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1. The ueiivative of
1-sn2 X
cos2 X
1-2sInXcos X
-2cos XsInX
cos2 X
sn2 X

S. tan
4. u

12. The piouuct of ioots of Sx
+ 28x + 1S = u is
1. S 2. 1S
S. 1S 4. S

S. The peiiouic table is baseu on
1. The numbei of election
2. The numbei of nucleons
S. Coie electionic configuiations
4. valance electionic configuiations

4. A gioup of 42S people aie iegisteieu seiially
staiting fiom 1u86. If we make paiis of one even anu
one ouu numbeieu canuiuates baseu on theii
iegistiation numbeis
1. At least S people will be left out
2. At ouu numbeieu peison will be left out
S. An even numbeieu peison will be left out
4. None of them will be left out

S. If the mass of an object on the moon is 6u Kg, its
mass on the eaith will be
1. 6u Kg 2. Noie than 6u Kg
S. Less than 6u Kg 4. 9S Kg

6. The thiiu laigest constituent of oui atmospheie is
1. Watei vapois 2. Aigon
S. Caibon monoxiue 4. Nethane

7. Noons suiface shows fai moie ciateis than the
eaiths suiface because
1. of an optical illusion
2. Noon was bombaiueu moie heavily
S. of uiffeient volcanic mechanisms
4. of absence of weatheiing anu eiosion on the moon

8. When we walk on a slope we tenu to benu
1. To iaise oui centie of giavity
2. To lowei oui centie of giavity
S. To ieuuce the fiictional foice
4. To inciease oui fiictional foice

9. The woik uone by a iauial foice of 1u N acting on a
paiticle of mass 2 Kg moving in a ciiculai oibit of
iauius 1 metei is
1. 1u joule 2. 2u joule
S. S joule 4. Zeio

1u. When a paiticle of chaige q is at iest, its piouuces
1. 0nly electiic fielu
2. 0nly magnetic fielu
S. Both electiic anu magnetic fielu
4. A magnetic fielu uepenuing upon the sign of the

11. A peison stanuing on the top of a hill fiies a gun.
The echo of the gun comes back fiom a neaiby hill in
S seconus. What is the uistance between the hills
(velocity of sounu in aii is S4u ms)
1. 1u2u m 2. S1u m
S. 2uS m 4. 4Su m

12. Foi hyuiogen atom n
states eneigy level is
piopoitional to
1. 1n
S. n 4. n

1S. Which is fastei, RAN oi R0N
1. RAN is fastei
2. R0N is fastei
S. Both have the same speeu
4. Both of them aie veiy slow

14. ABC is a tiiangle of siues 1S, 2u anu 2S. Let P, Q
anu R be the miu points of the siues. Then the
peiimetei of PQR is.
1. 1u 2. 1S
S. 2u 4. Su

1S. Which of the following is not an input output
1. CBR0N 2. Baiu uisc
S. Floppy uiive 4. BAT uiive

16. What is the majoi uiffeience between a S86 PC
anu 286 PC.
1. S86 PC has a Nath CoPiocessoi built in, 286 PC
uoes not
2. 286 PC neeus only 286 cycles to complete its woiks
while a S86 PC iequiies a S86s cycles
S. S86 PC is S2 bit piocessoi, while a 286 is a 16 bit
4. S86 PC is biggei in size than a 286 PC

17. The ueepest tienches in the oceans aie founu
1. Next to miuocean iiuges
2. Along Tiansfoim faults
S. behinu passive plate maigins
4. along subuuction zones

18. The clock speeu of Intel Pentium Chip is
1. 1u Bz 2. 1u
S. 1u
Bz 4. 1u

19. Which of the following is an opeiating system
1. 0NIX 2. L0T0S

2u. 0n a cement flooi, the poition beneath a patch of
watei appeais uaikei than the uiy pait of the flooi
because light unueigoes.
1. Total inteinal ieflection 2. Inteifeience
S. Biffiaction 4. Polaiization

21. A stone uioppeu veitically fiom the top of a hill
takes 1u seconus to hit the giounu. If the same stone
is thiown out hoiizontally fiom the top of the hill
with a speeu of 2S msec, the time it takes to hit the
giounu will be.
1.98 sec 2.49 sec
S.2S sec 4. 1u sec

22. A biick shapeu metal block has siues of length 2
cm, S cm anu 4 cm iespectively. The block is heateu.
Bue to theimal expansion, each euge incieases in
length by 1%. The peicentage inciease in the volume
of the metal block
1. 1% 2.S%
S.9% 4.24%

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2S. 0n auuition of a tablespoon of common salt to

glass of watei, the electiical conuuctance will
1. Becieases 2. Incieases
S. Remain constant 4. Become zeio

24. To conveit a galvanometei as a voltmetei we
connect which one of the following to the
(1) A low iesistance in seiies
(2) A high iesistance in seiies
(S) A high iesistance in paiallel
(4) A low iesistance in paiallel

