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First of all download the program. Here it is. Here the steps of changing graphic: 1.

Open the program and press Open (folder icon in the left top corner)

2. Choose PPM of your phone

3. When youve opened your PPM, open the tree PPM (press + near word PPM) on the left side and make double click on the section ANIM

4. In the center of window youll see the list of graphic that is in your PPM

5. For example I want change icon of waiting when camera saves photo or video on something else

So, I search this icon in our list of graphic and press right key of a mouse on the number of this icon and choose Replace resource

6. Choose the icon which you want to replace old icon

Replace all graphic that you want, but dont forget about pixels size of icon. Sizes of both icons must be the same. Of course dont forget about size of file (icon). It shouldnt be very big. Free space of your PPM is shown in the right bottom corner. 7. When youve made all changes press Save (floppy icon in the left top corner)

And choose PPM file which youve chosen in the first step

Now you can flash your phone with PPM changed by you.

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