccu ur hct
yhcn rhcy mcr.
j ool e e k u (n) splay one's legs open.
j oos - j oos (n) hoe. Nga iendal ma
noos-noos ci marse bi. You luy u
hoc /ot mc ur rhc mut/cr.
j oos - j oos i (v) to hoe. Suma tool bi
war naakoo noosi-noosi. I shoulu
hoc my /utm.
j oo| a (va) to be stingy, be tight
fisted. Sa ikkar dafa noota. Yout
huslunu is srincy.
o o p a (va) to be sick, illness. Doctor
be ne xale bi dafa oopa. Thc uocrot
suys rhur rhc chilu is sic/.
oor (v) to keep fast. Ilimaan bi ne u
oor tey. Thc Imum suys rhur yc
shoulu /usr rouuy.
oor (n) iewelry, gold. Suma iaaruyi
oor piir leu. Ay tincs utc jutc
or (va) to be save. Defal lu oor nga
noppalekku. Io somcrhinc suvc unu
lc ur cusc.
oo| e (n) call, elections. Dinaa sani
karta su soote iote. I yill vorc i/
clccrions utc uuc.
oo i | o (v) to skim, scrape. Ooyi na
feewe bi. Shc hus s/inncu rhc
o p p a (v) to fan. Oppa ma, dama
taangaay. Iun mc, I um hor.
p p a (va) to be be too much, be in
excess. Lii dafas oppa. This is roo
oppa l (va) to be too much. Dafa dee
oppal. Shc's usuully roo much.
or (va) to be betray, dosappointment.
Mbindaan mi daf ma or. rhc muiu
hus uisujjoinrcu mc.
or da s a we l (n) bleach. Duy
ordasawel yeream yi. Shc uocsn'r
llcuch hct clorhcs.
or ka| (n) betrayer. Waaiii orkat la.
This mun is u lcrtuyct.
os (n) grate. Siieer bangi ci os bi. Thc
coo/inc jor is on rhc cturc.
o| o| wo| o (n) vehicle, car. Sa oto bi
dafa rafet. Yout cut is nicc.
o| or aa (n) train. Otoraay biimooy
dem be Mali. rhis is rhc rtuin rhur
cocs uj ro Auli.
o| u (v) to avoid. Otu ko, dafay gaane.
Zvoiu ir, ir hutrs.
w (v) to frame, mount. Mungee ow
terem yi. Ic is mounrinc his
o | oo i (v) to skim. Dafa oy deri
concom bi. Shc's sctujjcu rhc s/in
o// hct clloy.
o of (va) to be light, be weightless.
Xeer yii dau oyof. Thcsc sroncs utc
oof al (v) to lighten, make easy. Bi
mu ieebaloo la oyafal kanam gi. Iis
/ucc lichrcncu us hc ujolociscu.
pa a (n) father, old man, child's word
for father. Paa bi dafa bari wax. Thc
olu mun rul/s u lor.
pa a k a (n) knife. Saani ma sa paaka
bi. Thtoy yout /ni/c ro mc.
paal (va) to be fade. Piis bii dafa paal.
This /ultic is /uucu.
pa a r (n) pan. Abal ma sa pan bi.
Icnu mc yout jun.
paar (n) part. Jox neu ma suma
paar. Thcy huvc civcn mc my jutr.
pa a s (n) fare. Joxal paas bi aparante
bi. Civc rhc /utc ro rhc ujutcnrisc.
pa a s e (v) to iron. Paase naa suma
mbuba mi. I huvc itoncu my shitr.
pa a s e (va) to be past. Ciwoom
demba paase na. Uhur hujjcncu
hus jusscu.
paj aas (n) straw mattress. Paiaas la
buga tek ci kowlal bi. Ir is u
srtuymurtcss rhur I yunr ro jur on
my luu.]
paj al e (v) to pack. Paialeh naa be
pare. I huvc ultcuuy juc/cu.
pa k a (v) to snatch. Saa yuma amee
dana nga paka ko. Uhcncvct I huvc
somcrhinc, you snurch ir.
pake| (n) packet. Jay ma bena pakeeti
sukur. Scll mc onc juc/cr o/ sucut.
- 34 -
pal aal e Wollof-English
pal aal e (n) bridesmaid. Binta aay
neka suma palaale. Einru yill lc my
pal aas (n) place, space. Palaas amut
ci nk bi. Thctc is no sjucc in rhc
pal aase (v) to place. Fii laa palaase
xar mi. I jluccu rhc shccj hctc.
pa l a rs oor | pa l a s oor (n) unbrella.
Palansoor am na nieri bu dee taw.
Zn umltcllu is vcty usc/ul yhcn rhc
tuin comcs.
pal ar| eer (n) window. Am nga
palanteer bu dgr. You huvc u
srtonc yinuoy.
pal as| i g (n) plastic. Jendal ma daali
palastig. Euy jlusric shocs /ot mc.
pal | o (n) coat, iocket. palto lay awlu
pur xew gi. Ic is mu/inc u cour /ot
rhc cctcmony.
pa rk a (va) to be precocious. Daado
ku panka la. Iuuuo is u jtccious
pa rk e | (n) pancake. Sa panket bi
neex na. Yout juncu/c is syccr.
pa re (n) basket. Jox ma pae bi.
Civc mc rhc lus/cr.
pa j a s (v) to poke(one's forehead).
Dinaa la panas. I yill jo/c you.
pa pa (n) father, daddy. Sa papa am
na eti iabar. Yout /urhct hus rhtcc
par ee (n) dressing well, preparation,
preparing, state of being well
par ee (v) to prepare, get ready, dress
par ee (va) to be ready, prepare, be
finished. Leka naa be pare. I huvc
/inishcu curinc.
par eel (v) to prepare(for). Jigeen i
pare ne pur xow bi. Thc yomcn utc
tcuuy /ot rhc cctcmony.
pa r e pa a r e (n) prepare.
par | i (n) section.
pa s (n) amulet, a knot, tie in a knot.
Jelal pas yi nga deaa leen. Tu/c rhc
umulcrs unu /ccj rhcm.
pa| (n) gum boil. Dafa am pat. Ic
hus u cum loil.
pa| a (n) one eyed, odd. Niiaayi sohna
pata la. Sohnus usclc is onc cycu.
pa| aa| | pa| aas (n) sweet potato.
Jendal ma pataat bu xaaraan. Euy u
tuy joruro /ot mc.
pa| r oj (n) boss. Seen patron
xaiaankat la. Yout loss is u shoy
pa x (n) hole, pit, drain. Gasal pax mu
yaa. Iic u yiuc holc.
pe da a l (n) pedal. Xaw ma ni ow
pedalee welo. I uon'r /noy hoy ro
jcuul u licyclc.
peel (n) spade, shovel. Niegi peel
dafa yokku. Thc jticc o/ u sjuuc
hus inctcuscu.
pe e pa (n) seed, grain. peepa yii duu
doy. Thcsc ctuins yon'r lc cnouch.
peer (n) pair. Jel neu suma peeri
daala bi. Thcy roo/ my juit o/
pe e s e (n) tide. Peese baa u
dogaatle. Uc yctc cur o// ly rhc
pe e s e (v) to weigh. Dineu peese
gerte ren. Thcy yill ycich
ctoununurs rhis scuson.
pe rc a (n) bantaba, Village meeting
place.. Mak angi took ci penca mi.
Thc clucts utc sirrinc ur rhc
p e r g u (n) pin. Jaay ma bena pengu.
scll mc onc su/cry jin.
p e r k u (v) to iniect.
p e r k u (n) vaccinate, east. Jumaa
iangi iublu ponku. Thc mosuc is
/ucinc cusr.
pe r| uur (v) to paint. Paintuur bu
weex rafet na. Uhirc juinr is
pe re (n) to comb, a comb. Suma
pee bi dafa reer. Ay coml is losr.
pe r e we r e (va) to be transparent.
Ride bi dara perewere. Thc cutruin
is rtusjutcnr.
pe r oj (n) veranda. Seen preon bi dina
daanu leegi. Yout vctunuu yill soon
pe x e (n) trick, an idea, way. Jigeen
dnu bari pexe. Uomcn utc /ull o/
pe (n) payment, salary, wages.
Jotnaa suma pey. I huvc tcccivcu
my juymcnr.
pi cca (n) bird. Seetal pices mi nimuy
naawee. Scc hoy rhc litu /lics.
pi cca- pi cca (n) pimple, prickly heat.
Mangee fexe ni may geeneeyee
picca-picca yi. I um rtyinc ro ru/c
our rhcsc jimjlcs.
pi i r (va) to be pure. Lami xaalis pur
laa sol. I um jurrinc on rhc jutc
silvct lunclc.
pi i r (adi) pure.
pi i s (n) fabric, cloth. awal ma piis
bii. Scy rhis /ultic /ot mc.
pi i s (v) to wink. Lutax nga piis sa bot
bi? Uhy utc you yin/inc yout cyc?
pi i | u (v) to eying, look, look one thru
the corner of the eye. Yange piitu sa
xarit bi. You utc cyinc yout /ticnu.
pi i x| f i i x (va) to be airy. Fii dafa pux
pur noppaleku. Ir uity hctc /ot u
pi ki i r (v) to iniect. Doctor bi pikiir na
ma bepare. Thc uocrot hus ultcuuy
injccrcu mc.
pi l (n) hen. Pil bangee nen ci waa bi.
Thc hcn is luyinc cccs in rhc
pi l i aar (n) hammock. Xale du too
ci piliyaan. u chilu uocsn'r sir on u
pi | ax (n) pigeon. Xaleya nge ienda
pitax. Thc chilutcn utc luyinc
pi a (n) pear. Dogal ma ci piya bi.
Cur jutr o/ rhc jcut /ot mc.
po (n) play, game. Ne seetaani po
mi. Icrs co unu yurch rhc cumc.
pl (n) fula. Pol bi dafa muus, Thc
Iulu is yisc.
pl (v) to come out suddenly. Bi iaan
ne pol ken desuk fa. Uhcn rhc snu/c
cumc our suuucnly no onc sruycu
pol i s (n) police. Saca bi yobu neu ko
polis. Thc rhic/ hus lccn ru/cn ro
rhc jolicc srurion.
pol i | i g (n) politics. Ken du ko muna
dugga ci polotig. Ao onc cun
involvc hct inro jolirics.
p o m (n) apple. Pom baax na ci wer
gu yaram. Zjjlcs utc coou /ot yout
p o ma x (v) to shove. Bi mu ma
pomaxee laa daanu. I /cll yhcn hc
shovcu mc.
p o mp e (n) tap, stand-pipe, running
water tap, pump. Rootal ma ndox ci
pompe bi. Ccr mc somc yurct /tom
rhc jumj.
pompi | e e r (n) potatoes. Kilo
pompiteer dafa seer torop. Z /ilo o/
jorurocs is vcty cxjcnsivc.
por| a | da a j (n) nail. Saanil ponta bi
bala mu ku gaa. Thtoy rhc nuil
uyuy lc/otc ir hutrs hct.
pori | (n) firewood, these are scraped
off wood used for starting a fire.
Mey ma poit ngir yalla. Civc mc
/itcyoou jlcusc.
p o o b a r (n) black pepper. Poobar bi
safut. Thc lluc/ jcjjct is nor hor.
- 35 -
Wollof-English p o o j
pooj (n) thigh, drum stick. Lii pooi
la. This is u utum sric/.
pooj (v) to dance. Ki pooikat bu mag
la. Shc is u ctcur uuncct.
p o o r o (n) leek. Duuy tooga pooro.
Uc uon'r coo/ lcc/.
p o o s (n) pocket, purse. Suma poos
bi amut dara ci biir. Ay joc/cr hus
norhinc in ir.
p o o s e (v) to fix. Dama buga poose
lal bi. I yunr ro /ix rhc lcu.
po| (n) laundry. Poot mi setut. Thc
luunuty is nor clcun.
po| i | (n) soap water. Bul tuur potit
bi fii. Ion'r jout souj yurct hctc.
p o r o m (n) bronze. Lamam bi porom
la. Iis lunclc is muuc o/ ltonzc.
po| (n) cup, can, tin. Jox ma pot bi
ma naan ndox. Civc mc rhc cuj ro
utin/ yurct.
p o | o p o | o (adi) clayish, muddy.
p o | o p o | o (n) mud. Kr gi dafa am
potopoto. Thc comjounu hus muu.
pox o| a a r (n) arm pit. Sa poxtaan
bangee xee. Yout utmjir is
p u k u s (n) store. Maalo maangi ci
pukus bi. Thc ticc is in rhc srotc.
pul l ox (n) maniac. Xamut luy pullox.
Shc uocsn'r /noy yhur munioc is
pur (prep) for, to. Jenda naa saabu
pur foot. I louchr souj /ot luunuty.
pur s a | pus (n) needle. Masin bi
amut pursa. Thc muchinc hus no
pur ux (n) throat. Bos na puruxam bi.
Ic jtcsscu his rhtour.
pu| (n) gullet. Liir bi put bu ndaw la
am. Thc luly hus u smull cullcr.
p u u p (n) feaces, stool, defecation.
Tuur leen puup bi ci pax bi. Iout
rhc /cuccs in rhc holc.
p u u p (v) to defecate. Gei naa puup,
dama seere. I huvcn'r uc/ucurcu /ot
lonc rimc, I um consrijurcu.
p u u s (v) to push. Dimbalema puus
xeer bii. Iclj mc jush rhis sronc.
r aaba (v) to weave. Raaba meeti na.
To ycuvc is ui//iculr.
r aabaka| (n) weaver. Raabakat bi
gaawut ci legeey am. Thc ycuvct is
sloy yirh his jol.
r aaca (v) to spread. Dinaa ko raaca ci
pallat bi. I yill sjtcuu ir on rhc
r aacu (va) to be spread. Racuwut bu
baax. Ir is nor ycll sjtcuu.
r aaf (va) to be finished. Taati mango
bi raaf na. Thc munco rtcc is
r aaga (va) to be depreciate, be
haggered. Mariyaama dafa raaga
torop. Autium is vcty huccctcu.
r a a m (v) to crawl. Dafaa ianga raam.
Ic is lcutninc ro ctuyl.
r aare (v) to distinguish, to recognise.
Mun uma raae siix yi. I cunnor
uisrincuish rhc ryins.
r aax (v) to plaster with cement/mud.
Dama buga raax nk bi ak siment. I
yunr ro jlsrct rhc housc yirh
r aa (v) to rub, skid (lightly). Raay
ko ndanka. Ful ir ccnlry.
r ab (n) animal. Rab yu bari nekka a
aala bi. Thctc utc muny unimuls in
rhc /otcsr.
r af (v) to tickle, twinkle. Sa bot
bangee raf. Yout cyc is ryin/linc.
r af e| (va) to be nice, beautiful. Jabar
bu rafet laay taka bii yoon. I yill
mutty u lcuuri/ul yi/c rhis rimc.
r agal (va) to be affraid, be frightful.
Dafa ragal goroom. Shc is u/tuiu o/
hct in-luy.
r a gga (v) to scrub. Ragga ko be mu
set. Sctul ir unril irs clcun.
r aj (v) to end. Sabar gi dina rai leegi.
rhc utumminc yill cnu soon.
r aj o (n) radio. Suma raio bi dafa
paan. Ay tuuio is /uulry.
r akka (n) younger(sibling). Bena
rakka bu goor nga am. You huvc
onc youncct ltorhct.
r ardal (v) to remove, move.
Dimbalel Omar mu randal taabul bi.
Iclj Cmut ro movc rhc rullc.
r ardal ka| (n) thief(slang). Randalkat
bu mag la. Ic is u lic rhic/.
r a rdu (v) to move(to the side).
Waxal paa bi mu randu. Tcll rhc olu
mun ro movc.
r apaas (n) servant. Kooku suu
rapaas la won. Thur jctson yus out
r as (v) to gather, frown(face), pleat.
Yangi ras sa kanam gi. You huvc
/toyncu yout /ucc.
r asu (va) to be gathered. Dina rasu su
kanamee. Ir yill lc curhctcu lurct.
r a w (v) to drown. Xalebi dina raw ci
biir ge gi. Thc chilu yill utoyn in
rhc scu.
r awal (v) to smuggle, make escape.
Rawal neu garab yi ci biir gei gi.
Thcy smucclcu rhc utuc rhtouch
r awal e (n) smuggling. Maa gaaw ci
nawale raio. I'm /usr in smucclinc u
r awal eka| (n) smuggler, thief. Musaa
rawalekat la. Ausu is u smucclct.
r axas (v) to wash. Buga naa raxas
suma kawar gi. I yunr ro yush my
r axasu (v) to wash(oneself). Laamin
dafa bugga raxasu lool. Iumin li/cs
ro yush ulor.
r ee (v) to laugh. Dinaa ree ca kow. I
yill luuch louuly.
r eega (va) to be full. Leeka na be
reega. Ic hus curcn ro his
r eel u (n) funny. Waaiii ku reelu la.
This mun is /unny.
r eer (n) roots, this year. Reen yi ci
garap gii deger uu. Thc toors o/
rhis rtcc utc nor srtonc.
r eerdi (v) to slaughter. Kaay rendi
xar mi. Comc sluuchrct rhc shccj.
r eer (n) dinner. Xaaral reer Samba.
Sumlu, yuir /ot uinnct.
r ees (n) liver. Dumaa leeka res. I
uon'r cur livct.
r ees (v) to digest, unswell. Maalo
minga leeka dia rees. Thc ticc you
urc yill uiccsr.
r e e w (va) to be rude, be impudant.
Xale bii dafa rew. This chilu is
r ecu (v) to regret. Recu naa li tax
dem uma saabiii. I tcctcr yhy I
uiun'r co ro Suuliji.
r er (va) to be lost. Daala yi deu
rer. Thc shocs utc losr.
r er al (v) to lose. Mbindaan mee
reral caabi yi. Thc muiu losr rhc
r e w (n) country. Gambia rew mu
naat la. Cumliu is uoinc ycll.
r ek (adv) only. Jox ma bena sondeel
rek. Civc mc onc cunulc only.
r er (n) this year. Suma maam dina aii
maaka ren. Ay ctunu morhct yill
co ro jilctimucc rhis ycut.
r e w (n) stripes, stretch marks. Yangi
am rew ci sa yaram bi yep. You
huvc srtccrch mut/s ull ovct yout
r e (v) to kill, slaughter. Oo al buuse
bi mu rey nak bi. Cull rhc lurchct
ro /ill rhc coy.
r eba (va) to be loose.
- 36 -
r s r Wollof-English
r sr (n) grape, current. Rese dafa
seer fi. Ctujcs utc cxjcnsivc hctc.
r (va) to be large, big. Suma tu by
bi dafa ry torop. Ay rtouscts utc
roo lic.
r bba | r obba (v) to hunt. Dinaa
robba ay pica. I yill hunr litus.
r cca (v) to escape. Sacca ba angi
bugga recca polis yi. Thc rhic/ yunrs
ro cscujc /tom rhc jolicc.
r dda (n) a strip, a line. Rdda bi
iubbut. This linc is nor srtuichr.
r dda (v) to write, make a line.
Munuta rddamu iob su iellut banta.
Ic cunnor utuy u srtuichr linc
yirhour u tulct.
r kka (v) to hit(on the back). Ustaas
rekka nama ci ganaaw. Ay Ztulic
rcuchct hir mc on my luc/.
r rde e (v) to cook, Typical rural
wolof word for cooking.. Looy
rndee a. Uhur utc you coo/inc
/ot lunch.
r rka (n) crooked legs. Tanki
waxambaane bi daafa rnka. Thc
loy's lccs utc ctoo/cu.
r rxa (v) to ripen. Rnxa ko ci saaku
bi. Kccj ir in rhc suc/ ro tijcn ir.
r s (v) to dwindle. Liu deca rs na
ci dara. Uhur yc /cjr uyinulcu inro
r xa (n) sprain. Suma baaram bee
rexa. Ay /incct sjtuincu.
r i do (n) curtains. Nk bi amut aay
rido. Thc housc hus no cutruins.
r i gi r (v) to mash.
r i i b (v) to rub, smear, to spread. Mey
ma menta laato ma riib suma i bi.
Civc mc somc mcnrholurum ro tul
in my /otchcuu.
ri i r (v) to sound, attack. Deglul riir bi.
Iisrcn ro rhc sounu.
r i i s (va) to be rich, wealthy. Bey kat
yi riis ne leegi. Thc /utmcts utc
tich noy.
r i i | e (v) to chase. Polis yangee riite
saca bi. Thc jolicc utc chusinc rhc
ri i | i (n) violin, Traditional(especially
with fulas). Pol yi oo muna riiti.
Thc /ulus cun jluy rhc violin.
r i si | (n) receipt. Bindal ma risit.
Utirc u tcccijr /ot mc.
r bi re (n) stand-pipe. Robine bi dafa
tg. Thc srunu-jijc is closcu.
r oj (n) insect(very tiny insect),
mosquitoes. Roi bee ma maata. Thc
mosuiro lir mc.
r o mb a (v) to pass, go by. Loolu
romba na faate ko. Thur hus jusscu
/otccr ir.
r or (n) rhun-palm. Ron bu uul la
dgr. u lluc/ thum-julm is srtonc.
r or (prep) under. Saabu bangi ci ron
lal bi. rhc souj is unuct rhc lcu.
r o r g o r (n) tears. Fu rogo yi ioggee.
Uhctc utc rhc rcuts /tom?
r oru (v) to undermine. Daf ko ronu
be xam seekerem bi. Ic unuctmincu
him unril hc /noys his scctcr.
r oob (v) to bury. Roob neu niiw bi
be pare. Uc huvc ultcuuy lutticu
rhc cotjsc.
r ooba (n) dress. Sa rooba bi dafa dan.
Yout utcss is richr.
r ooc e e k u (va) to be bruised. Luppam
yee rocceeku. Ict rhichs utc
r ooc e e k u (v) to sneak(slang). Deu
rooceeku benna benna. Thcy
sncu/cu our onc ly onc.
r ooci (v) to extract. Dama ko rooci ci
bagaas yi. I cxrtucrcu ir /tom rhc
r oof (v) to insert, stuff, to insert. Roof
ko foofu. Sru// ir rhctc.
r oos e (v) to water, Trees, garden.
plant etc.. Di naa rooseh garap yi. I
yill yurct rhc rtccs.
r oo| (v) to fetch(water), fetch,
triditional exchange of s,
draw(water). Fi u dee rootee dafa
sori fi. Uhctc yc /crch yurct is /ut
uyuy /tom hctc.
r o (v) to spread, imitate, copy. Neu
roy ci u baax i. Icrs cojy /tom
rhc coou oncs.
r ucci (v) to extract. Rucci ko dafaa
lekka. Fxrtucr ir, irs hor.
r us (va) to be ashamed. Suma la gisee
dama dee rus. I /ccl ushumcu yhcn I
scc you.
r uuba a | e (va) to be iumble, put
indisorder. Sa solu bi dafa ruubaate.
Yout our/ir is jumllcu uj.
r uuj (v) to turn, clear, The soil before
cultivation.. Ruui na toolam be mu
set. Ic hus clcutcu his /iclu.
r uus (v) to shed, flake. Xobi garab
bangee ruus. Thc lcuvcs utc
r uux (v) to poke, instigate. Yenna u
ruux ci lii. You cuys insricurcu us
inro rhis.
r uux (n) soul. Yalla dee amee ruux.
Cou usuully hus rhc soul.
r ux- r uxi (va) to be iamble, going in
and out in an orderly manner.
Bulleen rux-ruxi lekka yi. Yourjl)
uon'r jumllc uj rhc /oou.
r u (n) pap. Toogal ko ruy. Coo/ juj
/ot him.
sa (pa) your. Sa ikar ku iup la. Yout
huslunu is srtuichr /otyutu.
saa (n) Snake, moment, mentally
immature person, idiot, steer.
saa (v) to die.
saaa (n) store.
s a a bu (n) soap. Jendal ma saabu.
Euy somc souj /ot mc.
s a a c a (v) to steal. Waaii dafa buga
saaca xaalis. Thc mun yunrs ro srcul
somc moncy.
s a a c e e (n) thief, This word is used
when running after a thief to get
people attention.. Isatou yuuxul
saacee! saacee! Isurou shour rhic//
s a a c oo (v) to commit adultery, do an
act descretely. Bulleen dee saacoo.
Ion'r commir uuulrcty.
saaf (v) to fry, roast. Meer bi munnaa
saaf gerte. Thc olu yomun cun tousr
saaf ar a (n) holy water. Goomu ma ci
saafara. I uon'r lclicvc in rhc usc o/
holy yurct.
s a a ga (n) insult. Saaga baaxut ci
ndaie. Insulrinc is nor coou in
s a a k a (v) to take one's share. Ku
nekka saaka bosam. Fvctyonc ru/c
yout shutc.
saake| (n) fence. Saaket bi daanu na.
Thc /cncc hus /ullcn.
s a a k u (n) bag, container. Aamadu
ienda na saaku fori. Zmuuou
louchr u luc o/ /lout.
saal (n) parlour, sitting room, living
room. Saal bi dafa xat torop. Thc
jutlout hus vcty lirrlc sjucc.
s a a l a a w (ex) certainly, precisely.
Saalaaw,dinga ko am. You yill
cctruinly huvc ir.
s a a m (n) bunch, pile, heap. Saam bu
nekka drm la. Fuch hcuj is onc
s a a ma (v) to protect, to herd, greet
(in the morning). Saama naa nak yi.
I uiu hctu rhc currlc.
s a a ma (n) tomorrow.
s a a ma k a | (n) sheperd, herdsman.
Saamakat bi ku tayal la. Thc
hctumun is luzy.
- 37 -
Wollof-English s a a mi
s a a mi (v) to tend sheep, cattle etc..
Booy bi saami na bu yaa. Thc loy
yunr ro rcnu rhc shccj u yhilc uco.
s a a r (n) worm. Faatu am ne garab bi
saan. Iuuru hus mcuicinc /ot yotm.
s a a rga (v) to cover. Saanga ko dafa
liw. Covc hct, shc is colu.
s a a r g u (v) to cover(oneself).
Maalaaln bu diss la saangu. Ic is
covctcu ly u rhic/ sutonc.
saari (v) to throw. Aliew saani na
montar am-bi. Zlicu hus rhtoyn
uyuy his yurch.
s a a r (n) stopper, cork. Saai buteel
ba reer na. Thc lorrlc cot/ is losr.
saapi (va) to be tasteless, flavorless,
to have enough of. Naan bi saapi na
ko. Ic hus cnouch o/ rhc utin/.
saapi l e| (n) rosary beeds. Saam tamit
am na saapilet. Sum ulso hus tosuty
saar (n) verse(in the holy Qur'n. Taril
bena saar ci alxuraan bi. Fcuu onc
vctsc o/ rhc holy Kotun.
saar i (va) to be trend, Be on the trend
of doing something.. Saari maamam
yi la toopa. shc is /olloyinc hct
ctunujutcnrs' rtcnu.
saas (va) to be smart, very hot, be
fast(slang). Furno bi dafa saas
torop. Thc coul jor is vcty hor.
saas (n) moment, brief lapse of time.
Mungi ci xolam bi saa yu nekka. Ir
is in his hcutr cvcty momcnr.
s a a s a a (va) to be naughty, rascal.
Waxambaane yi ni neka saasaay.
Thc younc loys utc tusculs.
s a a w (n) hedgehog. Saaw am na dg.
Icucchocs huvc rhotns.
s a a - wa a (ex) hey you!, someone.
Saa-waay! defal ndenka. Icy you/
ru/c ir cusy.
saa (n) death. Buur ba saay na
demba ci ngoon. Thc /inc uicu lusr
s a a u- re k k a (adv) everytime. Kadii
dina maa setsi saayu-nekka. Kuuii
visirs mc cvctyrimc.
sabar (v) to drum, To bit a drum..
Ne dem seetaani sabar gi. Icrs co
unu yurch rhc utumminc.
sabar (n) drum. Suma gangi laa
bugal sabar. I yunr ro utum /ot my
saf (va) to be tasty. Benacin binga
tooga dafa saf. Thc lcncchin you
coo/cu is uclicious.
saf aa (n) flavour, taste. Munuma
laa neetalil safaayi soos bi. I cunnor
cxjluin ro you rhc rusrc o/ rhc
saf al (n) essence, flavouring. Yookal
safal ci wonio bi. Zuu /luvoutinc ro
rhc sottcl juicc.
saf ar a (n) hell, fire. Moytul safara si.
Zvoiu rhc /itc.
s a g g a r (va) to be negligent.
Daadoon saagan be dooman bi
lakka. Shc yus nccliccnr unril hct
chilu lutnr.
s a go (n) desire, wish, sense. Sen
sago mooy nu geenaa iaapante.
Thcit ucsitc is ro lc motc unircu.
sal aa| (n) lettuce. Salaat leu ii. Uc
jlunrcu lcrrucc.
sal | e (n) dirt. Saanil salte bi ci sn bi.
Thtoy rhc uitr in rhc uusr lin.
sal | e (va) to be dirty. Suma
dekandoor yi de salte. Ay
ncichlouts utc uitry.
s a ma l l u (va) to be to be
extraordinarily dressed. Yangi
samallu tey. You utc cxrtu
otuinutily utcsscu rouuy.
s a mdi (n) Saturday. Deneu fa daie
ci samdi bi. Uc yill mccr rhctc on
s a mp a (v) to erect, build. Dafay
sampa eeg. Ic is luiluinc u housc.
s a ra a r (n) pineapple. Sanaanas lay
inda. I um luyinc u jincujjlc.
s a rga (v) to bathe(someone). Sanga
na liir yi be pare. shc hus /inishcu
yushinc rhc luly.
s a r g u (v) to bathe(oneself). Dafaa
sangu. Ic is ru/inc shoyct.
s a r g u wa a (n) bathroom. Fii mooy
sangu waay bi. This is rhc
s a rk u (va) to be disappear, go astray.
Danga bugga sanku. You yunr ro co
sar| a (v) to give thanks, praise,
bought. Mangi ko santa bu baax. I
um jtuisinc him vcty much.
sar| a (n) last name, surname.
Dumay wox nit i suma santa. I
uon'r rcll jcojlc my lusr numc.
s a rx a (adi) while ago, few minutes
ago. Sanxa leu aksi. Uc uttivcu u
yhilc uco.
sarxal (n) rice, millet, maize flour.
Bul tooga sanxal bi cuura. uo nor
coo/ rhc jottiucc yirh muizc /lout.
s a r (va) to be dare, audacious, be
outspoken. Fatou xale bu sa la.
Iurou is un oursjo/cn chilu.
s a rc a (v) to start, build. Kumaase
neu di saca neeg bi. Uc huvc
srutrcu ro luilu rhc housc.
sar (n) arse. Xanaa sa sar bey meeti.
Is yout utsc hutrinc.
sar (v) to beat. sar ko bu baax dafa
reew. Ecur hct shc is tuuc.
sar ax (n) alms. Yoon bi ne uy ioxee
sarax suu ko ame. Thc tclicion
suys yc civc our ulms i/ yc huvc ir.
sar ax (v) to give charity, sacrifice.
Saraxe naa suma mbubba bi. I uhvc
civcn our my utcss /ot chutiry.
sar ee| (n) cart, waggon. Moto amut
fi, saret moo fi am. Uc uon'r huvc
cuts hctc, yc huvc cutrs.
sar e| (n) cart. Watiir laa luwaas. I
tcnrcu u cutr.
sar ga| sr i ca (int) welcome. Eksill
serica. Comc in/ you utc yclcomc.
sar ul (op) get away, get to
hell(profane). You saral! You ccr ro
sas (n) assignment, duty, chellenge.
Mangi bari sas yu ma wara def. I
um /ull o/ uurics I shoulu uo.
sa| al a (n) kettle. Ndex bangi ci satala
bi. rhc yurctis in rhc /crrlc.
s a w (n) urine, urinate. Saw ci kow
mbedda mi baaxut. Itinurinc in rhc
srtccr is nor coou.
s a wa r (va) to be be active. Ku sawar
liggy la. Ic is un ucrivc yot/ct.
sax (n) a loft, a worm, precisely. Won
ma sax bi. Shoy mc rhc lo/r.
sax (adv) even, same. Yow danga iog
sax ci toogu gi. Fvcn you shoulu ccr
o// rhc chuit.
saxaar (n) boat, train, smoke, ship.
Saxaar bidaan yoobu nit e ci ddex
gi suux na. Thc shij yhich uscu ro
ru/c jcojlc ro rhc jtovinccs sun/.
s a x a a r mi (v) to chew, masticate. Fu
ma la gis yangee saxaarmi.
Uhcncvct I scc you. you utc
sa (n) a bundle, a pile. Booy delusi
nga indil ma netti sayi maata. Uhcn
you comminc luc/, ltinc mc ryo
lunulc o/ /itc yoou.
sa (va) to be in a bad mood. Tey
daal! epa say. Touuy/ cvctylouy is
in u luu moou.
sa| u (v) to rule, guard, govern,
responsible. u oo saytu wallum
aala bi. Thcsc jcojlc utc cuutuinc
rhcit jutr o/ /otcsr.
- 38 -
s e b e r Wollof-English
s e be r (v) to urinate. Sebena ci boori
maraai bi. Ic hus utinurcu ncut rhc
s e b e r u (v) to urinate on oneself.
Mag bu toolu ni yow ngaay sebenu.
Zn cluctly jctson li/c you,
utinurinc on youtscl/.
sebe| (v) to wash rice. Deey sebet
maalo bi be mu set. Io ulyuys yush
rhc ticc clcun.
sedaa| l e (n) shared.
sedaa| | e (n) share.
s e dda (va) to be cold. am bi daf
seeda torop. Thc /oou is vcty colu.
s e d d o o (n) share.
seef (n) chief. Suu seefi dekka bi du
mag. Cut villucc chic/ is u younc
s e e ga (v) to sift, filter, review. Mbaa
seega meew mi. I hojc hc hus
/ilrctcu rhc mil/.
s e e guk a a (n) a sieve, filter. Jelal
seegukaay bi nga seega ko. Tu/c rhc
sicvc unu /ilrct ir.
seel a (n) crevice. Neg bi dafa seela.
