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Nhm 6- lp 2a09 1.

Translation by paraphrase
This strategy is most commonly used in the process of translating idioms in the cases: + there is no Vietnamese equivalents for the source idioms + it is inappropriate to use idiomatic language in TL For example:

1- Vietnamese: (Truyn Kiu- Nguyn Du) Mt hai nghing nc nghing thnh English: (translated by Thy Dng) Her single glance might even shake the Royal Castle Her single smile could even make the Nation tremble 2- Source text (Christie, 2001, p.286) You came up here after Mortimer died, expecting to step into his shoes Target text (Vietnamese): Anh n y sau khi Mortimer cht vi mong i thay th anh ta. Disadvantages: loose quality and stylistic flavour miss or add components of sense reduce or even lost the emotive and pragmatic impact

Ex. 1- to call a spade a spade: ni thng vo vn 2- to keep a civil tongue on your head: ( li cnh co) hy n ni cho l 3- a ladys man: k nnh m 4-a narow escape: may mn mi thot c 5- be an early bird: lun lun n sm

6- a left-handed compliment : li khen mang ngha ch bai 7- to face the music :nhn, lnh hnh pht 8- a dark horse: k v danh tiu tt 9- to make a monkey out of someone: bin ai thnh k ngu ngc

2. Translation by omission
Conditions: + The idioms have no close match in the target language, its meaning cannot be easily paraphrased, or for stylistic reasons. + the idioms might cause pragmatic ambiguity to the reader of the TL +The idioms are not essential to the meaning or impact of the text Readers of the source text will not find any problem in comprehending it For example: Source text: We have no reached a stage in the argument at which we must draw upon the distinction between utterances and sentences. Target text (Vietnamese): Chng ti khng t c bc tin trong bui tranh lun, vic m chng ti phi phn bit gia li ni v ngn t. The English idiomatic expression draw upon means use. In the example above, English idiomatic expression draw upon is not translated in the target text. It is because the meaning of the idiom draw upon is not significant toward the message of the sentence. The translator considers that draw upon is represented in the word distinction.

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