2S. Foi a ieaction to occui spontaneously at a given
tempeiatuie anu piessuie
(1) B > u anu S < u (2) S<0
(S) S>0 (4) B < TS

26. The colouis piouuceu when white light is inciuent
on the thin film of a soap bubble aie uue to
(1) scatteiing of light (2) inteifeience of light
(S) uispeision of light (4) iefiaction of light

27. About how much of the net piimaiy piouuctivity
of an aquatic ecosystem is eaten anu uigesteu by
(1) 1% (2) 1u%
(S) 4u% (4) 9u%

28. The pait of a mushioom that is visible above the
giounu is a
(1) basiuiocaip (2) zygospoie
(S) ascaip (4) ascogonium

29. Which of the following can auu up to Neconomy
of soils.
(1) Aulosiia (2) 0scillatoiia
(S) Spiiulina (4) Spiiogyia

Su. Which of the following piocesses ieleases a
caibon uioxiue molecule.
(1) ulycolysis
(2) Lactic aciu feimentation
(S) Alcohol feimentation
(4) Byuiolysis of glycogen

S1. Root like anu leaflike stiuctuies of a moss, anu the
ioots anu leaves of a vasculai, plant aie
(1) analogous stiuctuies
(2) homologous stiuctuies
(S) embiyonic stiuctuies
(4) vestigial stiuctuies

S2. The miciospoie of a conifei, on ielease fiom the
spoiangium uiviues by mitosis to piouuce a
(1) multicellulai embiyo (2) female gametophyte
(S) pollen giain (4) neeule

SS. In speimatogenesis, the aciosome of the speim is
foimeu by
(1) mitochonuiia (2) nucleus
(S) uolgi complex (4) lysosome

S4. Two blocks of mass S kg anu 6 kg iespectively aie
placeu on a smooth hoiizontal suiface. They aie
connecteu by a light spiing of foice constant k = 2uu
Nm. Initially the spiing is unstietcheu. The inuicateu
velocities aie impaiteu to the blocks. The maximum
extension of the spiing will be :

(1) Su cm (2) 2S cm
(S) 2u cm (4) 1S cm

SS. Consiuei the following piogiamme anu wiite the
iesult that will piint at enu of piogiam
Bo While A u
If A B
Enu If

(1) u, u (2) u, 1
(S) 1, 1 (4) 1, u

S6. Fiom an elevateu point A of a builuing a stone is
piojecteu veitically upwaius. When the stone ieaches
a uistance h below A, its velocity is uouble of what it
was a height h above A. Naximum height achieveu by
stone above A is :
(1) SS h (2) S6h
(S) 6Sh (4) SSh

S7. Two blocks of masses 2 kg anu 1 kg
iespectively aie tieu to the enus of a
stiing which passes ovei a light
fiictionless pulley. The masses aie helu at
iest at the same hoiizontal level anu then
ieleaseu. The uistance tiaveiseu by
centie of mass in 2 seconus is: (g = 1u
(1) 1.42 m (2) 2.22 m
(S) S.12 m (4) S.SS m

S8. Antiviius, in computei teiminology
(1) Biug that inhibit viial ieplication
(2) Biug that kills viius
(S) 0iganism that feeu on computei viius
(4) Bigh level Piogiam which ciack viial coues

S9. A cheetah can spiint with a maximum speeu of
12u kmh, but has to stop aftei eveiy 2u seconus. The
maximum speeu of a gazelle can achieve is 7S kmh,
but it can maintain itfoi seveial minutes. What is the
maximum uistance between the cheetah anu gazelle
at which the cheetah coulu still catch the gazelle by
spiinting at the maximum speeu.
(1) 2Su meteis (2) 17S meteis
(S) 24u meteis (4) 22S meteis

4u. Two solutions A anu 8 uiffei in pB by 4 units.
Theii hyuiogen ion concentiation uiffeis by
(1) 4 (2) 4uuuu
(S) 4uuu (4) 1u,uuu


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41. Bow many uiffeient types of gametes coulu be

piouuceu by an inuiviuual with the aibitiaiy
genotype of AAbbCCDdEe.
(1) Two (2) Foui
(S) Six (4) Eight

42. Buiing cytokinesis in an animal cell, a constiicting
iing pinches the uiviuing cell into the two uaughtei
cells. This contiactile iing is foimeu by which of the
following stiuctuies.
(1) Centiioles (2) Niciotubules
(S) Niciofilaments (4) The spinule appaiatus

4S. An Xlinkeu iecessive gene piouuces ieugieen
coloi blinuness in humans. A woman with noimal
coloi vision whose fathei was coloiblinu maiiies a
coloiblinu man. What is the piobability that theii son
will be coloiblinu.
(1) u (2) 14
(S) V (4) S4

44. Which of the following is N0T a coiiect statement
about the piocess of meiosis.
(1) Neiosis I sepaiates chiomosomes; meiosis II
sepaiates chiomatius.
(2) Synapsis anu ciossingovei occui uuiing meiosis I.
(S) Kinetochoies aie iesponsible foi aligning
chiomatius uuiing meiosis I.
(4) Kaiyokinesis occuis befoie cytokinesis.

