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Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age Neolithic Era or New Stone Age

Asia Timeline (Pre-history 1500AD)

Rise of Indus Civilization in present-day Pakistan Rise of Chinese Civilization along Huang Ho river.

Mesopotamian Civilization developed

Hinduism evolved

Zoroaster preached struggle of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman

Birth of Christ.

Spread of Islam ISLAMIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Trigonometry, algebra and geometry, geography, medicine, Philosophy and others 1000AD Delhi Sultanate 1500AD
Mogul ruled in India

Buddha begun teaching 1500BC 1000BC

Alexander of Macedonia conquered parts of Asia

2MBC Paleolithic people used stone tools, fire and used spoken language Neolithic people developed agriculture and livestock raising, settlements , ideas of trade and property, developed arts and skills.

10,000BC Civilizations characterized by cities, organized government, complex religion, public works, arts and architecture, existence of social classes, system of writing, and specialized jobs. CHINESE CONTRIBUTION: Paper, Silk, Great Wall, Gun Powder, acupuncture, among others.




500BC Maurya Empire


500AD Gupta Golden Age

Sumerian Civilization flourished

Indus cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa flourished

Babylon controlled much of Mesopotamia, Hammurabi issues the Code of Hammurabi .

Aryans invade India

Chou dynasty begins 900year rule

Sargon of Akkad conquered Sumerian city-states SUMERIAN CONTRIBUTIONS: Cuneiform writing, ziggurat, accurate calendars, number system base on six, codification of laws, ironworking, system of governance, construction of roads, coins, alphabet.

China s Shang Dynasty ruled

Great Wall of China built

Hebrew kingdom built Chin dynasty unites China

Tang dynasty

Sung dynasty prospered in Southern China

Ming Dynasty

Hittites controlled Mesopotamia INDUS CIVILIZATION CONTRIBUTIONS: The Drainage system, assembly hall, cotton, brick, granary, great bath, dance, art, writing and weights, among others.

Assyrian Empire ruled New Babylonian Empire Persian Empire built in the Near East

Islamic Caliphate Umayyad Dynasty Abbasid Dynasty

Mogul ruled in China Tamerlane,

Han Dynasty

Mongul leader, conquered Muslim lands

HINDUISM: Karma & Dharma, Reincarnation, Caste BUDDHISM: 4 Noble Truths (Life is full of suffering caused by desires, one must avoid desires and follow Eightfold Path) CONFUCIANISM: Five key relationship DAOISM: Live in harmony with nature.

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