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Heat Transfer & Winds Test Review (Key)

Earths rotation makes global winds curve. What is this called? Coriolis effect

Gases circulating in the air is an example of what? Thermal convection

Heat transfer between two substances that are in contact is called what? conduction

How do its local winds differ from global winds? Local winds are caused by unequal heating within a small area, and global winds occurring over a much larger area How does cool air react with warm air? Because cool air is more dense it will flow under warm air

How this heat from the sun reach us? radiation

In mountain effect winds what could be said about the Leeward side? it is very dry and arid

In mountain effect winds what could be said about the Windward side? there is a lot of rain

What are characteristics of global winds? Global winds blow from specific directions over long distances What are the steps involved in cool air falling? The air cools down, particles move slower, density increases, the air sinks What are the steps involved in warm air rising? The air warms up, particles move more quickly, density decreases, the air rises What are two conditions required for cloud formation? Cooling of the air and the presence of particles in the air





What happens to water vapor in the air to form clouds? Water vapor becomes liquid water or ice crystals What is meant by a sea breeze? wind moving from the sea onto the land



What is the greenhouse effect The process by which gases hold heat in the atmosphere


What is the major characteristic of the doldrums? weak winds


What is the process by which most of the energy heats Earths atmosphere? Infrared radiation


What is the reason early sailors sailed to the equator before moving on to the Americas? because of the favorable tradewinds What is the reason for the different directions global wind patterns take? because of the rotation of the earth (Coriolis effect) What is the total energy of motion in the particles of a substance called? thermal energy.




Where are the horse latitudes are located? at about 30 north and south latitudes


Where does most of the heating of the upper atmosphere comes from? convection


Why do land breezes occur? land cools off faster than water


Why does convection take place? cold air is more dense than warm air


Winds are caused by differences in what? air pressure

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