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1. HEADS DOWNTrying to keep his balance, Aizik Migirov (10) attempts a headstand trick.

The tricks take months to perfect and get right, Migirov said. Theyre pretty dangerous if you dont do them right. 2. PHOTO FINISH Relishing the cheers of the spectators on Dec. 9, Michael Gossen (11), Aizik Migirov (10), and Vickie Tang (11) freeze at the finale of their performance. When you hear that somebodys cheering you on, you know youve accomplished something, and it makes you feel good, Migirov said. Photos by Liz Palmer

3. HELPING HAND... AND LEG Concluding their fight scene, Vickie Tang (11) helps Sophia Crowder (10) get back on her feet. The clubs performance at the pep rally impressed more than their peers. One lady... she wanted us to teach little kids how to breakdance because she heard how good we did at the pep rally, Crowder said. 4. CORKSCREW Doing some floor work, Peter Thai (10) transitions into a thread. My mouth went really dry, and the loud cheers from the other students relieved me of some of my nervousness, Thai said. 5. WHIP YOUR HAIR As the audience and their fellow club members watch, Tang and Crowder display their talents in a short duo. It was really nerve-wracking because I had mono at the time, but I didnt want to back out, Tang said. Photos by Liz Palmer

Athletic Clubs

Birdies Delayed Flight

A common love for badminton pushed Abby Schroering Badminton Club. Though they had their first meeting in November, the club was not destined to meet again until March. The obstacle: basketball season. (11), Isaac Kresse (10), and Naga Alluri (11) to form the

Photo by Jared Rondinelli

Wooldridge, Wooldridge, Wooldridge! This was the only word ringing throughout the large gym as I finished my game with the second best Ping Pong player in the school. I won and now it was time for a bigger challenge. This was my chance to earn eternal glory for the class of 2012 by beating the greatest principal in the state of Kentucky, Mr. Larry Wooldridge, in a game of Ping Pong. I was worried. I felt my heart beating faster and my palms getting sweatier as I gripped the paddle as hard as I could. Luckily, I was the better Ping Pong player and I was able to achieve the title of the best Ping Pong player at duPont Manual High School. -Rukmini Yakkanti (12)

The Breakdance Club performs for the first time at the basketball homecoming pep rally.
Words by Colleen Kidd, Kelsey McKim & Dakota Sherek Design by Rebecca Woodburn

When I talked to Coach Zuberer in the fall, he gave us the option of having meetings throughout the winter after basketball, late at night after practice, said Alluri.

A nervous group of performers stood on the edge of the gym floor listening to the crowd scream and applaud. The seven students, waiting to be called into the spotlight, represented the most experienced members of the Breakdance Club, and they were about to display their skills for the first time to the student body at the basketball homecoming pep rally on Dec. 9. Other athletic clubs like Badminton and Table Tennis had loyal memberships, but the breakdancers were the first to perform as a whole in front of the student body. They had

practiced their routine every available day for two months, but some still felt unprepared. As with any debut performance, the students experienced triumphs and failures. The experience gave me a lot to work on for what were going to perform next time, Aizik Migirov (10) said. The crowd cheers for tricks. If you do something cool with your body, they go for it. Migirovs fellow dancer Vickie Tang (11) performed a duo with Sophia Crowder (10) as a part of the clubs presentation. Tangs peers were

surprised by her breakdancing abilities because of her small stature. It just shows them that despite how you look, you can actually do it, Tang said. Not every club member participated in the pep rally, but they all shared an interest in the activity. Im not really a big dancer, breakdance novice Thomas Neuteufel (10) said. I enjoy breakdancing as a whole. Sometimes I stand back and watch in amazement as Peter Thai dances. Its like Step Up, the dance movie, in front of my eyes.

Members decided the delay was worth it for the club. Weve never had it before, member Dillon Rama (11) said, so as long as we still get it, it doesnt matter. Photo by Micah Walker
Naga Alluri (11)

breakdance b r e a k d o w n

How to do the Windmill move, as demonstrated by Peter Thai (10), Michael Gossen (11) and Aizik Migirov (10). Photos by Yazmin Martinez

Tuck elbow under stomach, facing ground.

Slowly push on hands, raising body, and transfer all weight to elbow.

While weight rests on elbow, swing body with legs in a V shape.

Mid-rotation, lower elbow and spin on upper back with legs still in a V.

When rotation is almost over, tuck elbow under stomach again.

I actually have a portable [table tennis] net that I plan on taking to college. I think its a fun sport that everyone can enjoy, whether recreationally or competitively.

Clubs Athletic Clubs


Samuel Sprawls (12)

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