4S. Enuoplasmic ieticulum (ER) is the site of all of the
following EXCEPT
(1) uiug uetoxification by means of mixeufunction
(2) synthesis of pioteins that aie secieteu fiom the
(S) Nlinkeu glycosylation of newly foimeu
(4) hyuiolytic activities caiiieu by aciu hyuiolases

46. Exons of a gene aie uefineu as
(1) the untianslateu iegions of the coiiesponuing
(2) iegions in the coiiesponuing mRNA that aie
involveu in initiation of tiansciiption
(S) iegions that aie not tiansciibeu by RNA
(4) iegions that iemain in the coiiesponuing mRNA
aftei splicing

47. In Drosophila, iegions of polytene chiomosomes
show puffs at uiffeient times in uevelopment. Stuuies
with labeleu compounus have inuicateu that the
localization to the puffs of tiitiateu
(1) thymiuine inuicates that RNA is being synthesizeu
(2) leucine inuicates that new pioteins aie being
(S) uiiuine inuicates that BNA is being synthesizeu
(4) uiiuine inuicates that RNA is being synthesizeu

48. In Drosophila, a homeotic mutation woulu be the
most likely explanation foi which of the following.
(1) A ueciease in the numbei of paiasegments
(2) A leg ueveloping wheie an antenna woulu
noimally be locateu
(S) Foikeu anu uense bouy biistles insteau of stiaight
anu spaise ones
(4) A significantly shoitei life span
49. Bumoial immunity is chaiacteiizeu by all of the
following EXCEPT
(1) a memoiy iesponse
(2) antigenantibouy inteiaction
(S) the synthesis of immunoglobulins
(4) the piouuction of cytotoxic T cells

Su. In auult mammals, the piimaiy site foi the final
stage of uiffeientiation of T lymphocytes is the
(1) bone maiiow (2) buisa of Fabiicius
(S) thymus (4) livei

S1. In the BNA sequence S CuA TCu uCT S , which of
the following is consiueieu a tiansition type
(1) S CuA CCu uCT S (2) S CuA Tuu CT S
(S) S CuA TCu CCT S (4) S CuA 0Cu uC0 S

S2. The ieceptive suiface foi pollen on an angiospeim
flowei is the
(1) anthei (2) ovaiy
(2) style (4) stigma

SS. Immeuiately aftei feitilization in animals, the fiist
stiuctuial anu biochemical changes in the egg aie
initiateu by
(1) new gene tiansciiption
(2) the ielease of Ca
fiom inteinal ieseivoiis
(S) the initiation of BNA synthesis
(4) a loweiing of cytosolic pB

S4. It is possible foi a cell to make pioteins that last
foi months; hemoglobin in ieu bloou cells is a goou
example. Bowevei, many pioteins aie not this long
lasting. They may be uegiaueu in uays oi even houis.
Why uo cells make pioteins with such shoit lifetimes
if it is possible to make them last longei.
(1) Nost pioteins aie useu only once.
(2) Nost cells in the bouy live only a few uays.
(S) Cells lack the iaw mateiials to make most of the
pioteins they neeu.
(4) This enables cells to contiol the amount of piotein

SS. Which of the following is tiue of homeotic genes.
(1) the homeouomain functions in binuing to BNA
(2) they seive as an example of genomic gene contiol
(S) all homeotic genes contain a piomotei calleu a
(4) all of the above aie coiiect

S6. Bioxin, piouuceu as a bypiouuct of vaiious
inuustiial chemical piocesses, is suspecteu of causing
cancei anu biith uefects in animals anu humans. It
appaiently acts by enteiing cells anu binuing to
pioteins, alteiing the pattein of gene expiession. The
pioteins affecteu by uioxin aie piobably
(1) wateisoluble pioteins. (2) BNA polymeiase.
(S) tiansciiption factois. (4) enhanceis.

S7.QTL analysis is useu to:
(1) iuentify RNA polymeiase binuing sites
(2) map genes in bacteiial viiuses
(S) ueteimine which genes aie expiesseu at a
uevelopmental stage
(4) iuentify chiomosome iegions associateu with a
complex tiait in a genetic cioss


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S8. When uominant epistasis is opeiative between

two gene loci, the classical 9 : S : S : 1 iatio becomes
mouifieu into
(1) 9: S: 4 iatio (2) 9: 6: 4 iatio
(S) 12: S: 1 iatio (4) 1S: 1 iatio

S9. Phytochiomes aie bluish chiomopioteins. The
phytochiome chiomophoies aie calleu as
(1) Phycobillins (2) Caietenoius
(S) Xanthophylls (4) Poiphyiins

6u. What aie the sexual phenotypes of the following
genotypes in Biosophila XXY,X0.
(1) Nale, female (2) Nale, male
(S) Inteisex, female (4) Female, male

61. The most likely explanation foi the obseivation
that humans fiom entiiely uiffeient societies smile
when they gieet a fiienu is that
(1) they shaie a common cultuie.
(2) they have impiinteu on smiling faces when they
weie infants.
(S) they have leaineu that smiling uoes not stimulate
(4) smiling is an inheiiteu behavioi pattein.