Thc homc hus u ctcvicc.
seel a (va) to be pious, holy. Ku seela
la. Ic is jious.
s e e r (pa) your. Lii seen bos la. This
is youts.
s e e ra (vn) see"seene".
s e e ra (v) to leak. Dafa dee seena. Ir
usuully lcu/s.
seepi | si pi (v) to pick up. Seepil ien
balaa nga soop maalo bi. Iic/ uj
rhc /ish lc/otc you jur in rhc ticc.
seer e (va) to be tight, constipated.
Leeg-leeg mu seere. Timc ro rimc hc
seer eer (n) serer, A tribe originated
from Senegal. Nappa mooy cosaani
sereer yi. Iishinc is rhc sctcs'
see| (v) to see, search, look. Seet ko
balaa muy ow. Scutch ir lc/otc hc
s e e | a a r (v) to watch. ungee
seetaan kupe. Thcy utc yurchinc
see| l u (v) to observe, examine,
consult. Ku muna seetlu la. Ic is
see| u (n) mirrow. Jox ko seetu bi.
Civc hct rhc mittoy.
see (v) to melt. Sukur bi seey na.
rhc sucut hus mclrcu.
s e r (v) to sight. Sen naa ko. I
sichrcu him.
s e r| u (va) to be expect guest, look
forward to. ungi koo sentu. Uc
utc cxjccrinc ir.
s e x a (va) to be ioin,
s e gga (v) to bend down, bow down.
Mune nu segga pur mu door u. Ic
rolu us ro lcnu /ot him ro lcur us.
s e gga | | e re (n) tiger. eena i deu
wox ne teneey buuri aala bi. somc
jcojlc suiu rhur ricct is rhc /inc o/
rhc /otcsr.
s e l e w (va) to be quiet. Palaas bi yep
angi selew. Thc yholc jlucc is
s e l e w (n) still.
ser i r (n) muslim, marabout.
Munuma laa limal turu seri yi yep.
I cunnor numc ull rhc mutulours.
s e r rde | s e e de (n) witness. Kuy sa
sernde? yho is yout yirncss
s e r ur| u (v) to consult a marabout,
sooth sayer. eena ni deu gom
serintu torop. Somc jcojlc lclicvc
in consulrinc mutulours.
se| (adv) very.
se| (adi) clean. Na fii yep st. Icr rhis
yholc jlucc lc clcun.
se| al (v) to make clean. Dangeen
wardi setal brb bi tusuur. Yourjl)
shoulu mu/c rhc jlucc clcun
s e w (va) to be thin, be petty(slang),
small, little, tiny. Jabaram dafa sew.
Iis yi/c is rhin.
s e a a r (n) stream.
s e | a a re (n) satan, devil, trouble.
Baayileen nekka seytaane. Yourjl)
sroj lcinc u ucvil.
s c c a (va) to be sticky. Lii dafa
seecca. This is sric/y.
sdaal e (n) divide. Jelal mbuuru mi
nga sdaale ko xale yi. Tu/c rhc
ltcuu unu uiviuc ir umonc rhc
s e me r (n) axe. Buleen foyee
semei. Yourjl) uo nor jluy yirh
un uxc.
se| (n) bride, bridegroom. won leen
u set bi. Shoy us rhc ltiuc.
s e x a (n) cock. Sexa la ienda. Ic
louchr u coc/.
s ga a (n) over bend.
s w | | s be | (v) to stop raining(in
process). Su taw bi swtee lay dem.
I yill co yhcn rhc tuin srojs.
s b (n) bean. Ren sb laay beyaat.
Thc ycut I um coinc ro culrivurc
lcuns ucuin.
sf | sof (v) to load. Moto bi laa sf. I
louucu rhc vchiclc.
s l m (v) to wash(the face). Bul
slmu foofu. Ion'r yush yout /ucc
s m (v) to surround)(someone/thing),
crowd. Neu leen ko sm. Icr us
suttounu him.
s rga (n) palm wine. Snga su bees
laa dee naan. I usuully utin/ /tcsh
julm yinc.
sr (n) sarong, cloth, a locally woven
cloth. Yii sr yu u dee raaba la.
Thcsc sutoncs utc usuully yovcn.
ss (v) to reach one's limit, be up
against, be shut. Du daan mr,waay
leegi ss na. Ic is nor uscu ro lcinc
uncty, lur noy hc is tcsisrinc.
s| (n) grand child. Moo st am yee fi
dekka. Ic livcs hctc yirh his ctunu
sxa (va) to be hair. Luppa yi denus
sxa. Iis rhichs utc huity.
sxa| (v) to cough. Utal ko garabi
sxat. Iinu couch mcuicinc /ot hct.
s (n) wedding, marriage. Sy bi
dimaas la ci iaangubi. Thc ycuuinc
is on Sunuuy ur rhc chutch.
si (da) the. Supome si nob na. Thc
cullucc is torrcn.
si (av) to used in future imperative,
can-in giving permission.
si | ci (prep) in, on, there about. Mungi
si waa bi. Ir is in rhc /irchcn.
si b (va) to be dislike, be fed up with.
Jikkoom ii la sib. Shc uisli/cs his
si bi r (n) the second day after. Ci sibir
si la fa deelu. shc tcrutncu rhctc rhc
scconu uuy u/rct.
si bi r u (v) to have fever, have
malaria. Dama sibiru woon fan yii
yep. I huu mulutiu ul rhcsc uuys.
s i boor u (v) to follow, to follow
someone for money or material.
Mune buggut sibooru. Ic suiu hc
uocsn'r yunr /olloyinc.
si i m (v) to mix, to mix cooked coos
with boiled water or soup.. Siim na
cere bi. Ic hus mixcu rhc coos.
si i r (v) to open the lips whilst teeth
are clenched. Xar bangi sii. Thc
shccj hus ojcncu his lijs.
si i r u (n) wild cat. Siiru bi rey na
ganaar bi. Thc yilu cur /illcu rhc
si i s (va) to be iealous. Siis amut
nieri. To lc jculous hus no lcnc/ir.
- 39 -
Wollof-English si i s
si i s (n) chair. Defar na siis yu rafet.
Ic muuc vcty nicc chuits.
si i | (v) to drip. Liiy siit, lu mu doon?
Uhur is rhur utijjinc sru//.
si ki m (n) chin, beard. Waani na
sikim si. Ic hus tcuuccu rhc lcutu.
s i mba (n) masquerade, a wollof
masquerate dressed and acting like
a lion.. Deu seetaani simba.
Thcy'vc conc ro yurch rhc
s i me k u (va) to be undressed. Dafa
simeeeku ma gis yaram bi. Shc
unutcsscu I suy hct louy.
s i mi | s umi (v) to dethrone, undress
(take out clothing). Simi nga tuby
bi be pare. You'vc ru/cn o// rhc
junrs ultcuuy.
si mi s (n) shirt. iox na la simis yi. Shc
hus civcn him rhc s/itrs.
s i rda x (n) lizard. Lii du bar, sindax
la. This is nor Icuunu, ir is u lizutu.
s i re ma a (n) cinema. Tiyaatar bi ci
sienemaa bi leu ko defee. Thc
concctr yill lc hclu ur rhc cincmu.
s i ppa (n) skirt. Sippa yi amuu
mbubba. Thc s/itrs uocsn'r huvc
s i ppa - s i ppa | s i ppa x (n) strimp.
Sipa-sipa dafa iafe ci nawet bi.
Srtimjs utc nor uvuilullc in tuiny
si r aas (v) to shoe shine, polish(shoe).
Siraas na daala yi yep. Ic hus
jolishcu ull rhc shocs.
si so (n) scissors. Siso bi awut. Thc
scissots is nor shutj.
s o (v) to set(sun), offer. Janta bi so
na. Thc sun hus scr.
s ob (va) to be nosy, be fussy, be
mischievous, turbulent. Xam nga ne
danga sob. You /noy rhur you utc
sobl e| l i roj (n) onions. Yooka ci
tuuti soble. Zuu in u lir o/ onions.
sf (v) to load. Sofeer bangi sof porto
bagaas bi. Thc utivct louucu rhc
s o g a | s o o g a (va) to be have iust
done, have iust. Mungee sooga eksi.
Ir jusr uttivcu.
soj | xur f aar (n) have a cold, have a
flu. Buggut oo waala soi bi. Shc
uocsn'r yunr ro conruminurc us yirh
hct colu.
sol (v) to dress, put on, wear. Duu
sol yooyu. Thcy yill nor jur on
sol daar (n) soldier. Soldaar yi xam
enu sen ligey. Thc soluict /noy
rhcit jol.
s ol oh (n) importance, business. Loo
lu amut soloh. Thur hus no
sol u (va) to be dressed. Doo solu u
aanda ci xw bi. Uon'r you utcss-
uj, roccrhct yc co ro rhc cctcmony.
s orde e l (n) candle. Bul tg soneel bi
ci kow toogu bi. Ion'r jur rhc
cunulc on roj o/ rhc chuit.
s oo if you. Soo iangee, dinga am
xam-xam. I/ you lcutn, you yill
huvc /noylcucc.
s oo (n) hole, offering, stab, puncture.
s oo (v) to lock, pierce, harvest
(peanut), go (through).
s o o b e e (n) seriousness, diligence.
s o o b e e (va) to be please(to God). Su
soobee yalla, dina ko iel. I/ Cou
jlcuscs, hc yill ru/c ir.
s o o b u (n) plunge in (expression).
s o b u (v) to plunge(in river, ocean
e.. Soobu nga ci geei gi. You
jlunccu in rhc scu.
s ooc a (v) to scrub. Sooca ko be mu
set. Sctul is unril ir is clcun.
s ooc e | (n) cricket. Loolu riiri soocet
la. Thur is u ctic/crs sounu.
s o o c u (n) chewing stick, One can
also clean the mouth with the stick..
Soocu guru moo baax. Colunur
chcyinc sric/ is rhc lcsr.
s oof (va) to be dull, be banal, be
insipid. Waaiu raffet ieeka la, waay
dafa soof. Z coou loo/inc mun lur
s o o r a (va) to be tired. Tey dama
soona torop. Touuy. I'm vcty ritcu.
s oora l (va) to be suffering, strive.
Feebar bangi ko soonal. Iis illncss
is ccrrinc ro him.
s o o p e (n) admirer, loved one. Sa
soope seetsi na la. Yout lovcu onc
visircu you.
s oos (n) sauce. Won nu uy toogee
soos bi. shoy us hoy yc coo/ rhc
soo| i (v) to insert, pour, slot, tuck.
Sooti ko ci pax bi. Iout ir in rhc
soo| i (va) to be completed, be
complished. Afeer bi sooti na. rhc
lusincss is uccomjlishcu.
s o o w (n) cream, sour milk. Cuura ak
soow bu piir la dee naan. Iottiucc
is nicc yirh jutc sout mil/.
s o o w (v) to talk loudly. Bul leen
soow damaa nelew. uo nor rul/
louuly I yunr ro slccj.
s oox (v) to leap. Dafa rxa moo tax
muy soox. Ic hus u sjtuin rhurs
yhy hc is lcujinc.
s oox a (n) pound, Remove chaft.
Sooxal dugub gi. Iounu rhc coos.
s oo (ex) expressing contempt.
s oo (n) silk.
s or a a rs (n) orange. Soraans yu rey
laa bugga inda. I yunr ro luy lic
sor e| sor i (va) to be far. Kr gi dafa
sori. Thc comjounu is /ut.
soxl a (va) to be need, problem,
bussiness. Loolu du sa soxla. Thur is
nor yout jtollcm.
s ox ra (n) wife, woman, lady,
madam. Soxna si nanga def?
Auuum/ hoy utc you?
s ox or (va) to be wicked. eena i
deu soxor. Somc jcojlc utc
s u (n) when, if he, cabbage, if it, if
she. Su damee, dinaa fa ow. I/ hc
cocs, I yill comc rhctc.
s u| bu (rp) relatives. Suuf su weex gi
lay lekka. Shc is curinc rhc yhirc
s u b b a (n) tomorrow, morning. Ci
subba la tukki. Shc rtuvcllcu in rhc
s u b u x (v) to poke. Dafa subux
baramam bi si suma bot bi. Shc
jo/cu hct /incct in my cyc.
s uf ur (va) to be rumple. Yerem yi
yepa sufun. Zll hct clorhcs utc
suj eer (n) pot.
s uk k a (v) to kneel, genuflect. Sooy
meyee dox ci mag dey sukka. Knccl
yhcn you'tc civinc un cluctly
jctson yurct, uo /ncclu
s uk k a r | s uk k ur (n) sugar. Sukkar bu
bari baaxut ci yaram bi. Too much
sucut is nor coou /ot hculrh.
sul l a (n) penis.
s u ma (pa) my. Suma xarit bu baax
la. Shc is my coou /ticnu.
s u ma b o p p a (n) oneself.
s urguf (n) powder. Jox ko sunguf si.
Civc him rhc joyuct.
s u r u (n) if/when we, if/when they.
Suu alel la woon. Ir yus out
s u r u (pa) our. Suu alel la woon. Ir
yus out jtojctry.
- 40 -
s u p a Wollof-English
s upa (n) okra soup, soup prepared
with okra. Supa lan dee tooga samdi
bu nekka. Uc coo/ o/tu souj cvcty
s u p o me (n) cabbage. Pae supom
naata? Thc lus/cr o/ cullucc is
hoy much?
s ur ga (n) dependant, roving farmers.
Kr gangi fees tep ak ay surga. Thc
comjounu is /illcu uj yirh tovinc
sur uxal (n) slot.
su| al (va) to be finished, completed.
Sutal neu mbinda mi. Uc huvc
/inishcu ytirrinc.
su| i (n) tool. Loolu suti sampa neg
la. Thur is u luiluinc rool.
su| i (va) to be completed. Ligeey war
naa suti balaa uy dem. Thc yot/
shoulu lc comjlcrcu lc/otc yc co.
su| ur a (adi) secretive, concealed,
su| ur a (v) to save, conceal a person's
secret, secure someone, to bury a
su| ur a (n) decency, secretive,
discrect. Na nekka ci sutura, bu ko
ken xam. Icr ir lc in scctcr, lcr no
onc /noy o/ ir.
s u u b (v) to dye. Darabi suub la. Thc
lcu shccr is uycu.
s uuf (prep) bottom, beneath. Def naa
ko ci suuf. I jluccu ir ur rhc lorrom.
suul (n) burial. Suul bi elk la. Thc
lutiul is romottoy.
suul (v) to bury. Suul neu niiw bi
tey. Thcy luticu rhc cotjs rouuy.
s u u m (n) lobster. Suum dafa seer ci
xoteel bi. :Iolsrct is cxjcnsivc in
rhc horcl.
s uur (va) to be full, satisfied. Suur
naa, duma lekka. I um /ull, I yill
nor cur.
s uus a l (n) steam.
s uux (v) to sink, water. Deey suux
taati garab yi ngoon gu nekka. uo
yurct rhc rtccs cvcty cvcninc.
s uu e e (n) July. ungi ci suuyee. Uc
utc in July.
s u we | ma a (n) under wear,
underclothes. Dafa seeda moo tax
ma sol suwetmaa. Ir is colu rhurs
yhy I jur in un unuctycut.
s u wo (n) Jun, home, compound
containing a home. Suw leaa
tambali ligeey. Uc yill srutr
yot/inc in Junc.
suxi (v) to uproot, pluck. Suxi na
aari bo. Ic jluc/cu ryo rccrh.
s u (v) to sprinkle. suuyal garab gi ci
tool bi. Sjtin/lc rhc insccriciuc in
rhc /iclu.
swei j eex (n) skinny.
| aa (v) to go, take, accept, depart.
| aa (n) puddle. Taa bi wowut dipi
bimi tewee. Thc juuulc hus nor
uticu uj sincc ir tuincu.
| aab (n) boil, abscess. Deta bu baree
geena ci taab bi. Too muchjus cumc
our o/ rhc ulccss.
| aabi (v) to fill(in a hole). Xale yu
goor yangee taabi pax bi. Thc loys
utc /illinc rhc holc.
| aabul (n) table. Kayit yangi ci kow
taabul bi. Thc jujcts utc on rhc
| aaca (va) to be flat. Buru bi dafa
taaca. Thc ltcuus utc /lur.
| aacu (v) to clap. Bul taacu dafa
bugga nelew. Ion'r cluj hc yunrs ro
| aaga (n) nest.
| aagaa| l e (n) sperate.
| aage (n) obituary announcement.
Deega naa taage bi. I hcutu rhc
oliruuty unnounccmcnr.
| aagee (n) death announcement. Ku
dee ci marse yaa taage sa boopa. I/
you uic in rhc mut/cr, you unnouncc
yout ucurh.
| a a gu (v) to take leave, take a
permission. Taagu neu balaa uy
dem. Uc roo/ jctmission lc/otc yc
| aaj (v) to place, put, setdown. Taai
ko fi. Ilucc ir uoyn hctc.
| aaka (v) to ablaze, alight. Safara bi
taaka na. Thc /itc is ulluzcu.
| aal (v) to light, start, kindle. Taal na
sondeel ci neeg yi. Shc lir cunulcs in
rhc houscs.
| aal al (v) to go straight. Taalalal be ci
kanam, nga laaxa. Co srtuichr /ot u
yhilc unu rutn.
| aal i (va) to be straight, straighten.
Dafa wara taali. Ir shoulu lc
| aal ube (n) arabic scholar, disciple,
follower. Kii taalube la. This jctson
is un Ztulic scholut.
| a a ma (v) to walk, travel.
| a a ma (va) to be used to, addicted to.
Dafa taama sigaret torop. Ic is vcty
uuuicrcu ro cicutcrrcs.
| aambal i (v) to begin, start,
commence. Tey laa tambali. Ir yill
srutr rouuy.
| aaral (v) to select, identify, choose.
Taanal bi la ci neex. Sclccr rhc onc
you li/c mosr.
| a a rda r ma (n) date tree, date fruit,
dates. Lii taati taanderma la. This is
u uurc rtcc.
| a a rga (va) to be hot. Brb bi tanga
na torop. Thc jlucc is vcty hor.
| aapa (v) to castrate. Xar buu taapa
la. Ir is u cusrturcu shccj.
| a a pa rda a r (n) flat, flat fish. Jaay
ma taapandaar bi. Scll mc rhc /lur
| aapar ka (n) flat wood, Wood used
for beating dyed clothes.. Wo ma fi
noo amee taaparka. Shoy mc yhctc
ro ccr rhc /lur yoou.
| aar (va) to be beauty. Taaram bee ko
nax. Ict lcuury is /oolinc hct.
| aar u (va) to be beautiful. ianxa bii
dafa taaru. This citl is lcuuri/ul.
| aa| (n) buttocks.
| aa| aar (v) to collect rain water.
Indil paan yi u taataan. Etinc rhc
juns, lcr us collccr tuin yurct.
| a a w (n) first born child. Moom mooy
taaw. Ic is rhc /itsr lotn chilu.
| aax (n) storey building. Taax bii dafa
maaget. This srotcy luiluinc is olu.
| aaxal e (v) to seperate. Taaxalel
xeexkat yi. Scjcturc rhc /ichrcts.
| aai (v) to seperate. Taayi na kayit
yi. Shc hus scjcturcu rhc jujcts.
| abal a (n) drum, Muslim holy drum..
Tabale leu dee yegleee. Isc rhc
utum ro cull ot in/otm jcojlc.
| abax (n) a stone wall. Tabax bii
yaaga fii. Thc sronc yull hus lccn
hctc /ot u lonc rimc.
| abax (v) to build, construct. Mangee
tabax neeg bu em. I um consrtucrinc
u mcuium housc.
| af (v) to stick, plaster. Taf ko fa be ci
kanam. Sric/ ir rhctc unril lurct.
| af aar (n) quarrel, crime. Defatinga
tafaar. You commircu u ctimc ucuin.
| aga (v) to praise, eulogize. Taga na
ko bubaax. Ic jtuiscu hct lor.
| aj oor (n) tailor. Demal ielal ma
suma ew bi ci taioor bi. Co ccr my
clorhcs /tom rhc ruilot.
| a k a rde e r (n) shadow. Buggu maa
gis sa takkandeer. I uon'r yunr ro
scc yout shuuoy.
| akka (v) to tie, wed, lether, marry.
Takka na ko alxamis. Ic mutticu
hct on Thutsuuy.
- 41 -
Wollof-English | a k k a r ra a s e
| akkar raase (adv) continuous. Yef
yi takkarnaase na. Thc rhincs lccn
| a k k us a a r (n) 4:30 - 5:00pm.
Takkusaan laa dee waaca ligeey. I
/inish yot/ ur 4:30 - ::00jm.
| aksi (n) taxi. Mangee ut taksi. I um
loo/inc /ot u ru/si.
| al aa| a (v) to reduced, divided,
shared, seperated.
| al aa| a (n) Tuesday. Tey talaata la
Touuy is Tucsuuy.
| al i (n) paved road, road, street,
tarred. Bul dox ci kow tali bi. Ion'r
yul/ on rhc juvcu touu.
| a m (v) to accuse, accuse someone of
witch craft. Domma leu ko tam.
Thcy uccuscu him o/ lcinc u yirch.
| a m (adv) also. Moom tam dina ow.
Shc yill ulso comc.
| a ma (n) tom-tom,
drumming(activity), Small talking
drum. Tama neexuta tgga. Z rom-
rom is nor cusy ro lcur.
| a ma a | e (n) tomatoes. Tamaate yi
or neu. Thc romurocs utc nor
| a me (n) a sieve. Tame etti fason la
am. Z sicvc hus rhtcc ryjcs.
| a momoi | a (n) thermometre. Deelool
tamomita palaasam. Fcrutn rhc
rhctmomcrtc ro irs jlucc.
| a mos | a a | (n) thermostat. Tamostaat
bangi biir almoor bi. Thc rhctmosrur
is in rhc cujloutu.
| a mpe (n) stamp.
| ar (n) eagle, vulture. Tan bi yoobu
na cuuc bi. Thc cuclc hus ru/cn rhc
| are (va) to be better. Leegi mungee
tane bu baax. Aoy ir is ccrrinc
lcrrct motc.
| a rga a (n) heat, warm weather.
Tangaay bangee ow. Thc yutm
ycurhct is ujjtouchinc.
| argal (n) candy. Jendalal xale yi
tangal. luy cunuy /ot rhc /ius.
| a rgoor (n) heat. Tangoor bi oppa
na. Thc hcur is roo much.
| arka (v) to memorise, save from
| arka (n) protect, foot, twelve bututs.
Weecili tanka nga ko wara iox. You
shoulu civc him 12 lururs chuncc.
| ar| a (n) aunt. Ci tantaam la dekka.
Shc livcs yirh hct uunr.
| arxa (v) to water, draw. Tanxal ci
ndox mi nga naan. Tu/c somc o/ rhc
yurct unu utin/.
| arca (v) to insult, tell off. Baayil di
taca sa mag yi danga tuuti. Sroj
rcllinc o// yout clucts you utc
| aj (n) season, period, time. Yeena
tan yi dafa dee tanga. Irs ccrs
scusonully yutm.
| aj (v) to steam, plaster. Tey len
nataal yi ci miir bi. Ilucc rhc
jicrutcs on rhc yull.
| apa (v) to stick, pin. Dama tayal ci
tapa buton. I um luzy ro scy lurrons.
| apaas (v) to trouble, to heckle. Moo
ko doon tapaas dipi dmba. Shc yus
hcc/linc hct sincc ycsrctuuy.
| apaa| (n) fence. Bul seben ci tapaat
bi. Io nor utinurc on rhc /cncc.
| apal e (n) rip off.
| ape (n) carpet, rug, linoleum. Leegi
tape dafa seer. Aoy cutjcr is
| ar (n) pile. Xale yi deu tar bota bi ci
seen mbuuru mi. Thc chilutcn jilcu
rhc lurrct on rhcit ltcuu.
| ar aase (v) to slice. Lion buu
taraase gi ci bool bi. Thc sliccu
onions utc in rhc loyl.
| ar de (va) to be late. Duy bugga di
tarde. Ic uocsn'r li/c ro lc lurc /ot
| ar i (v) to recite. Naata saar nga muna
tari? Ioy muny vctscs cun you
| as (v) to scatter, breakup, destroyed.
Booli weer bi tas na. Thc cluss loyl
hus lto/cn uj inro jicccs.
| asaar e (v) to scatter. Mungi tasaare
bagaas yi funekka. Ic scurrctcu rhc
rhincs cvcty yhctc.
| a s a a r oo (va) to be scattered. Nag yi
tasaaroo nenu ci biir aala bi. Thc
currlc hus scurrctcu in rhc lush.
| asee (v) to meet. Dineu fa tasee.
Uc yill mccr rhctc.
| asi oj (n) hypertension, high blood
pressure. Dafa am feebari tasiyon.
Ic is u hich lloou jtcssutc juricnr.
| a w (v) to rain. Hei na leegi tey mu
kumaase di taw. Auy lc soon ir yill
srutr ro tuin.
| awa| (v) to complain, drenched,
rained. Danga muna tawat torop.
You cun comjluin roo much.
| ax (n) cause. Lan moo tax xuloo bi
am? Uhur cuuscu rhc uuttcl?
| axa (v) to stain, stick to. Yereem yi
deu taxa distiir. Ict clorhcs cor
julm oil sruin.
| axar (v) to fetch firewood. Samdi
bu-nekka la dee faxai. Ic /crchcs
yoou cvcty Surutuuy.
| a x a w (v) to stand, stop. mangi taxaw
di la xaar. I um srunuinc yuirinc /ot
| a x a w (n) stood.
| axe (n) sticky.
| a (n) stick.
| aal (va) to be lazy. Dama tayala
eewu. I um luzy ro yu/c uj.
| a ba a s (n) blouse(wolof style).
Taybass laa bugga awlu. I yunr ro
ccr u roj muuc.
| e (av) to negates "be" and "mu".
| e (coni) also, then, and. Dinaa ko
wox te doo ma door. I yill suy ir
unu you yill nor lcur mc.
| eb (va) to be full (the brim). Lekka
neu be suu biir yi fees tb. Uc urc
unril out sromuch utc /ull ro rhc
| eeda (va) to be comfortable, enioy.
Jigeen deu ko war di teedal. Z
yomun shoulu lc muuc
| eegi (v) to remove. Baalal ma nga
teegi bagaas yi ci table bi. Iotcivc
mc unu tcmovc rhc ircms on rhc
| eeki (v) to succeed, fruitful. Kii du
teeki muk. This jctson yill ncvct
succccu rcxjtcssion).
| eel (va) to be early. Dafa teel pur
laite xaalis. Ir's roo cutly ro us/ /ot
| eel a (n) shallow frying pan. Dama
soxla teela pur saaf in. I nccu u
shuuoy /tyinc jun /ot /tyinc.
| eel a door (n) start early.
| eer (n) lice. For naa tee ci
kawaram bi. I jic/cu licc in hct
| eej (va) to be meek. Nit dafa wara
teey. Z jctson shoulu lc juricnr.
| eer (v) to land (ashore). Gaal bi ellek
lay teer. Thc shij yill lunu
| eer e (n) amulet, book. Lakka na
teere yi mu am yep. Uc huvc lutncu
ull rhc umulcrs hc hus.
| eer | u (v) to welcome. Teertu gangi
nehnah. Thc yclcominc o/ rhc cucsr
yus /un.
| eer u (n) coastal village, a port, town,
to wait for someone. ungee dem ci
teeru bi. Uc utc coinc ro rhc jotr.
| ees (v) to stop. Fii la wox ii tees. Thc
convctsurion yill sroj hctc.
- 42 -
| eesal Wollof-English
| eesal (v) to reach one's limit. Leegi
teesal nga. Aoy you huvc tcuchcu
yout limir.
| e e w (va) to be present. un ep fa
teew. Uc yctc ull jtcscnr rhctc.
| e e we e (v) to witness. Moo teewee
xeex bi. Ic yirncsscu rhc /ichr.
| eexe| (va) to be stubborn, holy. Dafa
bugga neeka ku teexet. Ic yunrs ro
lc u holy jctson.
| ee (va) to be patient, more
carefully. Danga wara teeylu sa
dundu. You shoulu movc cutc/ully
/ot yout li/c.
| eei (n) still.
| ef es (n) beach. Dem na tefes uti ien.
Shc ycnr ro rhc lcuch ro ccr /ish.
| eg (v) to place, forge, put, fabricate.
Daala bii teg la. This shoc is u
/ulticurcu onc.
| e gu (n) scarf, cloak. Gisut tgu bi
mu tiyewoon. Shc uiu nor scc rhc
clou/ shc hclu.
| ek (adv) very, exactly.
| ek (n) stake.
| ere (n) tiger, panther. Tene and
gayindeen buur ci aala bi. Ticct unu
lion utc rhc /inc unu uccn o/ rhc
| er| ej (n) winnowing basket.
Mungee bees dugub bi ci tenten bi.
Shc is yinnoyinc rhc coos in rhc
| er al (v) to entertain, regale. Soo
amee gan danga koo teral. I/ you
huvc u cucsr you shoulu cnrctruin
| er arga (n) respect, hospitality.
Woxal ak moom ci teranga. Tul/ ro
hct yirh tcsjccr.
| er e (v) to prevent, prohibit, forbid.
Yooni iulit be tere nan. Thc muslim
luy jtohilirs utun/inc ulcuhol.
| er eere| | er erde (n) article lying
about on, an artcle lying about on
the floor. Foral yii tereene nii. Iic/
uj rhc utriclcs lyinc ulour rhc /loot.
| er e| uwaar (n) footpath. Ci
teretuwaar bi leu ko saani. Ir yus
rhtoyn on rhc /oorjurh.
| e (v) to do deliberately, do
intentionally, break, cross a
river,etc., smash. Yaa ko tey rey xai
bi. You uclilcturcly /illcu rhc uoc.
| e (n) today, ferry. Dina ibi tey. Ic
yill co homc rouuy.
| e m e r (n) hundred. oom
temera wara eka. Iunutcu o/
rhcm shoulu uttivc.
| er (n) well. Gas neu etti ten ci
dekka bi. Thcy huvc uuc rhtcc yclls
in rhc villucc.
| (va) to be intracable, uncontrolable.
Kii dafa t. This jctson is
| b (n) spring.
| b| | ob (v) to leap, iump. Bul tb,
dinga daanu. Io nor jumj, you yill
/ull uoyn.
| cca| | i cca (v) to pinch, hurt, Pinch
oneself in a door way or between
any two hard things.. Dafa tccu ci
loxo. Ic hutr his /incct.
| dda (v) to go to bed. un denu dee
teela tdda. Uc co ro lcu cutly.
| dda (va) to be lie down. kaay tedda
fii nga noppale ku. Comc unu lic
uoyn hctc unu huvc tcsr.
| ga (n) black smith, silver/gold
smith. Yoobu neu suu takkaay yi
ci tga bi. Uc roo/ out jcyclty ro
rhc silvctcolu smirh.
| ga (v) to play drums. Kumaase leen
tga sabar yi. Yourjl) srutr jluyinc
rhc utums.
| gaka| (n) drummer. Ana tegakat
bi. Uhctc is rhc utummct.
| j (v) to close. Tei na bunta yi yep.
Zll rhc uoots utc closcu.
| l a (n) cutlet of fish. Jendal ma teela.
Euy /ot mc u curlcr o/ /ish.
| rj a (v) to mourn. Yal na ma yalla
musal ci tnia. Auy Cou suvc mc
/tom moutninc.
| r (v) to trap. Tr na ianax bi. Ic
hus rtujjcu rhc mousc.
| r al (v) to enact, lay down. Tral na
liir bi ci lal bi. shc luycu rhc luly
on rhc lcu.
| s| ar (n) foot (sole). Dumay muna
ndox ci suma tstan bi. I cunnor
yul/ on rhc solc o/ my /oor.
| s| s (va) to be business like. Munut
tsts. Ic is nor lusincss li/c.
| x (va) to be deaf. Duy degga, dafa
tx. Ic cunnor hcut, hc is ucu/.
| xa- | xa (n) difficulty, a stumbling
block. Munuma feekee sy ngir ay
txa-txa. I coulu nor urrcnu rhc
ycuuinc uuc ro somc ui//iculry.
| i bba (v) to take a handful. Tibbal lu
bari. Tu/c u hunu/ul.
| i i m (v) to above, help someone
deliver, perform abolution, look
down on, higher than, Perform
abolution without water.. Tey
damay tiim. Touuy I yill jct/otm
ullurion yirhour yurct.
| i i mka| (n) mid wife. Ooyal ma
tiimkat bi. Cull rhc miuyi/c /ot mc.
| i i ral (v) to accuse. Bul ma tiial. Io
nor uccusc mc.
| i i r (n) palm tree. Taati tiir bee daanu
ci kow neeg bi. Thc julm rtcc /cll
on rhc housc.
| i i r e (va) to be aim. Lu baax laa dee
tiire tusuur. I ulyuys uim /ot rhc
| i i s (n) sorrow. Bii niiaayam deeyee
dafa am tiis bu mag. Uhcn hct
unclc uicu, Ir yus u lic sottoy.
| i i | (va) to be greedy, afraid,
frightened, alarmed. Yow danga tiit.
You utc ctccuy.
| i l i m (va) to be dirty. Dama bugga
sangu paski dama tilim. I yunr ro
ru/c shoyct lccuusc I'm uitry.
| i mi s (n) dusk. Timis leu dee reer.
