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facebook/ Life with Arachnoiditis -

1,000s and 1,000s could be

misdiagnosed 1,000s and 1,000s have been confirmed!

Could you be next?


What are you not being told about risk and your health!

Needless & Razors in your skin

Since Arachnoiditis can be linked to having a medical procedure, some physicians may be hesitant to diagnose. the disease. does not follow a Arachnoiditis predictable pattern, making it hard to obtaining an accurate prognosis a challenge.

Mild to


Walking on glass

Back Leg & Pain

Causes of Arachnoiditis
Infection e.g. Meningitis

Weakness and more !
The individual dominoes represent different aspects of the syndrome, such as musculoskeletal problems, autonomic effects etc., which arise secondary to the Arachnoiditis disease process . The syndrome, however, arising mostly due to secondary effects, may tend to be progressive over time, but this does NOT necessarily reflect a progression of the arachnoiditis disease process itself.

Spinal Surgery Epidural Steroid Injection

Multiple Lumbar Punctures Trauma (to the spine) Spinal Stenosis (congenital/degenerative) Chronic Disc Prolapse Degenerative Disc Disease Myelographic Dyes (Especially Oil Based such as Myodil(pantopaque)) Subarachnoid Heamorrhage (&More)

Public Advisory!!

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