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Health Science BONES Injuries:

Dislocation: Total displacement of the bone from its joint. Subluxation: is the partial displacement of a bone from a joint. FRACTURE: Is broken bone or somewhat of a broke in a bone or crack in the bone Stress fracture: when there is a crack in a bone Open: when a bone breaks through the skin Comminuted: bone splinted or crushes Greenstick: Bone bent only partial broken (common in children) Spiral: Bone has been twisted apart Stress: An overuse injury small crack on bone

Arthritis and other conditions

Inflammatory condition of one or more joints there are many different types two most common are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, sprain: damage to a ligament. OSTEOMYELITIS: A bone inflammatory usually caused by a pathogen OSTEOPROSIS: bones become porous or sofy and likely to fracture

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