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Portfolio Content Creation Online Weekly Grading Breakdown- Animation Week 1 1.

Key poses (extremes, and breakdowns) should be completed- final check of storytelling poses, staging and silhouette. Idea should be clear and all ideas/attitudes as well. 2. Scene should be blocked out from beginning to end. 3. IF, Any Changes to story, or idea They should be included in a word Doc. Turn-in Playblast of scene. See below. Scale can be set to 50% as well. Week 2 Fleshed out animation, broken down with expressions and rough lipsync if there is dialogue.

Turn-in Playblast of scene. Week 3 Finished animation. Needing minor tweaks and cleanup.

Turn-in Playblast of scene. Week 4 Final animation, polished and ready for render.

Turn-in Playblast of scene. Test render of scene with lighting.

Lip-Sync??? After playblast opens in Qtime. Save scene through quicktime in order to preserve sound le.

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