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Questionnaire of the Youths attitude towards marriage

This is a questionnaire about the attitude towards marriage of the Youths (aged 18~29) in Hong Kong. The collected data will be used for academic statistics use only. By Wong Yat Ting, Yota (CityU Student ID: 51500393) Part A : Personal Data Age Gender : : 18~21 Male Married 22~25 Female Single Divorced Widowed 26~29

Married Status :

Part B : View on marriage Q1. Would you decide to get married? Yes ( Qs 2) No ( Qs 3)

Q2. Why you will get married? To form a family and give birth to kids To evident and prove love To guarantee the legal status and enjoyment of benefits (taxes, insurances) Enjoy being married and living with a long-life companion Marriage brings happiness to couples

Q3. Why you dont want to get married? To aviod taking up responsibility Wish to remain single for the personal freedom Financial burden is heavy Love doesnt need marriage to prove

Q4. Under what kinds of situations, you will or may decide to get married?

Having kids / by pregnant After establishing oneself finanically which can affort the expenditure of a family unit

Pressure from family Reach at certain age (mid-aged >50), then will consider to find a life partner

Part C : View on the necessity of marriage Q5. Do you agree marriage is a necessary step of life? (Marriage: getting married with the legal status and certificates) Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree ( Qs 5) ( Qs 6)

Q6. Why you agree that marriage is necessary? Marriage is an evidence of love Traditional mind and cultural point of view (To form a core family unit) To guarantee the legal status and enjoyment of benefits (taxes, insurances) To commit a long-life companion Other : ______________________________________ ( its the end of questionnarie. Thanks for your help) Q7. Why you think that marriage is not a necessary step of life? A curtailment of freedom A burden of responsibility (companion or forming a family) Enjoyment of being available to others or single No need a contract to commit love Other : ______________________________________ ( its the end of questionnarie. Thanks for your help)

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