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1.If you were a brand, what would your slogan be?

2. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

3. If you could have a conversation with any famous person,

dead or alive, whom would you choose?

4. If you were given a million dollars that you had to spend

in a week, what would you buy?

5. What was your favorite childhood game or activity?

6. What is your greatest fear?

7. What superpower do you wish you had?

8. What are your best talents?

9. What is your idea for the next great invention?

10. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? 



A model is representation of an idea, an object , or even a process that is used to describe and
explain phenomena that cannot be experienced directly. Scientists use models to predict a
phenomenon or event, such as the origin of the solar system therefore, a model is a scientist’s
description of an event at the time, demonstrating how science knowledge is tentative

There are two popular about the solar system:

Claudius Ptolemy’s geocentric model, which state that earth is a center of a solar system, and
Nicholas Copernicus’ beliocentric model, which state the sun is the center of the solar system.

During the time of Claudius Ptolemy the geocentric model was accepted explanation of the
different motions in the universe. The sun, moon, stars, and five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars,
and Saturn) moved around earth. Their idea of a solar system at that time was their idea of the
universe where planets move with respect to fixed stars, with changing speed, and having
retrograde motion (strange motion caused by earths motion).

During the sixteenth century. Nicholas Copernicus proposed an opposing idea to the geocentric
model by developing another model that explained the structure of the solar system. This
proposal became the foundation of the Copernican revolution .

In the eighteenth century, the understanding of how the solar system originated became more
than just descriptive models; it became a scientific. The following scientific theories present the
explanation on the origin of the solar system. It is important to note that these theories build up
on the idea of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the quality of rotation of a body, which
is the product of its moment of inertia and its velocity.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749- 1827) were the first to proposed the earliest
theory of how the solar system originated . The Kant-Laplace nebular hypothesis pressures that the solar
system began as a cloud of dispersed interstellar gas called nebula. The mutual gravitational attraction
between particles caused them to start moving and colliding, and they were kept. Together by electrostatic
forces. The resulting nebular aggregates became a larger than others, grew more rapidly, became the planets .


The orion nebula situated at the constellation orion is one of the brightest nebulae visible to the naked eye,
and the closest region of a massive star formation an earth. It is composed of interstellar cloud of dust,
hydrogen, and helium providing a glimpse of the universe’s pa

Some 40 years later, Pierre-Simon Laplace worked on the existing Kant model, explaining that with the sun
already formed, the continuous rotation of the solar system around an axis would create the planets.

Laplace assumed that the sun cools off as the contraction continues, the sun’s rotational velocity would
increase, following the law of conversation of angular momentum. The force would push materials outward
the sun’s atmosphere, while gravitational attraction would pull materials toward the central mass. The action
of the two forces would create a ring of material within the plane of the sun’s equator. This process forms
several concentric rings that would eventually form the planets.

Fig. 1-6. As nebula Bands together, their aggregation becomes more rapid, creating planets
in the process.
Based on the nebular hypothesis, how does a nebular for a solar system

The Planetestimal and tidal theories-

Thomas chrowder chamberlin and forest Ray worked on the Kant–Laplace nebular hypothesis, which became
the chamberlin-Moulton planetestinal hypothesis.

They proposed that a star passed closed enough to the sun, creating huge tides and causing materials to be
ejected. These smaller masses quickly cooled and became numerous smaller bodies called planetisimals.
Accretion of planetisimals created the larger bodies or protoplanets.

Another theory proposed by james Hopwood Jeans and Harold Jeffreys was a variation of the planetestimal
concept. The jeans-Jeffreys’ tidal theory suggested that when a huge tidal wave was created from sun’s collision
with another star, a long filament was drawn out and detached from the principal mass. As the gaseous materials
condensed, it separated into masses of various sizes and condensed to form the planets.

Protoplanet theory
The protoplanet theory is a modified version of the nebular hypothesis, which incorporates modern knowledge
of matter formed independently by astronomers Gerald Kuiper and cal von
Weizsacker. The dense area of the nebula and the gaseous matter surrounding it ceased to rotate uniformly.
Under the influence of turbulence and tidal action, the nebula broke into whirlpools of gas within a rotating mass
called protoplanet. This theory however, does not explain the formulation of terrestrial planets and gas giants.
The chemical and physical differences of the planetary formation was provided by Harold Urey. He provided
evidence that the terrestrial planets (mercury, earth, and mars) were formed at low temperatures of -2200◦F-high
enough to drive off the lighter substances (hydrogen and helium), but low enough to allow the consensation of
heavier substances (iron Neptune) were prevented from forming earthly materials and were only made up of
methane, water and ammonia.

