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PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja 3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban 4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien 5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Read the following information carefully! Every year thousands of people die, due to wheather related problems. This has been a particular problem in Europe over the last few years. It can happen in both winter and in summer. Lets examine the causes for a moment. The year 2003 was a time of extreme cold in the winter. Extreme, that is by European standards. In Britain alone, the number of people who died from cold-related illnesses was described as shameful. Nearly twenty-five thousand people died from illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks, bronchitis, flu and pneumonia. Each of these deaths were though to have been caused by the cold weather. A campaign called The cold can kill was launched to give people advice on how to survive the effects of t he cold wheather and freezing temperatures. In the summer of t he same year, around twenty-three thousand people died in Europe due to the sizzling temperatures. France was particulary badly hit, with nearly fifteen thousand death which were related to the sweltering heat. In Britain, the number of heat-related death was much lower than the number of winter deaths. Even so, with temperatures reaching 38oC, the government issued advice to people on how to protect their health. This advice warned that it only took two consecituve days of high temperatures to have significant effects on peoples health. It said that people who became overheated and dehydrated ran the risk of irreversible damage to the body or even death. (Adapted from 1. What is the type of the text? A. Report B. Narration C. Exposition D. Description E. News item What is the organization of the text? A. Orientation-events-evaluation B. Orientation-complication-resolution C. Thesis-arguments-reiteration D. Thesis-events-complication- resolution E. Abstract- orientation-events- resolution What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. To persuade the readers to do something B. To tell the readers about certain events C. To inform the readers about the danger of cold D. To share an amusing incident with the readers E. To state a point of view or arguments about the problems caused by the weather The text mainly discussed about___ . A. the effects of cold weather B. cold weather causes many illnesses C. people died due to the cold weather D. the problems arouse during cold weather time E. the Europeans against the cold weather From the text above we can infer that the number of people died due to the weather in Europe is___ than that of in the France. A. lower B. higher C. the same D. fewer E. less






Every year thousands of people die, due to wheather related problems From the sentence above we can conclude that___ A. weather can spread illnesses B. its better to avoid the weather C. many people died because of the weather D. we have to be careful with the weather E. winter and summer are dangerous weather

Number 7 8 If youre finding it too hot , take my advice and have lots of cold showers. And remember, only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun! said the British people. 7. The statement above give us a/an ___ . A. greeting B. sympathy C. prohibition D. suggestion E. expectation From the statement above, we may conclude that to against the hot weather ___ . A. we may go out in the midday sun B. we should have lots of cold showers C. we shouldnt go out with a crazy dog D. we should keep some advices E. we had better not take the shower Lita : Whats Hanas husband like? Dewi : Well, hes tall and still very young. He has a white skin. Lita : Is he handsome? Dewi : Yes, he is not only handsome but also a very good Balinese dancer. From the dialogue above we may conclude that Hanas husband is ___ . A. a tall young handsome man B. a handsome white tall dancer C. tall young handsome Balinese dancer D. a handsome young tall white man E. a handsome tall young Balinese dancer face the rainy season, most of the victims of the earthquake in Jogjakarta and Central Java has built__ . a small simple Javanese bamboo house a simple Javanese bamboo house small a Javanese small simple bamboo house a small simple bamboo Javanese house a house of simple small Javanese bamboo



10. To A. B. C. D. E. 11. X

: Excuse me, sir! ___, the parking lot is over there. Y : Oh, I am sorry. I dont know about it. A. you may park B. you ought to park C. you dont have to park D. you are supposed to park E. you are not allowed to park

12. Asih Fina A. B. C. D. E.

: Id like to go on a sight seing this afternoon. What about you, Fina? Will you accompany me? : ___, what time shall we start?

Yes, sure Sorry I cant See you later It doesnt matter Im sorry to hear that

13. Sunu : Desi is let again. Subur : He is never on time. ___ she ought to wake earlier A. B. C. D. E. I I I I I hope think dont care dislike disagree that

14. Dewi : Do you know the man talking to Mr Dars? Supri : Yes, he is my employer ___ promote me to be a new branch manager. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which E. from which 15. Sina Dars : You look delighted with your new profession. : Youre right. My family and I are more contented with this job as an academic coordinator, ___ I earn less than my previous occupation. A. when B. since C. because D. in spite of E. although

16. Their houses were ruined by earthquake and so were all their possessions. They ___ in poverly ever since. A. are living B. were living C. lives D. have lived E. had been living 17. Desi : Excuse me. Do you think the bus will leave on time? Lisa : Yes, I am sure it will. The underlined utterance expresses ___ . A. plan B. pleasure C. certainty D. disappointed E. possibility

18. Yoga : Hi, Ryan. I havent seen you a long time where have you been? Ryan : Ive been to Jakarta. Ive got a job. Ive been working for a logging company. Yoga : Really? ___ . A. You are very good B. thats all right C. Im sorry to hear that D. Im glad to hear that E. Oh my God 19. John Nina : Why do you look so sad? : Didnt you hear the news ___ that the volcanic eruption had killed more than 2 hundreds people in my village? John : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. A. to be informed B. informs C. informed D. informing


to inform

20. She felt very exhausted and almost giving up. The underlined words have similar meaning to___ . A. difficult B. hungry C. thirsty D. tired E. wild

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