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DeCoste 1

Cara Decoste
ProIessor Jan Rieman
English 1103, Responding to prompt #1

I like particle and astro- physics (physics/electrical engineering)
I like studying people (psychology, neuroscience)
I like helping people (counseling, pharmacology)
I like teaching (education)
I like books (library sciences)
I like synthesis (bioengineering)
I like innovation (engineering)
I like dance (dance)
I like reading and writing (English, fournalism)
I like foreign languages and culture (Area studies, foreign languages)
I like philosophy (philosophy)
I like science (chemistry, biology, chemical engineering)
I like making a difference (law, counseling)
I like studying history (history, anthropology)
I like learning (advanced degree)

I want to move on in life (NO advanced degree)
I dont want to study history out of a textbook (NOT history, anthropology)
I dont want to spend my life memori:ing (NOT law)
I dont want to commit to an advanced degree (NOT counseling)
I would rather do math than memori:e (NOT biology)
I had some trouble in chemistry lab (NOT chemistry, chemical engineering)
I do not like ivory-tower philosophy at least, not enough to study it for upwards of 8 years
(NOT philosophy)
I dont like studying foreign languages (NOT foreign languages)
General studies degrees are not practical (NOT area studies)
I would prefer to pursue English for pleasure, not for my bread (NOT English, fournalism)
I do not have enough skill to either perform or teach professionally (NOT dance)
I do not like math (NOT engineering)
I already ruled out engineering and biology both (NOT bioengineering)
I need an undergraduate degree first (NOT library sciences at least right now)
I dont care to spend four years now when I can spend one after a bachelors (NOT education)
There are no undergraduate degrees (NOT counseling)
I wouldnt do well with cadavers (NOT pharmacology, neuroscience)
I would rather choose my course of study than have it chosen for me (NOT psychology)
I do not like math (NOT physics or electrical engineering)
DeCoste 2

Nothing left

T h o u g h t a n d p r a y e r


Attend UNCC ALLend communlLy college
$tay near friends & church ALLend unCC afLerward
urgeoning engineering program Cheaper opLlon
here to live? Common cholce
At home At school ulflll general educaLlon
Need to commute More expensive lLLle englneerlng t-r/ r-r -/--t
Able to be alone ithout family AnoLher ma[or? :tt /-,--`
Familiar 'Full experience` ? - -/-t-/, ,-,-r
$plit/conflicted Aunts recommendation ? - ,, --
/ Always surrounded ? - {- /-
// #oommate woes~ ?
/// ~ ?
//// ~ ?
/// ~ ?
// ~ ??

live at home


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