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Defeating the Stranger

By: Sid, Roy and Indigo

Characters: Dog- Cute and very smart dog Golden Retriever, name: Violet- Indigo Stranger- Vicious and gets mad easily- Sid Old man- Weak and talks very softly and blind has a Seeing Eye dog - Roy Act 1 Sean 1: (Narrator walks on) Narrator: Once upon a time there was an old man and his dog. They went for a walk in the park. (Narrator walks off, play starts) (Walking in the park) (Old man and dog enter) Old man: Come on Violet, this way. Violet: Okay I am coming. Old man: Lets find a great spot to sit. Violet: Bark bark, found one. (Stranger walks in) Stranger: Good day. Old man: (Looks around) (Stranger is mad) (Stranger walks back and grabs the dog) Violet: Help bark bark. Stranger: (thinking to self) (talking to audience) This dog is what I have always wanted! Old man: (Shouting) Give her back. (Everyone runs off stage)

Act 1 Sean 2: (In strangers secret hide out) (Stranger and Violet run on) Stranger: Ha ha! I have got myself a great dog. Violet: Let me out! Stranger: Never! (Stranger slams the door and goes of the stage) Violet: (To the audience) I will bark loudly and the door will open, but I have to do it in the night. (Night fall) (Loud bark from violet) (The door opens) (Stranger comes back on stage) Stranger: Stop! (Stranger goes off the stage) (Old man comes back on the stage) Old man: Violet! Violet: Master! (All of the characters come on the stage) Narrator: And they never saw the stranger again! Everyone together: The End!

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