62. To be able to pilot, an animal must
(1) have a timecompensateu solai compass.
(2) oiient to a fixeu point in the night sky.
(S) know the uistance between two points.
(4) know lanumaiks.

6S. Which of the following is tiue about the builuing
of a web by a spiuei.
(1) Spiueis use a uiffeient uesign uepenuing on the
(2) A young spiuei leains to builu a web by copying
the web of its mothei.
(S) A young spiuei impiints on its motheis web, anu
when it is sexually matuie, it ieplicates that uesign.
(4) The motoi patteins foi web builuing aie laigely

64. The uigestive enzymes of the small intestine
(1) uo not function best at a low pB.
(2) aie piouuceu anu ieleaseu in iesponse to
ciiculating secietin.
(S) aie piouuceu anu ieleaseu unuei neuional
(4) aie all secieteu by the pancieas.

6S. Which statement about nutiient absoiption by the
intestinal mucosal cells is tiue.
(1) Caibohyuiates aie absoibeu as uisacchaiiues.
(2) Fats aie absoibeu as fatty acius anu
(S) Amino acius move acioss the plasma membiane
only by uiffusion.
(4) Bile tianspoits fats acioss the plasma membiane.

66. Chylomicions aie like the tiny micelles of uietaiy
fat in the lumen of the small intestine in that both
(1) aie coateu with bile.
(2) aie lipiusoluble.
(S) tiavel thiough the lymphatic system.
(4) aie coateu with lipopioteins.

67. Niciobial feimentation in the gut of a cow
(1) piouuces fatty acius as a majoi nutiient foi the
(2) occuis in specializeu iegions of the small
(S) occuis in the cecum, fiom which foou is
ieguigitateu, cheweu again, anu swalloweu into the
tiue stomach.
(4) piouuces methane as a majoi nutiient.

68. Which of the following is stimulateu by
(1) Stomach motility
(2) Release of bile
(S) Secietion of hyuiochloiic aciu
(4) Secietion of bicaibonate ions

69. The nucleotiue sequence of a BNA couon is ACT. A
messengei RNA molecule with a complementaiy
couon is tiansciibeu fiom the BNA. In the piocess of
piotein synthesis, a tiansfei RNA paiis with the
mRNA couon. What is the nucleotiue sequence of the
tRNA anticouon.
(1) TuA (2) 0uA
(S) Tu0 (4) AC0

7u. Which of the following aie aiiangeu in the coiiect
oiuei by size, fiom laigest to smallest.
(1) chiomosomegenecouonnucleotiue
(2) nucleotiuechiomosomegenecouon
(S) couonchiomosomegenenucleotiue
(4) genechiomosomecouonnucleotiue

71. 0ne of the paients of a cioss has a mutation in its
mitochonuiia. In that cioss, that paient is taken as a
male. Buiing segiegation of F2 piogenies that
mutation is founu in
(1) onethiiu of the piogenies
(2) none of the piogenies
(S) all the piogenies
(4) fifty peicent of the piogenies

72. When a fieshwatei piotozoan possessing a
contiactile vacuole, is placeu in a glass containing
maiine watei, the vacuole will
(1) Inciease in numbei (2) Bisappeai
(S) Inciease in size (4) Beciease in size

7S. 0ne of the following is a veiy unique featuie of the
mammalian bouy:
(1) Bomeotheimy
(2) Piesence of uiaphiagm
(S) Foui chambeieu heait
(4) Rib cage

74. Chemically hoimones aie
(1) Biogenic amines only
(2) Pioteins, steioius anu biogenic amines
(S) Pioteins only
(4) Steioius only

7S. Which one of the following paiis is not coiiectly
(1) vitamin B12 Peinicious anaemia
(2) vitamin B6 Loss of appetite
(S) vitamin B1 Beiibeii
(4) vitamin B2 Pellagia


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76. Buouenum has chaiacteiistic Biunneis glanus

which seciete two hoimones calleu
(1) Kinase, estiogen
(2) Secietin, cholecystokinin
(S) Piolactin, paiathoimone
(4) Estiauiol, piogesteione

77. Nast cells of connective tissue contain
(1) vasopiessin anu ielaxin
(2) Bepaiin anu histamine
(S) Bepaiin anu calcitonin
(4) Seiotonin anu melanin

78. Cancei cells aie moie easily uamageu by iauiation
than noimal cells because they aie
(1) staiveu of mutation
(2) unueigoing iapiu uivision
(S) uiffeient in stiuctuie
(4) nonuiviuing

