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na an J Im i H

Friday, April 27, 12

Friday, April 27, 12

Your skin is a very important; in fact its the biggest organ on your body. It is also a great indicator to how your body is functioning on the inside. It also has the ability to repair itself which is pretty unique.

Friday, April 27, 12

After reading many years of Cosmo, I started to pin point the areas that were repeating; To honestly get the best looking skin you should improve yourself on the inside out!

Friday, April 27, 12

Your Diet (how much water you drink, green vegetables you eat, vitamins you take). How much sleeping, and exercising time are you making time for. Where you live and what season it is. So as a graphic designer this made me ask the question....

How I create a system that will help people take better care of their skin?

Friday, April 27, 12

How can I create a system that will help people take better care of their skin? After weeks of bouncing how communicate to people, I decided on....

n io x le p m o C
Friday, April 27, 12


Complexion; clear natural way to healthy skin. This is an iPad app that is meant to be used, most likely on leisure time. However it allows you to set up a prole that is most suitable for your skin.

Friday, April 27, 12

Here is the icon for the app. It is meant to resemble someones face and give emphasis

Friday, April 27, 12

Friday, April 27, 12

Friday, April 27, 12

Complexions vision is to improve the quality of your skin. Our skin is the biggest organ on our body; it helps to indicate how our bodies are working on the inside. We want to help correct any imperfections that your skin may have right now. Our goal is for your skin to be at its healthiest and prevent future problems that can impair your overall health. We promise to aid you to a fresh, radiate, and healthier skin. (CLICK) Lets Begin

Friday, April 27, 12

Complexions vision is to improve the quality of your skin. Our skin is the biggest organ on our body; it helps to indicate how our bodies are working on the inside. We want to help correct any imperfections that your skin may have right now. Our goal is for your skin to be at its healthiest and prevent future problems that can impair your overall health. We promise to aid you to a fresh, radiate, and healthier skin. (CLICK) Lets Begin

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth enters in all of her information including...

Friday, April 27, 12

First and last name, email, password. She clicks register!

Friday, April 27, 12

First and last name, email, password. She clicks register!

Friday, April 27, 12

This is the prole set-up. Complexion wants to know as different details regarding Beths location, Medical history (CLICK). The more information that this app knows about her life choices the better match for a skin id. (CLICK) Like what type of skin does she have? (CLICK)

Friday, April 27, 12

This is the prole set-up. Complexion wants to know as different details regarding Beths location, Medical history (CLICK). The more information that this app knows about her life choices the better match for a skin id. (CLICK) Like what type of skin does she have? (CLICK)

Friday, April 27, 12

This is the prole set-up. Complexion wants to know as different details regarding Beths location, Medical history (CLICK). The more information that this app knows about her life choices the better match for a skin id. (CLICK) Like what type of skin does she have? (CLICK)

Friday, April 27, 12

This is the prole set-up. Complexion wants to know as different details regarding Beths location, Medical history (CLICK). The more information that this app knows about her life choices the better match for a skin id. (CLICK) Like what type of skin does she have? (CLICK)

Friday, April 27, 12

She has fair sensitive skin that easily burns in the sun, so she (CLICKS) sensitive. Also buying products, because of her sensitive skin can be challenging for her because she breaks out easily from, Complexion will take this into consideration when creating her skin id

Friday, April 27, 12

She has fair sensitive skin that easily burns in the sun, so she (CLICKS) sensitive. Also buying products, because of her sensitive skin can be challenging for her because she breaks out easily from, Complexion will take this into consideration when creating her skin id

Friday, April 27, 12

She has fair sensitive skin that easily burns in the sun, so she (CLICKS) sensitive. Also buying products, because of her sensitive skin can be challenging for her because she breaks out easily from, Complexion will take this into consideration when creating her skin id

Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She lls out what products she uses on her face, (CLICK) and can search of Complexion does not have that selection

Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She lls out what products she uses on her face, (CLICK) and can search of Complexion does not have that selection

Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She lls out what products she uses on her face, (CLICK) and can search of Complexion does not have that selection

Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She lls out what products she uses on her face, (CLICK) and can search of Complexion does not have that selection

Friday, April 27, 12

Beths Skin

Friday, April 27, 12

After she is nished with lling out the questions she is brought to the prole section of her new skin regiment. This will be the page she always comes to when she enters in the app. This is the area that gives an overall view of what her skin is up to, tips she might like to try, it also gives reminders on foods she should be bunching on, as well as reminders of what she should be doing to her skin, and an explanation (CLICK) CLICK,

Beths Skin

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth wants to update her skin regiment. When she slides her nger it brings her to the next part, this is the updating aspect of the app. (CLICK) she decides to come back to the rest of the app when she has some more free time.

