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SUBMITTED BY : Ms. Danica C. Rosanto

SUBMITTED TO : Mr. Bautista

__enjoying while doing good deeds

__bonding with children and friends : >

__a happiness that is PRICELESS smile : >

__and of course a lot of pictures a souvinier a MEMORIES

__On our feeding program that we student prepared and facilitate, I just saw a lot of kind of children , children that been from different kind of experience and scenario some of them are from broken families they re even been abandoned by their parents, some of them are from the streets (street children) and some of them are being brought by they re parents / family (due to financial stability). Thinking their situation I just thought and found myself so LUCKY

And if I will be given a chance to do it again well??? Why not?!? I will not hesitate to give some of the blessings I been receiving from God

Coz my God is a God of LOVE

Smile :> From: Danica Rosanto

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