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What is


Eclipse: - Just as shadows are cast on the ground,

the earth, the moon and the other planets cast
their shadows in space. Eclipses are formation of
shadows in space.
Earth revolves round Sun and
Moon revolves round the Earth. The Sun is larger
than the Earth and the Earth is larger than the
moon. The Earth and Moon cast their shadows
and cause eclipses.

Kinds of Eclipse:
The eclipses are of two types depending upon the
position of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth with
relation to each other.

1. Lunar eclipses

2. Solar eclipses
1. Lunar eclipses :
A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between
the sun and the moon and all three are in the
same straight line,the shadow of the earth falls
on the moon. Lunar eclipse occurs only on a full
moon day.

no eclipse total eclipse

Partial eclipse

2. Solar eclipses :
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is between
the sun and the earth and when all the three arein
same straight line,the shadow of the moon falls on
the earth.
Partial eclipse total eclipse

No Eclipse

Presented By: Guided By:

Class 7 A
Gurbaj Singh Anjna Joshi
Gurjeet Singh (Sci. Mistress)
Ajitpal Singh
Sandeep Singh
Gurdeep Singh
Sandeep Singh
Govt Sen. Sec. School Patran

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