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reported speech

I.Put into reported speech! Dont forget to change the adverbials wherever necessary ! Susan: John: Susan: John: Susan: John: Susan: John: Susan: John: Did you read the newspaper yesterday? Yes, the article on slavery was awful. Lets write a big article on the unfair treatment of black people. Will you help me to start a campaign? Of course. Im going to collect some information on the internet. My grandparents had lived in Alabama before they moved to Williamsburg. They must know something about the situation for black people in the south. Meet me here in two hours. Ill call the others for help. Are you going to check the books in the school library, too? No, but Nell is a great reader. Im sure she has already read a lot about the subject. What are you doing there? Im writing down the names of people who could help us. We must finish the project for the parents day next month. No problem, we did a project two years ago and it only took us 10 days of intensive work. We will manage it this time, too!

II. What becomes of the following adverbials in the reported speech? yesterday two years ago tomorrow this morning last year 5 days ago here tonight last weekend (vorheriges)

III. the following tenses/auxiliaries change into.????? a) simple past b) present perfect c) will future d) can e) must f) present progressive g) past perfect IV. Translation practise: a) Er sagte, er sei noch nie in Amsterdam gewesen. b) Linda antwortete, sie habe letzte Woche mit Peter im Restaurant gegessen. c) Schwarze htten heute faire Chancen, stand in der Zeitung. d) Sein Fahrrad sei vor der Tr gestohlen worden, war die Entschuldigung des Schlers fr sein Zu-spt-Kommen. e) Tim schlug vor, sie sollten alle mit ihm ins Kino kommen. f) Jenna fragte sie, ob sie in den neuen Film mit Tom Hanks gingen. g) Die Eltern erlaubten ihnen nicht, sich einen 2-Stunden-Film an einem Wochentag anzusehen. h) Robin wollte wissen, wo sie am letzten Samstag gewesen seien. Sie htten die beste Party seit Monaten verpasst.

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