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Peer Assessment

I think peer assessment is....something like a more serious and stern feedback to help you better. It's like going through many food tasters and they'll give you serious comments and then if they approve it then it'll go to the final test!

To make my feedback constructive I will look at both points of feedback both negatively and positively. I will also use peer assessment to help me with using constructive feedback.

I am assessing Helens..s work. Their success criteria for this learning opportunity are; ..Good use of Constructive Feedback ..Comment Wisely on the work ..Use some of the good examples if seen in other peers work

What do you like about your partners work? Write down 3 things you like. For example; I really liked the way that you used empathy, the post between Iqbal and the carpet worker demonstrated how strongly Iqbal felt. 1. I liked the way Helen made the history about Iqbal Masih very brief. The way she wrote it is suitable for all age readers. 2. Im impressed with the part where she mentioned how he escaped out of the carpet weaving factory. 3. I liked the facebook presentation about IM you made. Did your partner achieve their success criteria? Helens Success Criteria Show his life story

Write a biography Show how he is linked to human rights Research about iqbal masih Make a facebook page about Iqbal Masih Think about their success criteria; did they achieve them all? How and why? Or why not? I think Helen achieved all her success criteria perfectly. I especially agree with you achieving writing about Iqbal Masihs life story.

What could your partner do to improve their learning? Give 2 targets for improvement. Think about being constructive in your comments. Look back at their success criteria, what areas could they still develop? 1. Mabye you could improve by giving more information of how he planned his escaped and worked with his friends, more of his working conditions, his time in the USA or some of his speeches. And maybe his last few hours before he died. 2. You could also work on adding a little more information on Iqbals wall like: Iqbal Masih: I just managed to escape from the carpet weaving company!

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