Physical and Astronomer

Physicists explore and identify basic principles governing the structure and behavior of matter, generation and
transfer of energy, and the interaction of mater and energy. Some physicists use these principles in theoretical
areas, such as the nature of time and origin of the universe. While the work in practical areas such as the
development of advanced materials, electronic and optical devices, and medical equipment. Astronomers use
the principles of physics and mathematics to learn about the fundamental nature of the universe, including the
sun, moon, planets, stars and galaxies. Astronomers go on to education, research of a diverse variety of jobs
requiring skills such as data analysis or software development.
Lessons 1.3

Main Idea:
Processes and events that created the
universe and the solar system eventually
led to the formation of life on earth.

What are the unique characteristics of
earth on life?
All of the planets in the solar system share the same origin with Earth - as duse particles that
combined through accretion. How come Earth, as far as we know, is the only planet that can sustain

Everything that happened since the beginning of time is essential to the existence of life on Earth. The
expansion and cooling of the universe, the creation of heavier elements from supernovas, or the
smallest and seemingly inconsequential processes on the planet are all significant to the existence of
life on Earth. Some important characteristics that are necessary in supporting life include the presence
of liquid water, its ability to maintain heat, and the existence of its atmosphere.

Life would not have begun without water. The presence of water allowed the first photosynthetic
organisms to thrive. Organisms such a cyanobacteria used sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to
produce biomass and oxygen, an essential component of the atmosphere. The single - celled
organisms would then evolve into the organisms present today.
Fig. 1.9 life on Earth is made possible by the events that have happened
since its formation.

Scientists believe that water on Earth came from two possible sources :water released through volcanism and
water from the icy meteors of the outer regions of the solar system which bombarded Earth. It is also
important to note that Earth's distal from the sun, called babitable zone, allows Earth to hold water in its
liquid form.

The heat that drives the different systems necessary to support life on Earth comes from two sources : from
Earth and from the sun. Heat coming from Earth is caused by the radiogenic heat from the radioactive decay
of materials in the core and mantle and extruded via active tectonic activities, such as volcanism and plate

Heat is also provided by the sun. As radiation from the sun enters Earth, some of the heat is trapped by the
atmosphere. This causes the greenhouse phenomenon needed by plants to carry on with photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis also ensures the right amount and flow of gases on Earth. Without it, there would be too much
greenhouse gases that would cause global warming.

A greenhouse effects is just one of the many benefits of having an atmosphere. Having an atmosphere also
greatly influences surface temperature, weather and climate.
confirms water on Mars
The existence of water on Mars has been one of the most sought - ofter discoveries in recent history. On
September 2015,Scientists have finally found out the strangest evidence of the existence of water on Mars,
a discovery that was 15years in the making. Based on the observations made in 2011,the features on the
Martian terrain known as recurring slope lineoe (RSL) were confirmed to be signs of salty water that were
once flowing. This would indicate that rivers and oceans, may have been a prominent feature of the
planet's history, opening up the possibility that it could have supported microbial life forms, on incident
that was similar to that of primitive earth.

These dark narrow stretch photographed on Mars mountain slopes are believed to have been formed by
flowing water.
Lesson 1.4

Main Idea:
The motions of Earth create day and night
and seasonal changes.

How is everyday life supported on Earth?
The Solar System model places the sun at the center with the terrestrial and Jovian planets moving around
it. The motions of the sun and planets happen simultaneously. Earth's motion is evidenced by the daily
rotation and the yearly revolution. Earth's rotation is the amount of time that it takes to turn around once on
its axis. An axis is an Sidereal day 23h ja min imaginary line about which a body rotates. Earth's axis is
tilted 23.5 degrees. There are two different kinds of rotation: the amount it takes for Earth to turn on its axis
known as the sidereal day and the amount of time it takes for the sun to return to the same spot called a
solar day. Foton on Earth The variation is because when Earth rotates on its axis in 23 hours, 56 minutes,
and 4.09 seconds, it is also orbiting around the sun, so the sun's position in the sky catches up by 4 minutes
each day.

