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CCu8SL nuM8L8 S41

S1uuLn1 lu nuM8L8 609942
lnuuS18? SLLLC1Lu CAk
88AnuS SLLLC1Lu 1CA1A v]s MAkU1I SU2UkI

MAkkL1 SLGMLN1A1ICN 1he process of dlvldlng Lhe LoLal markeLlng for a good or servlce
lnLo smaller groups each of Lends Lo be slmllar ln all slgnlflcanL

Segmentat|on categor|es
O Geograph|c 1he sLudy of clLy slze urban/suburban/rural populaLlon dlsLrlbuLlon
and cllmaLe
O Demograph|c 1he sLudy of dlsLrlbuLlon of populaLlon's age sex lncome sLage ln
famlly cycle and eLhnlc background
O sychograph|c 9ersonallLles llfesLyles soclal class lncludlng AcLlvlLles lnLeresLs
and Cplnlons (AlC)
O ehav|our towards products
8eneflLs deslred or soughL
9roducL usage raLe

Market|ng Segmentat|on of 1CA1A

ln Lhls segmenL 1oyoLa ls LargeLlng Lhe cusLomers whlch malnly look for economy of
operaLlon and prefer rellablllLy over luxury
World's llrsL lndla's ll8S1 had enLered Lhls year planned Lo launch Lhe
O 9lans Lo launch boLh haLchback and sedan verslons
O 9lans Lo enLer rural markeL Ma[or compeLlLors are l20 ford flgo swlfL

ln Lhls segmenL 1oyoLa ls LargeLlng
mlddle Lo upper lncome professlonals
O ln Lhe age group of 33 Lo 43who need
O Lrue valuefor Lhelrmoney and
O comforLable rlde ln clLy condlLlons

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