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Equality Objectives

2012 to 2013
Gail Adshead

CANTO LTD: Equality objectives 2012-2013 Addressing achievement gaps through: Action to widen the diversity of learners: An improvement of marketing strategies to promote diversity including; re-structure of website and new marketing volunteer. (CD/BB/MA) Action to create diversity of achievement: New and innovative ways developed and tried to increase qualification and achievement opportunities across all areas, including ongoing improvements of the learner journey and milestones system. (Leadership & staff team) Equality & /Diversity training: Staff and learners to continue to receive training and educating on equality and diversity matters. ACTION: Equality leader to arrange training sessions. (GA) Milestones: Setting of milestones to be focussed within all programmes. ACTION: Staff team to communicate targets to managers, who will then set milestones and feed these back to staff team. Display materials: Information on diversity to be displayed and to include representation of each protected characteristic. ACTION: For diversity wheels to be updated to include the characteristic: marriage and civil partnerships. (CD) Work placements: An improved check on equality policies. ACTION: For risk assessment forms to include a section on checking equality policy and future checks and placements will include checking policies and marked upon the risk assessment paperwork. (MS/BB) Incidents & behaviours: Policy and procedures to be practiced consistently across staff team on how to deal with equality incidents. ACTION: Updating and sharing of behavioural ladder. (CD/staff team.) These objectives will be focussed on by the CANTO staff from April 2012- March 2013. New objectives will then be set. Objectives set by Gail Adshead, Equality & Diversity Leader: March 2012.

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