Fig. 1-10. Comparison of sidereal day and solar day.

Making a Sundial on page 20A

The rotation of Earth comes from the angular momentum of all the particles that came together to create Earth
4.6 Gya. The sun, Earth and the rest of the Solar System were once part of a giant cloud of interstellar gases
and other elements. As the cloud collapsed, the momentum of all particles set the cloud spinning. This is the
cause of the Solar System's current motion. As the sun spins, Earth and the moon also rotate on their axes.

The simultaneous motions of Earth make it possible to support life. As Earth rotates around the sun, a flow of
energy is received through solar radiation.
1.Biologically, only photosynthetic organisms are capable of harnessing and converting radiant energy into
chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. This chemical energy is transferred from one level of
the trophic level to the next.

2.Physiologically, all organisms respond to stimulus. Each organism is equipped with a unique structure,
such as the human skin, that responds to sunlight. Melanin is a brown to black pigment occurring in the hair,
skin, and the iris of the eyes in animals. When produced, melanin serves as protection.

3.Meteorologically, Earth's weather and climate Climate Change is driven by solar radiation. Heating of the
planet as a result of rotation affects the It took the universe 13.8 billion years different biogeochemical
cycles such as the to prepare itself to be inhabited by human beings in a rocky planet called Earth, which
hydrologic cycle. The water vapor in the atmosphere causes moisture and cloud to form and precipitation to
happen. Moreover, the varying atmospheric pressure exerted by air results to the general circulation of the
atmosphere. It is this general circulation of the atmosphere . It is this general circulation that determines the
different ecosystems on earth .

It took the universe 13.8 billion years to prepare itself to prepare itself to be inhabited by human beings in a
rocky planet called Earth, which hydrologic cycle. The water vapor in the just happens to be in the right
system and atmosphere causes moisture and cloud to revolving around at the right distance from the sun.
How do we feel that climate the varying atmospheric pressure exerted by change due to man's activity is
threatening air results to the general circulation of the our very existence on this planet which is atmosphere.
It is this general circulation that 13.8 billion years in the making?
Fig.1-11 the slight in Earth’s axis causes seasonal variations such
as spring, summer, fall, and winter.
The solar radiation Earth receives everyday, however, is not the same throughout the year. Since the Earth is tilted 23.5
degrees on its axis as it revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, the angle by which light is received on Earth
changes. This results in changes in weather, ecology, and daytime called season.

The science of day lighting design is not just how to provide enough daylight to an occupied space, but
how to do so without any undesirable side effects. Beyond adding windows or skylights to space, it
involves carefully balancing heat gain and loss glare control, and variations in daylight availability. For
example, successful day lighting designs will carefully consider the use of shading devise to reduce glare
and excess contrast in the workplace. Additionally, window size and spacing glass selection, the reflectance
of interior finishes, and the location of any interior partitions must all be evaluated.
Lesson 1.5

Main Idea:
Earth is composed of a system of
interacting zones.

How do Earth's subsystems affect one

Earth science looks at the entire planet as a system of interacting parts called subsystems. It
focuses on the changes within and among these parts. Each subsystem can be studied
separately, but ultimately, they are dependent on and connected with the other subsystems.

Although energy enters Earth system in the form of solar radiation and leaves as infrared,
Earth can be considered a closed system with respect to how matter is confined within the
planet. Any loss of matter within this system is considered negligible with respect to the
mass of Earth.


The amount of matter within a closed system is fixed. This can be illustrated by discussing
the volume of mineral resources a planet has. The resources used can never be regenerated,
and the waste produced cannot really be disposed. Once used up, these mineral resources
transform into something else, maintaining the amount of matter within this closed system.
Fig.1-12. The 1991 Pinatubo eruption caused temporary changes on global surface
temperature and forever changed the landscape of Central Luzon.