Uc usuully cur uinnct ur uus/.
| i r (adv) suddenly. Bimu ne tir ken
gisut ko. Ic tun suuucnly unu no
onc suy him.
| i s (v) to splash. Yangi tis naan bi fu-
nekka. You sjlushcu rhc utin/ cvcty
| i sbaar (n) 2:00pm, Afternoon prayer
time.. Tisbaar iot na, neu len iuli.
Irs rhc u/rctnoon jtuyct rimc lcr us
| i sol i (v) to sneeze. Mangee tisooli,
dama soi. I um sncczinc, I huvc u
| i e (v) to hold, restrain. Tiye ko
balaa muy daanu. Iolu him lc/otc
hc /ulls.
| of | of (n) motor bike.
| oj (v) to break, broken, split open.
Dafa toi dipi demba. Ir yus lto/cn
sincc ycsrctuuy.
| omaa| e- l oxa| i (n) tomato paste. Bul
def tamaate-loxati ci soos bi. Ion'r
jur romuro jusrc in rhc suucc.
| r| or (n) sprout(flowering stage).
Bale leen tontoor yi suuf si. Syccj
rhc sjtours on rhc /loot.
| r| u (v) to answer, respond. Suma
tontu bi laay xaar. I um yuirinc /ot
my unsyct.
| or (v) to help(someone to climb, to
prop. Neu dem nga to ma. Icrs
co, you hclj mc ro climl.
| ooc a r me k u (v) to apply oil on one's
body. Dafa toocarmekoo diw. Shc is
ujjlyinc s/in oil on hct louy.
| oog (n) sit in one place.
| oog (v) to sit, settle. Kaay leen toog
fii. Yourjl) comc sir hctc.
- 43 -
Wollof-English | o o g a
| ooga (v) to cook. Fatou wara tooga
tey. Iurou shoulu coo/ rouuy.
| ooga k a | (n) cook. Jkaram toogakat
la. Ict huslunu is u coo/.
| oogu (n) chain. Jocal gan yi toogu
u toog. civc rhc cucsr u chuin lcr
rhcm sir uoyn.
| ooj (n) a bench. Geeneel u tooi yi.
Tu/c our rhc lcnchcs /ot us.
| ool (n) field, garden. Ren bey ngeen
tool yu bari. You'vc culrivurcu muny
/iclus rhis ycut.
| ool aal e (v) to compare. Bul ma
toolaale ak moom. uo nor comjutc
mc yirh hct.
| ool oo (va) to be equal, same, Have
the same size with/as someone..
Yenna tooloo pey. You ull huvc rhc
sumc sulutics.
| o o mb e e (n) coincidence. Lii deey
tombee la. This is u coinciucncc.
| oor (v) to trespass, provoke. Binga
duggee kram nga ko too. You
rtcsjusscu yhcn you cnrctcu his
| oopa (v) to follow. Danga bugga
toopa nit torop. You li/c /olloyinc
jcojlc roo much.
| o o p a r d o o r (v) to imitate, pirate.
Daala yi u toopandoor duy dggr.
Imirurcu shocs utc nor usuully
| oopa | oo (v) to take care of. Moo
dee toopatoo suma doom bi. Shc
ru/cs cutc o/ my chilu.
| oope (v) to follow(someone). Dafa
taama toope. Ic is uscu ro /olloyinc
| oor i s (n) tourist. Ren oteel yi bari
wuu tooris. This ycut rhc horcls
uon'r huvc muny routisrs.
| oox a (v) to drip. Dina tooxa soo ko
buggee yoobu. Ir yill utij i/ you
yunr ro ru/c ir uyuy.
| oox a - | oox a (n) stain, spots. Sa
mbuba mi dafa am tooxa-tooxa.
Yout utcss hus sruins.
| oo (va) to be wet, moist. Lii dafa
tooy. This is ycr.
| o (va) to be stupid, foolish. Yow
danga tooy torop. You vcty srujiu.
| oo a a (n) wetness. Tooyaay bii
doyna. Ir's ycr cnouch.
| ooal (n) moisten.
| oo e (n) wetness. Duma dugga ci
tooye bi. I yill nor ccr in rhis
| or op (inten) very. Set dafa baax
torop. Clcuncss is vcty coou.
| or ox (va) to be suffer, poor, cursed.
Balaa muy am ligey, dafa torox be!
Ec/otc hc cor u jol, Ic su//ctcu u
| ox or (v) to rub(the eye). Soo
toxoee sa bot bi dafay genaa meeti.
I/ you tul yout cycs ir yill hutr
| uba a b (n) foreigner( European),
white person, two-bob, addressing
term for a "tubaaboo". Leegi tubaab
yangi bari ci dekka bi. Aoy rhctc
muny yhirc jcojlc in royn.
| ub (n) pants, trousers. Sa tuby bi
rafet na. Yout rtousct is nicc.
| udda (n) named. Xaddi la tudda.
Ict numc is Iuuuy.
| udde e (v) to name. Xaiam bi Ricki
la ko tuddee. Shc numcu hct uoc
| uf l i (v) to spit. Bul tufli ci neg bi.
Io nor sjir in rhc housc.
| uf l i | (n) spittle. Palaas bangi fees ak
tuflit. Thc jlucc is /ull o/ sjirrlc.
| ukki (v) to travel. Dinaa tukki ci
kanam tuuti. I yill soon rtuvcl.
| urda (n) hill. Mus ngaa eeg tunda?
Iuvc you cvct climlcu u hill?
| ur (n) mulching. Baayil di mocca sa
tuun bi. Sroj mulchinc yout lijs.
| ur ki (n) shirt (local style). Turki laa
bugga nawlu. I yunr ro ccr rhis shitr
srylc muuc.
| us (n) naught.
| us urga l (n) kohl, Comestic for the
eye lashes.. Lii buteli tusungal la.
This is u /ohl lorrlc.
| uub (v) to convert, apologise. Dina
tuub su la buggee takka. Ic yill
convctr i/ hc yunrs ro mutty you.
| uubal (v) to convert, forgiveness,
someone to ask for forgiveness.
Imam bee ko tuubal Thc imum
convctrcu him.
| uub e r (n) proselyte. Yaaga naa
nekka tuubel. Ic hus lccn u
jtosclyrc lonc rimc.
| uuf (n) ointment(eye). Jendal tuuf
nga fai sa waanent bi. Euy cyc
oinrmcnr unu cutc yout
| uuf a (n) snail, shell fish. Dumay
bugga gis tuufi ci nawet. I hurc ro
scc snuil uutinc rhc tuiny scuson.
| uuk (ex) quiet, Expression used to
stop someone from using
invectiveness. Dang yuuxu tuuk ep
dienu noopi. You huvc ro shour
uicr/ cvctyonc yill lc uicr.
| uuma l (v) to accuse(wrongly). Deu
ko tuumal saaca. Thcy uccuscu him
o/ srculinc.
| uur (n) shrine, idol, spirit. Deu am
tuur bi u dee iaamu. Thcy huvc un
iuol rhur rhcy yotshij.
| uur (v) to pour, spill. Dina tuur ndox
mi. Ir yill jout rhc yurct.
| uu| i (va) to be small, little. Lii dafa
tuuti torop. This is vcty smull.
| uux (va) to be content. Waaii dafa
tuux. This mun is conrcn.
| ux (v) to smoke. Moom duy tux
leegi. Ic uocsn'r smo/c noy.
| uxka| (v) to smoker. Tuxkat bu mag
la woon. Ic yus u chuin smo/ct.
ub (v) to cover, close. Mbaa ub nga
lekka yi. Iojc you'vc covctcu rhc
ubbi (v) to open. Ubbi na bunta yi
yep. Ic hus ojcncu ull rhc uoots.
u b b u (va) to be closed. Lii dafa ubbu.
This is closcu.
u b e k u (n) opened.
u m (v) to bring bad luck. Soo toiee
seetu danga dee umu. I/ you ltcu/ u
mittoy ir ltincs luu luc/.
u mp a (v) to a mystery, puzzle. Dafa
ma umpa lutax taanuu ma. Ir is u
mysrcty ro mc yhy rhcy uiun'r sclccr
urk a (n) wall gecko. Unka duy
maate. Z yull ccc/o uocsn'r lirc.
ur l (v) to hem. Firil urle bi mu
fawaat ko. Ioosc rhc hcm lcr him
scy ir ucuin.
ur us (n) gold. Saaca na urus yu
yaayam amoon yep. Ic hus srolcn
ull rhc colu his morhct oyncu.
u| (v) to search, find. Jiwu yi u
decoon fii leoo ut. Uc utc
scutchinc /ot rhc sccus yc /cjr
u| ee (va) to be different, difference.
Bii dafa utee ak bale. This onc is
ui//ctcnr /tom rhur onc.
u| i (v) to go find, go look for. ungee
uti meew. Uc utc coinc ro loo/ /ot
u u d e (n) cobbler, leather worker.
Uude yi oo dee defar daala. Thc
colllcts mu/cs rhc shocs.
uuf (n) carry, Put on one's lap..
Toogal uuf sa doom bi pur doktoor
bi penguko. Sir uoyn unu cutty
yout chilu /ot rhc uocrot ro injccr
uus (va) to be abandon, leave for
good. i dee uus seen doom yi,
- 44 -
u u Wollof-English
iaaxal neu ma. jcojlc yho
ulunuun rhcit chilutcn, sutjtisc
u u (v) to answer, respond. Doo uyu
ki laa oo. Uill you unsyct rhc
jctson cullinc you.
wa a (n) inhabitant, reed, one's
heritage, resident, citizens, people
of, kind of grass. oom waa dex gi
leu. Thcy utc tcsiucnrs o/ rhc
wa a (v) to do, keep doing.
wa a c a (v) to descend, off work, come
down. Waaca naa ligeey. I um o//
wa a f (n) dock. Fii ngi waaf yi la.
Ictc is rhc housc o/ rhc uuc/s.
wa a f (v) to ambush. Soldaar yangi
waaf biu dege riir mi. Thc
soluicts umlushcu yhcn rhc hcutu
rhc noisc.
wa a f u (n) seige.
wa a j ur (n) parents. Suma waaiur yi
amau xarit. Ay jutcnrs uon'r huvc
wa a k a (v) to throw. Waakal linga
for. Thtoy/ yhur you'vc jic/cu.
waaki r l u (v) to volunteer. Dina
waakirlu gas ten bi. Ic yill
volunrcct ro uic rhc ycll.
wa a l (v) to veil. Abal ma sa waal bi.
Icnu mc yout vcil.
wa a l a (v) to part, segment. Jox ma
suma waala ci yoobal bi. Civc mc
my shutc o/ rhc ci/r.
wa a l a (va) to be part, contaminate.
Feebaram bi la ma waala. Ic
conruminurcu mc yirh his ucscusc.
wa a l a (n) share, section.
wa a l e (va) to be contagious. Feebar
bii dafaa waale. This uiscusc is
waal i (v) to go to, to ioin. Moo waali
pur teel ko iot. Ic ycnr /otrh ro ccr
ir cutly.
wa a l i a a r (n) foreigner, Person
coming into a new society.. Kii
waaliyaan la. This jctson is un
wa a me (va) to be moody, stormy. Nit
ku nekka danga waame. Fvcty
jctson lccomcs moouy.
wa a me (n) tide, high tide. Geei gi
dafe waame tey. Thc occun is ur
hich riuc rouuy.
wa a r (n) van. Waan la ienda ci fan
yii. Ic louchr u vun rhcsc uuys.
wa a r e (va) to be a hypocrite,
partake. Moo nekkoon waane bi
seen digante. Ic yus rhc hyjoctirc
lcryccn rhcm.
wa a r e r | (n) coniuntivities. Utal
garab pur sa waanent bi. /inu u
mcuicinc /ot yout conjuncrivirics.
wa a r (n) kitchen. Duggal ci waa bi
nga tooga. Ccr in rhc /irchcn unu
wa a r e e k u (n) reduced, reduce,
lessen. Taw bi waaneeku na. Thctc
is lcss tuin noy.
wa a ri (v) to reduce. Dafa koy waai
dafa oppa. Ic is ro tcuucc ir, ir is
roo much.
wa a r (va) to be shocking, stun. Lii
dafa ma waar. This rhinc srunncu
wa a r (n) acre. Am neu iuroomi
waari tool pur bey. Uc huvc /ivc
uctcs o/ lunu /ot culrivurion.
wa a r (v) to preach. Waar ko ndax mu
wecheeku. Itcuch him so rhur hc
yill chuncc.
wa a r e (v) to preach, sermons. Dama
dee bugga waare mbir yalla. I
usuully li/c ro lisrcn ro sctmous
ulour Zlluh.
wa a r u (va) to be mystified, amazed,
surprised. Dafa waaru, be mu ko
dege. Ic yus mysri/icu yhcn hc
hcutu ir.
wa a s (n) tilapia. Geeii Tendaba bi
waas la bari. Thc tivct hus jlcnry o/
rilujiu ur Tcnuulu.
wa a s (v) to insult, scale, clean(fish).
Waas na in yi be mu set. Shc hus
sculcu rhc /ish unril irs clcun.
wa a | (v) to swear, vow, take an oath.
Dinaa waat ci yalla soo buggee. I
yill sycut ro Cou i/ you yunr.
waa| i i r (v) to tie. ungi waatiir fas yi
yep. Zll rhc hotscs utc ricu uj.
wa a w (ex) yes. Mune waaw. Ic suiu
wa a wk a r (ex) of course. Ndax dinga
feey? Waawka Ztc you coinc ro
syin? C/ coutsc.
wa a x u (v) to walk(quickly). Dafa dee
waaxu. Ic usuully yul/s uic/ly.
wa c u | wo c u (v) to vomit. Yeena xet
yi deu koy wocculoo. Somc ouout
mu/c hct vomir.
wa l (v) to throw. Bulleen di wal potit
ci mbedda mi. Yourjl) uo nor rhtoy
luunuty yurct in rhc srtccr.
wa l a (coni) or, as well as. Woxal ak
moodu walla papaam. Tul/ ro
Aouou ot his /urhct.
wa l a r g a a r (n) down pour of water.
Ndox mangee walangaan. This is u
uoyn jout o/ yurct.
wa l a r| e e r u (v) to volunteer,
sacrifice. Dinaa walanteeru booka ci
xeex bi. I yill volunrcct ro join in
rhc /ichr.
wa l a x (v) to bail out water. Gaal gi
dina suux suu ko walaxut. Thc
lour yill sin/ i/ hc uon'r luil our rhc
wa l a x rj a - x a a r (n) larva. Goota
gangi am ay walaxniaxaan. Thc
currct hus somc lutvu.
wa r a g (n) toilet, back yard, bath
room. Neg am na wanag ci ganaw.
Thc housc hus u lurhtoom lchinu
wa r| e | wa a (coni) but. Xam lingeen
bugga wante duma leen digagum. I
/noyrjl) yhur you yunr lur I yill
nor jtomisc you ycr.
wa r x a (n) beetle, a blister beetle. Lii
wanxa la. This is u llisrct lccrlc.
wa r (av) to obliged, must, have to,
should. War ngaay def lu la neex.
You shoulu uo yhur you li/c.
wa r (v) to straddle, mount, ride. War
na mbam bi. Ic touc rhc uon/cy.
war aaj (n) cemetary, grave. Waraai
bii fees na torop. This ccmcruty is
roo /ull.
wa r a x (v) to swallow(without,
chewing). Munuma di warax lekka.
I cun'r syulloy /oou yirhour
chcyinc ir.
wa r ga (n) Chainese green tea. Jaay
u genewal kaasi warga. Scll mc
hul/ cuj o/ Chincusc rcu.
wa r gu- a r a m (n) good health,
healthy body. Neu leen aan wer-
gu-yaram. Icr us jtuy /ot coou
wa r uga l (n) obligation. Yan warugal
oo ci booka. Uhur ollicurions utc
wa s i r| oor (n) scales(fish). Gasal pax
nga tuur ci waasintoor yi. Iic u
holc unu jout rhc sculcs in rhctc
wa | (v) to shave. Suma amee ku ma
wat dinaa beg. I/ I huvc onc yho
yill shuvc mc I'll lc hujjy.
wa| a| (v) to drag, shuffle. Dinga ko
gaa so ko watatee. You yill hutr
him i/ you utuc him.
wa | u (v) to shave. Xale bi watu na.
Thc chilu is shuvcu.
- 45 -
Wollof-English wa x
wa x | wo x (v) to speak, say, talk. wox
yoomba na waay def meeti na. Ir is
cusict ro suiu rhun uonc.
wa x i r (n) saying, tell, telling.
wa x | a a r (n) chat, conversation.
Daakooru u paski suu waxtaan bi
sooti wut. Uc uiu nor uctcc lccuusc
out convctsurion yus incomjlcrc.
wa x | a a r (v) to chat, converse. Am
neu waxtaan. Uc huvc u
wa x | u (n) hour, time. Woxtu roose
iot na. Ir is rimc /ot yurctinc.
wa (ex) showing surprise.
wa (v) to set e.g. ielly. Meew mi
wayagut. Thc mil/ hus nor ycr scr.
wa o (n) pool, stream. Deu daan
feey ci wayo. Uc uscu ro syim in rhc
we | we (n) finger, toe nail. Bugga
naa an wey yu gudda. I yunr ro huvc
lonc nuils.
we c c i (v) to change. Dinaa ko wecci
elk. I yill chuncc ir romottoy.
wecci | (n) change. Indi nga weccit
wi. Iiu you ltinc rhc chuncc.
we d a a r a a mu (v) to peep(over one's
face). Lutax ngay wedaaaamu.
Uhy utc you jccjinc.
we e di (v) to retract, disagree, deny.
Dumay bugga weedi suma waxi
waaiur yi. I uonr li/c ro ucny my
jutcnrs yotus.
we e r (n) breast, bosom. Meewi ween
moo gen. Etcur mil/ is rhc lcsr.
we e r (v) to hang. Weer ko ci biti.
Iunc ir our siuc.
we e r (n) month, moon. Weer bi elk
lay dee. Thc monrh cnus romottoy.
we e s (v) to pass. Loolu wees na. Thur
hus jusscu.
we e s u (v) to go beyond. Du weesu
piri boobu. Ir yill nor co lcyonu
rhur jticc.
we e x (n) white. Weex moy kulooram.
Uhirc is irs colout.
we e x (va) to be white. Weex moy
kulooram. Uhirc is irs colout.
we e x a [ s l a rg (n) steal.
we e x a l (n) bleach. Bul faatee def
wexal. Ion'r /otccr ro usc llcuch.
we e x u (v) to kick(about one's feet.
Liir bangee weexu. Thc luly is
/ic/inc irs /ccr.
we l o (n) bicycle. Wello bi la war. Shc
touc rhc licyclc.
we r (n) iron, tse-tsefly. We yi bari
neu fii torop. Thc /lics utc vcty
muny hctc.
we j (v) to throw, Someone from the
waist. Soo gisee ni mu welee xale
bi. I/ you scc hoy shc rhtoy rhc
chilu /tom rhc yuisr.
we r a r| e (v) to argue. Bulleen
werante ci lu tooy lii. Io nor utcuc
ovct rhis /oolish rhinc.
wer | a (n) green. Xob yi deu werte.
Thc lcuvcs utc ctccn.
we s e j (n) dry(food only). Maalo bi
dafa wesen torop. Thc ticc is vcty
we | (n) sides. Bosal ma suma wet yi.
Aussucc my siucs /ot mc.
we | (prep) side of body, side,
surroundings. Mune wtam yeey
meeti. Shc suiu, hct siucs utc
we | e r (n) tick. Sungeen pompewut
fiiweten yi duu dee. I/ you uon'r
sjtuy hctc rhc ric/s yill nor uic.
we x (va) to be bitter. Bi ma ko mosee
dafa wex xat. Uc I rusrcu ir, ir yus
vcty lirrct.
we x | a r (n) gall bladder, bile. Moytu
leen wextani ganaari bi. Ec cutc/ul
o/ rhc cull lluuuct.
we x x a (v) to kick. Bul ko wexxa. Io
nor /ic/ him.
w e c e (v) to exchange. Fii la ko
wece. I cxchunccu ir hctc.
w e | (va) to be lonely. Jkkaram
tukki na, dafa wet. Ict huslunu
rtuvcllcu, shc is loncly.
w r (va) to be well. Yow doo musa
wr. You yill ncvct ccr ycll.
w r a di (va) to be sick, sickly. Danga
niru ku wradi. You loo/ li/c
somconc sic/.
w (va) to be crazy. Duma la faale,
danga wy. I yill nor minu you, you
utc ctuzy.
wi (da) the. Waa wi yaatu na. Thc
/irchcn is sjucious.
wi c a x (v) to flick. Sa loxoyangi tooy
bulleen wicax. Youts hunus utc ycr
uon'r /lic/ rhcm.
wi i r i - waar a (v) to loitering. Wiiri-
waara bi doy na. Thc loirctinc is
wi i s (n) screws. Wiis yee yolom. Thc
sctcys utc loosc.
wi s (v) to sprinkle. Wis ko fu-nekka.
Sjtin/lc ir cvctyyhctc.
wi s- wi sal (n) drizzle. Mungee wisal
bi taxaw na. Irs srojs utizzlinc.
wi | a (v) to pluck. Gaawal wita bisaab
bi. Ec uic/ unu jluc/ rhc sottcl.
wi | ees (n) speed. Mungi doon daw
ak witees. Ic yus tunninc ur u
wi | e r (n) cotton. Fompee ko witen.
Clcun ir yirh corron.
wo c c a (v) to leave, abandon. Wocca
ko fa u dem. Icuvc ir rhctc lcr us
wodda | r o| (v) to drop. Ku alelam
wadda? Uhosc jtojctry utojjcu?
wol (v) to pound. Mangee ianga wol.
I um lcutninc ro jounu.
wol i s (n) suitcase. Def ko ci wolis bi.
Iur ir in rhc suircusc.
wol i s (v) to whistle. Jigeen duy wolis.
Z yomun shoulu nor yhisrlc.
wol l u (v) to save, help. Kaay wallu
ma. Comc suvc mc.
wol of (n) wolof, Tribe and language
in Senegambia.. Man doomi wolof
laa. I um yolo/ lotn.
wo l u (v) to save, aid, relief. Kaay
wolu ko balaa muy dee. Comc suvc
ir lc/otc ir uics.
wo l u (n) see "olu".
wo r (v) to show, exhibit. Won ko ko.
Shoy ir ro him.
wo r a | wa r a (v) to swallow. Wona ko
yep. Syulloy ir ull.
wo r d a a l (v) to spin. Wondaal ko ma
xool. sjin ir lcr mc scc.
wo r e wu (v) to show off. Danga
bugga wonewu torop. You li/c
shoyinc o// roo much.
wo r (n) thread. Wo bi ieex na. Thc
rhtcuu is /inishcu.
wo r e e k u (v) to return, retreat. Ka
ngaa woneeku? yhcn uiu you
wo r r i (v) to count. Woil ma xaalis
Counr rhc moncy /ot mc.
wo j | wa j (n) buttocks.
wor (va) to be betray,
disappointment. Dafa ma wor. Ic
lcrtuycu mc.
wr (v) to wander, roam. Wor amut
ngerin. Fouminc ulour is /urilc.
wo r s a g (n) luck. Kii ku am worsag
la. This jctson is luc/y.
wo s i r (v) to deliver, give birth.
Jigeen ii wosin na doom iu iigen.
Thc yomun hus uclivctcu u luly
wo| e (v) to vote. Wote dewen la. Thc
vorinc is ncxr ycut.
wo w (va) to be dry. Yr yi woow
neu. Thc clorhcs utc uty.
wo x | wa x (v) to say, talk. Bul wox
dara tey. Io nor suy unyrhinc rouuy.
- 46 -
wo x a a l e Wollof-English
wox a a l e (v) to bargain. Woxaale
leen dina waani nieg. Yourjl)
lutcuin, hc yill tcuucc rhc jticc.
wox a a | (v) to repeat. woxaat nako
tey. Ic tcjcurcu ir rouuy.
wo x a mb a a r e (n) young man. ii ay
woxambaane leu. Thcsc jcojlc utc
younc mcn.
wo x | u (v) to soliloquise, talk to
oneself. Yange woxtu, lu xew? You
utc rul/inc ro youtscl/ yhurs
wox | u| wa x | u (n) hour, period, time.
Woxtu goob maalo iot na. Ir's rimc
ro hutvcsr ticc.
wox | u| wa x | u (v) to soliloguy.
Woxtu mooy iikkoom. Soliuizinc is
hct hulir.
wo (v) to sing. Ku woy woy bii?
Uho sunc rhis sonc?
w (n) song. Woy bii laa genaa
bugga ci yep. This sonc is my
wo a a r (v) to beg(money by
eulogizing). Dina woyaan ndigte
gwl la. Shc yill lcc lccuusc shc
is u ctior.
wo a a rk a | (n) begger. Woyaankat
yaa fa bari. Thc lcccct utc muny
wo a a s (v) to travel, voyage.
Waaiuram yi deu woyaasi. Ict
jutcnrs rtuvcllcu.
wo of | o of (va) to be light, thin,
sheer. Sa sipa bi dafa oyof. Yout
s/itr is shcct.
wuj j a (n) co-wife. Nuyul ma sa wuiia.
Ctccr yout co-yi/c /ot mc.
wuj j e (n) rivalry. Wuiie gi nekka
digante mag ak rakam du musa de.
Thc usuul tivulty lcryccn
ltorhctssisrcts yill ncvct lc o//
wul l i (v) to tan. Dafa toog ci naai bi
pur wulli dram bi. Ic sur unuct
rhc sun ro run his s/in.
wul l i ka| (n) tanner. Kale maay seen
wullikat la. Thur jctson ovct rhctc
is u runnct.
wul or (n) value. Lii dafa am wuloor
torop. This rhinc hus so much vuluc.
wu r u s (n) gold. Wurus piir amatut
fii. Iutc colu is nor uvuilullc hctc.
wu| | u| (v) to search for, look for. Piis
bu rafet lay wut. Shc is loo/inc /ot
nicc /ultic.
wu| e e (n) difference. Li u wutee
bari wut. Thctc ui//ctcncc is nor
wu| e e (va) to be different. Naka lau
wutee ci bidin? Ioy utc rhcy
ui//ctcnr in srtucrutc?
wu| i (v) to look for, go search for.
Lumuy wuti foofu? Uhur is hc coinc
ro scutch /ot?
wu o o (v) to respond, answer with.
Naka nga dee wuyoo? Ioy uo you
wu u (v) to answer, respond. Dina la
wuyu ci kanam. I yill unsyct you
x a a bu (v) to gobble. Lekkal ndanka
te bul xaabu. Fur sloyly unu uon'r
x a a c e e (v) to renounce. Nguur gi
xaacee na iaay sangara. Thc
covctnmcnr rtcnounccs scllinc o/
xaaci (v) to lift(one's hand to strike.
Dafa xaaci loxom bi ma tiye ko. Zs
hc li/rcu his hunu, I hclu ir.
xaaj (v) to divide, seperate. Xaai ko,
nga iox ku-nekka. Iiviuc ir,
umoncsr cvctyonc.
xaaj i (v) to divide. Moo doon xaaia
bagaas yi. Ic yus rhc onc uiviuinc
rhc rhincs.
xaaj i - guddi (n) midnight. Ci xaaii-
guddi la eksi. Ic uttivcu miunichr.
xaaj o (n) part, portion. Ku-nekka
aari xaai nga am. Fvctyonc hus
ryo jotrions.
xaal (n) melon. Musuta lekka xaal be
dmba. Shc's ncvct curcn mclon
unril ycsrctuuy.
xaal i s (n) money. Mune am na
xaalis. Icsuiu hc hus moncy.
x a a ma l e k u (v) to recognise, recall.
Mungee xaamaleku leegi. Aoy hc is
x a a me e (v) to recognise. Zaamee naa
ko ci sey bi. I tccocniscu him ur rhc
x a a ru (n) pipe(smoking pipe). Paayi
si xaanu leu dee sol ci seenpiris yi.
rhc olu jus /ill rhcit jijcs yirh
xaar (v) to wait. Xaar ko mu ow.
Uuir /ot him ro comc.
xaf (n) strips, ioin strips of cloth by
stitching.. awal xaf yi yep. Scy ull
rhc srtijs /ot mc.
xaf | aar (n) robe, gown. Xaftaan la
sol ci iumaa ii. Ic yotc u coyn ur
rhc mosuc.
xaj (n) dog. Xai bee ko maata. Thc
uoc lir hct.
xaj aal oo (va) to be divided,
seperated. Mbora waru oo
xaaiaaloo. Fclurivcs shoulu nor lc
xaj aar (v) to boast, bluff. Am na
limu bugga mootax muy xaiaan. Ic
hus yhur hc yunrs rhur's yhy hc is
xal (n) ember. Xal yi reka des. Cnly
rhis cmlcts tcmuincu.
xal a (va) to be almost. Dafa xala
niool. Ic is ulmosr rull.
xal aa| (v) to think, ponder, meditate.
Amut ioti toog di xalaat elegam.
Shc uocsn'r huvc rimc ulour hct
xal aa| (n) thought, meditation.
Xalaat dina ko rey. Acuirurion yill
/illcu him.
x a l a m (n) guitar(local). Lii xalam bu
ees la. This is u ncy locul cuirut.
xal e (n) a child. Xaleem yi la nama.
Shc misscu hct chilutcn.
xal el (n) child. Kii xalel la bul ko
door. Shc is u chilu uon'r lcur hct.
x a l i mba (n) pen. Xalimba yiiieex
neu ci bitik bi. Thc jcns utc
/inishcu in rhc shoj.
x a m (n) skin disease, (harmless)
fungal disease.. Xam dafa dee
waale. Thc /uncul s/in uiscusc is
x a m (v) to know. Xam nga ko be
pare. You /noy ir ultcuuy.
x a ma l (v) to inform, notify, make
known. Xamal na ma ko. Ic hus
in/otmcu mc.
x a mb a (v) to add wood to a fire.
Xamba ci etti mata. Zuu rhtcc
/itcyoous ro ir.
x a me e (va) to be known for, to know
something about someone. Xamee
naa ko fen. I /noy hc is u liut.
x a m- x a m (n) knowlegde,
intelligence, intuition. Ku am xam-
xam la. Shc is inrclliccnr.
x a ra a (inten) Isn't that it. Xanaa du
yow lay woxal. Isn'r hc nor rul/inc
ro you.
x a rdoor (v) to snore. Suy nelew dafa
dee xandoor. Shc snotcs yhcn shc
xarj ar (n) bronze, coins. Jox ko
xaniar mu iox la keyit. Civc him
coins hc yill civc you norcs.
x a r (v) to restrain, deny, deprive
someone of something. Xa na ko
worsagam. Ic ucjtivcu him his
- 47 -
Wollof-English xapa| i
xapa| i (v) to bite. Lii dafa forox
munuma koy xapati. This is sout I
cunnor lirc ir.
xar (v) to operate, tear. Dineu ko
xarr su werut. Thcy yill ojcturc hct
i/ shc is nor ycll.
xar (n) operation, sheep. Gangi daafa
wara gem u xar ko. Thc cucsr
shoulu co unuct ojcturion.
x a r a a m (va) to be forbidden. Diine
xaraamal na niaalo. Fclicion /otliu
xar e (n) war. Niiaayam demoon na ci
xare Booma bi. Iis unclc ycnr ro
rhc Eutmu yut.
xar i | (n) friend. Kale suma xarit la.
Thur jctson is my /ticnu.
xar i | oo (va) to be friends. Bioo
xaritoo booba iuduwuloo. You yctc
nor lotn yhcn rhcy lccumc /ticnus
xar u (v) to commit suicide. Xaru laay
muiiee def ci suma aaduna. To
commir suiciuc yill lc rhc lusr rhinc
I uo in my li/c.
xar u (va) to be struggle, strive, gain.
Dafa xaru pur ieexal loolu. Ic is
srtivinc ro /inish rhur.
xar - xar (n) a tear. awal ko xar-xar
bi ci mbubbam bi. Scy rhc rcut on
rhc utcss /ot hct.
xas (v) to tell off. Xalel duy xas mag.
Z youncsrct uocsn'r rcll o// uuulrs.
xas| e (n) haranguing. Xaste baaxut.
Iutuncuinc is nor coou.
xa| (va) to be tight, busy. Du fi muna
dugga dafa xat. Ir cunnor /ir hctc
rhc sjucc is smull.
xa| al (v) to bother, disturb, make
unconfortable. Jooyi leera ko muna
xatal. Euly ctics mu/cs him
x a w (va) to be almost, nearly, kind of.
Xaw naa torox bi moo eksi. Ic
ulmosr su//ctcu yhcn hc uttivcu.
x a x | a rde k k u (v) to force out lump
in one's throat. Bul xaaxtandekku ci
kanamu nit i. Ion'r /otcc rhc lumj
our o/ yout rhtour in jcojlcs
x a ma (v) to measure, estimate,
approximate. Xaymal, aata saaku
nga sox la. Fsrimurc, hoy muny
lucs you nccu.
x e e b (va) to be underestimate,
underate. Suma ben moron xeebut
ma. Aonc o/ my comjunionsucc
ctoujs unucturcs mc.
x e e ba r| e (va) to be underestimate
each other, underate. Waruleen a
xeebante. You shoulu nor unucturc
cuch orhct.
xeej (n) lance, spear. Xeei bu maaget
la. Ir is un olu sjcut.
xeel i (v) to pour(slowly). Xeelil soow
bi u naan. Iout rhc mil/ lcr us
xeel u (v) to turn, wink( roll the eye).
Jangal ma ni oo xeeloo. Tcuch mc
hoy ro toll my cycs.
x e e r (v) to smell. Luy xee? Uhur is
xeeral (n) incense. Xeenal nga fi.
