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Basic concept of physiology (general physiology)

Blood and immunology
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
Environmental physiology
Gastrointestinal system
Hepato biliary system
Renal system
Endocrine system
Reproductive system
Nervous system
Special senses
Growth and development
Integumantary system

Total time required for physiology: Minimum two semesters

Chapter Content Theory Practical Total
Introduction to human 2 hours
General physiology physiology, general functional
organization of human body
Homeostasis. Control of 2 hours
internal environment, Principal
of control system- general
characteristic and components
of control system. Concept of
negative and positive feed back
Cell and cell organelles 3 hours
Cell membrane transport 3hours
Body fluid compartment, extra 1 hours
cellular and intracellular

Functional anatomy of neurons. 2 hours

Resting membrane potential,
action potential, ionic basis of
action potential
The nerve: excitation and 2 hours
conduction, ionic basis of
excitation and conduction
Synaptic transmission. 2 hours
Neuromuscular transmission,
structure and properties

Structure and neuromuscular 6 hours

transmission, excitation and
contraction of skeletal muscle,
smooth muscle and cardiac

Recording of compound action 3hours

potential in frog
Blood and Introduction to physiology of 2 hours
immunology blood; blood as body fluid;
composition, properties and
function of blood
Plasma: normal constituent, 2 hours
plasma protein, types,
concentration, properties and
Blood cells; types, distribution 1 hours
and overview of haemopoiesis
RBC: morphology, function, 2 hours
normal count, introduction to
MCH. Fate of RBC, fragility
and hemolysis
RBC counting using counting 3 hours
Erythropoiesis: stages, 2hours
regulating factor. Clinical use
of Red cell indices
Hemoglobin: types; normal and 2hours
abnormal, Synthesis
Estimation of hemoglobin by 3 hours
acid hematin method (sahli’s
White blood cells: 2hours
classification, morphology,
normal count, differential count
and absolute count. Function
and properties of WBC
Total leucocytes count 3 hours
Differential count of WBC 3hours
Inflammation: Basic concept 2 hours
Immunity: classification, 4 hours
antigen, antibody; function of
antibody. Compliment system.
Concept of immunization and
vaccination. Hypersensitivity
Blood group: agglutinogen and 2hours
agglutinin, basic concept of
ABO system and Rh system,
blood transfusion and hazards
of blood transfusion

Blood group determination 3 hours

Platelets: morphology, normal 1 hours
Estimation of ESR by 3hours
westergren method
Determination of PCV by 3hours
wintrobe’s method
Determination of osmotic 3hours
fragility of RBC
Preparation of peripheral blood 2hours
Respiratory system Functional anatomy of 2hours
respiratory system
Respiration: general concept 2hours
and its type
Functional events of 2hours
respiration: pulmonary
ventilation, mechanics of
pulmonary ventilation, pressure
involved in respiration
Surfactant: composition and 2hours
function. Recoil tendency of
lungs compliance and work of
Spirometry; lung volumes and 2hours
capacity pulmonary circulation,
pulmonary gas exchange,
respiratory membrane,
diffusion, capacities and partial
Gas transport: oxygen 2hours
transport; oxygen- Hb
dissociation curve.
Carbondioxide transport:
chloride shift, bohr effect,
haldane effect
Regulation of respiration: 2hours
nervous and chemical
Respiration in unusual 2hours
environment: hypoxia and its
types; space flight, deep sea
diving, hyperbaric oxygen and
oxygen toxicity
Abnormal breathing: cheyne- 2hours
stokes breathing, biots
Cyanosis, hypercarpnia
Respiratory insufficiency: 2hours
artificial respiration: principle,
mouth to mouth respiration and
mechanical respiration

Determination of vital capacity 3hours

and Timed vital capacity
Functional anatomy of 2hours
cardiovascular system
Properties of cardiac muscle, 2hours
functional structure and
excitation of heart muscle.
action potential in heart muscle
Conductive system of the heart 2hours
and their clinical significance
Cardiac cycle and its various 2hours
Cardiac output: method of 2hours
determination and factor
affecting CO. concept of stroke
volume, venous return,
Heart rate: factor affecting 2hours
heart rate, pulse: types of
normal and abnormal pulse.
Heart sound and its
Cardio vascular
Blood pressure and its 2hours
regulation: humoral and neural
Determination of blood 3hours
pressure: palpitatory and
auscultatory method
Regional circulation: 2hours
pulmonary, splanchnic,
cerebral, Cutaneous, coronary.
Cardio vascular changes during 2hours
exercise. Basic concept of
Electrocardiography: 2hours
determination, concept of
unipolar and bipolar lead,
waves of normal ECG and their
significance and basic idea
about abnormal ECG
Recording of ECG 3hours
Environmental Introduction to environmental 2hours
physiology physiology: regulation of body
temperature. Response and
adaptation to hot and cold
Response and adaptation to 2hours
high altitude, deep sea and
space physiology
Gastrointestinal Functional anatomy of 2hours
system gastrointestinal system
Oral cavity: mastication, 2hours
digestion in the mouth. Saliva;
secretion and composition,
function and regulation
Physiology of deglutition, 2hours
stages and neural control
Local hormones of 2hours
gastrointestinal tract and their
Stomach: overview of function, 2hours
physiology of gastric glands
and its secretion. Composition
of gastric secretion and its
control. Gastric motility
Pancreatic secretion; 2hours
composition, function and
Small intestine: secretion, 2hours
function and movement
Large intestine: function and 2hours
secretion and movement
Defecation: mechanism and 2hours
Concept of acid peptic disease, 2hours
physiology of vomiting
Hepatobiliary system Functional and histological 2hours
overview of Hepato biliary
Synthesis, pathway, function 2hours
and regulation of secretion of
bile, EnteroHepatic circulation
of bile
Gall bladder: function and 2hours
regulation of gall bladder
Liver functions and 2hours
physiological basis of liver
function test
Regulation of bile excretion in 3hours
Renal system Functional anatomy of renal 2 hour
system; Structure of kidney and
nephrone, Role of kidney in
Renal circulation: peculiarities 2hour
and functional importance,
pressure profile autoregulation
of renal blood flow
Glomerular membrane, 2hour
glomerular filtration, GFR,
factor influencing GFR,
autoregulation of GFR method
of measurement of GFR,
Concept of renal fraction, 2hour
flirtation fraction, pressure,
plasma clearance, plasma load,
tubular load, renal threshold,
osmolar clearance, free water
clearance, Tm,
glomerulotubular balance
Tubular functions: mechanism 2hour
of reabsorption and secretion of
different subs in renal tubules
Counter current mechanism. 2hour
Water excretion: mechanism of
dilute and concentrated urine
formation, diuresis,
acidification of urine
Control of ECF volume by 1hour
Micturation: definition, nerve 1hour
supply of urinary bladder and
its control
Physiological basis of renal 1 hour
function test
Regulation of urine excretion 3hours
in rabbit
Endocrine system Introduction to endocrinology: 2hours
hormones its classification and
mechanism of action, concept
of second messenger