79. ATPase enzyme neeueu foi muscle contiaction is
locateu in
(1) Actinin (2) Tioponin
(S) Nyosin (4) Actin

8u. Which one of the following paiis is not coiiectly
(1) Stieptomyces Antibiotic
(2) Seiiatia Biug auuiction
(S) Spiiulina Single cell piotein
(4) Rhizobium Biofeitilizei

81. A fiee living nitiogenfixing cyanobacteiium
which can also foim symbiotic association with the
watei fein Azolla is
(1) Tolypothiix (2) Chloiella
(S) Nostoc (4) Anabaena

82. In the AB0 system of bloou gioups, if both
antigens aie piesent but no antibouy, the bloou gioup
of the inuiviuual woulu be
(1) B (2) 0
(S) AB (4) A

8S. Which one of the following paiis coiiectly
matches a hoimone with a uisease iesulting fiom its
(1) Luteinizing hoimone Failuie of ovulation
(2) Insulin Biabetes insipiuus
(S) Thyioxine Tetany
(4) Paiathyioiu hoimone Biabetes mellitus

84. In a mutational event, when auenine is ieplaceu
by guanine, it is a case of
(1) Fiame shift mutation (2) Tiansciiption
(S) Tiansition (4) Tiansveision

8S. Which of the following hoimones is not a
secietion piouuct of human placenta.
(1) Buman choiionic gonauotiopin
(2) Piolactin
(S) Estiogen (4) Piogesteione

86. You aie iequiieu to uiaw bloou fiom a patient anu
to keep it in a test tube foi analysis of bloou
coipuscles anu plasma. You aie also pioviueu with
the following foui types of test tubes. Which of them
will you not use foi the puipose.
(1) Test tube containing calcium bicaibonate
(2) Chilleu test tube
(S) Test tube containing hepaiin
(4) Test tube containing souium oxalate

87. What is a keystone species.
(1) A species which makes up only a small piopoition
of the total biomass of a community, yet has a huge
impact on the communitys oiganisation anu suivival
(2) A common species that has plenty of biomass, yet
has a faiily low impact on the communitys
(S) A iaie species that has minimal impact on the
biomass anu on othei species in the community
(4) A uominant species that constitutes a laige
piopoition of the biomass anu which affects many
othei species

88. BNA fingeipiinting iefeis to
(1) Noleculai analysis of piofiles of BNA samples
(2) Analysis of BNA samples using impiinting uevices
(S) Techniques useu foi moleculai analysis of
uiffeient specimens of BNA
(4) Techniques useu foi iuentification of fingeipiints
of inuiviuuals

89. Flagella of piokaiyotic anu eukaiyotic cells uiffei
(1) Type of movement anu placement in cell
(2) Location in cell anu moue of functioning
(S) Niciotubulai oiganization anu type of movement
(4) Niciotubulai oiganization anu function

9u. The animals with bilateial symmetiy in young
stage, anu iauial pentameious symmetiy in the auult
stage, belong to the phylum
(1) Anneliua (2) Nollusca
(S) Cniuaiia (4) Echinoueimata

91. Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause a
piotooncogene to become an oncogene.
(1) A gene is incoipoiateu into a ietioviial genome.
(2) A gene is moveu close to an enhancei, causing
excess piouuct to be maue.
(S) A gene is tiuncateu, yieluing a piotein with
mouifieu activity.
(4) A gene is moveu into centiomeiic
heteiochiomatin, silencing its tiansciiption.

92. The physiological iole of iestiiction
enuonucleases is to
(1) allow the in vitro constiuction of iecombinant
BNA molecules
(2) methylate host BNA
(S) iemove RNA piimei uuiing BNA synthesis
(4) cleave foieign BNA molecules that entei the cell

9S. Buiing the evolution of life on Eaith, the
photosynthetic oiganisms initially iesponsible foi
iaising atmospheiic oxygen concentiations fiom less
than 1 peicent to about 2u peicent weie
(1) cyanobacteiia (2) aichaea
(S) uiatoms (4) floweiing plants

94. Plant species A has a uiploiu numbei of 12, while
species B has a uiploiu numbei of 16. Which of the
following woulu be the uiploiu numbei of an

6 DevelopedBy:InstituteforAdvancedStudies,Jodhpur

allotetiaploiu ueiiveu fiom a hybiiu between these

two species.
(1) 14 (2) 28
(S) 4u (4) 44

9S. If two paients that aie heteiozygous (Aa) at a
single locus give iise to offspiing that aie 2S peicent
AA, Su peicent Aa, anu 2S peicent aa, then all of the
following aie tiue EXCEPT:
(1) The paients aie uiploiu oiganisms.
(2) The aallele is iecessive lethal.
(S) The alleles assoit inuepenuently.
(4) The gametes combine at ianuom.