You huvc inccnscu rhc jlucc.
x e e r| u (v) to sniff. Bul musa xeetu
lekka ci kanamiki la ko iox. Ion'r
cvct smcll /oou in /tonr o/ rhc civct.
xeer | doj (n) rock, stone. Foral leenu
xeer yi. Yourjl) jic/ uj rhc sroncs
/ot us.
xeer eer (va) to be fair in complexion.
Moo ko genaa xeereer. Ic is /uitct
in comjlcxion rhun him.
xees (va) to be fair in complixion.
Set bu xees pec la takka. Ic
mutticu u lichr ltiuc.
xeesal (v) to bleach one's skin.
Xeesal baaxul ci yaram. Irs nor coou
ro llcuch oncs s/in.
xee| (n) tribe, race, ethnic group. Ban
xet nga? Uhich rtilc utc you?
xee| al i (v) to help, give. Xeetali leen
ma ngella. Yourjl) hclj mc jlcusc.
xeex (v) to fight. Sungeen leen aate
wut dineu xeex. I/ you uiun'r
scjcturc rhcm, Thcy yill /ichr.
xef (v) to blink wink. Xefal mu xool.
Elin/ yout cyc lcr him scc.
xej (v) to fits. Mbubba bi xei na ko bu
baax. Thc utcss /ir hct ycll.
x e j e m (va) to be sand grains in food.
Cere bi dafa xeiam. Thc coos-coos
hus sunu ctuins in ir.
xel ma| i (v) to resemble. Kii moo ko
xelmati. Ic tcscmllcs him.
x e me m (va) to be lust, fancy. I'm
craving to eat fish. Jcnn lu xcmcn.
x e mme (n) snuff, tobacco powder.
Copatil ci xemme bi. Tu/c u jinch
o/ rhc snu//.
xer (n) filter, allow dirt to settle
especially in water.. Xer leen meew
mi balaa ngeen koy tangal Ilcusc
/ilrct rhc mil/ lc/otc you hcur ir.
x e s e w (v) to smell(bad), bad odour.
Soo ko fa defe dina xesew. I/ you
jur ir rhctc ir yill smcll.
xe| (n) scent. Xet bu neex la am. Ir
hus u nicc sccnr.
x e w (n) celebration, ceremony. Dafaa
tewee xew bi. Ic yill urrcnu rhc
x e w (v) to happen, occur. Weerante
dina xew fi. Zctccmcnr yill occut
x e wi (n) out dated.
x e wwi (va) to be old fashioned. Lii
dafa xewwi. This is olu /ushioncu.
x (v) to work early in the morning.
Ellek du xy. Ic yill nor co ro yot/
cutly motninc romottoy.
x r m (n) idol. Am na i dee iaamu
xrm be tey. Thctc utc srill iuol
xi baar (n) news, message, report.
Amal naa leen xibaar bu neex. I
huvc coou ncys /ot you.
xi i bor (va) to be sick(often), sickly.
Xale bii dafa xiiboon. This chilu is
xi i f (va) to be hungry, hunger. Dama
xiif torop tey. I um vcty huncty
xi i m (v) to brew "ataya". Kuy xiim
ataya bii? Uho is ltcyinc rhc
xi i mka| (n) one who brews "ataya".
Ana xiimkat bi. Uhctc is rhc uruyu
xi i r (va) to be cloudly. Gis nga ni mu
xiinee, dafa bugga taw. You scc hoy
ir is clouuly, ir ulour ro tuin.
xi i r (v) to motive, to be drawn to. Lu
la ci xiir. Uhur utcy you ro ir.
xi i r (n) fishing line. Amulo xiir te nga
bugga nappa. You uon'r huvc u
/ishinc linc unu you yunr ro /ish.
xi i s (va) to be wicked, metal scurrer,
palm leaves, hard. Sa xol bu xiis bi.
Yout yic/cu hcutr.
xi i s (n) Used for scrubbling. Mangee
xiis suggeer yi. I um sctullinc rhc
coo/inc jors.
xi i x (v) to leave (tiredness), pant.
Mangee xiix, dama loota. I um
junrinc, I um ritcu.
x i ma l e k u (v) to recover from, a faint.
Dina ximaleku leegi. I yill tccovct
xi mi (v) to recover from a faint. Bi
mu ximi la ibi. Ic ycnr homc
yhcn hc tccovctcu.
xi ppi (v) to open one's eye. Xippil sa
bot yi nga xool u. Cjcn yout cycs
unu loo/ ur us.
x ob (n) leaf. Xob yangee rot. Thc
lcuvc utc /ullinc.
xobi | i i r (n) palm leaves.
- 48 -
x o j o g a a r e Wollof-English
x oj oga a re (n) hunchback. Dafa
xoiongoone. Shc hus u hunch luc/.
xol (v) to feed by force. Liir bi lay
xol. Shc is /ccuinc rhc luly ly
xol (n) heart. Deca ko ci sa xol bi.
Kccj ir in yout hcutr.
x m (va) to be charred. Dafa xom. Ir
is chuttcu.
x m (v) to faint. Xom na ci mbei mi.
Ic /uinrcu /tom rhc sluj.
x oma l (v) to to put to sleep. Danga
ma bugga xomal. You yunr ro jur
mc ro slccjrunucsrisizc)
x o r j o m (n) amulet. Sol na xoniom.
Uc hus yotm his umulcr.
x orx a (n) red. Daala yu xonxa la sol.
Shc ycuts tcu shocs.
x o o d a (n) stork. Xooda dafa seer ci
marse bi. Srot/ is cxjcnsivc ur rhc
xool (v) to see, watch, look. Xoolal li
mu gis. Ioo/ yhur hc hus sccn.
x ool e (v) to stare. Dafa doon xoole be
mbokku. Ic yus srutinc unril hc hir
his hcuu.
xool i (v) to peel. Mungee xooli
sarans yi. Shc is jcclinc rhc
xool i | (n) peelings. Weeral xooliti
sorans yi. Ity rhc otuncc s/in.
x o o r (n) caked residue at the bottom
of the cooking pot. Xoosal xoo bi
be me set. Sctujc rhc cu/cu tcsiuuc
unril irs /inishcu.
x oor (n) shell. Jox ko xoor yi. Civc
hct rhc shclls.
x oos (va) to be hungry(slang). Neu
uti lekka dama xoos. Icr's co /inu
cur, I'm huncty.
x oos (v) to scrape. Xoos ko bu baax.
Sctujc ir ycll.
x oo| a (n) empty container. Lii xoota
la. This is un cmjry conruinct.
xoo| i (v) to tear. Ku ko xooti? Uho
rotc ir?
xoo| i | (n) shed, tear, pieces. Xootit yi
la aw. Ic scycu rhc jicccs
x oox (va) to be tired. Xanaa danga
xoox. Ztc you ritcu.
x oox (n) seed. Xooxi kasu la ii. Ic
jlunrcu cushcy sccus.
x or mbe | (va) to be tasteless, diluted.
Soos bi dafa xormbet. Thc suucc is
x o r o m (n) salt. Bul def xoram bu
bari. Ion'r jur roo much sulr.
x o r o me (n) salty. Yow lii dafa
xorome de! You/ rhis is sulry.
xosi (v) to cut, scratch. Xosi na ko bu
baax. Ic sctutchcu hct ycll.
x uc a (n) umbilical cord. Moytul booy
dog xuca bi. Ec cutc/ul yhcn
currinc rhc umlilicul cotu.
x ul a a r (n) witch. Moy tu ko, xulaan
la. Ec cutc/ul o/ him, hc is u yirch.
xul i (n) stare.
x ul oo (n) quarrel.
x ul o (v) to fight, quarral. Deu
xuloowoon bu yaaga. Thcy
uuttclcu u lonc rimc uco.
xul | u (v) to grumble. Danga bugga
xultu torop. You li/c ctumllinc roo
x ul ure l (n) bitter tomatoes. Dumay
lekka xulun. I uon'r cur lirrct
x u mb a (va) to be conspicous, lively.
Lu xumba rek la bugga. Shc li/cs u
livcly urmosjhctc.
x u mb a l (va) to be interesting, make
lively. Moo fii dee xumbal. Ic
mu/cs rhc jlucc livcly.
x ur e | | rj a mba | a a r (n) whooping
cough. Dafa am xuret. Ic hus
yhoojinc couch.
xur f aar (n) cold, flu. Xale bi dafa am
xurfaan. Thc chilu hus u colu.
xu| a (va) to be afraid, timid. Dama
aandaak mom, dafa xuta. I um
coinc ro ccrhct yirh hct, shc is
x u u g e (n) hunch back. Sa niiaay dafa
xunge. Iis unclc hus u hunch luc/.
x uus (v) to wade. Dafa xuus ci dog bi
mu ibi. Ic yuucu rhc tuin unu
ycnr homc.
aa (se) you. Yaa ko saaca. You srolc
aa (n) place, mum, nest, residence,
one's heritage. u bari "yaa" leu
dee ooyee seen yaay. Aosr jcojlc
cull rhcit morhcts "mum".
aabi (v) to fade, take out of the
mouth. Piis bii soo ko foeotee dina
yaabi. Uhcn you yush rhis /ultic ir
yill /uuc.
a a ga (va) to be stay long, last bug.
ndax dinga fi yaaga? Iojc you yill
sruy lonc hctc?
aakaar (va) to be believe, think,
hope. Kii dafa yaakaar ne dof laa.
This jctson rhin/s rhur I um u /ool.
aakaar (n) belief, hope. Yow yaay
suma yaakaar fii. You utc my hojc
a a k a m| i (va) to be in a hurry/haste.
Mune dafa yaakamti du muna xaar.
Ic suiu hc is in u hutty hc cunnor
aal a (n) God. Yalla buur la. Cou is
a a rdor (n) slumber, slumbering.
a a pa (n) meat. Dumay lekka yaapa.
I uon'r cur mcur.
aar (n) yard. Naari yaar la soxla. Ic
nccus ryo yutus.
a a r a a m (va) to be gentle. Laamin
yaaram la. Iumin is ccnrlc.
a a s a (n) bar-b-qued meat/fish.
Yaasa yaper la bugga reeree. Ic
yunr ro huvc lut-l-ucu mcur /ot
aa| al (v) to make comfortable, feel
comfortable, enlarge, accomodate.
Ku nekka la yaatal ci xolam. Ic
uccomouurcu cvctyonc in his hcutr.
aa| u (va) to be spacious, beyond
prescribed limits. Palaas bi yaatu
naa leegi. Thc jlucc is sjucious
aax (n) fish. Yaax ien bu neex la.
"Yuux" is u nicc /ish.
a a x a (v) to destroy, spoil. Soo
moytuwut dina ko yaaxa. I/ you
uon'r minu hc yill sjoil ir.
a a x u (va) to be broken, spoiled,
destroyed. Masin bii yaaxu na lu
yaaga. rhis muchinc hus lccn
aa (v) to wander, roam.
aa (n) mother, a lady's name. Kale
mooy suma yaay. Thur onc is my
a b (n) to have no respect for
someone. Danga ma yap. You huvc
no tcsjccr /ot mc.
a ba a | e (va) to be have no
respect/regard o, for anyone. Yow
danga yabaate torop. You huvc no
tcsjccr /ot unyonc.
a da a x | e da a x (va) to be slack.
Goor waruta yadaax. Z mun shoulu
nor lc sluc/.
af al (v) to rare, breed, fattern. Leegi
waa kow gi xam neoo yafale xar.
Aoy rhc jtovinccs jcojlc /noy hoy
ro /urrcn shccj.
al (n) lizard. Bul ry yal bi. Ion'r
/ill rhc lizutu.
al ardi (v) to rinse. Yalandi na ko.
Shc hus tinscu ir.
al eef (n) spirit.
a r? (inten) which ones?. Yan fason
la indi? Uhich ryjcs uiu hc ltinc?
- 49 -
Wollof-English a rgi
a rgi you are(pl). Yangi ieeku torop.
You utc vcty cnuoycu.
a rx a (va) to be loose, shaky, slack.
Bo bii yanxa na. Thc roorh is
ar (v) to train, breed, raise. Deoo
yar ay xai pur saaca yi. Uc utc
rtuininc somc uoc /ot rhc rhcivcs.
a r a de k u (va) to be untrained. Xale
warute yaradekku. u chilu shoulu
nor lc unrtuincu.
a r a m (n) body. Yaram bu raffet la
am. Shc hus u nicc louy.
ar u (va) to be respect, well brought
up, good mannered. Doomam yi
yepa yaru. Zll hct chilutcn utc coou
ax (n) bone. Yax la wona. Ic
syulloycu u lonc.
ee| ee (v) to wake someone up. Yee
ko mungee tarde. Uu/c hct uj shc
is ccrrinc lurc.
e e ba a re (v) to announce. Yeebaane
neu ko. Thcy huvc unnounccu rhc
e e w (n) python. Lale difeea yew
la. Thur rhinc loo/s li/c u jyrhon.
e e wu (v) to wake up. Duy teela
yeewu Samdi. Shc uocsn'r yu/c uj
cutly on Surutuuy.
ek (va) to be afraid of. Dafa ko
yuuxu be mu yek. Ic sctcumcu ur
him unu hc lccumc u/tuiu.
e k e | a a r (v) to rape. Jaapa neu ki
doon yekataan. Thcy uttcsrcu rhc
jctson yho yus tujinc.
eke| aarka| (n) rapist. Yeketaankat
yi yepa wara de. Zll rhc tujisr
shoulu uic.
e r (n) put a load on one's.
e re e r (adi) others. Yeneen neg yi
neexuu ma. I uon'r li/c rhc orhct
ef ar (n) pagan. Yefar lnu. Thcy
utc jucuns.
es (va) to be worse. Yaa fi gena
yes. You utc rhc yotsc hctc.
e| (n) snail, conch. Yet laa ba. I
hurc u conch.
r (n) clothes. Kumom yere yi?
Uhosc clorhcs utc rhcsc?
r m (va) to be pity, sympathize.
Bimu soonee leu ki yrm Thcy
jiricu him yhcn hc lccumc ritcu.
r ma r| a l u (n) snivel, pity oneself.
Mungee yermantale pur u dimbale
ko. Ic is ucrinc jiri/ul so rhur yc
cun hclj him.
r ma a r d e (n) pity, sympathy.
Amal len ko yermande. Iuvc
symjurhy /ot him.
| (n) stuff.
f (n) thing. Kan moo fi indi yf yi.
Uho ltouchr rhcsc rhincs hctc.
g (va) to be informed, notified.
Ygaguma ko. I um nor ycr
gal (n) notify.
gl e (v) to announce. Ygle na
ngnte bi. Shc unnounccu rhc
numinc cctcmony.
mb x (va) to be loose. Mbubba bi
dafa ymbx. Thc utcss is loosc.
rga l (v) to shake, stir. Yengal ko
ndanka. Srit is sloyly.
r g u (va) to be shaken. Lii yngu
na. This is shu/cn.
p (adi) every thing/place etc., all.
Fas yi yep rab leu. Zll hotscs utc
(v) to chew. Yy ko balaa nga
koo wonna. Chcy ir lc/otc you
syulloy ir.
i (da) the (pl). Jox nga ko in bi. You
cuvc hct rhc /ish.
i i (dem) these. Yii suu yos leu.
Thcsc utc outs.
i i w (va) to be self respect, pious,
holy. Kii nit ku yiiw la. This is u
jious jctson.
i i x (va) to be slow. Bumu yiix, na
gaaw. Icr ir nor lc sloy, lcr ir lc
ba a l e (v) to take along. Booy ibi
yobaale le ma. Uhcn coinc homc
ru/c mc ulonc.
o l o m (va) to be loose, slack. Tuby
bi dafa yolom. Thc juit o/ junrs is
ol ox (va) to be weak. Danga nuru
ku yolox. You loo/ li/c u ycu/
o mb a (va) to be cheap, easy. Yii
oo yomba nig. Thcsc utc rhc
chcuj oncs.
orr r| (n) prophet, messenger.
Yalla dafa yoone yonnent yu bari.
Cou scnr muny jtojhcrs.
orri (v) to send. Daf ma bugga
yooni Baniul. Ic yunrs ro scnu mc
ro Eunjul.
oo (n) mosquito, mosquitoes. Fii
dafa bari yoo. This jlucc is /ull o/
oba l (n) present, a gift. Joxal ma
ko sa yaay yoobal bi ngella. Ilcusc
civc rhis ci/r ro yout morhct.
o b u (v) to take, carry away. Dina
u yoobu be marse. Ic yill ru/c us
uj ro mut/cr.
ok a (v) to add, increase, raise.
Yooka ko loolu du doy. Inctcusc ir
rhur yill nor lc cnouch.
o k u (v) to increase, inflate. Leegi
nig bi dafa yooku.. Aoy rhc jticc
is in/lurcu.
ool e e k u (v) to sneak, to slip away
unnoticed. Su yoole kuwut duu
nangu mu ibi. I/ hc uocsn'r sncu/,
rhcy yill nor lcr him co homc.
o o r (n) one's way, road, law, path,
order. Yoon widafa xat pur aari
oto. Thc touu is richr /ot ryo cuts.
o o r e (v) to send for
something/one. Yoone naa
ndewo. I huvc scnr /ot ltcu//usr.
oor (va) to be dangle, hand over.
Yoor u ko fii. Iunu ir ovct ro us
oor u (va) to be hanging. Mungi
yooru, gene ko. Ir is huncinc, ru/c
ir our.
oor - oor (n) 10:00am - mid-day.
Dafa dee neex pur nelew ci yoor-
yoor. Irs nicc ro slccj utounu miu-
oox i (v) to loose interest,
discourage, to became tired. Bul
yooxi ci ligey bi. Ion'r lc
uiscoutucc yirh rhc jol.
oo (va) to be thin, loose weight.
Jigen waruta yooy torop. Z yomun
shoulu nor lc vcty rhin.
oo (v) to melt, dissolve.
o o u (dem) those. Soraane yooyu
de nop. Thosc otunccs utc torrcn.
or (v) to hold, take care of. Moo ma
yor be ma sy. Shc roo/ cutc o/ mc
unril I cor mutticu.
or e (v) to hold, possess. Xai la yore
ci loxom bi. Shc is holuinc u uoc.
os (pospn) own, possessions. Bul
laal suu yos. Io nor rouch outs.
o w (isp) you. Yow suma xarit bu
baax nga. You utc my vcty coou
ox os (n) oyster. Legi yoxos dafa
seer. Cysrcts utc cxjcnsivc noy.
u (rp) those which are. Yu degr la
taana. Ic chosc rhc srtonc oncs.
ul i (v) to empty, unstuff. Yuli na
saak bi. Shc cmjricu rhc luc.
u mb u x | u mb u r (va) to be loose,
baggy. Moom yu yumbux la dee
bugga. Shc usuully li/cs loosc
- 50 -
u mp a a r Wollof-English
u mp a a r (n) aunty(uncle's wife).
Ci yumpaaam la dekka. Shc
livcs yirh hct uunry.
u r r d o o (v) to peeping. Yurndo
ko. Sjy on hct.
u r r d u (va) to be peep. Yaa doon
yurudu iigeen ii. You jccucu on
rhc yomun.
uur (n) brain. Legi sa yuur bi
xar. Yout ltuin yill soon ctuc/.
uus - a a s (v) to walk (about).
Bukki bangee yuus-yaas di ut
lumu lekka. Thc hycnu is
yul/inc ulour loo/inc /ot /oou.
uu| (v) to salivates, spew. Xai
dafa dee yuut su gisee yax. Z uoc
sulivurcs yhcn ir sccs u lonc.
u u x u (v) to shout (loudly), cry
(loudly), scream. Kana doon
yuuxa noonu. Uho yus
- 51 -
English-Wollof a
a be rc h (n) ban.
a mu s l i m (n) iulit.
bul l (n) kka.
mor e | ha r (va) gena.
quar| i | (adi) buy.
sei t e ore' s r i gh| (v) noot.
!| 2 ki l o (n) liibar.
! : a m - mi d- da (n) yoor-yoor.
[ !b (n) dalasi/drm.
!2: p m (n) becak.
2 : pm (n) tisbaar.
2rd si rgul ar [ ou' r e (vp) danga.
1: 1 - 5: pm (n) takkusaan.
5 gr a ms (n) liibar.
A ba b (n) neene.
a be rc h (n) tooi.
a bl ow (v) fita.
a bo| | l e (n) butel.
a burdl e (n) say.
a car eer (n) mbootu.
a ca| (n) muus.
a chi l d (n) xale.
a c o mb (n) pee.
a da rc e (n) fcca.
a darcer (n) fccakat.
a de a d (n) if.
a di sl i | | ed pal m wi re (n) kaana.
a di | ch (n) kamba.
a dr i rk[ sof | | har d (n) naan.
a f ai r| (v) ximaleku.
a f avour (n) niukka.
a f l uke (va) iuux.
a gi f | (n) yoobal.
a gr ea| deal (n) ialoore.
a hol e[ i r a shi p (n) kal.
a hpocr i | e (va) waane.
a j oke (n) caaxaan, kaf.
a j oker (n) caaxaankat, kafkat.
a kro| (n) pas.
a l ad' s rame (n) yaay.
a l i e (n) day, gat.
a l i re (n) rdda.
a l i | | l e (inten) kallentaan.
a l ocal l wover cl o| h (n) sr.
a l of | (n) sax.
a l ump (n) donia.
a ma ds be l | (n) geo.
a ma r (n) goor.
a ms| er (v) umpa.
a ra ugh| c hi l d (adi) mbal.
a pi l e (v) ial.
a pi l e (n) say.
a por | (n) teeru.
a pouc h (n) gafaka.
a pr eser| (n) niukka.
a pur se (n) kalpe.
a r ewar d (n) neexal.
a sache| (n) gafaka.
a s c r ubbe r (n) niampe.
a si eve (n) seegukaay, tame.
a sl i ce (v) dog.
a smal l j ar (n) klla.
a spl i r| er (n) feelit.
a s| ore wal l (n) tabax.
a s| r i p (n) rdda.
a s| ub (n) meego.
a s | umbl i rg bl oc k (n) txa-txa.
a | apper (n) iamkat.
a | ear (n) xar-xar.
a | hi ef (n) ilkat.
a | hous a rd (n) iun.
a | i mi d[ sl arg (n) ganaar.
a | i r bi | (inten) kallentaan.
a | r ee (n) kadda, kel.
a vi ce gr i p (v) keppa.
a woode r wr i | i rg | a bl e | (n)
a wo r m (n) sax.
a wo u r d (n) gaau gaau, iam-iam.
a b a r d o r (v) baayi, wocca.
a b a r d o r (va) uus.
a b a r d o r e (v) fay.
abi l i | (n) mun-mun, noo.
abl at e (v) taaka.
abl e (v) noo.
abl e | o l i f | , bear (va) antan/antal.
a bror ma l (va) doyadi.
a bov e (v) tiim.
a bs c e s s (n) taab.
a b u r d a r | (va) las, naax, oom.
accep| (v) nongu/nangu, taa.
a c c o mo d a | e (v) yaatal.
a c c o mp a r (v) gunge.
a c c ompl i s h a | a s k (va) ieku.
a c c us e (v) laa, tam, tiial.
a c c u s e s o me o r e o f s o me | h g (v)
a c c us e [ wr orgl (v) tuumal.
a c c us | ome d | o (va) miin.
a c hi e v e me r| (n) ialoore, ngoora.
a c qua i r| a rc e (n) am-di-iamma.
acr e (n) waar.
a dd (v) boole, yooka.
add wood | o a f i r e (v) xamba.
a dd v a l ue (av) faydaal.
a dd wa | e r (v) ulug.
addi c| ed | o (va) taama.
adj us| (v) ogosu.
a dl e s c e rc e (n) ndaw.
admi r er (n) soope.
a dor e (v) dagaan, iaamu.
advi ce (v) eeda.
advi cer (n) eedakat.
advi se (v) dnku.
af f ai r (n) afeer, mbir.
af f r ai d (va) ragal.
af r ai d (va) tiit, xuta.
af r ai d of (va) yek.
af | er surse| (n) marax.
a f | e r roor (n) bcg/bck.
a ge gr oup (n) morom.
a ge gr oups (n) maase.
agr ee (v) nangu.
agr ee (adi) mengoo.
a gr e e me r| (v) nangu.
a gr e e me r| (n) mankoo.
ai d (v) wolu.
ai d (n) ndimbal.
a i m (n) diir.
a i m (va) tiire.
ai m a| (va) emu.
ai m f or (v) nata.
ai r (va) feex, piix/fiix.
a l a r me d (va) tiit.
al er m used | o i rdi ca| e e (ex)
al i gh| (v) taaka.
al i ke (adi) mengoo.
al i or (n) gaynde.
al l (adi) yp.
al l of a sudder[ expr essi (adi)
al l i arce (n) kollr.
al l ow (v) may.
a l mos | (va) xala, xaw.
a l ms (n) sarax.
a l ore (v) fere.
a l ore (adv) kot.
al r ead (adi) ieg.
al so (coni) te.
al so (adv) itam/tamit, tam.
a ma t e d (va) waaru.
a mb u s h (v) waaf.
a me r (ex) amiin.
a mo r g (n) gaanaay.
a mo u r | (n) nangam.
a mul e | (n) gaalaai, pas, teere,
ar ac| (n) if.
ar expr essi or of sur pr i se (ex) ii.
ar i dea (n) pexe.
a r i rj ur c a us e d b (n) iam-iam.
a r urc i r c ums i t e d pe r s or (n) aat.
a r urde r s | a rdi rg (va) gis-gis.
[ a ra mu- whe r e ] 0. P (adv) anam.
a rd (coni) nag, te.
a rd| wi | h (coni) ag/ak.
a ri ma l (n) rab.
arkl e (n) dooioor.
a r r o u r c e (v) yeebaane, ygle.
a ro| he r (adi) beneen, doo.
a rs we r (v) tontu, uyu, wuyu.
a rs we r wi | h (v) wuyoo.
a rus (n) gat, muuti.
- 52 -
arxi e| English-Wollof
arxi e| (va) aaio.
a r (adv) ben.
ar pl ace (n) fepa.
a r o r e (n) keppa.
a r | hi rg (n) leppa.
a r wh e r e (n) fepa.
a pe x (n) cat.
a pol ogi s e (v) tuub.
a ppe a r (v) fee.
a ppl e (n) pom.
a ppl oi l or ore ' s bod (v)
appr er| i ce (n) apparanti.
a ppr ox i ma | e (v) xayma.
Ar ab (n) Araab.
Ar abi c decer| (n) naar.
ar abi c schol ar (n) Almuudu,
ar e (av) be, mu.
a r gue (v) niiroo-naaroo, werante.
ar i se (v) iog.
ar m pi | (n) poxotaan.
ar r i ve (v) agsi/egsi, egsi/agsi, eega.
ar r i ve a| (v) aaga/eega, ga.
ar r i ve s u d d d e r l (adi) iaas.
ar se (n) sar.
ar | i cl e l i rg abou| or (n)
ar | i l er (n) gaanaay.
as (adv) ko.
as l org as (coni) komka.
a s s oor a s (adi) daldi.
as wel l as (coni) wala.
a s h a me d (va) rus.
a s he s (n) doom.
ask f or (v) aan.
a s k f or [ s ome ore (v) aanal.
ass (n) gat.
a s s e mbl (n) iataay/iotaay.
a s s i grme r| (n) sas.
assi s| (v) dimbale.
assi s| arce (n) ndimbal.
a s s u me r esporsi bi l i | (v) gaddu.
a| (prep) ci.
a| (postp) la.
a| | he ope x . (n) iuba.
a| | he | i p (n) iuba.
a| | obaski (va) ieeg.
a| aa (n) lwal.
a| | ack (v) riir.
a| | ack ver bal l (n) aaka.
a uda c i ous (va) sa.
a udi e rc e (n) mbooloo, ndaie.
a ur| (n) tanta.
aur| [ urcl e' s wi f e (n) yumpaa.
au| hor i | (n) ndiggal.
a v e rge (v) feyu.
a v oi d (va) moytu.
a v oi d (v) otu.
axe (n) seme.
ba a ba b | r e e (n) guy/buy.
b a b o o r (n) gon.
ba b (n) liir.
bab- si | | er (n) baambaanekat.
ba c k (n) digi-ganaaw.
ba c k a r d (n) wanag.
ba c k - a r d (n) ganaawkr.
ba d odour (v) xesew.
b a d r e s s (adi) mbon.
ba g (n) saaku.
b a g g a g e (n) bagaas.
b a g g (va) yumbux/yumbur.
bai l ou| wa| er (v) walax.
bai | (n) meeb.
bakar (n) fuur.
ba l d he a d (va) leel.
ba l d he a de d (va) leel.
bal l s[ sl arg (n) kooy.
b a mb o o b e d (n) gonga.
b a r a r a (n) banaana.
b a r d a g e (n) bandaas.
b a r d a g e (v) baandaas.
ba rdi | gr oup (n) ganlgen.
ba rdi | s (n) ganlgen.
ba rgl e (n) lam.
ba r| a ba (n) garan-palaas, penca.
baobab f r ui | (n) buy.
ba r - b- que d me a | | f i s h (n) yaasa.
bar el | ouch (v) cof.
ba r e r (adi) iaasiir.
ba r ga i r (v) woxaale.
bar k (v) bow.
bar r el (n) borig.
bar r i cade (v) baare.
baske| (n) pae.
ba | h (n) ianaaba.
ba | h r oom (n) wanag.
ba| he[ oresel f (v) sangu.
ba | he [ s ome ore (v) sanga.
ba | h- pa r (n) beuwaar.
b a | h r o o m (n) sanguwaay.
be (va) feex.
be abl e (adv) mun.
be a bror ma l (va) eembadi.
be ac| i ve (va) sawar.
be al i ve (n) dunda.
be al l er gi c (va) iomlu.
be a l r e a d mi x e d (va) iaxasu.
be a s ha me d of (va) iomlu.
be a wf ul (n) doywaar.
be ba d (adi) bon.
be ba ra l (va) soof.
be behave sul ki l (n) diiiu.
be be rd (va) lunka.
be be r| (va) moy.
be be| | er (va) gn.
be be| | er | har (va) mun.
be be wi | c he d (va) iommi.
be bi g (adi) diia, duuf.
be bl a rd (va) lewet.
be bor r (v) iudu.
be bor r a| (va) iudoo.
be bo| he r i rg (va) gten.
be br oa d (va) fireeku.
be c a l m (va) iaambuur.
be c a ps i t e d (va) koppa.
be car ef ul (va) moytu.
be c hi ppe d (v) ekateku.
be cl ose (va) iege, iege.
be c ompl e | e (va) kaamiir.
be c o mp l i s h e d (va) sooti.
be c or| e r| (va) bg, kontaan.
be c or| e r| (n) gore.
be c r ook e d (v) dnga.
be c r ook e d (va) lunka.
be de di c a | e d (va) farlu.
be def i ci er| (v) dese.
be de v o| e d (va) farlu.
be di r | (adi) na.
be di s a ppoi r| e d (n) loru.
be di scr ee| (n) kersa.
be di s | ur be d (v) gten.
be di s | ur bi rg (va) gten.
be dr a i re d (va) fendi.
b e e r o r mo u s (adi) duuf.
b e e r o u g h (adi) mut.
be e r| a rgl e d (va) fasu.
be e qui ppe d (va) gaacaayoo.
be ever di r | (adi) foo.
be evi l (va) kataa.
be e x pe rs i v e (va) iafe.
be f ami l i ar wi | h (va) miis.
be f a mous (n) iar.
be f as| [ sl arg (va) saas.
be f a| (va) am-yaram.
be f ed up wi | h (va) sib.
be f e r me r| e d (adi) na.
be f i ri shed (va) paree.
be f i r s| (va) ikka.
be f i xed (va) fees.
be f l aed (va) fulku.
be f or bi dde r (v) araam.
be f ourd (v) fee.
be f r eed (va) mucca.
be f r i gh| f ul (va) ragal.
be f ul l [ expr essi or (ex) feec.
be f uss (va) faraw, sob.
be ge| | er | har (va) gn.
b e g o o d (adi) baax.
be gor ge ous [ s l a rg (adi) fata.
be gr ave (adi) anga.
be ha gge r e d (va) raaga.
be ha pp (va) kontaan.
be ha r d (va) dgr/dgar, iafe.