Changes within one subsystem eventually causes changes in others. Although Earth is considered a closed
system, its four subsystem are open systems, and matter and energy can freely transfer between them. Thus, any
disturbance in one system affects the others. For example, when Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991, nearly 20
million tons of sulfur dioxide was effected into the atmosphere. This gas cloud traveled around the world and
caused global temperatures to drop temporarily by 0.5°C. The eruption dramatically changed the topography of
Central Luzon. Many people in Pampanga developed silicosis from inhaling the fine volcanic ash. Lahars caused
by subsequent typhoons and extreme rainfall Events buried numerous towns, villages, rice paddies, and sugarcane


composed of four basic subsystems : geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. It maybe important to
note that humans are not part of the biosphere, and that human lives depend on the interaction of the four

Fig. 1-13. The four subsystems linked system- any change in one of them affects

The geosphere refers to the solid Earth. It is composed of naturally - occurring solid aggregate of minerals,
organic material, or natural glass called rocks, and loose particles of rocks blanketing the surface of Earth called
regolith. Geosphere also includes geologic landforms such as mountains and hills.
Fig. 1-14 The geosphere refers to the rocks, minerals, and geologic landforms on Earth.

The hydrosphere is the totally of earth’s water, including the permanently frozen parts called cryosphere. Earth is
the only planet in the solar system that contains water in all three phases : solid, liquid, and gas. The water in the
atmosphere is considered separate from that in the hydrosphere, but they are ultimately interconnected .

The atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surround the planet such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide,
and water vapor. Aside from the presence of important gases in the atmosphere its relative abundance is also
crucial. The air in the atmosphere is generally composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon and the
remaining 1/10 percent is made up of different trace gases.

Fig. 1-15. The atmosphere extends to about 10,000 km above Earth. It is composed of mixed gases of
nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and other gases in trace amounts.

The biosphere include all life forms, even organic matter that has not yet decomposed. Most life on Earth exists
within a zone no wider than 20km where interaction between lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere create a
habitable environment. It is also in this zone that the in interaction between the different subsystems is most
dynamic. These four subsystems are closely linked through the biogeochemical cycles which, as the term implies,
involves biological, geological, and chemical factors. For example, The hydrosphere interacts with the
atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere through the water cycle. Water from the ground (geosphere) is absorbed by
plants (biosphere) through osmosis, then released into the atmosphere through transpiration. Water vapor in the
atmosphere eventually falls as precipitation where a portion of it is absorbed by the rocks and becomes part of the
groundwater. These biochemical cycles are pathways by which chemical substances move through both biotic or
living (biosphere) and abiotic or non-living (lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) components of the Earth.
It allows the circulation of important chemical nutrients that form and support life, such as carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and water, through the biological and physical world. It also maintains the balance
of substances in the different subsystems of Earth.
One relevant example is the carbon cycle. In this cycle, carbon can be stored in the biosphere (within
the plants), atmosphere (as carbon dioxide), hydrosphere (dissolved CO2 in the oceans), and geosphere
(coal and oil deposits). The large scale burning fossil fuels by humans is increasing the amount of CO2
in the atmosphere by releasing carbon that should have been stored within the rocks. The right amount
of CO2 in the atmosphere helps regulate temperature, which is beneficial to life. However, too much
CO2 in the atmosphere may lead to warmer temperatures, which may eventually lead to global
warming and subsequent climate change.

How important are the relationships and interactions between the

subsystems that make up Earth?

Proudly Filipino Dr. Casimiro V. Del Rosario is a National Scientist in physics, astronomy, and
meteorology. Some of his researches include the study of ultraviolet light of different wavelengths,
effect of radioactive radiation on euglena, and high voltage electrical discharges in a vacuum. Dr. Del
Rosario finished his bachelor's degree in civil engineering with honors at the University of the
Philippines in 1918, master's degree in physics at Yale University in the United States in 1924, and
doctor's degree in physics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1932. He was the co-founder of the
Bartol Research Foundation (Franklin Institute) in Philadelphia, which conducted pioneering
researches in Physics. He headed the Philippine Weather Bureau (now Philippine Atmospheric
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration or PAGASA) for 11 years. He led the
establishment of the High School of Science Philippines (now Philippine Science High School) and
also led the restoration of Philippine Astronomical Observatory.
Gaganting, Ma. Angela T. -leader
Esteban, April V.
Cortes, Gemma T.
Alcantara, Angel Yubbybleen C.
Sulit, Jeric 0.
Tabutol, Lawrence R.

Mr. Jofred Borje Cullano
Subject teacher

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