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Balanced scorecard perspectives The balanced scorecard has been viewed from four perspectives, to help the organization

to measure its performance during a certain period. Kaplan and Norton have suggested that the scope of the measures should be classified to those four areas: a) Learning and Growth Perspective b) Internal perspective c) Customer Perspective d) Financial Perspective Learning and Growth Perspective This perspective belongs to the development of human resources in the organization, including employees training and corporate cultural which aim to meet the employees satisfaction. In some organization, the repository of people knowledge is the main resource. While rapid technological change, it is becoming necessary for knowledge workers to be in a continuous learning mode. For Example, Government agencies face a difficult to hire new technical workers, at the same time is showing a decline in training of existing employees. In any case, learning and growth constitute the essential foundation for success of any organization that needs knowledgeable workers. Kaplan and Norton stress that 'learning' is more than 'training'; because it includes all things within the organization, such as the ease of communication among workers that allows them to readily get help on a problem when it is needed. Kaplan and Norton (1996) highlighted the goals of this perspective: Employees satisfaction Retention of employees retention The productivity of employees Organization can measure its Employees satisfaction by making Doric a survey, which evaluate certain factor like labor turnover. It indicated employees retention. In addition, organization can measure the productivity of the employee by evaluating the sales revenue per employee. Internal perspective This perspective gives overview on internal business processes, it help the managers to know how well their business is running, and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements. Kaplan and Norton (1996) highlighted three fundamentals of internal business processes. Firstly, the goal Innovation process is to develop the process of manufacturing for desired product at seeking the customers priorities, which can be identified through conducting a number of market surveys.

Secondly, Operation process means the process of delivering the product or Service to the customer. The process includes providing information about the product through the media, after that supplier make strong contact with customer inquire while the product undergoes the process. The important measurer is supplier should be punctual with deliveries time and the number of delivers. Thirdly, company mission is not only delivering their product to the customer. Actually, only this is the end of first stage of the relationship, company must go to further way by maintaining the customer activates in the long term. In fact, this is the real mission for supplier. Customer Perspective This perspective shows the importance of customer focus and customer satisfaction in any business. It measures the customer satisfaction through these two indicators, the company share in the market share and the percentage of Customer Acquisition. The company share in the market illustrates the parentage between the numbers of certain product sold to total products sold in this particular market. There some terms such as sales revenue, sales volume and the number of customers has been used to the market share. Customer retention means keeping the existing customers by measuring the degree of satisfaction of the customer. The customer retention approach is, comparing the number of old customers with the total number of customers. On the other hand, the customer acquisition approach is measure the number of new customers to total customers in order to approve that the existing product is attractive. These indicators show whether the customers are satisfied or not, because if the customers are not satisfied, they will eventually find other suppliers that will meet their needs. Poor performance from this perspective is thus a leading indicator of future decline, even though the current financial picture may look good. FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE The Financial Perspective refers to the goal of the organization in the end. Kaplan and Norton (1996) defined the concept of financial perspective as a view of how the shareholders see the company from some aspects such the growth and sustainability in organization performance and organization revenue. Growth stage measures the volume of sales, the ability of organization to maintain its supremacy on capital employed; net profit rate etc and the revenue stage measure cash flow in organization. Kaplan and Norton (1992:76) highlighted following measures as being important from a financial perspective: cash flow; sales growth; operating income; market share; and ROE (return on equity). Although financial performance is important measure, it has been forgotten because managers became obsessed in customer perspective that indicates the customer satisfaction.

Balanced Scorecard goals Kaplan and Norton in their article highlighted that the purpose of using balanced scorecard from each perspective that was disused above is to measure these four elements, which include customer satisfaction goals, employee satisfaction goals, costs/Productivity Goals and organizational Maturity goals. The next few points will show how the organizations achieve each goal within the concept of balanced scorecard. Customer satisfaction: Organization usually measure customer satisfaction by making surveys to know customers feedback. These surveys can be conducted through different kind of communications such as questionnaire, E-mail and ext. actually, the way of transaction between the customer and vendor is important factor to achieve this goal, because the vendor only can attract the customer satisfaction by dealing with ethical standards such as credibility, commitment with obligations. Costs/Productivity Goals The second gaol of balanced scorecard is improve the productive in the organization and reducing the costs, this goal can be achieved by gathering more real information about is happing in the organizations. The way of getting this information is manager must ask these kinds of questions such as Does the main centre in organization is closely evaluate the cost of production through each channel. Employee Satisfaction Staff satisfaction and productivity play essential role in improving the value of their organization. Organization can gain more benefits from the employees by offering the best service in the world, creating a good environment to upgrade their morale, and value everything. Several factors affect the employees satisfaction such work environment and Ability to Achieve Results. Work environment play potential role in improving employee satisfaction, which means the internal quality of the work environment. The relation between employees and theier colleagues, and employers influences this internal environment. Good work environment improve the Employees feeling toward colleagues, especially when colleagues and clients treat each other with respectable manner. Employees want to feel that they have value in organization activities and they can participate effectively in the organization performance. Employees need to have a feeling of mutual respect with both colleagues and employers. This kind of felling will increase their ability to achieve Results. Therefore, organization should treat them like a commodity instead as workers. Recently, the most serious reason behind the failure in customer support is managers and executives have tend to reduce the operating cost , while they overlooked some important expenses on employees satisfaction, motivation and increasing their hopes. Most of the surveys result revealed that managers do not take employees satisfaction in a departments budget to raise morale. Thus, Organizations that fail to satisfy their employees and the level of labour turnover will be increasing. Thus, they will ultimately

contribute in creating an environment where high staff attrition will be. In order to overcome this obstacle Kaplan and Norton suggested the concept of balanced scorecard, which measure the employees satisfaction goals. In next following points will study how the bursa department in organization likes university technology Malaysia (UTM), measuring its employees satisfaction within the concept of balanced scorecard. Measuring Employee Satisfaction Goals Balanced scorecard measure the degree of employee satisfaction, when organization make Surveys at different intervals .Thus, surveys can gauge changes in employee satisfaction; it can be estimated by measuring other factors such as employee turnover and customer satisfaction. The ideal environment can exist, if the work environment has an ethical culture, thus the degree of employee satisfaction and loyalty will rise. The aim of our survey is to measure the work environment through certain question, which will be more elaborated in the research methodology

Zafar, A., Zulfiqar, A., Ishfaq, A. (2010).Comparative Significance of the Four Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard. Kaplan and Norton (1992). The Balanced Scorecard- Measures That Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review, 71-79. Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (1996), Translating Strategy into Action, the Balanced Scorecard, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press.

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