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth wants to update her skin regiment. When she slides her nger it brings her to the next part, this is the updating aspect of the app. (CLICK) she decides to come back to the rest of the app when she has some more free time.

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth wants to update her skin regiment. When she slides her nger it brings her to the next part, this is the updating aspect of the app. (CLICK) she decides to come back to the rest of the app when she has some more free time.

Friday, April 27, 12

A couple days later she is getting the hang of how to input your information. She has Skin Report that based on any of the problems she said in creating her prole id (CLICK) She can check what she has been doing with her skin, search for anything new that might have popped up. Beth wants to upload a pic of herself. so she ...

Friday, April 27, 12

A couple days later she is getting the hang of how to input your information. She has Skin Report that based on any of the problems she said in creating her prole id (CLICK) She can check what she has been doing with her skin, search for anything new that might have popped up. Beth wants to upload a pic of herself. so she ...

Friday, April 27, 12

clicks on camera or could click on the icon

Friday, April 27, 12

It asks her what angle she would like to be taking her picture, CLICK*

Friday, April 27, 12

It asks her what angle she would like to be taking her picture, CLICK*

Friday, April 27, 12

This quickly pops up for about 2 secs to show where it plans to scan her face for the best results

Friday, April 27, 12

The outline of the face is there to help Beth give the correct proportions

Friday, April 27, 12

She is happy with her image (CLICK)

Friday, April 27, 12

She is happy with her image (CLICK)





Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She wants to know what her app thinks so she presses scan (CLICK)





Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She wants to know what her app thinks so she presses scan (CLICK)





Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She wants to know what her app thinks so she presses scan (CLICK)





Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She wants to know what her app thinks so she presses scan (CLICK)





Friday, April 27, 12

(CLICK) She wants to know what her app thinks so she presses scan (CLICK)

A chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the denition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition more...

A yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are one of the common ndings in acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance


Friday, April 27, 12

Complexion found that she is suffering from rosacea and blackheads, there is additional information that

A chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the denition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition more...

A yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are one of the common ndings in acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance


Friday, April 27, 12

She noticed that there are parts that she wanted the app to see, like her dark circles (CLICK) once she highlights her areas the, other tags scroll down to allow for Beth to check what area she would like to tag. (CLICK)

A chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the denition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition more...

A yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are one of the common ndings in acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance


Friday, April 27, 12

She noticed that there are parts that she wanted the app to see, like her dark circles (CLICK) once she highlights her areas the, other tags scroll down to allow for Beth to check what area she would like to tag. (CLICK)

Blackheads Pimple Whiteheads Dark Cirls Rosacea









A chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the denition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition more...

A yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are one of the common ndings in acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance


Friday, April 27, 12

She noticed that there are parts that she wanted the app to see, like her dark circles (CLICK) once she highlights her areas the, other tags scroll down to allow for Beth to check what area she would like to tag. (CLICK)

Blackheads Pimple Whiteheads Dark Cirls Rosacea









A chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the denition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition more...

A yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are one of the common ndings in acne vulgaris. Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance


Friday, April 27, 12

She noticed that there are parts that she wanted the app to see, like her dark circles (CLICK) once she highlights her areas the, other tags scroll down to allow for Beth to check what area she would like to tag. (CLICK)

Beths Skin

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth wants to know what her progress has been over the past few months of using Complexion

Friday, April 27, 12

Beth wants to know what her progress has been over the past few months of using Complexion

Above Rosacea Average

Dark Circles

Uneven Tone Blackheads






Pimples Whiteheads

7 a.m Washes Face Works Out


Uneven tone

Sleeps 6 hours per night 9 p.m Washes Face 2 servings of fruits


3 servings of vegetables 8 cups of water per day SETTINGS PROGRESS

Sunscreen Night moisterizer Eye cream Vitamin C serium Toner Anti-aging cream Vitamin A Flaxseed Vitamin D 300

Vitamin E Multi-Vitamin Vitamin C

Friday, April 27, 12

Once she clicks on Progress she can indicate what week/month and

Above Rosacea Average

Dark Circles

Uneven Tone Blackheads






Pimples Whiteheads

7 a.m Washes Face Works Out


Uneven tone

Sleeps 6 hours per night 9 p.m Washes Face 2 servings of fruits


3 servings of vegetables 8 cups of water per day SETTINGS PROGRESS

Sunscreen Night moisterizer Eye cream Vitamin C serium Toner Anti-aging cream Vitamin A Flaxseed Vitamin D 300

Vitamin E Multi-Vitamin Vitamin C

Friday, April 27, 12

Once she clicks on Progress she can indicate what week/month and

n io x le p m o C
Friday, April 27, 12


So to remind you my question was ; How can I create a system that will help people take better care of their skin?

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