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The Chanchamayo Valley is a beautiful jungle area in the department of Junn. It is an area of exceptional natural beauty. This province of the Central Jungle is found 800 m (2624 ft) above sea level and 173 km and Its situated 300 Km. east of Lima and is one day driving from there. The Chanchamayo Valley marks the real beginning of the central selva directly east of Lima.

Its tourist appeal consists of a beautiful landscape and warm climate, as well as a variety of fruit products. The temperature goes from 27C to 30C, the weather is humid. The province has an estimated population of 142,127, that live in different urban, rural populations.

This region is located in the so called jungle-eyebrow, which means that its geography is a mixture of mountains and jungle. The climate is not quite as hot and humid as it is in the jungle and not quite as cold and dry as it is in the mountains. During that journey to the Chanchamayo Valley, you can see all natural regions of Peru in just one day: Coast, mountains and jungle; from the dry deserts outside Lima to high snowcapped mountains and crystal clear mountain lakes, Andean towns, through tropical cloudforests until you reach the edge of the Amazon basin: Chanchamayo.

The province is divided into six districts, each of which is headed by a mayor. The districts, with their capitals in parenthesis, are:

Chanchamayo (Chanchamayo) San Luis de Shuaro (San Luis de Shuaro) Peren (Peren) Pichanaqui (Bajo Pichanaqui) San Ramn (San Ramn) Vitoc (Pucar)

There are two important cities in this region, San Ramon and La Merced. The Chanchamayo region is also called the central jungle. It is an important fruit and coffee producing area. San Ramn is considered as "the gold door. The vast fields cultivated with citrus fruits, coffee, cacao, avocado, etc. are striking. La Merced is the capital of

the province and it is known as the capital of coffee in Peru; founded the 24 of September of 1869 by Colonel Jose Pereyra.

The first inhabitants of this territory were the Yanesha' people and Ashaninkas. The first reported European presence in the area dates back to 1635, when Franciscan Fray Juan Jernimo Jimnez founded the settlement of San Buena Ventura de Quimiri, which was three kilometres (2 mi) away from present-day La Merced. Pampa Michi is located at 25 Km aproximately going from la Merced to Satipo. The Ashaninkas live there. They constitute one of the most important ethnical groups of the Peruvian Amazonia. They live from hunting and fishing, primarily using bows and arrows or spears, as well as from collecting fruit and vegetables in the jungle. They use the slash-and-burn method to clear lands and to plant yucca roots, sweet potato, corn, bananas, rice, coffee, cacao and sugar cane in biodiversity-friendly techniques. They have opened their village to welcome tourists.

One of the distinguished architectural beauties is the hanging bridge "Kimiri", that crosses the Chanchamayo river. It was constructed in 1905 by the first pioneers. The zone's ecological potential is also reflected in a visit to the Botanical Garden called "El Perezoso", where specialized guides will offer classes on native botanicals.

The main reason to visit Chanchamayo is to see the very beautiful scenery, especially the rivers and waterfalls. There are dozens of waterfalls that are easily accessible, and a few others that are a bit further out, but worth the effort.

Without a doubt, the most well-known dish in this place is "Roast Dear", "Cecina & Tacacho" and Roast Samao. Other dishes include, Peruvian barbecue called "pachamanca", "el caldo de cabeza", "patasca" (pork and corn stew), "cuy (colorado", "huallpa chupe", "chicharrn colorado" (red roast pork), Roast Doncella Fish. Tourist Attractions: El Perezoso Botanical Gardens: 15 km / 9 miles from La Merced along the San Luis de Shuaro Highway (35 minutes by car). It was created in order to preserve and exhibition of over 10.000 plant species. Among the most representative are the pico de loro, the torch ginger, the split leaf philodendron, the costilla de Eva, the lotus, the royal palm tree, the Mauritia palm trees and the coconut palm. The tour lasts about two hours.

El Tirol Falls: 5 km / 3 miles east of San Ramon (10 minutes by car,) you arrive at the Paloma Bridge; then travel 2 km more (1 miles) on a packed dirt road (45 minutes). The falls are 25 meters high (82 feet). Along the road, you can see a wide variety of flora, the most remarkable being the orchids, the lianas and the bejuco jungle vines.

Quimiri Bridge: 3 km / 2 miles from La Merced (10 minutes by car). It is the oldest hanging bridge in the province. From here, you can practice whitewater rafting on the Chanchamayo River.

Pampa Hermosa Reserved Area: 24 km / 15 miles from San Ramon (2 hours in a 4 x 4 vehicle) or 41 km / miles of Satipo (45 minutes by car). This natural reserve with numerous waterfalls like the Gallito de las Rocas, is home to a great variety of flora and fauna. Pampa Hermosa Reserve, has recently been declared a sanctuary by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, hosts an incredible biodiversity, including the emblematic Cock of the Rocks.

Tunquimayo Falls: 14 km / 9 miles from Vitoc (25 minutes by car). This huge waterfall, 80 meters high (262 feet) is surrounded by abundant vegetation.

Sanchirio Palomar Waterfall: 28 km / 17 miles from La Merced (1 hour by minibus). Its waters are cold and it is surrounded by exuberant vegetation.

La Olada Cave: 20 km / 12 miles from Perene (25 minutes by car). It is a huge cavern with stalactites and stalagmites, featuring a 35-meter high (115 feet), 40-meter wide (131 feet), and 1500-meter deep (4920 feet) gorge.

Bayoz and Velo de la Novia Waterfalls: 31 km / 19 miles from Perene (25 km / 16 miles by car on the asphalt highway to Yurinaqui Port and then 20 minutes more by packed dirt road). Here, there are two beautiful waterfalls close to the highway and easy to access by pedestrian pathways. Festivals July 25 - Chanchamayo celebrates its tourist week. Aug 31 - San Ramn celebrates its foundation. Sep 24 - La Merced celebrates its foundation, with celebrations all week.

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