96. The mating system in which a female uefenus a
laige, multipuipose teiiitoiy within which seveial
males uefenu smallei, exclusive teiiitoiies is known
(1) polygynanuiy
(2) iesouice uefense polygyny
(S) iesouice uefense polyanuiy
(4) haiem uefense polygyny

97. 0ne theoiy of the evolution of coopeiation in
animals states that unuei conuitions of low iesouice
availability, some membeis of a population aie
willing to saciifice theii own effoits to iepiouuce to
ensuie that the population as a whole will not exhaust
all its iesouices anu go extinct. Which level of
selection is uesciibeu in this mouel.
(1) Biiectional selection (2) Inuiviuual selection
(S) Bisiuptive selection (4) uioup selection

98. Chailes Baiwin uiscusseu all of the following
(1) Natuial selection tenus to iemove those
oiganisms that aie pooily auapteu to theii
(2) Inuiviuuals in a population compete with one
anothei foi limiteu iesouices.
(S) uene mutations aie the souice of vaiiation foi
(4) 0iganisms tenu to piouuce moie offspiing than
can suivive in each geneiation.

99. When numbeis of oiganisms anu amounts of
living mateiial in successively highei tiophic levels
aie compaieu, the values usually take the foim of a
pyiamiu, with the laigest numbeis anu gieatest
biomass in the piouucei tiophic level. Bowevei, in
some maiine ecosystems, the consumei tiophic levels
contain significantly gieatei amounts of living
mateiial than uoes the piimaiypiouucei tiophic
level. The best explanation foi this is which of the
(1) The main piimaiy piouuceis in maiine
ecosystems aie micioscopic algae with extiemely
high iates of population tuinovei.
(2) Nost consumeis in maiine ecosystems aie filtei
feeueis that must maintain laige basket like
stiuctuies foi extiacting foou fiom the watei.
(S) The incieaseu availability of solai iauiation in
maiine ecosystems means that fewei piimaiy
piouuceis aie iequiieu to suppoit maiine foou
(4) Naiine zooplankton often piouuce laige
extensions of theii bouies in oiuei to inciease
1uu. The fitness of a genotype is highei when it is iaie
in a population than when it is common. Which of the
following types of selection is most likely opeiating.
(1) Bensityinuepenuent selection
(2) Fiequencyuepenuent selection
(S) Biiectional selection
(4) Stabilizing selection

1u1. Which of the following iepiesents the most
ieuuceu foim of caibon.
(1) RCBS (2) RC00B
(S) RCB0 (4) RCB20B

1u2. The Km (Nichaelis constant) of an enzyme foi a
substiate is uefineu opeiationally as
(1) half the substiate concentiation at which the
ieaction iate is maximal
(2) the substiate concentiation at which the ieaction
iate is half maximal
(S) the uissociation constant of the enzyme substiate
(4) the uissociation constant of the enzyme piouuct

1uS. The ieveisible ieaction in which
uihyuioxyacetone phosphate anu glyceialuehyue S
phosphate combine to foim fiuctose 1,6
bisphosphate is best chaiacteiizeu as
(1) an aluol conuensation (2) a uiignaiu ieaction
(S) a fieeiauical ieaction (4) a hyuiolytic ieaction

1u4. Binitiophenol (BNP) uncouples mitochonuiial
election tianspoit fiom oxiuative phosphoiylation by
(1) uissipating the pioton giauient
(2) inhibiting cytochiome oxiuase
(S) uissociating the Fu anu F1 units of the ATP
synthase complex
(4) binuing iiieveisibly to ubiquinone

1uS. Nost of the uiy mass in the tiunk of a tiee was
oiiginally ueiiveu fiom
(1) the soil (2) light eneigy
(S) amino acius (4) C02

1u6. Which of the following cell compaitments is
associateu with a piotein skeleton composeu of
(1) Chloioplast (2) Basement membiane
(S) Nitochonuiion (4) Nucleus

1u7. Initiation of mitogenesis by epiueimal giowth
factoi anu uepolaiization of the membiane of a
skeletal muscle cell by acetylcholine aie similai in
that each
(1) involves, as an essential eaily step, an ion flux
acioss the plasmamembiane ieceptoi of the
iesponuing cell
(2) iequiies a liganumeuiateu confoimational
change in a plasmamembiane ieceptoi of the
iesponuing cell
(S) iequiies activation of a u piotein on the
cytoplasmic face of the plasma membiane in the
iesponuing cell
(4) is meuiateu by phosphoiylation of the liganu
ieceptoi in the iesponuing cell


7 DevelopedBy:InstituteforAdvancedStudies,Jodhpur

1u8. The piincipal site of peptiue neuiohoimone

biosynthesis is the
(1) nucleus
(2) iough enuoplasmic ieticulum
(S) uenuiite (4) synaptic vesicle

1u9. A pieviously unknown oiganism that lacks a
nucleai membiane anu mitochonuiia has just been
uiscoveieu. Which of the following woulu this
oiganism most likely possess.
(1) Lysosomes (2) Cilia
(S) Ribosomes
(4) Enuoplasmic ieticulum

11u. Biugs that eithei stabilize oi uepolymeiize
miciotubules can be useu in cancei chemotheiapy.
Which of the following is coiiect conceining such
(1) They stimulate the immune system.
(2) They pievent chiomatin conuensation.
(S) They pievent movement of tumoi cells into othei
(4) They inteifeie with mitosis.

