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Gomersal St Marys CE (A) First & Nursery School Class 3 Newsletter Summer term April 16th July 20th

h 2012
Special events / dates My Teacher is Mrs Voce Other adults who work in my class are:Miss Sheard: Teaching assistant Mrs Haigh: Teacher every Tuesday morning Mrs Sheard: Small group work every day. Mrs Powles: Tuesday mornings Topics this term are:Ancient Egypt, Famous People, Plants, Magnets, Rocks & Soils. World Religions. Homework. Spelling homework on Mondays. This does not need to come back to school. Spelling test Friday mornings Homework on Friday needs to come back to school in the packet by Thursday of the following week. In Literacy I am learning In Mathematics I am about:- Comprehension learning about:Punctuation/grammar Fractions Prefixes/suffixes Word problems Rhymes/riddles Capacity Letters Measures Note taking Symmetry Famous authors +/-/x/ You can help me by:-Helping me with my homework. -Making sure I have my PE kit and swimming kit. -Listening to me read. -Help me with my times tables. -I have to choose a famous person from the past or present and find out about them to tell my group or class. -Help me with independent research about Ancient Egypt. Visit to Oakwell Hall to study Rocks and Soils. Visit to Bagshaw Museum to study Ancient Egypt. Dates for these to follow later. In ICT I am learning about:Word processing Databases Research skills PE: Thursday afternoon. Dance: Mon am Swimming: Tues afternoon. In Science I am learning about: Plants, In D&T I am making a photo frame. In RE I am learning about religions of the world.

SATs week Monday May 21st

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