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Call Flow for Placement Telecalling exercise Calling from ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai regarding Campus

Step 1 Greet the person on the call

Step 2 Speaking to the Receiptonist and conncecting to HR Negative -1 Positive 1

Step 2 Speaking to the HR directly

Take details of HR persons name, email ID and contact no. and pref date/time for call back. Follow up

Step 3 Introduce yourself, ITM and state that this call is an invitation to the company for campus recruitments and would like to seek an appointment to take it

Positive 2

Negative -2

Step 5 Fix up a date and time for the meeting with HR.

Step 4 Convey to the HR person that ITM is looking for a long term relationship with the company through Internships, Joint Research/Project work, Guest lectures and seminars/conferences that can reduce the gap between the industry and MBA professionals passing out from ITM. Hence looking forward to interventions in the above areas to be

Positive 3

Negative -3

Follow up and convert it to Positive -2

Ascertain reasons for not considering ITM and close the call.

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