Hypothalamus: role of 1 hour

hypothalamus in controlling
pituitary section
Anterior pituitary: hormones 2hours
secreted by anterior pituitary.
Growth hormones; function
and regulation and disorders
Posterior pituitary: hormones 2hours
secreted by it, their function,
mechanism of action and
disorders due to hypo and
Thyroid gland: functional 3hour
anatomy, biosynthesis of T 3
and T4, function of thyroid
hormones and disorder due to
their hypo and hyperactivity
Parathyroid hormones, calcium 2hour
and phosphorous metabolism
and disorder related to calcium
Adrenal cortex: histological 4hour
and functional study of adrenal
Glucocorticoids: function and
Mineralocorticoids: function
and disorder
Sex hormones: function and
Adrenal medulla: review of 2hour
physiological action of
epinephrine and non
Islet of Langerhan’s: hormones 2hour
of islet
Insulin: structure, secretion,
release, mechanism of action,
regulation of secretion,
physiological effect,
Glucagon; secretion 1hour
Reproductive system Introduction to male and 2hours
female reproductive organ and
male and female secondary
Male reproductive system 2hous
Primary and secondary sexual
organ, their function,
spermatogenesis and is control.
Male sexual act

Testosterone; release and 2hours

physiological function.
Regulation of secretion Control
of testicular function
Female reproductive system 2hours
Ovarian hormones:
physiological action, regulation
of secretion control of ovarian
Female sexual act
Physiology of menstrual cycle. 2hours
Ovarian cycle, physiology of
ovulation and its detection
Physiology of safe period and
pregnancy test
Physiology of fertilization, 2hours
implantation. Physiology of
pregnancy. Basic idea of

Integumantary system Skin; function, sweat glands; 2hours

types, secretion, function
Thermoregulation; mechanism, 2hours
receptor, hypothalamic
thermostat, acclimatization,
disorder of thermoregulation
Nervous system Overview of nervous system; 2hours
anatomical consideration
Overall review of resting 2hours
membrane potential, action
potential-ionic basis.
Neurons and its parts, 2hours
classification. Supporting cells
of nervous system.
Myelinogenesis. Nerve fiber;
classification, properties.
Response of neuron and nerve 2hours
fibers to injuries; types of
changes; wallerian and
retrograde degeneration,
concept of regeneration
Synapse: structure of synapse, 2hours
classification, properties
Neurotransmitter: types and
Concept of EPSP and IPSP
Receptor: classification, 2hours
properties, receptor potential/
generator potential, location of
different receptor with their
Reflex: definition, 2hours
classification characteristic of
reflex, method of eliciting
different reflex with their
center and clinical significance.
Reflex arc: types
Concept of Spinal reflex,
stretch reflex, negative stretch
reflex, withdrawal reflex,
crossed extensor reflex
Cerebrospinal fluid, features, 2hours
function, pathway of
circulation, concept of
Cerebral blood flow; regulation 2hours
of cerebral blood flow, cerebral
microcirculation, concept of
stroke, blood – brain and blood
–CSF barrier, concept of brain
edema, Brian metabolism
Somato-sensory system: 2hours
Special senses Visual system: overview of 1hour
structure of eye. Aqueous
humor; formation and
circulation, function
Optics of vision; image 2hours
forming mechanism, pupil and
its function, light reflex,
accommodation reflex, visual
pathway and effect of lesion at
different level of visual
Common error of refraction 1hour
and their correction, visual
field and acuity of vision
Photoreceptor- distribution, 1hour
visual pigments and their
functions, light and dark
adaptation, photopic and
scotopic vision
Physiology of color vision and 1hour
introduction to color blindness
Auditory system; functional 2hour
anatomy of auditory system.
Auditory pathway. Introduction
to different types of deafness
Olfactory system: location of 1hour
receptors and pathway of
olfaction, disorders of olfactory
Gustatory system; location of 1hour
taste receptors and pathway of
Determination of field of 3hours
vision, color vision and acuity
of vision
Tuning fork test to determine 3hours
type of deafness
Growth and Physiology of growth and 2hours
development development
Physiology of aging 2hours

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