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Aquino, Christofher Leoneil D. 1A8 1. Fleece- the wool obtained from a sheep at one shearing.

y Ana learned how to get the fleece from the sheep.

January 3, 2012 English 2

2. Rubble- a miscellaneous confused mass or group of usually broken or worthless things. y After the earthquake on Japan, rescue teams pull two people out of the rubble. 3. Frantic-emotionally out of control y The couple makes frantic decisions for their relationship. 4. Hull-the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (as an airship or tank) y The coffin was placed in a cement hull. 5. Tinge-to color with a slight shade or stain y The tinge on his face causes so much attention from the masses. 6. Hubris-exaggerated pride or self-confidence y His failure was brought on by his hubris.
7. Steeplechase-a horse race over a closed course with obstacles (as hedges and walls) y My friend invited me to watch a steeplechase. 8. Feisty- full of nervous energy y Villains where afraid from the heroes feisty will. 9. Juxtaposition-to place side by side y A critic always juxtaposes certain things from others. 10. Chasm- a deep cleft in the surface of a planet (as the earth) y Pirates found a treasure chest in the chasm.

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