- 53 -
English-Wollof b e
be hore s | (n) gore.
be horour a bl (adi) foor.
b e h u r g (va) aiu.
be i ef f emi ra| e (n) goor-iigen.
be i mpa| i er| (va) faraw.
be i mpor | a r| (adi) foor.
be i mp u d a r | (va) reew.
be i r a be| | er posi | i or (va) ieku.
be i r a cor rer (va) kaiu.
be i r a doub| (va) iaaxle.
be i r a mess (va) iagadi.
be i r a | i e (va) maas-gu-dan.
be i r c oma (n) meda.
be i r excess (va) oppa.
be i r f l ames (va) iaf.
be i r ha r mori ous r el a| i op (va)
be i r scar ci | (va) iafe.
be i r s| r ai gh| f or war d (va) iubadi.
be i r | r oubl e (va) lebu-lantan.
be i r uri f or m (v) niroole/nuroole.
be i rex| r i cabl e (va) iaxasoo.
be i rf l uerci al (adi) foor.
be i rf r eque| (va) gi.
be i rroc e r| (adi) ey.
be i r- or der (va) iag.
be i rqui si | i ve (va) dkumpa.
be i rs a re (va) eembadi.
be i rsi pi d (va) soof.
be i r| er es| ed i r (va) ebu.
be j eal ous (va) aaan, kaaan.
be k i ddi rg (n) caaxaan.
be l ark (va) kayan.
be l ar ge (adi) diia.
be l as| (n) muie.
be l at (v) naa.
be l evel l ed (va) maasaloo.
be l i | | l e (v) kayitloo/kyitloo.
be l oca| ed (v) ft.
be l ogi cal (va) iaadu.
be l ore l f or s ome ore (va) gelu.
be l org (adi) gudda.
be l oos e (va) kal-kali.
be l oqua c i ous (va) kacco-kacco.
be l os| (va) glm.
be l uck (va) iig.
b e me a r (adi) bon.
be mi s c hi e v ous (va) sob.
be mi s | a k e r (va) iuum.
be rear (va) iege.
be re c e s s a r (n) dagan.
be ri ce (va) neex.
be ror ma l (va) eemba.
be ros (va) dkumpa.
be of gr ea| sur pr i se (n) doywaar.
be or | he r ocks (va) Fande.
be ope r (v) laana.
b e o p e r e d (v) naapeeku.
be oppos i | e (prep) iaakaarloo.
be op| i mi s| i c (v) gaanga.
be ou| s pok e r (va) sa.
be pa| i er| (va) mu.
be pe| | [ sl arg (va) sew.
be pl easar| (va) neex.
be pl er| i f ul (va) iax.
be pl er| (va) las, naax.
be pr e gra r| (va) omba.
be pr e gra r| [ s l a rg (adi) eebe.
be pr os pe r ous (va) naat.
be qui c k (adi) gaaw.
be qui e| (v) dee.
be qui e| (adi) mukus.
be qui e| (va) iaambuur.
be r ead (va) ieex.
be r el uc| ar| (va) eeg.
be r eser ved (va) iaambuur.
be r es| l ess (v) emadi, uum-uutu.
be r i gi d (va) kadda.
be s a re (va) eemba.
be save (va) mucca.
be scar ce (va) iafe.
be sel f i sh (va) aaan.
be ser i ous (va) garaaw.
be ser i ous (adi) anga.
be shor | (adi) gaata.
be s hu| (v) ss.
be smal l (adi) ndaw.
be smar | (va) am-xel.
b e s mo o | h e d (va) giif.
be sof | (adi) nooy.
be spi l l ed beord r epai r (va)
be s| i ck (va) apaaku.
be s| i f f (va) kadda.
be s| i l l (v) ieeki.
be s| i l l a whi | e cl a (va) kew.
be s| i rg (v) naa.
be s | oc k e d (va) kalle.
be s| r ai gh| (va) iub, leer.
be s | r a rde d (va) Fande.
be s | r org (va) dgr/dgar.
be s | ubbor r (n) gnkat.
be suf f i ci er| (adi) mut.
be sui | abl e (va) iag.
be | al l (adi) niool.
be | a rgl e d (va) iaxasoo.
be | er r i bl e (n) doywaar.
be | he l as| (n) muiel.
be | hi ck (v) far.
be | hur s| (va) mar.
be | i gh| f i s| ed (va) noota.
be | i r e d of s ome | hi rg| ore (va)
be | oo muc h (va) oppa.
be | r ai red (va) mandu.
be | r oubl e s ome (va) kataa.
be | ur red over (va) koppa.
be ura bl e | o ma k e a s a c r e (va)
be urder a spel l (va) iommi.
be urdr e s s e d (v) futeku.
be urf r e que r| (va) iuux.
be uri | e d (v) iaappoo.
be urr ul (va) luubu/luugu.
be urs | uf f e d (va) uxeeku.
be up a ga i rs | (v) ss.
be us e d | o (va) miin.
be ver (inten) guy.
be ver dr urk[ expr essi o s (inten)
be ver f ul l (inten) kll.
be we i gh| l e s s (va) oyof.
be we l l - dore (va) iag.
be wel l - of f (va) ieku.
b e wo ma r i s h (n) goor-iigen.
be wor | h (n) iar.
be wr e c k e d (v) kalaate.
be wr i rkl e (va) lax.
be a c h (n) tefes.
bead bel | (n) fer.
be a ds (n) kurus.
be a ds wor r a r ourd | he wa | (n)
ial iali.
be a r (n) sb.
be a r c a k e (n) akara.
be a rs (n) eebe.
be a r d (n) faas, sikim.
bear [ wi | h pai r (va) mattu.
bea| (v) buia, door, duma/dlor,
kaccari, nooxa, ef, uus, sar.
bea| wi | h | i r s| i ck (v) caw.
bea| [ sl arg (v) laamba.
beau| i f ul (va) rafet, taaru.
be a u| (va) taar.
be c a us e (coni) komka, ndig, ndigte,
be c a us e of (coni) ndig, ndigte, ngir.
be d (n) lal.
b e d b u g s (n) matta.
b e d r o o m (n) kabinet.
be d s he e | (n) darab.
beer (n) beer.
bee| l e (n) gunuur/gunduur, wanxa.
be g (v) aan.
be gge r (n) woyaankat.
be gi r (v) door, kumaase, taambali.
be gi r a mus l i m pr a e r (v) kabbar.
be g[ more b e ul ogi t i rg (v)
be ha v e (v) maa.
be ha v i or (n) melokaan.
be ha v i or (va) melo.
be hi rd (prep) ganaaw.
be i rg s ha v e (va) nelu.
- 54 -
be l c h English-Wollof
be l c h (v) giix.
bel i ef (n) yaakaar.
bel i ef (v) gom.
bel i eve (v) laa.
bel i eve (va) defe, yaakaar.
bel i eve i r (va) gm/gom.
bel l (n) koola.
bel l bu| | or (n) iumbax.
be l orgi rg (pa) bos.
b e r d (v) banka, biii.
b e r d d o wr (v) segga.
be rd dowr wi | h bu| | up (v) iuutu.
be re a | h (prep) suuf.
be s i de (postp) daala.
be s i de (n) daala.
be| r a (adi) ianfaa.
be| r a (v) ianfaa.
be| r a (va) iaambu, or, wor.
be| r aal (n) ianfaa.
be| r aer (n) orkat.
be| | er (va) gn, tane.
be| | er | har (v) daaxa.
be| | er | har (va) daaxa, gn.
be | we e r mi d- da a rd 2 . m (n)
be | we e r | wo pa r | i e s (v) ddale.
be ord pr e s c r i be d l i mi | s (va)
bi ccl e (n) welo.
bi d f ar ewel l (v) nioos.
bi g (va) ry.
bi g di pper (n) kuddu luus.
bi g el ephar| ear s (n) mbiif.
bi l e (n) wextan.
bi r d (n) picca.
bi scui | (n) mbiskit.
bi | e (v) matta, xapati.
bi | | er (va) wex.
bi | | er | oma| oes (n) iaxatu, xuluel.
bl ack (n) uul.
bl ack bi r d (n) ndobin.
bl a c k pe ppe r (n) poobar.
bl a c k s c or pi or (n) iankalaar.
bl ack smi | h (n) tga.
bl a c k e r (v) findi.
bl e a c h (n) ordasawel, weexal.
bl each ore' s ski r (v) xeesal.
bl e e d (v) nacca.
bl i rd (va) gumbo.
bl i rd pe r s or (va) gumbo.
bl i rk wi rk (v) xef.
bl i s| er (n) futta.
bl oc k (v) baare, gatandu, kal.
bl oc k e d (va) kalle.
bl ood (n) deret.
bl ous e (n) marieer.
bl ous e [ wol of s| l e (n) taybaas.
bl ow ai r (v) fuuf.
bl ow ore ' s ros e (v) andu.
bl ue (va) buloo.
bl uf f (v) xaiaan.
boa s | (v) xaiaan.
boa | (n) gaal, saxaar.
b o d (n) yaram.
bod pa r | (n) cr.
boi l (v) bax, baxal.
boi l (n) taab.
boi l e d pe a ru| s (n) gete-baxal.
b o r e (n) yax.
b o o k (n) teere.
book c a s e [ e rc l os e d (n) kaggu.
book ore s e l f (v) bindu.
boo| (n) maal.
b o r r o w (v) aaba, leb.
bor r ow ou| (v) abale/able.
bor r owe r (n) aabakat.
b o s o m (n) ween.
bos s (n) patron.
bo| he r (v) xatal.
bo| he r (n) mbuggal.
bo| he r (va) lakkal.
b o | | o m (prep) suuf.
bo| | or (n) buton.
b o u g h | (v) santa.
b o w d o wr (v) segga.
b o wl (n) bool, ndab.
box (n) boyet, kees.
bo f r i erd[ l over (n) coro.
bo f r i e rd (v) far.
br a c e a pr obl e m (v) ingu.
br acel e| (n) gurmet, iara, lam.
br ai d (v) ltta, maab.
br ai r (n) yuur.
br a rc h (n) banxaas.
br arch of f (v) fata.
br ave (va) eme.
br a v e ma r (n) gaynde, iambaar.
br aver (n) iambaaryaa.
br e a d (n) mbuuru.
br eak (v) tey, toi.
br eakf as| (n) ndekki/ndeewo.
br e a k up (v) tas.
br eas| (n) ween.
br ea| he (v) nooki.
br e e d (v) yafal, yar.
br eet (n) ngelaw/ngelew.
br e w " a| aa" (v) xiim.
br i be (v) daas, dukku, neexal.
br i de (n) set.
b r i d e g r o o m (n) set.
br i de s ma i d (n) palaale.
br i ef l apse of | i me (n) saas.
br i gh| re s s (n) leeraay.
br i rg (v) isi.
br i rg a l org (v) indaale.
br i rg ba d l uc k (v) um.
b r i r g d o wr (v) daanel.
br ok e (va) banka.
br ok e r (v) toi.
br ok e r (va) yaaxu.
br ort e (n) porom, xaniar.
b r o o d (va) geenii.
b r o o m (n) bale.
br o| her (n) caame.
br ui s e d (va) rooceeku.
bubbl e (v) bax.
bui l d (v) sampa, saca, tabax.
bui l di rg (n) neeg.
b u r c h (n) cabba, saam.
b u r c h (v) ial.
bur i al (n) suul.
bur i a l gr ourd (n) baameel.
bur r (n) lakka-lakka.
bur r (v) lakka.
bur p (v) giix.
bur s| (v) faaca.
bur (v) roob, suul.
b u s h (n) aala.
bus h pi g (n) mbaam-aala.
bus i re s s (n) afeer, duggoo, mbir,
busi ress l i ke (va) tsts.
bus s i re s s (va) soxla.
bus (va) xat.
bu| (coni) wante/waay, bari.
bu| | (n) meego.
bu| | (v) mboka.
bu| | oc k s (n) kofal, kus, taat,
b (postp) la.
b oresel f (v) fere.
c a b b a g e (n) su, supo me.
cabl e (n) fiil.
c a ge (n) kaaf.
cake (n) laamarsees.
c a l a ba s h (n) koog, lekket.
cal ami | (n) estuwaar.
cal cul a| e (v) kalkil.
cal l (n) oote.
cal l (v) oo.
cal l someore' s a| | er| i or (v) ee.
c a l m (n) iat.
c a l m (va) giif, kew, miskar.
c a me l (n) glm.
c a r (v) noo.
c a r (n) pot.
carcel (v) baay, fooma.
c a rdl e (n) sondeel.
c a rd (n) tangal.
c a r r o r (n) knu.
c a r r o r (v) knu.
c a roe (n) looco.
c a r| e e r (n) mbaar.
c a p (n) mbaxana.
- 55 -
English-Wollof capr bi l i |
capr bi l i | (n) mun-mun.
car (n) oto/woto.
car par k (n) gaaraas.
car ef ul (va) em.
car per| er (n) minis.
car pe| (n) tape.
car r o| (n) karot.
car r (n) uuf.
car r (v) fob/fab.
car r awa (v) yoobu.
car r or ore' s shoul der (v)
car r or | he head (v) enu.
c a r r s ome ore or | he ba c k (v)
car | (n) sareet, saret.
car ve (v) eeta.
car ve (n) eeta.
car ver (n) lawbe.
c a s h e w (n) kasu.
c a s s a v a (n) ambi.
c a s s a v a dough (n) fufu.
cas| l e (v) korte.
cas| r a| e (v) taapa.
ca| ch (v) iaappa, napa.
ca| f i sh (n) kon.
0a| hol i c (n) katolik.
ca| | l e (n) iur.
c a us e (n) tax.
c a us e | o be rd (v) iuutal.
cave (v) maaba.
cel ebr a| e (v) baaxental.
cel ebr a| e (n) maagal.
cel ebr a| i or (n) feet, xew.
c e me | a r (n) baameel, ianaase,
cerser (n) anda.
cer| r e of | he house (n) diggi-neg.
cer eal (n) findi.
c e r e mo r (n) xew.
cer | ai rl (ex) ko, saalaaw.
chaf f (n) cox.
c ha i r (n) toogu.
0ha i re s e gr e e r | e a (n) warga.
chai r (n) siis.
c ha rc e (n) alaafiya.
c h a r g e (v) wecci.
c h a r g e (n) weccit.
c ha rge di r e c | i or (v) baakanti.
char ac| er (n) iikko.
char coal (n) keri.
char r ed (va) xom.
c ha s e (v) riite.
cha| (n) waxtaan.
cha| (v) waxtaan.
cha| | i rg pl ace (n) garan-palaas.
c he a p (va) yomba.
chea| (v) muuse.
c he c k (n) lex.
c he l l e rge (n) sas.
ches| (n) dnna, kees.
c h e w (v) saxaarmi, yy.
c he wi rg (v) warax.
c he wi rg s | i c k (n) soocu.
chi ck (n) cuuc.
c hi c k e r (n) ganaar.
chi ef (n) niiit, seef.
chi l d (n) doom, gun/gon, xalel.
chi l d' s wor d f or f a| her (n) paa.
chi r (n) sikim.
0hi ra gr e e r | e a (n) ataaya.
chi p (v) ekati, fela.
chi p (n) feelit.
c hok e (v) ft.
c h o o s e (v) taanal.
c hoos e a l e a de r (v) iiital.
c h o p (v) ferei.
0hr i s| ai r (n) katolik.
chr i s| eri rg (n) ngnt.
chr i s| i ar (n) gurmet.
c hur c h (n) iangu.
c i re ma (n) sinemaa.
ci r cl e (n) gew.
c i r c umc i s e (v) ionga.
c i r c umc i s i or (n) ll.
ci | i t ers (n) waa.
c l a i m ore ' s due (v) feyu.
cl ap (v) taacu.
cl ar i f (va) leeral.
cl ass (n) kalaas.
cl ai sh (adi) potopoto.
cl ear (va) laabu.
cl ear (v) laab.
cl ear (adi) set.
cl ear[ f i sh (v) waas.
c l e a ri re s s (n) cet.
cl ear (v) laali, ruui.
cl i er| (n) kiliyaan.
cl i max (v) guu.
c l i mb (v) eg.
c l i mb d o wr (v) iii.
cl i mb over (v) aay.
cl i | or i s (n) coola, coota.
cl oak (n) tegu.
cl ose (v) ti, ub.
cl ose ore' s ees (v) goma.
c l os e d (va) ubbu.
c l os e d | o s ome ore (va) iaxasoo.
cl o| h (n) piis, sr.
cl o| he (v) ooda.
cl o| hes (n) yr.
cl o| hes pi r (n) keppu.
cl o| s (n) gallox.
c l oudl (va) xiin.
cl ub (n) kompin, mbootaay.
coal po| (n) furno.
coas| al vi l l age (n) teeru.
coa| (n) palto.
c obbl e r (n) uude.
c oc k (n) sexa.
c oc k r oa c h (n) mboot.
cof f ee (n) kafe.
c oi rc i de rc e (n) toombee.
c oi rs (n) xaniar.
col d (n) xurfaan.
col d (v) liw.
col d (va) sedda.
col l apse (v) maaba.
col l ec| (v) for.
col l ec| r ai r wa| er (v) taataan.
c ol l e gue (n) niaati gi.
col l i de (v) knu.
c ol our (n) kuloor.
c o me (v) dikka.
c ome a rd | a k e (v) ilsi.
c o me b a c k (v) delusi.
c o me d o wr (v) waaca.
c ome f r om (v) baayeekoo, faxeeku,
c ome ou| s udde rl (v) pol.
c omf or | a bl e (va) teeda.
c o mma c e (v) kumaase.
c o mma r d (n) ndigtal.
c o mma r d (v) ilif.
c o mma r d i r g a p p e a r a r c e (n)
c o mme r c e (v) door, taambali.
c ommi | a dul | e r (v) saacoo.
c ommi | s ui c i de (v) xaru.
c o mp a r i o r (n) andandoo.
c o mp a r (n) kompin.
c o mp a r e (v) toolaale.
c ompl a i r (v) iaambaat, tawat.
c ompl a i re r (n) iaambaatkat.
c ompl e | e (v) egali, fgl, mutali.
c ompl e | e d (va) sooti, sutal, suti.
c ompl e | e l (adv) fer.
c o mp o u r d (n) kr.
corceal a per sor' s secr e| (v)
c orc e a l e d (adi) sutura.
c o r c h (n) yet.
c orf r or| (v) aaka, laanga.
c orf r or| a | i or (n) aaka.
corf r or| [ sl arg (v) dal.
c orf us e (v) iaawaatle.
corgr a| ul a| e (v) niukkal.
c orgr e ga | i or (n) mbooloo.
corj ur| i vi | i es (n) waanent.
c o r s p i c o u s (va) xumba.
c ors pi r a c (n) ianfaa.
c ors pi r e (v) ianfaa.
c ors | a bl e (n) konsuml.
c ors | i pa | e d (va) seere.
- 56 -
c ors | r uc | English-Wollof
cors| r uc| (v) tabax.
c ors ul | (v) seetlu.
corsul | a ma r a bo u | (v) serutu.
corsul | | oge| her (v) gisee.
c or| a gi ous (va) waale.
cor| ai rer (n) mbuus, ndab, saaku.
c or| a mi ra | e (va) waala.
c or| e r| (va) tuux.
cor| es| (v) loo.
c or| i rue (v) kontine.
c or| i ruous (adv) takkarnaase.
cor| r i bu| e | o (v) feelu.
c orv e r s a | i or (n) waxtaan.
c orv e r s e (v) waxtaan.
corver | (v) tuub, tuubal.
c orv e (v) gunge.
c ook (v) rndee, tooga.
c ook (n) toogakat.
c o o k e d (va) or.
cooki rg oi l (n) diwliin.
c ook i rg po| (n) cin.
c ool of f [ s ome | hi rg e s pe (v)
cool of f [ s| h especi al l d (v) ieri.
c oope r a | i v e (n) koparatiif.
c opul a | e (v) maa.
c op (v) roy.
cor k (n) kubeer, saa.
c or r (n) mbooxa.
cor rer (n) ko.
c or ps e (n) niiw.
cor r up| (v) ger/dukku.
cos| (n) iar.
co| hol i c (n) gurmet.
c o| | or (n) witen.
c o u g h (v) sxat.
c our| (v) konte, lim, woi.
c our| e r (n) kontuwaar.
cour| er par | (n) niaati gi.
c our| r (n) rew.
c our a ge (n) fit.
c o u r a g e o u s ma r (n) iambaaryaa.
cour | (v) doxaan.
c our | hous e (n) aateekaay.
cour | ar d (n) diggi-kr.
cover (n) kubeer.
cover (v) biti, doppa/deppa, iir,
muur, saanga, ub.
cover [ | he f ace (v) naaw.
c ov e r e d (adi) sutura.
cover [ oresel f (v) saangu.
c o w (n) kuy, nag.
co- wi f e (n) wuiia.
cr ack (v) feeta.
cr awl (v) raam.
c r a wl urde r (v) bota.
cr at (va) kanasu, wy.
c r e a m (n) feene, soow.
cr ea| e (v) iur.
c r e a | e c orf us i or & e re mi | (v)
0r eol e (n) Aku.
cr evi ce (n) seela.
cr i cke| (n) soocet.
cr i me (n) estuwaar, tafaar.
cr ocodi l e (n) iasit/isit.
c r ook e d l e gs (n) las, rnka.
cr oss (v) galan.
cr oss a r i ver , e| c. (v) tey.
c r os s e d e e d (n) iela.
c r os s i rg poi r| (n) iaaleekaay.
c r os s - r oa d (n) cle/cla.
c r ow (n) baaxo.
c r o wd (v) sm.
c r o wd (n) mbooloo, ndaie.
c r owd[ s ome ore | | hi rg (va) sexa.
cr uci be (n) niaxa.
cr [ l oudl (v) yuuxu.
c ube (n) donia.
c u c u mb e r (n) kokumber.
cul | i va| i or (n) mbay/mbey.
c up (n) pot.
c up ore ' s c hi r (v) dgmu.
c u p b o a r d (n) almoor.
cur e (v) fai.
cur e oresel f (v) faiu.
cur i osi | (va) kumpa.
c ur i ous (adi) kumpa.
cur r er| (n) kuran, rs.
cur se (v) danka.
c ur s e d (va) torox.
cur | ai rs (n) rido.
cur | i r cur a (n) illa.
cur ve (v) iadda, laaxa.
c u s | o m (n) cosaan.
cu| (n) goom.
cu| (v) dog, gaia, nama, xosi.
c u | d o wr (v) gor, kaia.
cu| l ass (n) iaasi.
cu| l e| of f i sh (n) tla.
d a d d (n) papa.
0a k a r [ 8e re ga l (n) ndakaaru.
da rc e (n) ndppa.
da rc e (v) fcca, pooi.
da rgl e (va) yoor.
da rgl e (v) langa.
dar e (va) sa.
dar k (n) lndm.
da r k re s s (n) lndm.
dar | (v) naangateku.
da| e (v) doxaan.
da| e f r ui | (n) taandarma.
da| e | r ee (n) taandarma.
da| es (n) taandarma.
d a wr (n) faiar, nil.
da (n) bs, fan.
da bef or e es| er da (n) barkaati
da br e a k (n) btset/brset,
de a d (va) gaau.
deaf (va) tx.
de a | h (n) saay.
d e a | h a r r o u r c e me r | (n) taagee.
de c e rc (n) sutura.
d e c e r d (v) iii.
de c i de (v) dogal.
deci eve (v) kolooi, muuse.
decl i re (v) iii.
d e c o b (v) mbool.
de di c a | e s ome | hi rg | o s oe (v)
deer (n) kewel.
def ea| (v) daan.
def ea| (va) mun.
def eca| e (v) duul, puup.
def eca| e (n) day.
def eca| i or (n) puup.
de f e rd (v) kal.
del i ver (v) iur, wosin.
del i ver a message (v) aagee/eegee,
de l ude (v) kolooi.
de mors | r a | e (v) gerew.
d e mo | e (v) fooli.
d e r o u r c e (v) feeal.
de r (v) weedi, xa.
depar | (v) taa.
de pa r | me r| (n) bunta.
d e p e r d a r | (n) surga.
de pos i | (v) dawal.
depr eci a| e (va) raaga.
depr i ve (v) aayee.
d e s c e r d (v) waaca.
deser | (v) gaadaay.
deser | (va) iaambu.
desi r e (n) sago.
des| r o (v) kasaara, yaaxa.
de s | r o e d (va) yaaxu.
de s | r o e d (v) tas.
de | hr ore (v) simi/sumi.
devi l (n) ibliis, seytaane.
de v o| e d (va) emu.
d e w (n) laayi.
di aper s (n) ngemba.
di e (v) dee, faatu, saa.
di f f er erce (n) wutee.
di f f er erce (va) utee.
di f f er er| (adi) fata.
di f f er er| (va) utee, wutee.
di f f i cul | (va) iafe, naxari.
di f f i cul | (n) coono, gaalankoo, iafe
iafe, txa-txa.
di ges| (v) rees.
- 57 -
English-Wollof di gge r
di gge r (n) gaskat.
di ggi rg | ool (n) gasu/gasukaay.
di gri | ar (n) kilifa.
di gri | (n) daraia.
di gri | (adi) fulla.
di l i gerce (n) soobee.
di l u| e (v) niar.
di l u| ed (va) xormbet.
di rre r (n) reer.
di r ec| i or (n) ndigtal.
di r | (n) salte.
di r | (va) fonax, salte, tilim.
di r | (adi) noo.
di sabl e (n) laago.
di sagr ee (v) weedi.
di s a ppe a r (va) maay, sanku.
di s a ppe a r (v) meles.
di s a ppoi r| (v) lor.
di s a ppoi r| me r| (va) wor.
di sbel i ef (va) gomadi.
di sci pl e (n) taalube.
di s c our a ge (v) yooxi.
di scr ec| (n) sutura.
di scr i mi ra| e (v) gnaatle.
di s c us s (n) diiso.
di sease (n) iangoro.
di sease (va) feebar.
di sgr ace (va) gaace.
di s gr e e d | o c our| e r (v) kontaar.
di sh (n) mbuum.
di sl i ke (va) sib.
di sl oca| i or (adi) foxoi.
di spl a (v) laa.
di s s a ppoi r| (adi) ianfaa.
di ssol ve (v) yooy.
di s| i rgui sh (v) raae.
di s| ur b (v) xatal.
di s| ur b (va) lakkal.
di vi de (v) xaai, xaaii.
di vi de (n) sdaale.
di v i de d (v) talaata.
di v i de d (va) xaiaaloo.
di vor ce (va) fase.
di t t i ress (va) meer.
di t t i ress (n) miir.
di t t (va) miir.
do (v) def, waa.
do ar ac| descr e| el (v) saacoo.
do del i ber a| el (v) tey.
do i r| er| i oral l (v) tey.
do i | (ex) aca.
do l a urda r (v) foot.
doc k (n) waaf.
doc | or (n) doktor.
d o g (n) xai.
d o r k e (n) mbaam, mbaam-sf.
door (n) bunta.
d o s a p p o i r | me r | (va) or.
doub| (v) iaaxal.
d o u g h r u | s (n) bee.
dowr pour of wa | e r (n)
dot e (v) iinkoo.
dot e (adi) gam-gami.
dot i rg (vn) iinkoo.
dr a g (v) watat.
dr ai r (n) pax.
dr ake (n) maal.
dr a w (va) maas-gu-dan.
dr a w (v) bii, tanxa.
dr aw| f e| ch wa| er (v) duy.
dr a w[ wa | e r (v) root.
dr e a m (v) genta.
dr e rc he d (v) tawat.
dr ess (v) baandaas, sol.
dr ess (n) mbubba, rooba.
dr ess wel l (v) paree.
dr e s s e d (va) solu.
dr essi rg wel l (n) paree.
dr i ed (va) eer/neer.
dr i ed f i sh (n) geeia.
dr i rk (v) naan.
dr i rk f r om | he a bo| | l e (v) iolu.
dr i p (v) siit, tooxa.
dr i ve awa (va) daaxa.
dr i ve awa (v) daaxa.
dr i ver (n) daraayba, dawalkat.
dr i ttl e (n) wis-wisal.
dr op (v) wodda/rot.
dr ough| (n) beekoor, maral.
dr ous e (adi) gam-gami.
d r o wr (v) lab/lap, raw.
d r u m (v) sabar.
d r u m (n) mantaas, ndnda, sabar,
dr um s| i ck (n) pooi.
d r u mme r (n) tgakat.
dr ummi rg[ a c | i v i | (n) tama.
dr urk (va) daaiu, mandi.
dr urk a r d (n) daaiukat.
dr (va) wow.
dr s e a s or (n) noor.
dr [ f ood orl (n) wesen.
duc k (n) kanaara.
dul l (va) soof.
d u mb (n) lu, muumu.
dur a| i or of l i f e (adi) giiru-dunda.
dus k (n) marax, timis.
du| (n) sas.
dwa r f (n) kuus, ndaama.
dwi rdl e (v) rs.
d e (v) suub.
d e (n) cuub.
eagl e (n) tan, iaxaay, licin.
ear (n) noppa.
ear l (va) teel.
ear - r i rg (n) iaaru-noppa.
eas| (n) penku.
eas (va) yomba.
ea| (v) koiomtu, lumpa.
ea| (n) lekka.
ea| [ powder (v) muut.
ea| [ sl owl (v) imantalu.
b o u (n) Ibu.
e c ho (v) iib.
e c o r o m (n) kom-kom.
e dge (n) cat.
e duc a | e (v) iangale.
e duc a | i or (n) nianga.
ef f or | (n) ngoora.
ef f or | (v) kata.
e gg (n) nen.
e gg pl a r| (n) batanse.
ej acul a| e (v) iii.
el abor a| e (v) aax.
e l b o w (v) coco.
e l bow[ r (v) coco.
el der (adi) mag.
el der l per sor (n) kilifa.
el ec| (v) fal.
el ec| ed (va) falu.
el ec| i ors (n) oote.
el ec| r i ci | (n) kuran, lampa.
e l e pha r| (n) ay.
e mbe r (n) xal.
e mbr oi de r (n) dawume.
e me r ge f r om (v) baayeekoo.
[ e mpha s i t e s pr e de di rg wo (ex)
e mp| (v) yuli.
e mp| (n) neen.
e mp| c or| a i re r (n) xoota.
e mp | g r o u r d (n) baya'l/baye.
erac| (v) tral.
e rc l os ur e (n) naag.
e rc our| e r (v) dai.
e rc our a ge (v) gal-gal.
e rd (v) rai.
e rd (n) mui, muie.
e rdur e (va) antan/antal.
e r e m (n) mba.
r g l a r d (n) Angalteer.
rgl i s h (n) Angale.
e rj o (va) teeda.
erl ar ge (v) yaatal.
e r o u g h (va) doy.
e r| a rgl e (va) li.
e r| a rgl e d (va) liu.
er| er (v) dugga.
er| er | ai r (v) teral.
er| er | ai r a gues| (v) ganale.
e rv i ous (va) aaan.
e qua l (va) tooloo.
e qua l (n) maase.
- 58 -
e qua l l English-Wollof
equal l ard al so (adv) it.
er ec| (v) sampa.
er ec| i or (n) kuddal.
e s c a pe (v) rcca.
e s s e rc e (n) safal.
es| eer (va) naw.
es| i ma| e (v) xayma.
e | hri c gr oup (n) xeet.
e ul ogi t e (v) taga.
e v e r (adv) sax.
e v e ri rg (n) ngoon.
ever (adv) mus.
ever | hi rg| pl ace e| c. (adi) yp.
e v e r bod (adi) ku-nekka.
e v e r da (adi) bs bu nekka.
e v e r ore (adi) ku-nekka.
ever | hi rg (n) leppa, lu-nekka.
ever | i me (adv) saayu-nekka.
e v e r whe r e (n) fepa, fu nekka.
evos| i c (n) kol.
exac| l (adv) tek.
e x a mi re (v) seetlu.
e x c h a r g e (v) wece.
e x c us e (v) baalal.
e x ha us | (va) ieex.
exhi bi | (v) won.
exi s| (n) dunda.
exor ci si r (n) ndppa.
expec| (postp) fo.
e x pe c | gue s | (va) sentu.
e x p e r d (v) fere.
e x pos e (v) feeal.
e x pr e s s c ordol e rc e (v) iaale.
e x pr e s s gr a | i | ude c omme r, (adi)
e x pr e s s i rg c or| e mp| (ex) sooy.
e x pr e s s i rg s or r ow (ex) mas.
expr essi or of cer | ai r| (ex) daal.
e x pr e s s i or of di s gus | (ex)
exr e| e (v) gatal.
e x | i rgui s h (v) kamai, of.
ex| r ac| (v) rooci, rucci.
ee (n) bt.
e e br ow (n) en.
e e br owr (n) en.
ee gl asses (n) lunet.
e i rg (v) piitu.
f abr i c (n) ndimo (fiis), piis.
f abr i ca| e (v) teg.
f ace (v) ft.
f ace (va) iublu.
f ace (prep) kanam.
f aci l i | a| e (v) iangale.
f ac| or (n) isin.
f ade (v) furi, yaabi.
f ade (va) paal.
f aeces (n) day, duul.
f ai l (v) foo.
f ai l | o f i r e[ gur (adi) foo.
f ai r| (v) xom.
f ai r i r compl exi or (va) xeereer.
f ai r i r compl i xi or (va) xees.
f ai | h (n) cofel.
f ai | h (va) ngom.
f al l (v) dal.
f al l dowr (v) daanu.
f al l [ expr essi or (inten) burum.
f al l har d (v) feteku.
f al l or ore' s f ace (v) muxa.
f a l l or s ome ore (v) apaaxu.
f a me (n) daraia.
f ami l i ar wi | (va) miin.
f ami l (n) niaboot.
f a mo u s (adi) daraia.
f ar (v) of, oppa.
f arc (va) xemem.
f ar (va) sore/sori.
f ar e (n) paas.
f ar m (v) by.
f ar mer (n) bykat.
f ar mi rg | ool (n) ileer.
f ar | (v) doxot, fusal.
f a s hi or (n) colin.
f a s hi or (adv) fason.
f as| (v) koor.
f a s | mor| h (n) korite.
f a| (n) diwior, gerees.
f a| (va) dungus/duf.
f a| her (n) baay, laabe, paa, papa.
f a| | er r (v) yafal.
f aul | (n) niuumte.
f eaces (n) puup.
f eas| (n) feet.
f ea| her (n) dunxa.
f eed (v) leeyal.
f eed b f or ce (v) xol.
f eel (v) laamba.
f eel col d (v) liw.
f eel comf or | abl e (v) yaatal.
f eel i rg (v) guu.
f emal e pi l gr i m (n) aiaratu.
f erce (n) saaket, tapaat.
f er r (n) tey.
f e| ch (v) root.
f e| ch f i r ewood (v) taxa.
f e| ch[ wa| er (v) root.
f e w mi ru| e s a go (adi) sanxa.
f i el d (n) tool.
f i gh| (v) iaappoo, xeex, xuloo.
f i l e a compl ai r| (v) kalaame.
f i l l [ i r a hol e (v) taabi.
f i l l - up (v) feecali.
f i l m (n) fiim.
f i l | er (v) seega.
f i l | er (n) seegukaay, xer.
f i rd (v) ut.
f i rd ou| (v) kisi-kisi.
f i rger (n) baaraam, we/wey.
f i rger - r i rg (n) iaaru-baaram.
f i ri sh (va) ieex.
f i ri sh (v) fgl, mutali.
f i ri shed (va) raaf, sutal.
f i ri shed (adv) banta.
f i r e (n) safara.
f i r e wood (n) mata.
f i r e wood (n) loo, poit.
f i r s| (n) nikka.
f i r s| bor r chi l d (n) taaw.
f i r s| [ | o do some| hi rg (n)
f i sh (v) gt/nappa, napa.
f i sh (n) in, kccax, ndawal, ngot,
f i sh bal l (n) bulet.
f i s he r ma r (n) cubalo, mool.
f i shi rg l i re. (n) caas.
f i shi rg l i re (n) xiir.
f i s| (n) kmx.
f i | (va) em.
f i | (v) em.
f i | s (v) xei.
f i ve (n) iuroom.
f i x (v) poose.
f l ake (v) ruus.
f l a| (n) taapandaar.
f l a| (va) taaca.
f l a| f i sh (n) taapandaar.
f l a| wood (n) taaparka.
f l a| | er (v) laanga, neexal.
f l avor l ess (va) saapi.
f l avour (n) cafko/cafka, safaay.
f l avour i rg (n) safal.
f l a (v) fuli, leeli.
f l ea (n) fel, meesees.
f l ee (v) bori.
f l i ck (v) wicax.
f l i p- f l aps (n) carax.
f l ower (v) firi.
f l ower [ sl arg (n) geen.
f l u (n) xurfaan.
f l (v) naaw.
f oa m (n) epons.
f ol d (v) lem.
f ol k (n) gaa.
f ol l ow (v) leerandu, sibooru, toopa.
f ol l ower (n) taalube.
f ol l ow[ s ome ore (v) toope.
f ordl e (v) kooca/koocax.
f ood (n) cin, am.
f ood ma de of mi l l e | [ c oos (n)
f ool (v) muuse.
f ool (va) nax.