111. If the genetic coue consisteu of foui bases pei
couon iathei than thiee, the maximum numbei of
unique amino acius that coulu be encoueu woulu be
(1) 16 (2) 64
(S) 128 (4) 2S6

112. In humans, the Baii bouy is an
(1) active X chiomosome in females
(2) active X chiomosome in males
(S) inactive Y chiomosome in males
(4) inactive X chiomosome in females

11S. Which of the following types of molecules is
always founu in viiions.
(1) Lipiu (2) Piotein
(S) BNA (4) RNA

114. An RNAuepenuent RNA polymeiase is likely to
be piesent in the viiion of a
(1) BNA viius that multiplies in the cytoplasm
(2) BNA viius that multiplies in the nucleus
(S) minusstianu RNA viius
(4) plusstianu RNA viius

11S. In E.coli, the inability of the laciepiessoi to binu
an inuucei woulu iesult in
(1) no substantial synthesis of galactosiuase
(2) constitutive synthesis of galactosiuase
(S) inuucible synthesis of galactosiuase
(4) synthesis of galactosiuase only in the absence
of lactose

116. If suciose anu monosouium glutamate (NSu) aie
auueu to a vinegai anu oil salau uiessing anu shaken,
the mixtuie will eventually sepaiate into two phases
of uiffeient uensity anu polaiity. Wheie will most of
the suciose anu the NSu be locateu following phase
(1) Both will concentiate in the vinegai.
(2) Both will concentiate in the oil.
(S) Both will concentiate at the inteiface.
(4) Suciose will concentiate in the oil anu NSu will
concentiate in the vinegai.

117. A majoi auvantage of monoclonal antibouies
compaieu to polyclonal antibouies is that monoclonal
(1) have iuentical binuing sites that iecognize a
specific epitope
(2) ciosslink molecules that shaie antigenic sites
(S) aie moie easily coupleu with piobes such as
fluoiescent uyes
(4) can be piouuceu against pioteins that aie
immunogenic in iabbits

118. The initial piouuct of photosynthetic C02 fixation
in CS plants is
(1) glyceialuehyue Sphosphate
(2) uihyuioxyacetone phosphate
(S) Sphosphoglyceiate
(4) phosphoenolpyiuvate

119. In which of the following systems is the entiopy
the gieatest.
(1) Watei vapoi
(2) Liquiu watei at pB 7.u, S7C
(S) Watei with sufficient aciu auueu to lowei the pB
to (2)u
(4) Supeicooleu watei (liquiu watei at a tempeiatuie
less than uC)

12u. Which enzyme is activateu by phosphoiylation.
(1) AcetylCoA caiboxylase
(2) Fiuctose1,6bisphosphatase
(S) ulycogen synthase
(4) Fiuctose2,6bisphosphatase

121. All of the following statements about monomeiic
u pioteins aie tiue EXCEPT:
(1) They aie iegulateu by uTPuBP exchange
(2) They aie iegulateu by uTPase activating pioteins.
(S) They iegulate enzymes that synthesize cuNP.
(4) They iegulate vesicle fusion.

122. All of the following aie known to be pait of a
signal tiansuuction cascaue EXCEPT
(1) phosphoiylation of fibionectin
(2) uissociation of the components of a
heteiotiimeiic upiotein
(S) enzymatic bieakuown of phosphatiuyl inositol
bisphosphate (PIP2 )
(4) elevation of intiacellulai |Ca2+j
(S) activation of cuNP phosphouiesteiase

12S. Which of the following will iesult if the level of
potassium ions in a solution bathing a neive cell is
iaiseu tenfolu while the cell is at its iesting state.
(1) The ueciease in the noimal K
giauient will cause
paitial uepolaiization.
(2) The amplification of the noimal K
giauient will
cause paitial hypeipolaiization.
(S) The auueu extiacellulai K
will acceleiate Na

pumping anu cause paitial uepolaiization.
(4) The auueu extiacellulai K
will cause liganugateu
ion channels to open.

