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The Movement through time The discovery of a parallel Universe.

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When approaching the greater mass in space it is possible to transcend into future or past time. Fictional Writing of Louis Fitch 11/12/2011

The craft almost transparent moved eastward over the Oklahoma plains. No indication of fuel consumption was observed. On the propulsion end of the craft illuminating even during the day. Was an oscillating infinite symbol looking, light. Suddenly the craft moved instantly from the horizontal position to a complete vertical upward bound position and appeared to be moving two directions at once. A bluish laser like light was pulsing from the nose of the craft and it disappeared. From within the earth sat, comm. was in operation the destination coordinates given electronically to the craft. The physicist are quite please as well as the engineers. As they had thought the neutron metal would propel the craft in excess of the speed of light. The metal if impacted would return to its original state if heated. It was such that the slightest gravitational pull from surrounding planets would enhances its ability to travel through a worm and exit beyond the known universe. All calculations have been determined by the quad-trainian mathematical formulations implemented and reaffirmed in the year 2001. Developed and implemented by American mathematicians and programmers. It was developed to implement the use of and define in usable terms the advancements in magnetically advanced propulsion systems and gravitational waves of energy controlled by super-heated ions bombarded by electromagnetic fields. We are now beyond the old world of production and greed. We have

entered into a global necessity to survive.

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