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The station names I chose (SHRED, PULSE and V.I.P) at the beginning of Task 3 I had very different ideas for. My original idea was to have the names written on license plates and have them personalized to fit the style and attitude of each station this idea however was replaced with the family of logos we have now. The stations were made to be for the capital of London and not for national broadcast so I chose something that the audience would be able to identify. The overall design is based on the London underground sign. I edited the underground sign to fit the different stations using different colours and fonts. For V.I.P I chose a very luxurious colour scheme with Gold, Purple and White the font I chose was very formal to add to the high class style. I put punctuation inbetween the letters to add to the importantness of V.I.P and make the target audience take notice. The music that V.I.P would be playing is top of the charts songs what is in now and what is popular. What we want to portray with V.I.P is that our listeners are important and should be treated as such and given the V.I.P treatment. I believe that our target audience would find the Logo well suited for the station and it will ive people unfamiliar with the station a good idea of the music we will be playing.

On the other hand for SHRED I chose a very different colour scheme. SHRED is a Rebelious and Rock and Metal station these characteristics are also present in our young target audience. The colour we chose to represent these were Red, Black and Grey these colours represent feelings from the music that we will be playing i.e black is a symbol of Rebelliousness and red violence. We were also encouraged when interviewed target audience members and fellow collauges could assosiate our chosen colours to a Rock/Metal station and/or music. For our title we went with a bold red font that in its style of representation seemed rebelious and striking again similar characteristics of the stations target audience.

During the creation of Pulse we decided early on a colour scheme that would A) suit the music style. B) that would be similar to the scheme as a club or other location this station will be played at. C) to be instantly recogniseable to our audiences as station made for them. The colours we ended up on chosing were black, Lime Green and Dark Green. These colours fitted the clubbing scene and are associated with Techno and Dubstep music. The font we went with was very hightech and smart our target audience again gave feedback on this and agreed it suited what their

expectations of font for a Station that is primaraly a dance club and party station.

In finale im very pleased with how this family of logos has turned out the overal inner city theme is well represented by the underground inspired look the logos have. Eventhough the all the logos are made the same wy they all have a different sense of identity and represent there different types of music genre, audiences and personality of each station. I believe the target audiences will be drawn to their stations by these logos and will find them very pleasing . I have also transfered and saved the logos onto multiple photo formats for advertisements documents and merchandise this means we can go into the put these into production as soon as we launch the new stations with their logos. We hope you will take this pitch into concideration and eventually use these great set of logos that perefectly fit what you want from your logos.

From the desk of Ben Hunt chief designer of advertisment team.

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