- 59 -
English-Wollof f ool
f ool (n) muxat.
f ool i sh (va) tooy.
f oo| (n) tanka.
f oo| pr i r| (v) iegi.
f oo| [ sol e (n) tstan.
f oo| bal l (n) kupe.
f oo| pa | h (n) teretuwaar.
f or (prep) pur.
f or a l org | i me (va) gi.
f or a r ore (va) yabaate.
f or bi d (v) aayee, tere.
f or bi dde r (va) xaraam.
f or bi ddi rg (adi) gaaf.
f or ce (v) forse.
f or e bode (v) gaanga.
f or e he a d (n) i.
f or ei grer (n) laakakat, waaliyaan.
f or e i gre r [ ur ope a r (n) tubaab.
f or es| (n) aala.
f or ever (adv) faw.
f or ge (v) fooi, teg.
f or ge| (v) faate.
f or gi ve (v) baalal.
f or gi v e re s s (v) tuubal.
f or k (n) furset.
f or m of a s | oma c h up s e | (adi)
f or | ure | el l er (n) gisaan-kat.
f our (n) enent.
f ou| h (n) enentel.
f r ame (v) ow.
f r ame (n) kaadar.
f r ami rg | ool s | (n) byukaay.
f r aud (adi) forot.
f r eebor r (n) ger, gor.
f r eed f r om sl avar (n) gore.
f r e e dom (n) alaafiya.
Pr i da (n) Aaiuma/gaaw.
f r i erd (n) xarit.
f r i erds (va) xaritoo.
f r i gh| ered (va) tiit.
f r ock (n) anaago, forog.
f r og (n) mboota.
f r om (postp) la.
f r or| (prep) kanam.
f r or| ar d (n) eeta.
f r owr[ f ace (v) ras.
f r ui | (n) kooni.
f r ui | f ul (v) teeki.
f r (v) fiiriir, saaf.
f ul a (n) firdu, pol.
f ul l (va) fees, reega, suur.
f ul l [ | he br i m (va) teb.
f urer al (n) dc/di.
f urr (n) reelu.
f u| ur e | el l er (n) gisaan-kat.
gai r (va) xaru.
gal l bl adder (n) wextan.
g a me (n) po.
ga p be | we e r | he | oo| h (n) iaal.
ga r a ge (v) gaare.
ga r a ge (n) gaaraas.
ga r a r| e e (v) garanti.
ga r a r| e e d (v) garanti.
ga r de r (n) tool.
ga r de r e gg (n) batanse.
gar l i c (n) laai.
ga| her (v) buub, ras.
ga| her ore' s har ves| (v) gar.
ga| her | oge| her (v) daialoo.
ga | he r e d (va) rasu.
ga | he r i rg (n) iataay/iotaay,
mbooloo, ndaie.
ge re r a | i or (n) aaduna, iamaano.
ge re r ous (adi) laabiir.
ger| l e (va) yaaraam.
geruf l ec| (v) sukka.
ge r mi ra | e (va) falu.
ge | a wa (op) sarul.
ge | a wa [ pr of a re (v) buiul.
ge| r ead (v) paree.
ge| | o hel l gatul.
ge| | o hel l [ pr of are (op) sarul.
ge| up (v) iog.
ghe e (n) diwingalam.
gi ar| (n) deebal.
gi f | (n) maye/meye, ndwnal.
gi f | of more (n) ndawtal.
gi l l s (n) caaxo.
gi rger beer (n) iiniar.
gi rger al e (n) iiniar.
gi r l (n) ianxa.
gi ve (v) xeetali.
gi ve a f avour (v) niukkal.
gi v e a ha rd (v) feelu.
gi ve advi ce (v) diggal.
gi v e a l l owa rc e (n) buum.
gi ve awa as gi f | (n) maye/meye.
gi ve bi r | h (v) iur, wosin.
gi ve char i | (v) sarax.
gi ve ou| (v) nii.
gi ve | harks (v) santa.
gi v e up (v) ingu.
gi v e whol e he a r | e dl (va)
gl ad (va) bg.
gl or i f oresel f (v) baaku.
gl ue (n) kol.
go (v) dem, taa.
go ard col l ec| (v) ili.
go as| r a (va) sanku.
go a wa (int) aca.
go ba c k (v) deelu.
g o b e o r d (v) weesu.
go b (v) romba.
go f i rd (v) uti.
g o h o me (v) ibbi.
go i r vai r (va) kasaara.
go l ook f or (v) uti.
go or (int) aca.
go or pi l gr i ma ge (v) aii.
go ou| (v) gena.
go sear ch f or (v) wuti.
go s| r ai gh| (v) iubal, taalal.
go s udde rl (v) moy.
go s udde rl [ e x pr e s s i (v) meles.
go [ | hr ough (v) soo.
go | o (v) waali.
go | o be d (v) tdda.
go | o s c hool (v) iangi.
go | o wor k i r | he of | er rr (v)
go | oge | he r (v) aanda.
goa | (n) by.
gobbl e (v) xaabu.
6o d (n) yaala.
go[ i mper a| i ve (ex) aca.
goi | r e (n) boolox.
gol d (n) oor, urus, wurus.
g o o d (va) neex.
good he a l | h (n) wargu-yaram.
g o o d ma r r e r e d (va) yaru.
g o o s e (n) kanaara.
g o u r d (n) gamba, kandaama.
gov e r r (v) saytu.
g o v e r r me r | (n) guwernemaa,
g o wr (n) xaftaan.
gr ab qui ckl [ expr essi or cas.
gr ace (n) maagal.
gr adual l (adi) ndanka.
gr af | (n) ian.
gr af | er (n) iankat.
gr ai r (n) peepa.
gr ai r a f abr i c (v) fici.
gr a rd c hi l d (n) st.
gr a rd pa r e r| (n) maam.
gr a pe (n) rs.
gr ass (n) ax.
gr a| e (n) os.
gr ave (n) waraai.
gr a w (v) net.
gr ea| f ul ress (n) kollr.
gr e e d (va) bugg, foxale, tiit.
gr e e r (n) werta.
gr ee| (v) nuyu.
gr ee| [ i r | he mor ri rg (v) saama.
gr ee| i rg (n) maaleekumsalaam.
gr i l l ed pearu| s (n) gerte-lakka/saaf.
gr i ma c e (v) ga/niin.
g r i mma c e (v) gii, luci, noobi.
gr i rd (v) nii.
gr i o| (n) gwl, eeo.
gr i ppi rg s | oma c h (v) dompat.
- 60 -
g r o p e English-Wollof
gr ope (v) dai, laambaatu.
g r o u r d r u | (n) gerte.
gr oup of pe pl e or (n) ganlgen.
g r o w (n) maaga.
gr umbl e (v) xultu.
gua r d (n) gardekat.
gua r d (v) garde, saytu.
gua v a (n) guyaab.
gue s | (n) gan.
gui de (n) niiit.
6ui re a - 8i s s a u (n) Gin Bisaaw.
6ui re a - 0ora k a r (n) Gin-
6ui re a - f owl (n) naat.
6ui re a - pi g (n) kaa.
gui | ar [ l ocal (n) xalam.
gul l e| (n) put.
gul p (n) guux.
g u m (n) cii, daakaande.
gum boi l (n) pat.
g u r (n) fetel.
gu| | er (n) mbalka.
ha ba c hi (n) furno.
habi | (n) iikko.
habi | ual (adv) ka.
hai r (n) kawar/kawas.
hai r (va) sxa.
hal f (n) genawalla.
h a mme r (n) marto.
h a mmo c k (n) piliyaan.
ha rd ov e r (va) yoor.
ha rdi c a p (n) lafa, laago.
ha rdk e r c hi e f (n) musuwaar.
ha rdl e (v) meeb.
ha rdov e r a wi f e (v) Jebale.
h a r g (n) lonka.
h a r g (v) langa, weer.
h a r g i r g (va) yooru.
ha rgov e r (n) laxal.
h a p p e r (v) iib, xew.
ha ppi re s s (va) baaneex.
h a p p (va) bg.
ha r a rgui rg (n) xaste.
ha r d (va) naxari, xiis.
ha r dre s s (adi) dgraay.
har e (n) lg.
har ves| (v) goob.
har ves| (n) mbay/mbey.
har ves| [ pearu| (v) soo.
ha| (n) mbaxana.
ha v e (v) am.
have a col d (n) soi/xurfaan.
have a di sl oca| i or (v) foxoiu.
have a f l u (n) soi/xurfaan.
ha v e a ga p i r me mor (va) gag.
have a l ar ge f ami l (n) iaboot.
have a sexual i r| er cour e (v) kata.
have a spr ai r (v) foxoiu.
have f ai | h i r (va) gm/gom.
have f ever (v) sibiru.
have j us| (va) soga/sooga.
ha v e j us | dore (va) soga/sooga.
ha v e l e pr os (adi) ngaana.
have l ess | har (v) dese.
have l i | | l e power (n) new.
have mal ar i a (v) sibiru.
ha v e me a s l e s (v) nas.
have ro r espec| | r egar d o (va)
ha v e s e x (v) laal.
ha v e s ome | hi rg ure x pe c | e (va)
have s| a| us[ sl arg (va) diis.
have | he same si t e (va) em.
have | he same si t e (v) em.
have | i me (v) iot.
have | o (av) war.
he mungi.
he (cp) mu.
he (n) la.
he s he (se) moo.
he| she| i | i s ro| (fn) du.
he| she| i | wi l l ro| (fn) du.
he a d (n) boopa, nampatal, niiit.
he a d (v) en, ilif.
he a d dr e s s (n) musoor.
head f or (va) iublu.
head of f ami l (n) kilifa.
head of | he vi l l age (n) Alkaali.
head | i e (n) fulaar, musoor.
heal (v) fai.
heal er (n) faikat.
he a l | h bod (n) wargu-yaram.
he a p (n) saam.
he a p (v) ial.
hear (v) dega, moy.
he a r d ov e r (v) iotali.
hear | (n) xol.
hea| (n) tangaay, tangoor.
he a v e r (n) aliana/ariana.
he a v (va) diis.
hec| ar (adi) kka.
h e d g e h o g (n) saaw.
hei gh| (n) imma/iomma.
hei gh| (v) loo.
hel l (n) safara.
hel p (v) dimbale, iaappale, wollu,
hel p (n) dimbal, ndimbal.
hel p i r (v) feelu.
he l p s ome ore de l i v e r (v) tiim.
he l p[ s ome ore | o c l i mb (v) to.
h e m (v) oomba, url.
he r (n) pil.
h e r r a (n) fuddan.
her (spn) moom.
he r bs (n) ax.
he r d (n) geeta.
h e r d s ma r (n) saamakat.
her e (dem) fii.
her e | am (ex) naam.
he r o (n) gaynde, iambaar.
he oul (ex) saa-waay.
hi gh bl ood pr e s s ur e (n) tasiyon.
hi gh | i de (n) waame.
hi l l (n) tunda.
hi m (spn) moom.
hi m| her | i | (op) ko.
hi rde r (va) koe.
hi rde r (v) nai.
hi r| (v) gaaral.
h i p p o p o | a mu s (n) leber.
hi | (v) mboku.
hi | [ or | he back (v) rkka.
hoe (n) ileer, noos-noos.
hoe (v) noos-noosi.
hol d (v) iaappa, tiye, yore, yor.
hol d ha rds (v) iaappoo.
hol d ur| o (v) iaappandeku.
hol d wa | e r i r ore ' s mou| h (v)
hol e (n) bon-bonna, pax, soo.
hol e i r | he gr ourd (n) kamba.
hol e i r | he gr ourg (n) kamba a
hol l ow (n) kamba a ditch, kamba.
hol (va) seela, teexet, yiiw.
hol mos que i r me c c a (n) kaaba.
hol pl ace (n) aanukaay.
hol pl a c e i r Me c c a (n) kaaba.
hol wa| er (n) saafara.
h o me (n) suwo.
home or [ f or ari mal s (v) daral.
h o me we a r s (n) grgepa.
hore s | (n) ngor.
hore s | (adv) lew.
h o r e (n) lem.
h o r e mo o r (n) cetal.
h o o k (n) lonka.
hook wi rk (v) ioomal.
hook e r (n) cagga.
h o p e (va) yaakaar.
h o p e (n) yaakaar.
hor r[ a ri ma l s (n) beiin.
hospi | al (n) lopitaan.
hospi | al i | (n) teranga.
ho| (va) taanga.
hour (n) waxtu, woxtu/waxtu.
h o u s e (n) neeg.
hous e hol d (n) niaboot.
h o w (int) naka.
h o w a b o u | (coni) nag.
h o w ma r (int) iolu.
h o w mu c h (int) iolu, aata.
- 61 -
English-Wollof h u g
h u g (v) lnga.
h u ma r b e i r g (n) moo, nit.
h u mi d (va) guus.
h u mp (n) ioogare.
h u r c h b a c k (n) xuuge.
h u r c h b a c k (n) xoiogaane.
h u r d r e d (n) temer.
h u r g e r (va) xiif.
h u r g r (va) xiif.
hurgr [ s l a rg (va) xoos.
hur| (v) rbba/robba.
hur r (v) gaawantu.
hur | (v) gaa, tcca/ticca.
hur | (va) gaau.
hur | i r| ersi oral l (v) gaae.
h u s b a r d (n) ikr/ikar.
h gi e re (n) cet.
h re a (n) bukki.
h pe r | e rs i or (n) tasiyon.
h pro| i t e (n) iat.
h pro| i t e r (n) iatkat.
hpocr i | e (n) iaxasekat.
| (isp) man.
| (se) maa.
| am (oe) laa.
| am (se) maan.
| am (spn) mangi.
| am (vp) dama.
| am ro| (fn) duma.
| hope (n) mbaa.
| sa (cp) ma(ne).
| wi l l ro| (fn) duma.
i der| i f (v) taanal.
i di o| (n) saa.
i dol (n) tuur, xrm.
i f (coni) fo.
i f he (n) su.
i f i | (n) su.
i f i | s pl easess 6od (ex)
i f she (n) su.
i f | wher | he (n) suu.
i f | whe r we (n) suu.
i f ou soo.
i gua ra (n) bar.
i l l - f a| ed (va) aay-gaaf.
i l l - f a| ed (adi) gaaf.
i l l - f or | ure (n) cat.
i l l - l ock (adi) gaaf.
i l l - l ock (va) aay.
i l l ress (va) feebar, oopa.
i l l ress (n) iangoro.
i ma ge (n) der.
| ma m (n) Elimaan.
i mi | a| e (v) roy, toopandoor.
i mma | ur e (adi) nama.
i mme di a | e l (adi) daldi.
i mmobi l e (v) laia.
i mp e d e (va) koe.
i mp e d e (v) laia, nai.
i mper a| i ve (opt) leen.
i mpl e me r| s (n) byukaay.
i mpl i ca| e (v) moolu, aax.
i mpor | a rc e (n) iri, niri, soloh.
i mpor | a r| (va) iampa.
i mpor | a r| (n) maaga.
i mp r e s s s o me o r e (v) faaru.
i r (prep) si/ci.
i r a ba d mood (va) say.
i r a hur r | has| e (va) yaakamti.
i r a burda rc e (va) iax.
i r a gr e e me r| (va) degoo.
i r deb| [ ki rd| cash (va) amel.
i r di aper s (va) ngeenbu.
i r or der | o (coni) ndax.
i r | her e (prep) ci.
i r- be | we e r (prep) diggante.
i rc e rs e (n) cuuraay, xeeal.
i rc orf l i c | wi | h s ome oe (va) iotee.
i rcorsi der a| e[ sl arg (va) fas.
i rcr ease (v) yooka, yooku.
i rcr ease i r (adi) buy.
i rc uba | e (v) boof.
| rdi a r a l mord (n) gerte-tubaab.
i rdi ca| i ors (n) melokaan.
i revi | abl e (adi) iaas.
i rf ar| (n) liir.
i rf ar| i l e[ sl arg (va) doyadi.
i rf er i or qual i | (v) mbas.
i rf l a| e (v) yooku.
i rf or m (v) xamal.
i rf or me d (va) yg.
i rf r or| (prep) kanam.
i rhabi | ar| (n) waa.
i rher i | (n) donna.
i rj ec| (v) penku, pikiir.
i rj ur (n) gaau gaau.
i r- l aw (n) goro.
i rqui si | i ve (n) faas.
i rqui si | i ve (adi) kumpa.
i rsec| [ ver | i r i rsec| (n) roi.
i rser | (ex) daabuux.
i rser | (v) roof, sooti.
i rsi de (prep) biir.
i rsi de (n) biir.
i rsi de (va) biir.
i rsi de ou| (va) bitareku.
i rsi rua| e (v) gaaral.
i rs| i ga| e (v) gal-gal, ulug, ruux.
i rsul | (n) saaga.
i rsul | (v) buia, taca, waas.
i r| el l i gerce (n) xam-xam.
i r| el l i ger| (va) am-xel.
i r| erd | o (va) nar.
i r| er| i or (n) coobare.
i r| er es| (va) ite.
i r| er es| i rg (va) xumbal.
i r| er - r i val r el a| i orshi p (n) gaamo.
i r| er - | r i bal r el a| i orshi p (n) kal.
i r| i mi da| e (v) gsm.
i r| r acabl e (va) t.
i r| ui | i or (n) xam-xam.
i rves| i ga| e (v) kisi-kisi.
i rv ol v e d wi | h s ome ore (va)
i r or (v) fudda, paase.
i r or (n) feer, we.
i r r i | a| e (n) mbuggal.
i s (av) be, mu.
i s ro choi ce (ex) eboo.
| sl am (n) islaam, lislaan.
| sr' | | ha| i | (inten) xanaa.
i sol a| ed (va) beru.
i | (spn) moom.
i | (cp) mu.
i | mungi.
i | (se) moo.
i | | she| ou (n) la.
i | s abou| | i me (va) iege, iege.
| vor 0oas| (n) koddi waar.
j a mbl e (va) rux-ruxi.
j ar (n) niaxa.
j a w (n) naamam.
j eal ous (va) fiir, siis.
j eal ous of (va) aaanee, fiire.
j eopar di t e (v) lor.
j e opa r di t e d (n) loru.
j e opa r d (n) lore.
j er k (v) bippa.
j es| er (n) caaxaankat, fokat.
j ewel r (n) oor.
j i rr (n) iine.
j ocke| (n) palto.
j oi r (va) sexa.
j oke (v) fo, kaf.
j oke wi | h (v) foee/foyee.
j oker (n) fokat.
j okes (n) maye/meye.
Jol a | r i be (n) Joolaa.
j ol | (v) gsm.
j o (va) baaneex.
j udge (v) aatee.
j ug (n) gutta.
Jul (n) suuyee.
j umbl e (va) ruubaate.
j umbl e up (v) iaxase.
j u mp (v) tb/tob.
j urc| i or (n) cle/cla.
J ur (n) suwo.
kar af f e (n) gutta.
k e e p (v) deca, log.
k e e p doi rg (v) waa.
keep f as| (v) oor.
k e e pi rg qui e | (vn) dee.
- 62 -
ke| | l e English-Wollof
ke| | l e (n) satala.
ke (n) caabi.
ki ck (n) lopet.
ki ck (v) wexxa.
ki ck wi | h | i e- heel (v) laia.
ki ck[ abou| ore' s f ee| (v) weexu.
ki d (v) fo, kaf.
k i ddi rg (n) kaf.
ki l l (v) boom, rey.
k i l ogr a m (n) kilo.
ki rd (adv) fason.
ki rd of (va) xaw.
ki rdl e (v) taal.
ki rg (n) buur.
k i r g d o m (n) nguur.
ki ss (v) foon.
ki | cher (n) waa.
k re e (n) oom.
kreel (v) sukka.
kri f e (n) paaka.
k roc k (v) fogga.
k r o c k d o wr (v) daanel.
k roc k or s ome | hi rg (v) dal.
k r o w (v) xam.
k r o wl e g d e (n) xam-xam.
k rowr f or (va) xamee.
k ruc k l e (v) iooka.
kohl (n) tusungal.
kol a ru| (n) guru.
l a bour (n) mat.
l ack (va) akka.
l ackadai si cal l (v) daagu.
l addl e (n) bakku.
l ad (n) ieeg, soxna.
l ake ou| (v) lokarbi.
l a mb (n) mbote.
l a mb ma s | e r (n) miswi.
l a mpa (n) lampa.
l arce (n) xeei.
l ard (v) dal.
l ard [ ashor e (v) teer.
l a rd owre r (n) lamaan.
l a rgua ge (v) laaka.
l ar| er r boa| (n) fanaal.
l ar ge (va) ry.
l a r ge dr um (n) iun-iun.
l ar va (n) walaxnia-xaan.
l ash (v) kaccari.
l as| (n) mui, muii.
l as| bug (va) yaaga.
l as| chi l d of | he par er| s (n) caat.
l as| rame (n) santa.
l as| ri gh| (n) biig.
l as| ear (n) daaw.
l a| e (va) tarde.
l a| e a| ri gh| (va) guddee.
l a| e f or some| hi rg (va) Fande.
l a| e i r | he af | er roor (va) naaie.
l a| er (prep) kanam.
l a ugh (v) kex-kexi, ree.
l a urdr (n) poot.
l a w (n) yoon.
l a dowr (v) tral.
l a eggs (n) nen.
l at (n) neeg.
l at (va) tayal.
l eader (n) boopa, kilifa, niiit.
l eaf (n) xob.
l eak (v) seena.
l eap (v) soox, tb/tob.
l ear r (v) ianga.
l ea| her wor ker (n) uude.
l eave (v) baayi, wocca.
l eave al ore (v) fata.
l eave f or good (va) uus.
l e a v e home i r a rge r (v) fay.
l eave [ | i r edress (v) xiix.
l eave wi | h (v) baayee.
l ec| ur er (n) iangalekate.
l eek (n) pooro.
l ef | hard (n) caamo.
l erd (v) aaba, abal, leb.
l e rd a ha rd (v) iaappale.
l erd ou| (v) abale/able.
l e rd ou| | o s ome ore (v) able.
l erder (n) aabakat.
l erg| h o f f abr i c (n) lees.
l e rg| he r (v) ambaas.
l esser (n) waaeeku.
l e| (v) may.
l e| her (opt) na.
l e| hi m (opt) na.
l e| i | (opt) na.
l e| her (v) takka.
l e| ' s do i | (ex) aca.
l e| | er (n) araf, bataaxel, leetar.
l e| | uce (n) salaat.
l evel (va) maasaloo.
l i ar (n) kaacikat, netalikat.
l i ar [ r (vneg) fenkat.
l i ber al (va) fiix.
l i br ar (n) kaggu.
l i ce (n) teen.
l i e (n) kaaci.
l i e dowr (v) laa.
l i e dowr (va) tdda.
l i e f l a| or ore' s back (v) iaaxaan.
l i es (n) duul.
l i f e (n) baken.
l i f | (v) dukat, kati.
l i f | up (v) e.
l i f | up ard r ai sed (v) ekateku.
l i f | up[ a gar mer| (v) og.
l i f | [ ore' s hard | o s| r i ke (v) xaaci.
l i gh| (va) leer, oyof, woyof/oyof.
l i gh| (v) iafal, taal.
l i gh| a f i r e (v) iafal.
l i gh| er (v) oyofal.
l i gh| eri rg (n) melaxal.
l i ke (adi) kom, ni.
l i ke (v) bugga, nob.
l i ke (adv) ko.
l i ke | ha| (coni) noonu.
l i keress (va) melo.
l i ki rg (n) mbuggel.
l i me (n) limon.
l i mi | (v) aapal.
l i re (n) lii.
l i rol e um (n) tape.
l i qui d f ood (v) ieri.
l i s| (v) lim.
l i s| er (v) dglu.
l i | r e (n) liitar.
l i | | er (n) mbalit.
l i | | l e (va) sew, tuuti.
l i ve (v) dkka.
l i ve (n) dekka, dunda.
l i vel (va) xumba.
l i ver (n) rees.
l i v i rg r oom (n) saal.
l i tar d (n) sindax, yal.
l oad (v) eb, en, sf/sof, sof.
l obs| er (n) suum.
l ocal Af r i car bl ouse (n) dagit.
l ocal f r agr ar| s made f r or (n)
l ocal par| s (n) caaya.
l oca| ed (va) nekka.
l ock (v) caabi, soo.
l ocke| (n) langal.
l oc us | be a r (n) netetu.
l odge (v) dal, fat.
l og (n) banta, et.
l oi | er i rg (v) wiiri-waara.
l orel (va) wet.
l org (adi) gudda.
l org ha rdl e (n) gopp/pel.
l ook (v) piitu, seet, xool.
l ook back i r| o oresel f (v) geestu.
l ook be hi rd (v) geestu.
l o o k d o wr o r (v) tiim.
l ook f or (v) wut/ut, wuti.
l ook f or (va) laxaarci/laxaai.
l ook f or war d | o (va) sentu.
l ook l i ke (v) mel.
l ook l i ke (va) niroo/nuroo.
l oos e (va) reba, yanxa, ymbx,
yolom, yumbux/yumbur.
l oose es| eem f or (va) ii.
l oose i r| er es| (v) yooxi.
l oose val ue (v) furi.
l oos e we i gh| (va) laapa, yooy.
l ose (v) foo, reral.
l os| (va) rer.
- 63 -
English-Wollof l o u d
l oud | al k (n) naw-nawi.
l ove (n) mbuggel, nobel.
l ove (v) nob.
l ov e d ore (n) soope.
l ow | i de (n) fer.
l uck (n) worsag.
l ugga ge (n) bagaas, en.
l uk e wa r m[ wa | e r (n) nuga.
l ul l (v) baambaane.
l u mp (n) ooga.
l urc h (n) a.
l urch a| (v) aee.
l us| (va) xemem.
ma c h i r e (n) masin.
ma d a m (n) soxna.
ma d - p e r s o r (adi) dof.
magi s| r a| e (n) aateekat.
ma i d (n) mbindaan.
mai t e f l our (n) sanxal.
ma k e (v) defar, iagal.
make a f i s| (v) danka.
ma k e a ha s | e (v) gaawantu.
ma k e a hol e (v) kopati.
ma k e a k ro| (v) fas.
make a l i re (v) rdda.
ma k e a mi s | a k e (v) iuum.
ma k e a qui c k s | op (v) iadda.
ma k e a qui c k s | op whi l e (v) iaada.
make a shr i l l (v) keeku.
ma k e a s ourd (v) iib.
make ar ef f or | (va) goor-goorlu,
ma k e b e c o me s o u r (va) foroxal.
ma k e c a l m (va) emale.
ma k e c l e a r (v) setal.
ma k e c omf or | a bl e (v) yaatal.
ma k e e a s (v) oyofal.
make ef f or | (v) koli-koli/kotor-koto.
ma k e e s c a pe (v) rawal.
make f i | (va) emale.
ma k e f ur of (v) kayitloo/kyitloo.
ma k e i mpor | a r| (av) faydaal.
ma k e k r o wr (v) xamal.
make l i vel (va) xumbal.
ma k e ore s e l f ha pp (va)
ma k e pe opl e k row of a (v) iafuur.
ma k e urc orf or | a bl e (v) xatal.
ma k e us e of s ome | hi rg (v)
ma l e c ow (n) kka.
mal e pi l gr i m (n) Alaaii.
Ma l i a r pe a ru| (n) gete-bambara.
ma r a g e (v) fexe.
ma r d i r k a ma s q u e r a d e (n)
ma r g o (n) mangoro.
ma r g r o v e (n) mankoo.
ma r g r o v e s (n) maangi.
ma ri a c (n) pullox.
ma r ' s r a me (n) kaaba, mandu.
ma r u r e (n) mao.
ma r a b o u | (n) seri.
ma r i j ua ra (n) iaamba.
ma r k (v) marlu.
ma r k of s ome | hi rg (n) noo.
ma r k e r (adv) ka.
ma r k e | (n) ia/ie.
ma r r i a ge (n) sy.
ma r r (v) takka.
ma s h (v) rigi.
ma s o r (n) mason.
ma s q u e r a d e (n) kumpo, simba.
ma s s a g e (v) bos, dampa, fuy.
mas| i ca| e (v) saxaarmi.
ma s | uba | e (v) mbalu.
ma | (n) nds/basan.
ma | | ma | r e s s (v) ndstan.
ma | c he s (n) almet, mace.
ma| er i al (n) ndimo (fiis).
ma| | er (n) mbir.
ma | ur e d (va) fendeeku.
Maur i | ari a (n) gaanaar.
ma o r i e s e (n) mayonees.
ma or (n) meer.
me a s l e s (n) nas.
me a s ur e (v) emale, nata, xayma.
me a | (n) ndawal, yaapa.
Me c c a (n) makka.
me di c i re (n) garab.
medi | a| e (v) xalaat.
me di | a | i or (n) xalaat.
me e k (va) teen.
me e | (v) daiee, fekka, tasee.
me e | wi | h (v) daiee.
me e | i rg (n) ndaie.
me l o r (n) xaal.
mel | (v) seey, yooy.
me mo r i s e (v) tanka.
me r d (v) gaar, iagal.
me r| a l l i mma | ur e pe r s or (n)
mer i | (v) eeloo.
me s s a g e (n) bataaxel, xibaar.
me s s e r g e r (n) yonnnt.
me| al scur r er (va) xiis.
me| er (n) meetar.
mi d wi f e (n) tiimkat.
mi dri gh| (n) xaaii-guddi.
mi gr a| e (v) genta.
mi l k (v) biti.
mi l l e| (n) dugub, sanxal.
mi l l i or (n) alfun.
mi rc e (v) ferei.
mi ri s| er (n) minista.
mi r r ow (n) seetu.
mi s c hi e v e (n) caacaay.
mi s f or | ure (n) kataa.
mi s l e a d (v) kolooi.
mi s s (v) foo.
mi s s (va) moy, nama.
mi s s e a c h o| he r (v) naama.
mi s s s o me o r e (v) naama.
mi s | a k e (n) niuumte.
mi s| ake f or (v) iaawaatle.
mi s | a k e r (v) iuum.
mi x (v) boole, siim.
mi x (n) iamba.
mi x | oge| her (v) iaxase.
mo a r (v) onka.
mo c k (v) aawal.
moi s | (va) tooy.
moi s | e r (n) tooyal, kaas.
mo me r | (n) saas, saa.
Mo r d a (n) Altine/Lundi.
mo r e (n) xaalis.
mo r e b o x (n) kees, arankees.
mo r k e (n) golo.
mo r | h (n) weer.
mo o d (adi) casgin.
mo o d (n) dikale.
mo o d (va) waame.
mo o r (n) weer.
Mo o r (n) Amet, naar.
mor e car ef ul l (va) teey.
mor e car ef ul l (n) moytu.
mo r r i r g (n) subba.
mor | ar (n) gnna.
mo s q u e (n) iaaka, iumaa.
mo s q u e h e a d (n) Elimaan.
mo s q u i | o (n) yoo.
mo s q u i | o e s (n) roi, yoo.
mo| he r (n) ndey, yaay.
mo| i v e (v) xiir.
mo| or bi k e (n) mobilet, toftof.
mo u r | (v) ow, war.
mo u r r (v) tnia.
mo u s e (n) ianax/iinax.
mo u | h (n) geme.
mo v e (v) kata, randal.
mov e ore ' s f oo| a bou| (v) ioggi.
move[ | o | he si de (v) randu.
mu c h (adv) fo.
mu c h (n) bari.
mu d (n) ban, potopoto.
mu d d (adi) potopoto.
mul a | | o (n) malaatar.
mu l c h (n) nax.
mu l c h i r g (n) tu, daiale nax.
m u m (n) meer, yaa.
mus c l e (n) caas, fasoo.
mu s l i m (n) seri.
mus l i m c of f i r (n) iaat.
mus l i m f e a s | (n) gaamo.