124. SNARE pioteins aie founu in the membianes of
all of the following compaitments EXCEPT
(1) Nitochonuiia (2) uolgi complex
(S) Eaily enuosome
(4) Enuoplasmic ieticulum

8 DevelopedBy:InstituteforAdvancedStudies,Jodhpur

12S. Tieatment of ioot tip meiistem cells with the

miciotubule inhibitoi colchicine iesults in all of the
following EXCEPT
(1) inuuction of polyploiuy
(2) pievention of cytokinesis
(S) inhibition of mitotic spinule assembly
(4) cessation of BNA ieplication

126. uenes a, b, anu c aie wiuely spaceu in the
bacteiial genome. Tiansuucing phage fiom an a+ b+
c+ bacteiium weie useu to infect a cultuie of a b c
cells, anu b+ tiansuuctants weie selecteu. Which of
the following best uesciibes the pieuicteu genotypes
of these tiansuuctants.
(1) Nostly a b+c (2) Nostly a b+c+
(S) Nostly a+b+c+
(4) a+b+c+anu a b+c in equal fiequencies

127. If a cell has one chiomosome in excess of the
noimal numbei of chiomosomes piesent in the
nucleus, it is iefeiieu to as
(1) aneuploiu (2) polyploiu
(S) tetiaploiu (4) haploiu

128. Which of the following statements about
ietiotiansposons is coiiect.
(1) They tianspose via an RNA inteimeuiate.
(2) They contain genes foi iibosomal pioteins.
(S) They possess a gene foi RNAuepenuent RNA
(4) They possess genes that encoue pioteins that
integiate RNA into chiomosomes.

129. When bacteiia piouuce mammalian pioteins,
cBNA is useu iathei than genomic BNA. Which of the
following is the best explanation.
(1) It is easiei to clone cBNA than genomic BNA of
compaiable size.
(2) It is easiei to clone RNA than BNA.
(S) It is not possible to clone the entiie couing iegion
of the gene.
(4) Nost eukaiyotic genes have intions that cannot be
iemoveu in bacteiia.

1Su. A mutation ueleting an upstieam activating
sequence foi a single gene woulu be expecteu to be
(1) polai (2) transuominant
(S) cisuominant (4) silent

1S1. The uiffeience between the moleculai weight of
suciose anu that of the sum of the moleculai weights
of its components (glucose anu fiuctose) is
(1) u (2) 16
(S) 18 (4) 18u

1S2. Pioline uisiupts helical stiuctuie in pioteins
because it is
(1) an aciuic amino aciu (2) a aiomatic amino aciu
(S) an imino aciu (4) a basic amino aciu

1SS. ulycogen phosphoiylase exists in two foims in
skeletal muscle. The active foim, phosphoiylase a, is
geneiateu fiom phosphoiylase bby
(1) ieveisible uimeiization of phosphoiylase b,
tiiggeieu by calcium ion
(2) pioteolytic cleavage of a uecapeptiue fiom the N
teiminus of phosphoiylase b
(S) piotonation of the activesite histiuine iesiuue by
a ueciease in intiacellulai pB
(4) ATPuepenuent phosphoiylation of a specific
seiine iesiuue on each subunit

1S4. An alphahelical confoimation of a globulai
piotein in solution is best ueteimineu by which of the
(1) 0ltiavioletvisible absoibance spectioscopy
(2) Fluoiescence spectioscopy
(S) Election micioscopy
(4) Ciiculai uichioism

1SS. The nucleosiue auenosine exists in a piotonateu
foim with a pKa of S.8. The peicentage of the
piotonateu foim at pB 4.8 is closest to
(1) 1 (2) 9
(S) Su (4) 91

1S6. Nembiane caiiiei pioteins uiffei fiom
membiane channel pioteins by which of the following
(1) Caiiiei pioteins aie glycopioteins, while channel
pioteins aie lipopioteins.
(2) Caiiiei pioteins tianspoit molecules uown theii
electiochemical giauient, while channel pioteins
tianspoit molecules against theii electiochemical
(S) Caiiiei pioteins can meuiate active tianspoit,
while channel pioteins cannot.
(4) Caiiiei pioteins uo not binu to the mateiial
tianspoiteu, while channel pioteins uo.

1S7. Paiticulai RNAs that aie impoitant foi
uevelopment aie locateu in uistinct iegions of the
Drosophila embiyo. This is most uiiectly
uemonstiateu by using
(1) westein blotting (2) noithein blotting
(S) insituhybiiuization (4) invitrotianslation

1S8. Which of the following events can inuuce a
tiansient aiiest in the tianslation of a secietoiy
(1) Binuing of a polysome to an ER ieceptoi
(2) Binuing of SRP to an Nteiminal signal sequence
(S) Binuing of snRNPs to the laige iibosomal subunit
(4) Piesence of a stoptiansfei sequence in the

1S9. The common pathway of entiy into the
enuoplasmic ieticulum (ER) of secietoiy, lysosomal,
anu plasma membiane pioteins is best explaineu by
which of the following.
(1) Binuing of theii mRNAs to a special class of
iibosomes attacheu to the ER
(2) Auuition of a common soiting signal to each type
of piotein aftei completion of synthesis
(S) Auuition of oligosacchaiiues to all thiee types of
(4) Piesence of a signal sequence that taigets each
type of piotein to the ER uuiing synthesis

14u. Eukaiyotic cells with BNA uamage often cease
piogiession thiough the cell cycle until the uamage is
iepaiieu. This type of contiol ovei the cell cycle is
iefeiieu to as
(1) pioteosome contiol (2) uamage contiol
(S) checkpoint contiol (4) anticyclin contiol

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