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Journal #1

Up until now what are some of the things youve learned and how is it going to help you? Oh my, where to begin?! There is so much I have learned. Ive learned about BICS & Calps, the meaning of realia. Ive learned about the different assessments we as future teachers can give our students to find out if they are experiencing difficulty with particular activities. Ive learned about the importance of Differentiation and the ways to instruct it and implement it to help my students achieve their best. I feel that the things Ive learned are going to help me endlessly. Its going to help me try and be the best teacher I can possibly be. I know it sounds extremely cheesy but its true. I dont know if Im going to be a good teacher, I hope to be, but it all comes with experience and time. I wont know until Im in my own classroom.

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