- 64 -
mu s | English-Wollof
mus | (av) war.
mus | (n) fo, fog.
mu| e (n) lu, muumu.
m (pa) suma.
m s | e r (va) kumpa.
ms| i f i ed (va) waaru.
rai l (n) daai, ponta/daai.
rai l (v) daai.
r a me (v) lim, tuddee.
r a me (n) bori, faatu.
rame of a f i sh (n) coof, iis.
r a me d (n) tudda.
r a mi r g (n) ngnt.
ra pe (n) loos.
ra pk i rs (n) ngemba.
rar r a| e [ a s| or (v) netali.
rar r a| or (n) netalikat.
ra ugh| (n) dara, tus.
ra ugh| (va) saasaay.
ravel (n) iumbax.
rear (postp) daala.
rear (va) iege.
rear b (va) dendoo.
rear l (va) xaw.
re c k (n) baat.
re e d (va) aaio, soxla.
re e dl e (n) pursa/puso.
re ga | e s " be " a rd " mu" (av) te.
re gl i ge r| (va) saggan.
re gl i ge r| (n) besexeene.
re i ghbour (n) dkkandoo.
r e p h e w (n) iarbaat.
res| (n) yaa, taaga.
re| (n) mbaal.
re| | l e (n) gargamboose.
rever (adv) muk.
re w| f r e s h (adi) ees/bees.
r e ws (n) xibaar.
re x | ore (adi) beneen.
re x | pe r s or (n) keneen.
rex| ear (n) dwn.
ri ce (va) rafet.
ri ece (n) iarbaat.
ri gh| (n) guddi.
ri l (va) maas-gu-dan.
ri l (n) ndam dikut, ndam demut.
ri ppl e (n) cus.
ro (ex) dedet.
ro ore (n) ken.
ro whe r e (n) fen.
robi l i | (n) ngor.
robl e (n) ger, gor.
r o b o d (n) ken.
roi s e (n) coow.
r o r e (adv) ben.
r o o r (n) becak, bck.
ros e (n) baken.
ros e bl e e d (n) bori.
ros (n) dn-kumpa.
ros (va) sob.
ro| i r or der (va) iagadi.
ro| e book (n) karne.
ro| hi rg (n) dara.
ro| i f i ed (va) yg.
ro| i f (v) xamal.
ro| i f (n) ygal.
r o w (adv) legi.
r o wa d a s (n) bii.
obi | ua r a rrourc e me r| (n) taage.
obl i ga| i or (n) warugal.
obl i ga| i or[ r el i gi or (n) farata.
obl i ga| or (n) dagan.
obl i ge d (av) war.
obs c ur e (n) lndm.
obs c ur e (v) iir.
obs e r v e (v) seetlu.
obs| r uc| | o (v) dogandu.
oc c upa | i or (n) mec.
oc c ur (v) xew.
oc e a r (n) geei.
o d d (n) pata.
of cour se (adv) baa.
of cour se (ex) ko, waawka.
of f spr i rg (n) doom.
of f wor k (v) waaca.
of f er (v) may, nii, so.
of f er i rg (n) soo, meye.
ohl [ expr essi or (adi) ey.
oi l (n) diw.
oi r| me r| [ e e (n) tuuf.
ok (n) aca.
okr a (n) kania.
ok r a s oup (n) supa.
ol d (adi) mag.
ol d (va) maaget.
ol d f a s hi ore d (va) xewwi.
ol d ma r (n) paa.
o l d wo ma r (n) meer, magget.
or (prep) si/ci.
or du| i e s (v) aye.
or | op (prep) kaw/kow.
or | op of (prep) kow/kaw.
ore (adi) benna.
ore e e d (n) pata.
ore' s her i | age (n) waa, yaa.
ore' s per soral af f ai r (n) mbooia.
ore ' s wa (n) yoon.
oresel f (n) suma boppa.
ori ors (n) soble/lion.
orl (adv) rek.
orl (coni) fo.
oohl - e x c l a ma | i or (ex) caa.
o p e r (v) ubbi.
ope r ore ' s e e (v) xippi.
ope r ore ' s mou| h (v) naan.
o p e r e d (n) ubeku.
o p e r e d (va) laar.
oper a| e (v) xar.
ope r a | i or (n) xar.
o p i u m (n) iaamba, iamba.
oppor | uri | (v) iot.
oppos i | e (prep) iaakaarloo.
oppos i | e (va) iublu.
or (coni) fo, wala.
or al hi s| or i (n) gwl.
or a rge (n) soraans.
or der (n) yoon.
or der (v) dogal.
or ga ri s a | i or (n) mbootaay.
o r g a s m (v) guu.
or i gi ra| e (v) faxeeku.
o r p h a r (n) baayo.
0s| r i ch (n) baniooli.
o| her (n) beneen.
o| her (adi) doo.
o| her s (adi) yeneen.
our (pa) suu.
ou| (postp) banta.
ou| (prep) biti.
ou| da | e d (n) xewi.
ou| of (va) banka.
ou| of (n) aka.
ou| ou| s i de (adv) banta.
ou| s i de (n) biti.
ou| s i de (postp) banta.
ou| si der (n) doxanem.
ov e r (n) fuur.
ov e r be rd (n) sgaa.
ov e r be rd (v) iuutu.
ov e r powe r (v) noot.
o wr (v) moom.
o wr (pospn) yos.
o wr e r s h i p (pa) bos.
ox e r (adi) kka.
os| er (n) yoxos.
pa c e (v) iegi.
paci f (n) iat.
pa c k (v) paiale.
pa c k ore ' s be l orgi rg (va) ebu.
packe| (n) paket.
pa d l oc k (n) karnaat.
p a g a r (n) far, yefar.
pai r (n) meetit.
pai rf ul (adi) meti.
pai r| (v) pentuur.
pai r (n) peer.
pa l m l e a v e s (va) xiis.
pa l m l e a v e s (n) xobi tiir.
pal m oi l (n) diwtiir.
pal m r a| (n) iaar.
pal m | r ee (n) tiir.
pa l m wi re (n) snga.
pa r (n) paan.
pa rc a k e (n) bee, panket.
- 65 -
English-Wollof pa r|
pa r| (v) xiix.
pa r| he r (n) tene.
pa r| s (n) tuby.
pa p (n) fonde, naan-mbuuru, ruy.
pa pe r (n) kayit/kyit.
par er| s (n) waaiur.
par k (n) baya'l/baye.
par l our (n) saal.
par r o| (n) coy, caku.
par | (n) paar, xaaio.
par | (va) waala.
par | (v) fata, waala.
par | ake (v) far, ft.
par | ake (va) waane.
par | i | i or (v) iir.
pa s s (v) romba, wees.
pa s s a j udge me r| (v) dogal.
pa s s or | o s ome ore (v) iotali.
pas| (va) paase.
pa | c h (v) fata, gaar.
pa | h (n) mbedda, yoon.
pa| i er| (va) teey.
pa upe r (n) baadoola.
pa v e d r oa d (n) mbedda, tali.
paer (n) Joolaa, fay kat.
pa ma s | e r (n) Joolaa, fay kat kattou
p a me r | (n) pey.
pe a c e (n) iaama.
pe a c e or | o ou (ex)
peace r e| ur r | o ou (n)
pe a c oc k (n) iambaioob.
pe a ru| & be a rs s a uc e (n) baase.
pearu| bu| | er (n) dege.
pe a ru| c a k e (n) gato, ngato.
pe a ru| s | e w (ex) maafe.
pe a ru| s (n) gerte.
pear (n) piya.
pe a s a r| (n) iambur.
pecker [ sl arg (n) kooy.
pe da l (n) pedaal.
peel (v) les, xooli.
pe e l i rgs (n) xoolit.
pe e p (va) yurndu.
pe e pi rg (v) yurndoo.
peep[ over ore' s f ace (v)
pe gs (n) keppu.
pe gs (v) keppa.
pe r (n) xalimba.
pere| r a| e (v) fola.
pe ri s (n) ganda, kooy, sulla.
p e r r (n) bury.
pe opl e (n) gaa, nit.
pe opl e of (n) waa.
per f or a| e (v) bonna.
pe r f or m a bl u| i or (v) iaappa.
pe r f or m a bol u| i or (v) tiim.
pe r i od (n) diir, iamaano, tan,
per pi r e (v) axa.
per sever e (va) mu.
pe r s or (n) nit.
per soral i | (n) donma.
per soral i | (adv) fayda.
per sor' s wi | ch cr af | (v) iafuur.
per | ur b (v) gten.
pes| l e (n) kuur.
pe| r ol (n) esaans.
pe| r ol | gas s| a| i or (n) esaanseer.
p h l e g m (n) andaxit.
p h o | o g r a p h (n) nataal.
pi ck (v) for.
pi ck a l ock (v) iaabal.
pi c k up (v) fob/fab, seepi/sipi.
pi ck up qui ckl (ex) cofit.
pi c k i rg up | hi rgs (n) foraatu.
pi c| ur e (n) nataal.
pi ece (n) dogit.
pi ece of musi c (n) buum.
pi ece of musi c (v) galan.
pi e c e of wood (n) banta.
pi eces (n) xootit.
pi er ce (v) soo.
pi er ce (n) bonaa.
pi g (n) mbaam.
pi g[ dome s | i c (n) mbaam.
pi ge or (n) pitax.
pi gi r (n) kuus.
pi l e (v) ial.
pi l e (n) saam, tar.
pi l e [ i r | he l ar ge pi l es (v) naaf.
pi mpl e (n) picca-picca.
pi r (v) keppa, tapa.
pi r (n) pengu.
pi rc h (v) dompat, tcca/ticca.
pi re a ppl e (n) sanaan.
pi ous (va) seela, yiiw.
pi pe [ s mok i rg pi pe (n) gna.
pi pe [ s mok i rg pi pe (n) xaanu.
pi r a| e (v) toopandoor.
pi | (n) kamba, pax.
pi | (n) yrmaande.
pi | (va) yrm.
pi | oresel f (n) yrmantalu.
pl ace (n) brb/barab, noo, palaas,
pl ace (v) laa, palaase, taai, teg.
pl ai | (v) ltta, maab.
pl ar f or (v) nata.
pl ar| (v) imbat.
pl as| er (v) taf, tan.
pl as| er a f l oor (v) dar.
pl a s | e r wi | h c e me r| | mud (v) raax.
pl as| i c (n) palastig.
pl as| i c bag (n) mbuus.
pl a| e (n) aset.
pl a (n) po.
pl a (v) fo.
pl a dr ums (v) tga.
pl a ea| i rg (v) koiomtu.
pl a l ove (v) kooca/koocax.
pl ai rg car ds (n) karto.
pl ease (v) ban, lel.
pl e a s e [ | o 6od (va) soobee.
pl easur e (n) coobare.
pl ea| (v) ras.
pl er| (va) oom.
pl er| (n) bari.
pl uc k (v) faxa, fooxa, suxi, wita.
pl urge i r [ expr essi or (n) soobu.
pl urge i r[ e x pr e s s i or (inten)
pl urge[ i r r i ver , ocear e. (v)
poc k e | (n) iiba, poos.
pok e (v) cuxu, ruux, subux.
pok e [ ore ' s f or e he a d (v) panas.
pol i ce (n) polis.
pol i ce[ sl arg (n) coy.
pol i s h[ s hoe (v) siraas.
pol i | e (va) mandu.
pol i | i cs (n) politig.
p o r d (n) deg.
p o r d e r (v) xalaat.
pool (n) deg, wayo.
poor (va) akka, torox.
p o o r ma r (n) miskiin.
poor pe r s or (n) baadoola.
por r i dge (n) cuuraa, fasoo, fonde,
por | i or (n) xaaio.
por | r ai | (n) nataal.
pos s e s s (v) yore.
pos s e s s i or (pa) bos.
pos s e s s i or (v) moom.
pos s e s s i ors (pospn) yos.
po| (n) kawdiir, suieer.
po| a | oe s (n) pompiteer.
po| - bel l (n) koola.
p o u r d (n) liibar, sooxa.
p o u r d (v) wol.
pourde d moul d gr a i r (n)
pour (adi) bon.
pour (v) sooti, tuur.
pour [ s l owl (v) xeeli.
p o wd e r (n) sunguf.
powde r [ ba oba b l e a f (n) laalo.
p o we r (n) doole, kattan.
pr ai se (v) santa, taga.
- 66 -
pr ai se English-Wollof
pr ai se be | o 6od[ Ar abi c (ex)
pr ai se si rger s (n) gwl, eeo.
pr a (n) iuli.
pr a (v) aan.
pr a f or (v) aanal.
pr ai rg pl ace (n) aanukaay.
pr e a c h (v) waar, waare.
pr eci sel (ex) saalaaw.
pr eci sel (n) sax.
pr e c oc i ors (va) goog.
pr e c oc i ous (va) panka.
pr e gra rc (n) biir.
pr e gra r| (va) biir.
pr epar a| i or (n) paree.
pr epar e (v) lal, paree.
pr epar e (n) parepaare.
pr epar e (va) paree.
pr e pa r e d (va) fasoo.
pr epar e[ f or (v) pareel.
pr e pa r i rg (n) paree.
pr escr i p| i or (n) ndigtal.
pr e s e rc e (n) imma/iomma.
pr eser| (va) teew.
pr eser| (n) yoobal.
pr ess (v) fudda.
pr es| i ge (n) daraia.
pr e | e rd (v) fooi.
pr ever| (v) baare, fanxa, kal, tere.
pr i ce (n) nig.
pr i ck (v) cuut/cuuc.
pr i ckl hea| (n) picca-picca.
pr i es| (n) laabe.
pr i m (va) leeral.
Pr i rce (n) lingeer.
pr i rcess (n) linger.
pr i s or (n) kaso.
pr obl e m (n) iafe iafe.
pr obl e m (va) soxla.
pr oc e e d (v) iiitu.
pr of e s s i or (n) mec.
pr of f essi or (n) ligeey.
pr ohi bi | (v) aayee, tere.
pr omi s e (v) dig.
p r o mp | (v) gaaganti.
pr ophe | (n) yonnnt.
pr osel | e (n) tuuben.
pr osper i | (va) naat.
pr os| i | u| e (n) cagga.
pr os| i | u| i or (n) caggatu.
pr o| ec| (n) tanka.
pr o| ec| (v) saama.
pr o| ec| i or (n) garolemaa, aar.
pr o| es| ar| (n) katolik, gurment.
pr oud, (va) fuuy.
pr ovi rci al chi ef (n) ciif.
pr ov i s i ors (n) nduggu.
pr ov ok e (v) too.
puber | f or gi r l s (v) ianxatu.
pubi c hai r (n) cooka, iaaf.
puddl e (n) taa.
pul l of f f r om (v) fuxi.
pul l ou| (v) loxati.
p u mp (n) pompe.
p u mp k i r (n) baanga, naaio.
purch wi | h | he f i s| (v) kmx.
purc | ur e (n) soo.
pupi l (n) niaangaan.
pur e (adi) piir.
pur e (va) piir.
pur s e (n) kalpe, nafa, poos.
p u s h (v) puus.
pu| (v) def, laa, taai, teg.
pu| a l oad or ore' s (n) yen.
pu| a l oad or ore' s (v) en.
pu| i rdi sor der (va) ruubaate.
pu| i rf r or| (v) iiital.
pu| or (v) sol.
pu| or we i gh| (va) am-yaram.
pu| ou| (v) kamai, of.
pu| | oge| her (v) boole.
put t l e (v) umpa.
put t l e (n) firnd.
put t l e s (n) cax.
p | hor (n) yeew.
quar r al (v) xuloo.
quar r el (n) tafaar, xuloo.
quar r el (v) niiroo-naaroo.
q u e e r (n) buumi.
quer i l l a (n) dinool.
que s | i or (n) lan.
que s | i or (v) laaite.
que s | i or (int) ban.
qui c k (n) gaaw.
qui e| (n) nopi, miikar.
qui e| (ex) tuuk.
qui e| (va) miskar, noppi, selew.
r ace (n) xeet.
r adi o (n) raio.
r ai r (v) taw.
r ai red (v) tawat.
r a i r s e a s or (n) nawet.
r ai se (v) yar, yooka.
r ape (v) yeketaan.
r api s| (n) yeketaankat.
r ar e (v) yafal.
r ascal (va) saasaay.
r a| (n) kaa.
r a w pe a ru| s (n) gerte-xaaran.
r each (n) iot.
r each ore' s l i mi | (v) ss, teesal.
r ead (v) ianga.
r ead sl l abl e b sl l abl e (v) iiii.
r ead (adv) banta.
r ead (va) paree.
r e a d | o do s ome | hi rg (va) nar.
r eal l (adv) lnxa.
r e buk e (v) daral.
r e b u k e s o me o r e (v) daral.
r ecal l (v) xaamaleku.
r ecei p| (n) risit.
r ecei ve ore' s pa (v) feyeeku.
r eci pr ocal r el a| i orshi p (n)
r eci | e (v) tari.
r e c ogri s e (v) xaamee, xaamaleku.
r e c ogri t e (v) neemeeku.
r e c o mme r d (v) diggal.
r ecover f r om (v) ximaleku.
r ecover f r om a f ai r| (v) ximi.
r ec| i f (v) biianti, gaaganti.
r ed (n) xonxa.
r e duc e (v) waai.
r e duc e (n) waaeeku.
r e duc e d (n) waaeeku.
r e duc e d (v) talaata.
r eed (n) ax, waa.
r ef er ee (n) arbit.
r ef use (va) lanka.
r ef use (v) ba.
r egal e (v) teral.
r egar d (n) kersa.
r egr e| (v) recu.
r ej ec| (v) geeda.
r ej oi ce (va) baaneex, baaneexu.
r el a| i ve (n) mbooka.
r el a| i ves (rp) su/bu.
r el ax (v) ieeki.
r el ax (n) nopaleku.
r el i ef (v) wolu.
r el i eve (v) noppal.
r el i gi or (n) diin.
r el uc| arce (va) eeg.
r e ma i r (va) manke.
r e ma i r (v) des.
r e ma i rs (n) ndsit.
r e me mb e r (v) faateleku.
r e mi ra r| (n) ndsit.
r e mov e (n) gnee.
r e mov e (v) laali, randal, teegi.
r e mov e pa | c hi rg ma | e r i a l s (v)
r e mov e wi | h f or c e (v) faxa.
r e rourc e (v) xaacee.
r epai r (v) defar, gaar, iagal.
r epea| (n) defaat.
r epea| (v) woxaat.
r epor | (n) xibaar.
r epor | (v) boole.
r epr eser| a| i ve (n) ndaw.
r esear ch (v) geestu.
r e s e mbl e (v) xelmati.
r e s i de rc e (n) kr, yaa, dekuwaay.
r esi der| (n) waa.
- 67 -
English-Wollof r e s i due
r esi due (n) ndsit.
r espec| (va) naw, yaru.
r espec| (v) fonka.
r espec| (n) cr, kersa, teranga.
r espec| (adv) fayda.
r espec| f ul (va) aaio.
r e s pord (v) tontu, uyu, wuyoo,
r e s pord r ude l (v) gdda.
r e s pord | o s ome ore r ude l (v)
r esporse | o a cal l (ex) naam.
r e s pors i bl e (v) saytu.
r es| (v) noppaleku/noppalu.
r es| l ess (va) muut-muuti.
r es| r ai r (v) tiye, xa.
r esur r ec| (v) deekali.
r e| al i a| e (v) feyu, fipu.
r e| r ac| (v) weedi.
r e| r ea| (v) woeeku.
r e| r i eve (v) fee.
r e| ur r (v) baakanti, deeloo, woeeku.
r e| ur r | o l i ve (v) deeki.
r eveal (v) feeal.
r e v e rge (v) feyu.
r evi ew (v) seega.
r evi se (v) geestu.
r evi ve (v) deekali, deeki.
r hur- pa l m (n) ron.
r i b (n) faar.
r i ce (n) ceeb, maalo, sanxal.
r i ch (va) riis.
r i de (v) war.
r i der (n) dawalkat.
r i gh| ha rd (n) ndeyioor.
r i rg (n) iaaru.
r i rg wor m (v) ggr.
r i rse (v) yalandi.
r i rs e | he mou| h (v) galaxndeku.
r i p of f (n) leeti, tapale.
r i pe (va) or.
r i per (v) rnxa.
r i sk (v) ingu.
r i val r (n) wuiie.
r i val s (n) iamaale/namaale.
r i ver (n) dex.
r o r ecei ve (v) iot.
r oa d (n) mbedda, yoon.
r oa d (dem) nii.
r oad, s| r ee| (n) tali.
r o a m (v) wor, yaay.
r oas| (v) saaf.
r oa s | e d pe a ru| s (n) caaf.
r oas| [ sl arg (v) fuur.
r obe (n) kamisool, xaftaan.
r ock (n) xeer/doi.
r ol l (v) boron, laxas.
r ol l or | he gr ourd (n) borongu.
r ol l or | he gr ourd (v) caadi-caadi.
r o o m (n) neeg.
r oo| s (n) reen.
r ope (n) buum.
r ope f or | he wel l (n) goi.
r os a r be e ds (n) saapilet.
r o| (v) nb/nob.
r o| | er (v) nb/nob.
r o u r d (adi) morog.
r ovi rg f ar mer s (n) surga.
r ub (v) raay, riib.
r ub[ | he ee (v) toxo.
r ude (va) luubu/luugu, reew.
r ude| sul k (va) beew.
r ug (n) tape.
r ul e (v) dogal, saytu.
r umpl e (n) agas.
r umpl e (va) sufun.
r ur (v) bori, daw.
r ur a bou| (adi) fir-firi.
r ur a bou| [ e x pr e s s i or (v) bor-
r ur a f | e r s ome ore | | hi rg (v)
r ur hel | er skel | er (v) dani-dani.
r ur i r a c orf us e d ma rre r (adi)
r ur[ i mper a| i ve (v) dawal.
r urri rg wa | e r | a p (n) pompe.
' s (rm) i.
sacr i f i ce (v) sarax, walanteeru.
s a d (va) mer.
saf e (n) kees.
sai d (v) ko, ne.
sal ar (n) pey.
sal es (n) niarte.
sal i va| es (v) yuut.
sal | (n) xorom.
sal | ed & dr i ed mea| (n) ketandi.
sal | (n) xorome.
s a me (va) tooloo.
s a me (n) nuroo.
s a me (adv) sax.
s a p (n) laalo, meen.
sapi l e| (n) kurus.
s a r org (n) mallam/monaam, sr.
sa| ar (n) ibliis, seytaane.
sa| i sf i ed (va) suur.
sa| i sf i ed| good (n) doylu.
8a | ur da (n) aset, samdi.
s a uc e (n) soos.
save (v) deca, musal, sutura, wolu,
save (va) oor.
save f r om | r oubl e, e| c (n) musal.
save f r om | r oubl e, e| (v) tanka.
savi or (n) musalkat.
sa (v) fo, ko, ne, nel, wax/wox,
s a i rg (vn) foo.
s a i rg (n) kaadu, waxin.
scal e (v) waas.
scal es[ f i sh (n) wasintoor.
scar ci | (va) akka.
scar ci | (n) mankoo.
scar f (n) fulaar, kaala, tegu.
sca| | er (v) tas, tasaare.
sca| | er ed (va) tasaaroo.
s c a v e rge (v) for, ks.
s c a v e rgi rg (n) foraatu.
scer| (n) xet.
schol ar (n) iangakat.
s c hool (n) iangu, iangukaay.
sci ssor s (n) siso.
s c o o p (v) buub.
scor e (n) marke.
s c or pi or (n) iiit.
s c owl (v) angal.
s c r a mbl e (v) ngiiroo/niiiroo, niiiroo.
scr ape (v) ooyi/oy, xoos.
scr a| ch (v) esen, gaia, ooka, ookatu,
s c r e a m (v) yuuxu.
s c r e ws (n) wiis.
s c r ub (v) ragga, sooca.
scr ub cl o| hes (v) fete.
sea (n) geei.
seagul l (n) kiri-geei.
s e a ms | r e s s (n) awkat.
sear ch (v) kisi-kisi, niit, seet, ut.
s e a r c h a r ourd f or f ood (v) ks.
sear ch f or (va) laxaarci/laxaai.
sear ch f or (v) wut/ut.
s e a s or (n) tan.
s e c o r d (n) aareel.
s e c ord wi f e (n) aareeli iabar.
secr e| (va) kumpa.
secr e| i ve (n) sutura.
secr e| i ve (adi) sutura.
sec| i or (n) waala, parti.
sec| i or of | r ee (n) banxaas.
secur e (v) garde.
s e c u r e s o me o r e (v) sutura.
secur i | (n) gardekat.
see (v) gis, seet, xool.
see each o| her (v) gisee.
see of f (v) gunge.
s e e d (n) peepa, xoox, iiwu.
s e e k a wa (v) fexe.
s e g me r | (v) waala.
sei ge (n) waafu.
sei ge (v) gaapa/haar.
sei t ur e of ore' s r i gh| (n) nooteel.
sel ec| (v) taanal.
sel f cor| r ol (n) kersa.
- 68 -
sel f English-Wollof
sel f es| eer (n) iom.
s e l f horour (n) iom.
sel f r espec| (adi) fulla.
sel f r espec| (va) mandu, yiiw.
sel f i sh (va) bugg.
sel l (v) iaay.
sel l wel l (n) iar.
sel l er (n) iaaykat.
s e me r (n) maniiwu.
s e rd (v) ebal, kii, yonni.
s e rd f or s ome | hi rg| ore (v)
8e r e g a mb i a r d i s h (n) baase.
s e rs e (n) sago.
s e rs e l e s s (adi) aaka-xel.
sersi | i ve (va) nab.
s e r| e rc e (n) baat.
seper a| e (v) aatee, ddale, taaxale,
taayi, xaai.
s e pe r a | e d (v) talaata.
s e pe r a | e d (va) xaiaaloo.
ser er (n) seereer.
s e r i ous re s s (n) soobee.
s e r mo r s (v) waare.
ser var| (n) mbindaan, rapaas.
ser ve oresel f (v) iafandu/ifandu.
ser vi ceabi l i | (n) niri.
ser vi e| | e (n) musuwaar.
s e r v i rg s poor (n) kuddu luus.
se| (v) laa.
se| e. g. j el l (v) way.
se| or f i r e (v) iafal.
s e | d o wr (v) taai.
se| [ sur (v) so.
se| | l e (v) laa, toog.
s e w (v) aw.
s ha de (n) keepar, ker.
s h a d o w (n) takandeer.
s ha k e (v) gsm, yngal.
s ha k e r (va) yngu.
s ha k (va) yanxa.
s ha l l ow f r i rg pa r (n) teela.
s h a me (va) gaace.
s ha me l e s s (adi) aaka-iom.
shar e (n) cr, waala, seddoo,
s ha r e d (v) talaata.
s ha r e d (n) sedaatle.
shar k (n) cax.
s ha r p- e dge (n) cat.
s ha r pe r (v) les.
s ha v e (v) lii, nel/ndel, wat, watu.
s he mungi.
s he (cp) mu.
shea bu| | er (n) diwingalam.
s he a | h (n) laa, mbar.
s he d (n) xootit.
s he d (v) ruus.
s he e p (n) kuy, xar.
sheer (va) woyof/oyof.
shee| (n) darab, kayit.
shel l (n) xoor.
shel l f i sh (n) tuufa.
shel | er (n) mbaar.
s he pe r d (n) saamakat.
s he r pe r (v) naama.
shi r (n) eel.
s hi re (n) melax.
s hi re (v) melaxal.
shi rer (n) gena melax.
shi p (n) gaal, saxaar.
shi r | (n) mbubba, simis.
shi r | [ l ocal s| l e (n) turki.
shi ver (v) kof-koffi, lox.
s hoc k i rg (va) waar.
s hoe (n) daala.
s hoe s hi re (v) siraas.
s hoo| (v) fetel.
s hoo| (n) iam.
s hoo| wi | h a r r ows (v) fita.
s hop i r | he ma r k e | (v) duggo.
s h o p p i r g mo r e | f i s h mo r e (n)
koppari ndawal.
shor | (adi) gaata.
s hor | pe r s or (n) ndaama.
shor | per sor, e| c. (n) ndaama.
s hor | a ge (n) manke, mankoo,
manke naaka.
s houl d (av) war.
s houl de r (n) mbaga.
s hou| a | s ome ore (n) ioowar.
shou| [ l oudl (v) yuuxu.
s hov e (v) pomax.
s hov e l (n) peel.
s h o w (v) won.
s how of f (v) wonewu.
s h o we l (n) gasu/gasukaay.
s howi rg s ur pr i s e (ex) way.
s howi rg s ur pr i s e (n) moo.
shr i re (n) tuur.
s h r o u d (n) caangaay.
shuf f l e (v) watat.
si ck (va) feebar, oopa, wradi.
si ckl (va) wradi, xiibon.
s i c k re s s (n) iaahgoro.
s i c k re s s (va) feebar.
si ck[ of | er (va) xiibon.
si de (n) laa, boor.
si de (prep) wet.
s i de of bod (prep) wet.
si des (n) wet.
si eve (n) layu/layukaay.
si f | (v) seega.
si f | (n) lay.
si gh| (v) sen.
si gr (n) maandarga, melokaan.
si l erce (vn) dee.
si l erce (n) noppi.
si l er| (n) noppi.
si l er| (v) dee.
si l k (n) sooy.
si l k co| | er | r ee (n) bentenki.
si l l (adi) aakafayda.
si l ver | gol d smi | h (n) tga.
si mi l ar (adi) mengoo.
si r (n) aaxa, baakaar.
si rce (v) dipi.
si rg (v) laa, woy.
si rk (v) diig, suux.
si rrer (n) baakarkat.
si s| er i r l aw (n) nikk.
si | (v) toog.
si | i r ore pl ace (n) toog.
si | i r ore pl ace (v) ieeki.
s i | or be rde d k re e s (n) gapareku.
si | | i rg r oom (n) saal.
ski d (v) mbar/mbarateko.
ski d [ l i gh| l (v) raay.
ski d [ l i gh| l (n) mbarr.
s k i m (v) ooyi/oy, oy/ooyi.
ski r (n) der.
ski r di sease (n) xam.
s k i rr (n) sweiieex.
s k i rr (va) laapa.
ski rr[ sl arg (va) mees.
ski r | (n) sippa.
sk (n) asamaan.
sk bl ue col our (n) baxa.
sl ack (va) yanxa, yadaax/yedaax,
sl ap (v) mbei.
sl augh| er (v) reendi, rey.
sl ave (n) iaam.
sl aver (n) niaam.
sl eep (v) nelew.
sl eep or | he f l oor wi | h (v)
sl eep (va) gomantu/gemntu.
sl eeve (v) maas.
sl i ce (n) dogit.
sl i ce (v) dog, ferei, taraase.
sl i p (v) nama.
sl i p i r urexpec| edl (v) fola.
sl i p i r urexpec| edl (inten) curux.
sl i pper s (n) carax.
sl i pper (adi) nama.
sl o| (v) sooti.
sl o| (n) suruxal, duggal.
s l ow (va) yiix.
s l owl (adi) ndanka.
s l umbe r (n) yaandoor.
s l umbe r (v) iinkoo.
s l umbe r i rg (vn) iinkoo.
s l umbe r i rg (n) yaandoor.
- 69 -
English-Wollof s ma l l
smal l (va) sew, tuuti.
s ma l l c a l a ba s h (n) mbaatu.
smar | (va) aay, saas.
s ma s h (v) tey.
s me a r (v) riib.
smel l (v) foon, xee.
s me l l ba d (adi) na.
smel l [ bad (v) xesew.
s mo k e (n) saxaar.
s mo k e (v) tux.
s mok e r (v) tuxkat.
s mo| he r (n) feyi.
s mo| he r (v) moppa.
s mu g g l e (v) rawal.
s muggl e r (n) rawalekat.
s mu g g l i r g (n) rawale.
srai l (n) tuufa, yet.
8ra k e (n) iaan, saa.
s ra | c h (v) kof, paka.
sra| ch a bi | of sl eep (n) gf/gof.
s re a k (v) yooleeku.
s re a k [ e x pr e s s i or (v) moy.
s re a k [ s l a rg (v) rooceeku.
s re e t e (v) tisooli.
sri f f (v) xeetu.
sri val (v) isabu.
sri vel (n) yrmantalu.
s ror e (v) xandoor.
sruf f (n) xemme.
s o (n) kon.
s o (adv) fo.
s o mu c h (n) nangam.
so | ha| (coni) ndax.
s o | he r (coni) noonu.
s oa p (n) saabu.
s oa p wa | e r (n) pootit.
soci e| (n) kompin.
s oc k s (n) kawas.
s oda (n) limuunaat.
sof | dr i rk (n) limuunaat.
s of | e r b s oa k i rg (va) gif.
sol di er (n) soldaar.
sol i ci | (v) aan.
sol i ci | (n) loite.
sol i l ogu (v) woxtu/waxtu.
sol i l oqui se (v) woxtu.
sol ve (v) fai.
s o me doo.
s o me (adi) i.
s o me (n) anyi.
s ome | r oubl e (adi) ay.
s o me o r e (ex) saa-waay.
s o me o r e wh o c o u r | s (n)
s o me | h i r g (n) dara, lenna.
s ome | hi rg e s e r| i a l (n) farata.
s ome | hi rg | ha | pr i c k s (va)
s o r g (n) woy.
s o r g s (n) kasag.
s oo| (n) mboltin.
s oo| h s a e r (v) serutu.
sor r el (n) bisaab/basaab.
s or r ow (n) meetit, naxar, tiis.
s or r owf ul (va) naxari.
s or r owf ul (adi) meti.
sor r (adi) maasa, mas.
soul (n) ruux.
s o u r d (v) riir.
s ourd ma de b a br e a k i rg- (n)
s o u p (n) eex.
s oup pr e pa r e d wi | h ok r a (n) supa.
s our (va) forox.
sour mi l k (n) soow.
s our s a p (n) maada.
sour sap[ l ocal (n) kabaa.
s o w (da) ii.
s o w (n) fii.
s o wr (da) ii.
s pa c e (n) palaas.
s pa c i ous (va) yaatu.
s pa de (n) gopp/pel, peel.
spar e (n) garolemaa.
s pe a k (v) laaka, wax/wox.
s pe a k e r (n) laakakat.
spear (n) xeei.
speci es of ca| | l e (n) ndaama.
s pe e c h (n) kaadu.
s pe e d (n) witees.
spel l (v) korte.
spel l (n) fere depaas.
s p e r d (v) def, iaay, laa.
s pe rd a da (n) fere depaas.
s pe rd a da (v) eendal.
s pe rd | he da (v) eendu, endu.
s pe rd | he ri gh| (v) fanaan.
s pe rd | he ri gh| s ome | i me (v)
sper a| e (n) taagaatle.
s pe r m (n) maniiwu.
s p e w (v) yuut.
spi der (n) iargo.
s pi e d (n) ieebaanu.
spi l l (v) tuur.
spi r (v) wondaal.
spi r i | (n) iine, tuur, yaleef.
spi | (v) tufli.
spi | | i rg cobr a (n) angoor.
spi | | l e (n) tuflit.
s pl a s h (v) tis.
s pl a ore ' s l e gs ope r (n)
naaleeku, nooleeku.
s pl a ore ' s l e gs ope r (v)
s pl e e r (n) gaadam.
spl i | oper (v) toi.
spl i | oper (n) amxar.
spoi l (v) kasaara, yaaxa.
s poi l e d (va) yaaxu.
s p o r g e (n) epons.
s p o o r (n) kuddu.
s po| s (n) gaaka-gaaka, tooxa-tooxa.
spr ai r (n) rxa.
spr ai r (adi) foxoi.
s pr e a d (va) raacu.
s pr e a d (v) firi, lal, law, raaca, roy.
s pr i rg (n) tb.
spr i rkl e (v) suy, wis.
s pr ou| (n) meea.
spr ou| [ f l ower i rg s| age (n)
s p (n) ieebaanukat, ieebanu.
s q u a s h (n) baanga, naaio.
s qua | (n) ionkon.
s qua | (v) ionkon.
s que e t e (v) lii, nal.
squi r r el (n) iaxat.
s| ab (ex) daabuux.
s| ab (n) iam-iam, soo.
s| ab[ expr essi or (inten) cabax.
s| ai r (n) gaaka-gaaka, tooxa-tooxa.
s| ai r (v) gaaka, taxa.
s| ake (v) laa.
s| ake (n) tek.
s | a mme r (v) bar, dt.
s | a mp (v) din-dini.
s | a mp (n) tampe.
s | a rd (v) loo, taxaw.
s | a rd- pi pe (n) pompe, robine.
s| ar ch (n) daakaande, gom.
s| ar e (v) xoole.
s| ar e (n) xuli.
s| ar | (v) door, kumaase, saca, taal,
s| ar | ear l (v) nilu.
s| ar | ear l (n) teela door.
s| ar | | o (adi) daldi.
s| a| e of bei rg qui e| (n) nopi, niipi
s| a| e of bei rg qui e| (va) mekka.
s| a| e of bei rg | aker ou| (va) de.
s| a| ema| e (va) maas-gu-dan.
s | a | e me r| (n) dekkandoor.
s| a| us (n) imma/iomma,
s| a l org (va) yaaga.
s| eal (v) saaca.
s| eal (n) weexa (slang).
s| eal [ sl arg (v) niiin, nioof.
s | e a m (v) muusal, tan.
s | e a m (n) suusal.
s | e a me d me a | & f i s h (n) ketandi.
s | e a me r (n) ind.
- 70 -
s| eer English-Wollof
s| eer (n) saa.
s | e p or s ome ore | | hi rg (v)
s| ep over (v) iegi.
s | e w (n) caa, cu.
s| i ck (v) taf, tapa.
s| i ck (n) banta, et, tay.
s| i ck | o (v) taxa.
s| i ck (n) taxe.
s| i ck (va) scca.
s| i l l (n) selew, teeyi.
s| i l l have (v) dese.
s| i rg (n) mata, maata.
s| i rg (v) feeta.
s| i rg (va) nay, noota.
s| i r (v) maa, yngal.
s | oc k i rgs (n) kawas.
s | o ma c h (n) biir.
s | o ma c h (va) biir.
s | ore (n) xeer/doi.
s | ore a | s ome ore (v) iam.
s | ood (v) loota.
s | ood (n) taxaw.
s| ool (n) day, puup.
s | op (v) loo, taxaw, tees.
s | op b (va) iuux.
s | op b (n) iaar.
s| op r ai ri rg[ i r pr ocess (v)
s | oppe r (n) kubeer, saa.
s| or e (n) pukus, saaa, ngat.
s| or e bui l di rg (n) taax.
s| or k (n) aarapuloo, xooda,
s | or m (n) ngelaane.
s | or m (va) waame.
s| or (n) leeb.
s| r addl e (v) war.
s| r ai gh| (va) taali.
s| r ai gh| er (n) iub, iubal.
s| r ai gh| er (va) taali.
s| r arger (n) gan.
s| r aw (n) ax.
s| r aw ma| | r ess (n) paiaas.
s | r e a m (n) wayo, seyaan.
s| r ee| (n) ko, mbedda.
s| r erg| h (n) doole, kattan.
s| r e| ch (v) fudda.
s| r e| ch mar ks (n) rew.
s| r e| ch oresel f (v) fuddu.
s| r e| cher (n) balankaar.
s| r i ke (v) door, gerew, ef.
s| r i ke or | he head (v) on.
s| r i mp (n) sippa-sippa/sippax.
s| r i rg (n) fiddiwol.
s| r i pes (n) rew.
s| r i ps (n) xaf.
s| r i ve (va) soonal, xaru.
s| r ol l (v) doxantu.
s| r uc| ur e (n) neeg.
s| r uggl e (v) axa.
s| r uggl e (va) xaru.
s| r uggl e (n) coono.
s | ubbor r (va) teexet.
s | uc k e d (va) can.
s | ude r| (n) iangakat.
s | ud (n) nianga.
s | ud (v) ianga.
s| uf f (n) yt.
s| uf f (v) uux, roof.
s | umbl e (v) fakatalu.
s | u mp (adi) kka.
s | ur (va) waar.
s| upi d (n) dot.
s| upi d (va) dof, tooy.
subs| ar| i al (adi) buy.
sub| r ac| (v) genee.
s uc c e e d (n) ndam.
s uc c e e d (v) teeki.
s uc h a s (adi) kom.
s uc k (v) moca.
suckl e (v) nampa.
s udde rl (adv) tir.
suf f er (va) torox.
suf f er i rg (va) soonal.
suf f er i rg (n) coono.
s uga r (n) sukkar/sukkur.
sui | (n) kostiim.
sui | case (n) wolis.
s u mme r (n) noor.
s ur (n) naai.
8u r d a (n) Alet/dimaas.
s u r r (va) naaie.
super i or (n) niaati gi.
super s| i | i or (n) bidaa.
s u r r a me (n) baayo, Fande, santa,
s ur pa s s (va) gn.
sur pr i se (v) daaxa.
sur pr i se (ex) caa.
sur pr i se (va) daaxa.
sur pr i sed (va) waaru.
s ur r ourdi rgs (prep) wet.
s ur r ourd [ s ome ore | | hi rg (v)
s wa l l ow (v) wona/wana.
s wa l l ow[ wi | hou| (v) warax.
s wa i rg of | he hi ps (v) baar-
s wa i rg | he hi ps (va) dugui-dagac.
s we a r (v) gi/waat, waat.
s we a | (v) axa.
s we e p (v) bale, faxas, fita.
s we e | (va) neex.
s we e | po| a | o (n) pataat/pataas.
swel l (adi) nwwi.
swel l (n) neeri.
swi f | l (adv) fat.
swi f | l (n) gaaw.
s wi m (v) fey, noo.
swi | ch of f (v) fey, kamai.
s wol l e r (va) funki.
s wol l e r (adi) nwwi.
swol l er eel i d (n) iumbui.
s wo r d (n) iaasi.
s mpa | hi t e (va) yrm.
s mp a | h (n) yrmaande.
s m| o ms (n) melokaan.
| (v) leeteeku.
| abl e (n) taabul.
| a g que s | i or ma k e r (int) fo.
| ai l (n) geen.
| ai l or (n) awkat, taioor.
| ake (v) bii, fob/fab, il, taa, yoobu.
| ake a bi | e (v) napati/nopati.
| ake a hardf ul (v) tibba.
| ake a per mi ssi or (v) taagu.
| ake a smal l bi | (v) compa.
| ake a swal l ow (n) guux.
| ake a | ur r (v) laaxa.
| ake a wal k (v) doxantu.
| ake abi | e (v) naa.
| a k e a dv a r| a ge (v) muuse.
| ake al org (v) yobaale.
| ake ar oa| h (v) waat.
| ake car e of (v) toopatoo, yor.
| ake char ge (v) iiit.
| ake l eave (v) taagu.
| ake ore' s shar e (v) saaka.
| ake ou| (v) genee.
| ake ou| of | he mou| h (v) yaabi.
| ake r es| i r ar ai r pl ae (v) fexlu.
| ake si des (v) faral, ft, laa.
| al i smar (n) gaalaai.
| al k (v) wax/wox, wox/wax.
| al k l oudl (v) soow.
| al k | o oresel f (v) woxtu.
| al l (adi) niool.
| a ma r i rd (n) daxaar.
| ar (v) wulli.
| a rg- | op (n) genso.
| arrer (n) wullikat.
| ap (n) pompe.
| ar (n) godoron.
| ar r ed (n) tali.
| as| e (n) am, safaay.
| as| e (v) guu.
| as| el ess (va) saapi, xormbet.
| as| (va) saf.
| ax (n) lempo.
| axi (n) taksi.
| ea par | (n) ataaya.
| each (v) iangale.
| eacher (n) iangalekate.
- 71 -
English-Wollof | ear
| ear (n) xootit.
| ear (v) xar, xooti.
| ear s (n) rongo.
| ease (v) nioos, aawal.
| ea| (n) cus.
| el l (v) fo, laa.
| el l (n) waxin.
| el l a l i e (n) fen.
| el l a s| or (v) leb.
| el l of f (v) taca, xas.
| el l i rg (n) waxin.
| el l i rg (vn) foo.
| e mpl e (n) kabaab, nampatal.
| er (n) fukka.
| erd sheep, ca| | l e e| c. (v) saami.
| e rdor (n) caas.
| er| h (n) fukkeel.
| er mi ra| e (v) neef.
| er mi | es (n) max.
| es| i cl es (n) kooy.
| ha r (va) gena.
| ha rk (v) grm, ngmande.
| ha rk ou (n) irif.
| ha rk s (n) irif.
| ha rk s (adi) grmande.
| ha| (v) ne.
| ha| (dem) loolu, nele/nale.
| ha| (coni) ko.
| ha| da (n) kerog/kerag.
| ha| per sor (dem) kl/kale, kooku.
| ha| | hi rg (dem) lale, loolu.
| ha| wa (dem) nale.
| ha | wa [ ma rre r (coni) noonu.
| ha | whi c h (int) lu?.
| ha| ' s wh (ex) mootax.
| he (dem) ka.
| he (da) bi, gi, ia, ii, ki, li, mi, si, wi.
[ | he col our of r ed ver (inten)
| he erd of (n) muiel, muii.
| he hol 0ur a r (n) kaamiil.
| he ki rg of caor (n) iaraaf.
| he l as| (n) muie.
| he ma rre r | wa | o do (n) anam.
| he mi ddl e (prep) digga.
| he mos | ore c a r do (va) kem-
| he owre r (n) borom.
| he [ pl (da) yi.
| he secord da af | er (n) sibir.
| he s ur (n) ianta.
| he wor l d (n) aaduna.
| hef | (n) cacca.
| he m (opt) leen.
| he m (isp) oom.
| he r (adv) kon.
| he r (coni) te.
| her e (da) fa.
| her e (dem) fale/fl, fl, foofu,
nale, nele/nale.
| her e abou| (prep) si/ci.
| her ef or e (adv) kon.
| he r mome | r e (n) tamomoita.
| he r mos | a | (n) tamostaat.
| hese (dem) yii.
| he (oe) leu.
| hi ef (n) rawalekat, saacee.
| hi ef [ sl arg (n) randalkat.
| hi gh (n) luppa, pooi.
| hi r (va) laapa, sew, woyof/oyof,
| hi rg (n) lf, yf.
| hi rk (v) fog/foog, xalaat.
| hi rk (va) defe, yaakaar.
| hi r d (n) eteel.
| hi r | (n) fanweer.
| hi s (dem) iii, lii, mii.
| hi s ore (dem) bii.
| hi s per sor (dem) kii.
| hi s pl ace (dem) fii.
| hi s v e r mome r| (dem) gii.
| hi s wa (dem) nii.
| hi s ear (n) reen, ren.
| hos e (dem) yooyu.
| hos e whi c h a r e (rp) yu.
| hough| (n) xalaat.
| h o u s a r d (n) niun.
| hr ead (n) wo.
| hr ead (v) nas.
| hr esh (v) baaca, lii.
| hr oa| (n) purux.
| hr ough (postp) la.
| hr ow (v) fay, fudda, saani, waaka,
wal, wen.
| h r o w s o me o r e d o wr (v) mbas.
| hr ow wi | h f ar e (v) cooral.
| hr owr (n) fay.
| hurde r l i gh| e ri rg (n) melaxal.
T h u r s d a (n) Alxemes.
| i ck (n) wete.
| i ckl e (v) raf.
| i de (n) peese, waame.
| i e (v) eew, takka, waatiir.
| i e ar asri mal ' s | wo l egs (v)
| i e i r a kro| (n) pas.
| i ed (va) fasu.
| i ger (n) segga/tene, tene.
| i gh| (va) dan, seere, xat.
| i l api a (n) waas.
| i l es (n) karo.
| i l l (v) fo.
| i l l (postp) fo.
| i l | (v) moyal.
| i me (n) iamaano, tan, waxtu,
| i mi d (va) xuta.
| i mi d pe r s or (n) baanganooye.
| i r (n) pot.
| i r (va) sew.
| i r i rsec| (n) mutu-mutu.
| i r ed (va) loota, soona, xoox.
| o (prep) ci, pur.
| o (postp) fo, ka.
| o agr ee or (va) degoo.
| o appear (v) fola.
| o ar i se (v) iiitu.
| o ask (v) laai, laaite.
| o a s s ume (va) defe.
| o a s s ume (v) gaddu.
| o a| | emp| (v) fexe.
| o a v e rge (v) feyeeku.
| o bab si | (v) baambaane.
| o backbi | e (v) ioow.
| o bai | (n) meeb.
| o bai | (v) meeb.
| o be a r me d (va) gaacaayoo.
| o be a wa k e (va) eewu.
| o be ber| (va) banku.
| o be ber| (v) dnga.
| o be di vor ced (va) fase.
| o be e rl i gh| e re d (va) eewu.
| o be r e mov e d (va) de.
| o be r o| | er (va) fonax.
| o bel i ef (va) gm/gom.
| o beref i | (va) iig.
| o bor der (v) gten.
| o br i be (v) ger/dukku.
| o br i rg (v) isi.
| o bu (v) inda.
| o cackl e (v) keeku.
| o cal m (va) nax.
| o car r (v) meeb.
| o cl ass (v) kalaase.
| o cl ear (v) fompa.
| o cl ear (v) faxas.
| o c omb (n) pee.
| o corceal (v) laaxa.
| o corf r or| [ sl arg (v) dal.
| o cover [ oresel f (v) muuru.
| o cr awl urder (v) mbota.
| o cr oss (v) iaala.
| o c r umbl e (v) moxo.
| o cr (v) iooy.
| o c u| dowr (n) ias.
| o del ega| e (v) ebal.
| o deser ve (v) eeloo.
| o de | hr ore (v) fooli.
| o di r ec| (v) iiit.
| o dodge (v) mbas.
| o dr i ve (ex) kus.
| o dr i ve (v) dawal.
| o dus| (v) faxas, fogga.
| o er| argl e (v) lial.
- 72 -
| o English-Wollof
| o er ase (v) far.
| o es| i ma| e (v) fog/foog.
| o ex| r ac| (v) buddi.
| o f ai r| (n) meda.
| o f i ddl e wi | h (v) iaabal.
| o f i ri sh (v) egali.
| o f r i gh| er (v) ioomal.
| o ge| (v) iot.
| o gi ve (v) iox, may.
| o gi ve | o (v) ioxe.
| o gl ade (v) edda.
| o go a he a d (v) iiitu.
| o go f e| ch (v) indiii.
| o go | hr ough (v) fola.
| o gos s i p (v) ioow.
| o gov e r r (v) iiit.
| o gr ow (v) mag.
| o ha mme r (v) marto.
| o ha rd (v) iox.
| o hard | o (v) ioxe.
| o heckl e (v) tapaas.
| o her d (v) saama.
| o hi de (v) laaxa.
| o hi | a | ar ge| (v) aaii.
| o i rser | (v) roof.
| o i | ch (v) esen.
| o j ai l (v) kaso.
| o j oi r (v) waali.
| o ki d (va) nax.
| o l ack (va) manke.
| o l ead (v) iiit.
| o l eave (n) baay.
| o l i ck (v) mar.
| o l i e (va) nar.
| o make a f aced (v) gaaxu.
| o ma k e r e a c h (v) aagee/eegee.
| o mi sl ead (v) iuuw/iuw.
| o mi ss (va) gelu.
| o mi x (v) iaxas.
| o ope r (v) laana-lanaral.
| o owe (va) amel.
| o par k (v) gaare.
| o par | ake (v) faral.
| o pa| ch (adi) fata.
| o pa (v) fey.
| o pi er ce (v) iam.
| o poi r| (v) ioxo.
| o pr i sor (v) kaso.
| o pr omi s e (v) dnku.
| o pr op (v) to.
| o pul l of f (v) fuxi.
| o r ai se (va) naw.
| o r a| e (v) kalaase.
| o r each (v) aaga/eega.
| o r ead (va) noppi.
| o r ebel (v) fipu.
| o r ecogri se (v) raae.
| o r ef use (v) gantu.
| o r everge (v) feyeeku.
| o r ever e (v) fonka.
| o r ol l (v) e.
| o r ur (ex) daani-daani.
| o scr a| ch oresel f (v) ookatu.
| o ski d (v) mbar/mbarateku.
| o sl i de (v) mbar/mbarateku,
| o sperd | he ri gh| wi | h (v)
| o spr ead (v) riib.
| o s| ab (v) iam.
| o s | a mp (v) ioggi.
| o s| eal (v) kaia.
| o s| r ai gh| er. (v) iubal.
| o s ubme r ge (v) diig.
| o s uc k bore s (v) mocaat.
| o sur pr i se (v) iaaxal.
| o sur vi ve (va) mucca.
| o s wa (v) biii.
| o | as| e (v) mos.
| o | ease (va) nax.
| o | el l al i e[ sl arg (v) duul.
| o | i e (v) inga.
| o | ur r (v) e.
| o | wi s| (v) biii.
| o urbe rd (v) biianti.
| o urc ov e r (v) muuril.
| o urpl ug (v) fuxi.
| o wa r r (v) dnku.
| o wr a p (n) lomas.
| o wr i ggl e (v) uum-uutu.
| o a wr (v) obbli.
| o b a c c o p o wd e r (n) xemme.
| oda (n) bii, tey.
| oe (n) baaraam.
| oe rai l (n) we/wey.
| oge| her [ i r pi ece of cl o (va)
| oi l e| (n) kama, wanag.
| oi l e| paper (n) leeteekukaay.
| oma | o pa s | e (n) tomaate-loxati.
| oma | oe s (n) tamaate.
| o mo r r o w (n) llk, saama, subba.
| o m- | o m (n) ndnda, tama.
| orgue (n) laame.
| oo, al so (adv) it.
| o o mu c h (va) oppal.
| oo muc h i r a ga | he r i g (va)
| ool (n) suti.
| oo| h (n) bo.
| op (prep) kow/kaw.
| or | oi se (n) mbonaat.
| ouc h (v) laal, laamba, maa.
| our i s| (n) tooris.
| o wr (n) dekka, teeru.
| r ader (n) iula.
| r adi | i or (n) cosaan.
| r ai r (v) yar.
| r ai r (n) otoraay, saxaar.
| r ai r s| a| i or (v) gaar.
| r ai rer (n) iangalekate.
| r arsac| i or (n) duggoo.
| r arsf er (v) kata.
| r arsl a| i or (n) firnd.
| r arspar er| (va) perewere.
| r arspl ar| (v) imbat.
| r aoubl e shoo| er (n) iaxasekat.
| r ap (v) tr.
| r ash (n) mbalit.
| r avel (v) taama, tukki, woyaas.
| r ea| (v) fai.
| r ee (n) garab.
| r embl e (v) kar-kari, kof-koffi, lox.
| r erd (adi) casgin.
| r erd (va) saari.
| r espass (v) too.
| r i be (n) firdu, lebu, xeet.
| r i be i r 8eregal (n) Jolof-iolof.
| r i ck (n) pexe.
| r i di | i oral excharge of s (v) root.
| r i m (v) emale, lii.
| r i pe (n) mbaaxa.
| r oubl e (v) tapaas.
| r oubl e (n) fitna, kataa, seytaane.
| r ough (n) mbalka.
| r ouser s (n) tuby.
| r ue (va) dgga.
| r uel (adv) lnxa.
| r us| (v) laa, oolu.
| r u| h [ r (va) dgga.
| r (va) iem.
| r (v) fexe, koli-koli/kotor-koto.
| r har d (va) goor-goorlu.
| r i r (v) nata.
| se- | sef l (n) we.
| uck (v) sooti.
T u e s d a (n) talaata.
| ur bi r (n) kaala.
| ur bul er| (va) sob.
Tur k e (n) koopin.
| ur r (v) iadda, olbati, ruui, xeelu.
| ur r back (v) doppa/dellu.
| ur r dowr (v) daaxa.
| ur r dowr (va) daaxa.
| ur r f a c e dowr (v) dipi,
| ur r of f (v) fey.
| ur r[ cor rer (v) iaada.
| ur | l e (n) nduumaar.
| wel ve bu| u| s (n) tanka.
| wi l i gh| (n) marax.
| wi rkl e (v) raf.
| wo (n) aar.
| wo bu| u| s (n) bury.
- 73 -
English-Wollof | wo
| wo - b o b (n) tubaab.
| e- de (n) cuub.
| pe (adv) fason.
ugl i re s s (va) aawaay.
ugl (va) aaw.
umbi l i cal cor d (n) xuca.
urbr el l a (n) palansoor/palasoor.
urcer | ai r of ore' s wa (va)
urc l e (n) niiaay.
urc l e a rl i re s (n) noo.
urc or| r ol a bl e (va) t.
urc ov e r (v) dipi.
urde r (prep) ron.
urder si t e (n) ndaama.
urde r we a r (n) suwetmaa.
urde r a | e (va) xeeb, xeebante.
urde r c l o| he s (n) suwetmaa.
urde r e s | i ma | e (va) xeeb.
urde r e s | i ma | e e a c h o| he r (va)
u r d e r mi r e (v) ronu.
urde r s | a rd (v) dega, moy.
urde r we a r (n) iiital.
urde r we a r [ f or me r (n) genso.
u r d o (v) firi.
urdo br a i ds (va) fireeku.
urdr e s s (v) futi.
urdr e s s e d (va) simeku.
ure re r ge | i c (va) nasax.
urf ol d (v) leemi.
u r h o o k (v) aaii.
uri | e (v) fici.
uri | e (adi) mengoo.
uri | ed (n) donkaasi, mankoo.
uri ver se (n) aaduna.
uri ver si | (n) iniwersit.
url oa d (v) eebi.
url og (v) luci.
urpl e a s a r| (va) naxari.
urr avel l (va) luceku.
urs l a ugh| e r e d (n) meda.
u r s mo o | h (n) agas.
urs| uf f (v) uxi, yuli.
urs | uf f e d (n) uxit.
urs we l l (v) rees.
ur| hr e a d (v) luci.
ur| i e (v) feeci.
ur| i l (prep) be.
ur| r a i re d (va) yaradeku.
u r wa r | e d (adi) lamba.
up (prep) kow/kaw.
up (va) fees.
up | o (prep) be.
upr oo| (v) buddi, suxi.
ups e | (va) mer.
u p s i d e d o wr (v) iuutu, iuutal.
up| o (postp) fo.
ur i ra| e (v) seben.
ur i ra| e (n) saw.
ur i ra| e or oresel f (v) sebenu.
ur i re (n) saw.
used i r f u| ur e i mper a| i ve (av) si.
us e d | o (n) daan.
us e d | o (va) miis, taama.
us e f ul re s s (n) niri.
us ua l (adi) meena.
u| i l i | (n) niri.
u| | er arce (n) baat.
vacci ra| e (v) akku, ninda.
vacci ra| e (n) penku.
vacci re (n) ninda.
v a gi ra (n) caapa, lf.
val ue (n) nig, wuloor.
v a r (n) waan.
var i ar| f or " be" (adv) bi.
v e ge | a bl e s (n) lium.
vehi cl e (n) moto, oto/woto.
vei l (v) waal.
v e r a rda (n) peron.
ver b pr edi ca| or !s| Ps. (vp) dama.
ver se[ i r | he hol 0ur ' r (n) saar.
ver (adv) fer, lew, set, tek.
ver (adi) law.
ver (inten) kak, kn, kuk, lool,
ver ho| (va) saas.
v e r muc h (adv) fat.
ver rew| f r esh (adi) eesa-ees.
ver [ sol i d (inten) kcc.
v e x e d (va) mer.
vi c| or (n) ndam.
vi l l age (n) dekka.
vi l l age i r 8eregal (n) Jolof.
vi ol i r (n) riiti.
vi r gi r (n) ianxa.
vi r gi ri | (n) ndaw.
vi si or (va) gis-gis.
voi ce (n) baat.
vol ur| eer (v) waakirlu, walanteeru.
v omi | (v) gala, wacu/wocu.
vo| e (v) wote.
v ous (n) garan-palaas.
v o w (v) gi/waat, waat.
v o a ge (v) woyaas.
vul | ur e (n) tan.
wa d e (v) xuus.
wa ge r (v) gase.
wa g e s (n) pey.
wa g g o r (n) sareet.
wai f (n) doxandem.
wai s| (n) ndigga.
wai | (n) ng.
wai | (v) leerandu, xaar.
wai | f or (v) gaapa/haar.
wa k e s o me o r e u p (v) ee, yee/ee.
wa k e up (v) yeewu.
wa k e up a | (v) eewoo.
wa k e up wi | h (v) eewoo.
wa l k (v) dox, iegi, leru, taama.
wal k [ abou| (v) yuus-yaas.
wal k f as| l (v) farax-raxi.
wa l k f r om (v) doxee.
wa l k v e r s l ow (v) daagu.
wa l k wi | h (v) doxee.
wal ki rg. (v) baar-baari.
wal k[ qui ckl (v) waaxu.
wal l (n) maraai.
wa l l ge c k o (n) unka.
wal l e| (n) kalpe, nafa.
wa r d e r (v) wor, yaay.
wa r| (v) bugga.
wa r| (va) bugg.
wa r (n) xare.
wa r m ore s e l f (v) iaaru.
wa r m we a | he r (n) tangaay.
wa r p (v) laxas.
war r i or (n) iambaar.
wa s h (v) laab, raxas.
wa s h (va) laabu.
wa s h c l o| he s (v) foot,
wash r i ce (v) sebet.
wa s h i r g p a r (n) beuwaar.
wa s h[ ore s e l f (v) raxasu.
wash[ | he f ace (v) slm.
wa s p (n) nguri.
wa s | e ba s k e | (n) mbalit.
wa | c h (v) garde, seetaan, xool.
wa | c he r (n) gardekat.
wa| er (n) ndox.
wa| er (v) roose, suux, tanxa.
wa| er cor| ai rer (n) ndaa/ndaal.
wa| er l i l l (n) mbaapa.
wa | e r me l or (n) beref.
wa| er | ark (n) mbalka.
wa| er (adi) ndoxe.
wa v e s (n) gandax.
wa (n) pexe.
wa of dr e s s (n) colin.
wa | o s ome pl a c e (v) iaada.
we (isp) un.
we (oe) leu.
we | | he (cpt) u.
we| | he wi l l (f) dineu.
we| | he wi l l ro| (fn) duu.
we a k (va) nasax, yolox.
we a l | h (va) riis.
we a r (v) fata, feral.
we a p o r (n) gaanaay.
we a r (v) sol.
we a v e (v) raaba.
we a v e r (n) raabakat.
weaver bi r d (n) kacco-kacco.
- 74 -
w e d English-Wollof
we d (v) biti, takka.
we d d i r g (n) sy.
we d d i r g c e r e mo r (n) ct.
we d r e s d a (n) Aalarba/aaralba.
we e k (n) bs bu ay.
we i g h (v) peese.
we l c o me (v) teertu.
we l c o me (int) sarga/srica.
wel l (n) ten.
wel l (va) wr.
we l l br ough| up (va) yaru.
we l l pourde r e d| gr i rre d (va)
we | (v) gaas.
we | (va) tooy.
we | re s s (n) tooyaay, tooye.
wha l e (n) mbonkana.
wha | (int) lan, naka.
wha | | how a r e ou (int) noo.
wha | i s ? (int) luy.
wha| [ i s (int) lu?.
wha | [ ou (int) loo.
whe e l ba r r ow (n) buruwet/puus-
wh e r (n) su.
wh e r (inten) ka.
whe r e (adv) ana, foo, fu.
whe r e (inten) fan.
whe r e a r e ou? (adi) fooy.
whe r e i s ? (adi) fuy.
wher e i s i | [ cor| r ac| i or (adv)
whe | | s ha r pe r (v) daas.
whe | he r (coni) fo, ndax.
wh i c h (int) iumaa.
wh i c h (adi) ban.
wh i c h (rp) gu.
[ whi ch i s (rp) bu.
wh i c h o r e s ? (inten) yan?.
whi l e a go (adi) sanxa.
whi l s e (v) baar-baari.
wh i m (n) coobare.
wh i p (n) kaacciri.
wh i p c o r d (n) kaacciri.
whi s k e r s (n) mustaas.
whi s| l e (v) wolis.
whi s| l e (n) mbilib.
whi | e (n) weex.
whi | e (va) weex.
whi | e pe r s or (n) tubaab.
whi | e wa s h (n) balanse.
whi | e wa s h (v) balanse.
wh o (rp) gu.
wh o (int) iumaa, kan?, ku!.
who i s (int) kuy.
wh o m (int) kan?.
wh o m (rp) gu.
wh o o p i r g c o u g h (n) niaambataan,
wh o r e (n) cagga.
wh (int) lutax?.
wi c k e d (va) soxor, xiis.
wi c k e dre s s (adi) mbon.
wi f e (n) iabar, soxna.
wi l d ca| (n) siiru.
wi l d vi re f r ui | pl ar| (n) kabaa.
wi r d (n) ngelaw/ngelew.
wi r d o w (n) palanteer.
wi r d (n) ngelaw/ngelew.
wi r g (n) laaf.
wi rk (v) piis.
wi rk[ r ol l | he ee (v) xeelu.
wi r r o w (v) bees.
wi r r o wi r g b a s k e | (n) tenten.
wi pe (v) fita, fompa, fompu,
wi pe (va) laabu.
wi r e (n) fiil.
wi r e ga ut e (n) giriyaa.
wi s e (va) muus.
wi s h (n) sago.
wi s h (v) nata.
wi sh f or (va) kene/ene.
wi s h whol e he a r | e dl (v) en.
wi shf ul (v) maa.
wi | c h (n) doma/dma, xulaan.
wi | c h doc | or (n) iabar.
wi | h (prep) ci.
wi | hdr a w (n) baay.
wi | h d r a wr (va) beru.
wi | re s s (v) fekkee, teewee.
wi | re s s (n) sernde/seede.
wi t a r d (n) nooxoor.
wo e (n) cat.
wol f (n) bukki.
wol of (n) Jolof-iolof, olof, wolof.
wol of di s h (n) benacin.
wo ma r (n) iigen, soxna.
wome r' s j a c k e | (n) kamisool.
wo o d wo r k e r (n) lawbe.
wo r d (n) kaadu.
wor d f or cal l i rg a ca| (ex) muus.
wor k (v) ligey.
wor k (n) ligeey.
wor k e a r l i r | he mor ri rg (v)
wor k e r (n) ligeeykat.
wo r k s h o p (n) ataliye.
wo r m (n) marmaraan, saan.
wor r (n) fitna.
wor s e (va) yes.
wor s hi p (v) dagaan, iaamu.
wor | h (n) nig.
wo u r d (n) goom.
wo u r d (v) gaa.
wr a ppe r (n) lomosuwaay,
wr es| l er (n) mbor.
wr es| l i rg (n) laamba.
wr i ggl e (v) luux-luuxi.
wr i | e (v) binda, fitaxu, rdda.
wr i | er (n) bindakat.
ar d (n) yaar.
a wr (v) boobali.
ear (n) at.
ear bef or e l as| (n) daaw ieg.
es (ex) naam, waaw.
es| er da (n) demba.
i el d (n) gopp/pel.
ou (op) i.
ou (cm) nga.
ou (se) yaa.
ou (cp) nga.
ou (oe) nga.
ou (isp) yow.
ou (spn) i.
ou (opt) leen.
ou ar e[ pl yangi.
ou [ e mpha | i c (spn) ite.
ou wi l l [ pl ur al (f) dingeen.
ou wi l l [ si rgul ar (n) Dinga.
ou' l l ro| (fn) doo.
o u r g ma r (n) woxambaane.
o u r g s h o o | (n) gancax.
o u r g wo ma r (n) ieeg.
ourge r [ s i bl i rg (n) rakka.
ou[ pl (oe) ngeen.
ou[ pl (cm) ngeen.
ou[ pl (cp) ngeen.
our (pa) sa, seen.
ou| h (n) ndaw.

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